Trento (Italy): solidarity attack against the military housing construction site

Trento : solidarity attack against the military housing construction site. “Trento, night of August 2 to 3. Arson attack against the machinery on the construction site of new housing for the military in the south of the city of Trento. A tag “War on war” was left on the spot. Against the war between states, … Continue reading Trento (Italy): solidarity attack against the military housing construction site

Cochabamba, Bolivia: Claim of arson attack against patrol car of the Fuerza Especial de Lucha Contra la Violencia (Special Force to Fight against Violence)

In the early morning of September 12, at 2:40 a.m., we placed an incendiary device composed of four half-liter plastic bottles with gasoline, tied with adhesive tape, which were set on fire by means of a wick that we assembled with 5 matches and 3 incenses tied with rubber bands. We placed this rudimentary device … Continue reading Cochabamba, Bolivia: Claim of arson attack against patrol car of the Fuerza Especial de Lucha Contra la Violencia (Special Force to Fight against Violence)

Italy: Let’s spoil their party!

Let’s spoil their party! The elections are the apex of the theatre of democracy. The grand gala evening of the whole infamous orchestra of democratic power. The apparatus of dominion, with all the calm it has deemed appropriate, has finally come round once again to the ‘ritual of the ballot box’, to renew the illusion … Continue reading Italy: Let’s spoil their party!

Chile: Text Communique in Solidarity with Giannis Michailidis and Mapuche Hunger Strike

From the territory occupied by the Chilean State, to the Greek region. From pikun mapu, to wallmapuche. From the prisons of the Chilean State we send greetings with screams of support and solidarity, with all our insurrectionary complicity, with a fraternal hug from all of us who live locked-up as a result of our actions … Continue reading Chile: Text Communique in Solidarity with Giannis Michailidis and Mapuche Hunger Strike

Rome, Italy: 10 cars are not enough…

Rome,  10 cars are not enough… In the early hours of May 27, we carried out an incendiary action against the Enjoy carpooling vehicles belonging to the multinational ENI s.p.a. (national hydrocarbon company) in the Tuscolana-Cinecittà area of Rome. According to local newspapers, 10 cars were completely destroyed, while four others were seriously damaged. ENI … Continue reading Rome, Italy: 10 cars are not enough…

Spoleto, Italy: Preventive class war of the Italian State

Preventive class war of the Italian State The arrests that took place in the early morning of Tuesday, 19 July on a warrant from the Piacenza public prosecutor’s office are indicative of the repressive climate in Italy and the authoritarian turn in course. Four SI Cobas trade unionists were placed under house arrest for the … Continue reading Spoleto, Italy: Preventive class war of the Italian State

Italy: From Valsusa

From Valsusa In August 2018, an improvised explosive device struck the provincial headquarters of the [Northern] League in Villorba of Treviso, imposing a pause on Carroccio leader Salvini’s round of hate rallies. On July 9 of this year, the Court of Treviso held Juan Sorroche responsible for the attack, sentencing him in first instance to … Continue reading Italy: From Valsusa

Italy: Banner in Greek embassy in Rome on 22/7/2022 – 59th day of hunger strike of the political prisoner Giannis Michailidis.

“THE ONLY STRUGGLE THAT WAS LOST IS THE ONE THAT WAS NEVER GIVEN” “The struggle for the freedom of one, the struggle for the freedom of all.” To stand in solidarity and support to the fight for freedom that Giannis Michailidis has embraced against a putrid system is to support the yell of one for … Continue reading Italy: Banner in Greek embassy in Rome on 22/7/2022 – 59th day of hunger strike of the political prisoner Giannis Michailidis.


ON MARCELO VILLARROEL’S SENTENCE COMPUTATION REVIEW HEARING Today, July 5, the sentence computation review hearing in favor of Marcelo Villarroel took place before Judge Carolina Gajardo, of the 7th Guarantee Court of Santiago. In this hearing, Marcelo’s defence denounced before the Court the illegality of the Gendarmerie’s action of increasing by 21 years the minimum … Continue reading CHILE : ON ANARCHIST PRISONER MARCELO VILLARROEL’S SENTENCE COMPUTATION REVIEW HEARING

Chile : Explosive Attack Against Belasco Construction Company in Las Condes + Claim by “Grupo de Acción 6 de Julio-Nueva Subversión”.

Explosive Attack Against Belasco Construction Company in Las Condes + Claim by “Grupo de Acción 6 de Julio-Nueva Subversión”. During the night of Tuesday July 5, around 11 pm an anonymous cyclist was riding through the streets of the wealthy Las Condes neighbourhood and stopped at the intersection of Ebro and Encomenderos. This is the … Continue reading Chile : Explosive Attack Against Belasco Construction Company in Las Condes + Claim by “Grupo de Acción 6 de Julio-Nueva Subversión”.