Italy: Program Three Days Against the Techno-Sciences 23-24-25 July EN/IT

THREE DAYS AGAINST TECHNO-SCIENCES July 23-24-25, 2021 3rd International Meeting at Altradimora, Strada Caranzano 72, Alessandria (AL), Italy pdf FRIDAY 23RD 13.00 Lunch 15.00 Presentation of the meeting 15.30 Introduction by Resistenze al nanomondo Immunity and the machine Contribution by Sarajevo (Athens) World-Laboratory: from the health emergency to the techno-sanitary dictatorship Contra Toda Nocividad (Madrid) … Continue reading Italy: Program Three Days Against the Techno-Sciences 23-24-25 July EN/IT

Genoa, Italy: Burning of Erzelli Polo Tecnologico 5G Repeater, Server-Data Cabinets & Terna High Voltage pylon (it,en)

This is an era where the triumph of science, technology and technique prevails unceasingly. All this does not mean that we are in a science fiction or visionary world, but that, in the crude reality, science after having faithfully only served politics (the State) and economics (capital), has now become the driving force of the … Continue reading Genoa, Italy: Burning of Erzelli Polo Tecnologico 5G Repeater, Server-Data Cabinets & Terna High Voltage pylon (it,en)

full responsibility claim text : Arson attack on power supply of Tesla plant, by Volcano Group: Against the Progress of Destruction (Germany)

via: chronik.blackblogs translated by Act for freedom now! Arson attack on power supply of Tesla plant Berlin, May 26, 2021 In the night 25th to 26th of may 2021 we attacked the electricity supply at the construction site of Tesla’s Giga-Factory in Berlin-Grünheide by setting six main high voltage cables on fire. Tesla is neither … Continue reading full responsibility claim text : Arson attack on power supply of Tesla plant, by Volcano Group: Against the Progress of Destruction (Germany)

Bologna, Italy : Update to Chi non muore si ritrova [back from the dead, we meet again]

via: infernourbanoTranslated by act for freedom now! UPDATE TO CHI NON MUORE SI RITROVA Considerations concerning Operation “Ritrovo” and requests for special surveillance A year after Operation Ritrovo [operation hangout] requests came for 5 years’ special surveillance with compulsory residence against 7 comrades involved in the investigation. A hearing has been set for 12th July. … Continue reading Bologna, Italy : Update to Chi non muore si ritrova [back from the dead, we meet again]

Head Up. Authoritarian Turn of New Form and Anti-anarchist Repression in Italy

Contribution for the debate at the anarchist space Motín by anarchists editors of “Vetriolo”. Madrid, February 27, 2021 Thanks to the comrades for the invitation, we regret that more comrades could not come. The reason for such a small presence is the restrictions related to the repressive laws enacted by governments, under the pretext of … Continue reading Head Up. Authoritarian Turn of New Form and Anti-anarchist Repression in Italy

June 11, 2021 update from Jennifer Rose (usa)

I have a lot on my plate. Like Marius, I’m also a student paralegal – recently enrolled in Blackstone Paralegal Studies Program. I’ve also applied for summer courses at Coastline College. On top of that I’m always pursuing various writing projects, and have recently been granted a writer’s mentorship after being accepted into the Writer’s … Continue reading June 11, 2021 update from Jennifer Rose (usa)

The book in italian language “La guerra di classe in Spagna: 1973. Gangsters o rivoluzionari?” has been published (Italy)

“Written paper represents a fundamental element, both for revolutionary movements and for individualities determined to act. Historical experiences of struggle and armed agitation have always equipped themselves with pamphlets, libraries, mimeographs and whatever else was necessary to produce autonomously the material to be diffused. The times? Long. The places? Often cramped. People? Reliable, before being … Continue reading The book in italian language “La guerra di classe in Spagna: 1973. Gangsters o rivoluzionari?” has been published (Italy)

Indonesia: Solidaritas Berarti Menyerang! (Solidarity Means Attack!)

WHEN THE WOLVES CALLS Wadas is the current regime’s national strategic project. Another option if the quarry mining plan in Wadas fails, they will move places. Since when have state withdrawn from their ambitious project? The state will not withdraw until it is repelled. But to make the state backdown is difficult, and holding the … Continue reading Indonesia: Solidaritas Berarti Menyerang! (Solidarity Means Attack!)

Chile : Road blocks in solidarity with the prisoners on hunger strike

via:  Attaque Santiago : Barricades in solidarity with the prisoners on hunger strike, in the Simón Bolívar district Contra Info / Saturday 17 April 2021 Over 19 days’ hunger strike and the body starts to feel the consequences of lack of nourishment. The courage of the compas mobilized inside the different prisons does not leave … Continue reading Chile : Road blocks in solidarity with the prisoners on hunger strike