Category Archives: Solidarity Means Attack

Attack on a hotel with Israeli interests by Anarchists for the victory of the Palestinian resistance (Athens,Greece)

Attack on a hotel with Israeli interests
by Anarchists for the victory of the Palestinian resistance

On the evening of January 5th, we chose to target the Bob W Akadimia Athens in the Exarcheia area at 4 Zalongou Street, a hotel with Israeli interests. This action was obviously carried out to support the resistance in Palestine against the murderous state of Israel and to target Israeli capital in our country, but a reason could not exist here without taking into account the gentrification of this particular neighbourhood and the tourism in it aimed at bending the resistance that Exarcheia has had as its roots for many decades. Through gentrification, the neighbourhood is aimed at becoming a middle-class amusement park and ultimately at changing its class status, driving out the residents and activists who live and operate in it.

As far as the Palestinian question is concerned, we understand our obligation to act from our own position and place.

As anarchists, we must stand in practical solidarity with the people of Palestine, show that, contrary to the bigotry and the “puppet government”, Greek society is on the right side of history, which has also been shown by the magnificent demonstrations that have been held in this country from 7/10 on wards.
Continue reading Attack on a hotel with Israeli interests by Anarchists for the victory of the Palestinian resistance (Athens,Greece)

Germany: Thales Group Vehicle Attacked in Berlin: For Refaat – For Gaza

In the early hours of February 15, we set fire to a Mercedes van belonging to the French arms company Thales in Berlin. Standing up for the oppressed in Gaza and Palestine is a matter of dignity.

If I Must Die

If I must die,

you must live

to tell my story

to sell my things

to buy a piece of cloth

and some strings,

(make it white with a long tail)

so that a child, somewhere in Gaza

while looking heaven in the eye

awaiting his dad who left in a blaze—

and bid no one farewell

not even to his flesh

not even to himself—

sees the kite, my kite you made, flying up above

and thinks for a moment an angel is there

bringing back love

If I must die

let it bring hope

let it be a tale

— poem written by the Palestinian poet, writer and professor, Refaat Alareer who was killed in an Israeli airstrike on December 6, 2023 along with 6 members of his family.


Düsseldorf (Germany): incendiary sabotage of railroad tracks.

de.indymedia,21 January 2024

[Switch off] Rail strike extended

We took advantage of the back-to-back strikes and protests to paralyze the rail tracks near Düsseldorf in the Eller district again two weeks ago, using an incendiary device. They could not be repaired before the start of the freight strike. The fact that the State Protection Service (Staatsschutz) is now leading the investigation shows us the potential that such simple means can develop with the right timing.

We believe that a state that destroys our means of subsistence and profits from imperialist wars is not worth protecting at all. On the contrary, we must protect ourselves from it.
Continue reading Düsseldorf (Germany): incendiary sabotage of railroad tracks.

$hile: Territorial Action by Matías Catrileo Propaganda Group

Territorial Action by Matías Catrileo Propaganda Group

On January 6 in the Las Araucarias, Los Copihues neighborhood we, the Matías Catrileo Propaganda Group, carried out a territorial takeover, moving in the neighborhood that marked 54 years since its creation under the name Popular Unity Occupation. We gave out pamphlets, zines and information that highlight the importance of direct action and territorial self organization as valid and necessary means to retake our lives, just as Matías taught us.

There are many examples across history that show us how, from a place of autonomy and direct action, that create other ways of inhabiting this world in the here and now. Land occupations constitute one of the most effective forms to solve, in a direct way, a problem as large as access to housing, as well as empowering the revolutionary struggle, creating fertile spaces to carry out revolutionary processes.

Continue reading $hile: Territorial Action by Matías Catrileo Propaganda Group

$hile: Day of Agitation in Memory of Matias Catrileo

Day of Agitation in Memory of Matias Catrileo

On January 3 in different parts of the territory controled by the State of Chile, barricades were raised and confrontations took place in a new commemoration (No.16) of the comrade Matías Catrileo, who in a context of territorial recuperation and reclamation, was assassinated in the ex-plantation Santa Margarito by lance corporal Walter Ramírez Inostroza.

via: informativoanarquista

Following are some records:

Cordón Alameda, Santiago

Villa Francia, Santiago

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Milan, Italy: Windows of the estate agency RE/MAX smashed in solidarity with the Palestinian people (Milan, 24th January, 2024)

Milan,Windows of the estate agency RE/MAX smashed in solidarity with the Palestinian people the night between the 23rd and the 24th of January we smashed the windows of a Re Max estate agency in Milan.

The Re Max estate agents is an accomplice of the Israeli occupation in the Palestinian territory, selling houses in the settlements, with its business affairs in the territories stolen from the Palestinian people it is extracting profit and staining itself with blood.

The companies that collaborate and support the Israeli apartheid are many and are present here in our city. Sabotage also starts from here! In the attack on the accomplices of Israel.

free palestine

Spaccate le vetrine dell’agenzia immobiliare RE/MAX in solidarietà con il popolo palestinese (Milano, 24 gennaio 2024)

Translated by Act for freedom now!


To Shadowbox Studios,

You dumb motherfuckers left your feller buncher near the highway where everyone could see it lit the fuck up in the night sky. You’re all fucking losers and we hope the extra rain sank its lifeless corpse so deep in the mud that it takes weeks to get it out.

To everyone else,

There is still a forest to defend, and some of us intend to do so with or without a “movement” to back us up. There is more to the Weelaunee forest than the section that is fenced off and under 24/7 police occupation. We vowed to defend the forest from Blackhall too. No matter what the project is, anything destroying forests must be met with the same rage, hostility, and violence. Weelaunee is our home and we will not abandon it.
Continue reading FIRE TO THE FOREST DESTROYERS (Atlanta city , USA )

Berlin (Germany): attack on the A100 freeway construction site

Berlin: attack on the A100 freeway construction site

On the night of January 18 to 19, 2024, we neutralized 2 excavators on the 16th section of the A100 (Kiefholzstraße – Treptow) with time-delay incendiary devices. Numerous needle punctures like this can eventually bring down the system. It’s also a cheerful response to the Switch-Off call, which is now finding an energetic echo internationally.

Sabotage is a direct tool for stopping the projects of the powerful. One of their gigantic mega-projects is the continued construction of Berlin’s “Autobahn 100”. We believe that a multitude of different methods are needed, not just symbolic resistance. It’s pointless to appeal to the dominant political system, to its authorities and to democratic reason to prevent this concrete furrow in the middle of Berlin. Let’s turn our anger into courage and attack their profiteers, their managers and their construction vehicles. Through our ideas and our actions, we want to move closer, step by step, to a society where capitalism’s destruction of nature, its warlike and technological excesses, and the oppression of human by human, finally belong to the past.
Continue reading Berlin (Germany): attack on the A100 freeway construction site

EN.DE.FR.ES, Germany: Claim of Responsibility for the Incendiary Attack Against a Greek Diplomatic Vehicle in Berlin

On January 30, we placed an incendiary device under a car with the number plate of Greece’s diplomatic mission in Germany. The action took place in the Rosenthaler district in Berlin.

The action is not directed against a specific person but against the relations between two racist and murderous states and those responsible for them. The burning diplomatic car is once again a vehicle for international messages between the oppressed and at the same time a message to those who want to rule the world…

..that we have not forgotten the hundreds of murders committed last June off the coast of Pylos at the hands of the Greek coastguard and Frontex.

…that we have not forgotten the racist, murderous acts of violence by the police against Roma youth in Greece.

…that we do not remain inactive in the face of the persecution of anarchists and individuals fighting against oppression and exploitation.
Continue reading EN.DE.FR.ES, Germany: Claim of Responsibility for the Incendiary Attack Against a Greek Diplomatic Vehicle in Berlin

(Chile) Claim for Attempted Explosive Attack on the Corporate Scotiabank Building by Action Group July 6 – New Subversion

Claim for Attempted Explosive Attack on the Corporate Scotiabank Building

December 15, 2023 / informativoanarquista

(received 12/15/2023 by email

Claim for the attempted explosive attack on the corporate Scotiabank building

Succeeding in an attack is the most expected situation because we like things to turn out as planned and for our claims to be preceded by the sound of an explosion. But succeeding always carries the situation of failing closeby, sometimes being overly explicit or in others passing almost imperceptibly: “the right timetable wasn’t chosen”, “the appearance was not changed in a place without cameras”, “the correct route wasn’t taken”, “the functioning of the clockwork has not been confirmed”, etc.m are approaches motivated by looking for some error, each one being elemental with its own level of influence for the operation in its integrity and that don’t reduce it to whether the device functioned or not. It could be that the target exploded, what satisfaction!; but all the successes and errors that are behind this, how are these counted? How are these seen? What do these say about the action?

When it goes wrong, the worst that could happen, beyond prison and death, is being clouded over by success, which at teh end of the day translates into frustration of “not knowing how to do things”. This has been said in all possible ways in the voice of many comrades, that there is no secret formula for insurrectional action.
Continue reading (Chile) Claim for Attempted Explosive Attack on the Corporate Scotiabank Building by Action Group July 6 – New Subversion