Athens,Greece: Solidarity Poster : 5 and 6 of Nov. for a political event and concert for financial support to D.Hatzivassiliadis and the members of Revolutionary Struggle P. Roupa – N.Maziotis

Poster for the 2-days event of political and financial support for the armed guerrilla Dimitris Hatzivassiliadis and the members of Revolutionary Struggle, Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa. Friday 5 November Hip Hop Live benefit gig. At 8pm strictly inside the ASOEE. (Athens University of Economics and Business) Saturday 6 November political event with interventions of … Continue reading Athens,Greece: Solidarity Poster : 5 and 6 of Nov. for a political event and concert for financial support to D.Hatzivassiliadis and the members of Revolutionary Struggle P. Roupa – N.Maziotis

(Thessaloniki Greece)Information from a gathering of solidarity with D. Hatzivassiliadis and his transfer to Korydallos prison in Athens.

The anarchist comrade Dimitris Hatzivassiliadis passed on Thursday 12/08 in front of an investigator and prosecutor at Thessaloniki Court, supporting his actions based on his conscription policy and his political choice to expropriate a bank, due to his condition of illegality and survival as a fugitive. There has not yet been a decision on the … Continue reading (Thessaloniki Greece)Information from a gathering of solidarity with D. Hatzivassiliadis and his transfer to Korydallos prison in Athens.

Athens,Greece: Taking responsibility – Against the war industry by Anarchists

Taking responsibility – Against the war industry In the days of commemoration of the Polytechnic, we must not forget the anti-militarist implications of the uprising. In the midst of military dictatorship, one of the central slogans of the occupied Polytechnic in ’73 was “Out with NATO”. Picking up this thread, anarchy today must find a … Continue reading Athens,Greece: Taking responsibility – Against the war industry by Anarchists

Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility by Anti-state Saboteurs

Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility For 3 years now, the far-right government of the ND has intensified state repressive action against those who fight and stand against its brutal capitalist plans. The repressive attacks, frame-ups and persecutions against militants are countless. In these 3 years we have witnessed demonstration bans, torture of protesters and prisoners, informal … Continue reading Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility by Anti-state Saboteurs

Athens, Greece: Letter of the prisoner anarchist Vanggelis Stathopoulos read at the event SOLIDARITY IN THE REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE TODAY & THE NEED FOR A FEDERATED MOVEMENT held on 10/04/2022

Letter of the anarchist Vanggelis Stathopoulos read at the event SOLIDARITY IN THE REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE TODAY & THE NEED FOR A FEDERATED MOVEMENT held on 10/04/2022 by the Assembly of Refugee Squats (SY.KA.PRO) at the Self-managed Canteen of Law university in Athens Letter: I greet the comrades who organized and participated in this event. I … Continue reading Athens, Greece: Letter of the prisoner anarchist Vanggelis Stathopoulos read at the event SOLIDARITY IN THE REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE TODAY & THE NEED FOR A FEDERATED MOVEMENT held on 10/04/2022


A DNA MIXTURE THAT COULD BE ANYONE’S, EVEN YOURS! This text was written on the occasion of the 2nd degree trial that will be held on February 9th ,2022 , for the case of Vanggelis Stathopoulos and Dimitris Hatzivassiliadis. In the first instance, the former was sentenced to 19 years’ prison for his practical solidarity … Continue reading A DNA MIXTURE THAT COULD BE ANYONE’S, EVEN YOURS! (GREECE)

Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for arson in Vyronas area

The capitalist economy needs to sell security to society, a miserable, sleeping society. The capitalist machine, its cops in uniform and the shit that surrounds them are there to make people obey orders then consume shit and buy plastic trinkets like mobile phones.Of course an economic crisis does not bring the repression, but the migrants, … Continue reading Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for arson in Vyronas area

List of Anarchist Fighters and political Prisoners hostages of the Greek state updates 2024

We send our solidarity and respect to all those around the world who fight in any way, inside and out of the walls, against this rotten system. Finally, we greet all comrades,and hope that soon we will be able to leave our computers and together with comrades old and new we will tear down the … Continue reading List of Anarchist Fighters and political Prisoners hostages of the Greek state updates 2024

Greece – anarchist prisoner D. Chatzivasiliadis in solitary confinement because he remained consistent with his registered refusals.

Today 19/3, Dimitris Hatzivasiliadis was transferred to the prison of Diavata, to the manor of chief torturer Valsamis, for the appeal court of the expropriation of the bank in Thessaloniki (2021). The comrade, as always in the dozens of transfers for courts that have been made in the two and a half years of his … Continue reading Greece – anarchist prisoner D. Chatzivasiliadis in solitary confinement because he remained consistent with his registered refusals.