Category Archives: Solidarity Means Attack

The statue of Juan Ponce de León, Spanish colonizer and invader, was toppled in San Juan on the morning of January 24, the same day that King Felipe VI arrived from Spain. The group Fuerzas Libertarias de Borikén claimed responsibility for the action.
“Ahead of the planned visit of the King of Spain, Felipe VI, to Puerto Rico and the escalation of the gringo invaders taking over our lands, we want to send a clear message: Neither Kings, nor gringo invaders; Borikén is ours. Continue reading PUERTO RICO: STATUE OF SPANISH INVADER TOPPLED IN SAN JUAN, ANARCHIST GROUP CARRIES OUT DIRECT ACTION

Nantes : It’s war! (France)

Nantes : It’s war! 
Indymedia Lille / Monday 28 February 2022
During Sunday night on February 27, a SECURITAS car was set on fire on Vauquelin Street in the Canclaux-Mellinet district of Nantes.
This company was chosen because it is a collaborator of the eviction machine and more widely, actively participates in the security of the bourgeois order.
for anarchy!
precarious ones at war


Translated by Act for freedom now!

Vienna: Six Policecars from “Joint Operational Office against Human Smuggling Networks” set on fire on 30th of January 2022

Also under the slogan “Borders killing” we went to the street in the
night of 30th of January 2022 and visited JOO (Joint Operational Office against Human Smuggling Networks). It’s an office which is supported from Europol to prevent human smuggling.
Their investigations together with Frontex, Europol and Interpol should stop illegal border-crossing and criminalize migration.
They call it “operational police-cooperation with countries from the european south-east” in the field of “migration, organized criminality and terror- and extremism”.

Continue reading Vienna: Six Policecars from “Joint Operational Office against Human Smuggling Networks” set on fire on 30th of January 2022

Greece: Direct Action Cells – Responsibility claim for a barrage of incendiary attacks in Athens and Thessaloniki

Direct Action Cells – Responsibility claim for a barrage of incendiary attacks in Athens and Thessaloniki
Revolution or Barbarism
In recent years our days have been filled with news of deaths, with numbers of dead, with the words of “experts” who command arrogantly and boastfully from the power they have been given. They are filled with unreasonable orders and outrageous government impositions. We do not intend to extensively analyze positions on the health crisis. The tragic shortages of medical personnel, equipment and infrastructure, the “stain” of 100 deaths a day, i.e. the dire consequences of decades of privatization of public health care. The provocative strengthening of the private sector, exemplified by the big pharmaceutical companies and health giants, whose profits have reached historic highs. The re-emergence of the ‘strong’ state model to restore capitalist equilibria. The strengthening of centralised powers and the emergence of a new caste of all-round technocrats, with the role of abdicating and covering up the responsibilities of the state apparatus and shifting the responsibility for the spread of the virus to the individual. These are just some of the points that shape the management of the pandemic by the capitalist states.
Throughout the pandemic, the key issues that have dominated the public debate have been around public health, mental health and the effects of incarceration, the social exclusion of increasing segments of the population, growing class inequalities, the wider capitalist division of available resources, the role of science and technology, civil rights and the diminished role of bourgeois democracy in emergency situations. Continue reading Greece: Direct Action Cells – Responsibility claim for a barrage of incendiary attacks in Athens and Thessaloniki

southwestern France: Fire at a relay antenna in Renneville (Haute-Garonne)

Fire at a relay antenna in Renneville (Haute-Garonne)
On the evening of Friday 28 January on the heights of Renneville, a relay antenna set fire to itself as a sign of solidarity with all those arrested, accused in the fight against forced digitisation. The latest arrest on Wednesday 26 January in the investigation into the fire at the Les Cars antenna in Limoges left him no choice but to express his anger.
With no regrets.
Translated by Act for freedom now!

Correspondence speed camera burned (France)

Correspondence speed camera burned
In Creuse a speed camera was burned, here is the claim:
The Black Hand is claiming responsibility for the burning of the Correspondence speed camera, located between Guéret and Ahun, on 8 January.
The Black Hand is an anarchist collective that practices revolutionary direct action against the tools of state domination.
It pushes for the annihilation of capitalism.

Continue reading Correspondence speed camera burned (France)

Thessaloniki, Greece: Attacks in solidarity with the comrades of 8/2/22

On 8/2 in the early morning hours, comrade Thanos Xatziagkelou and comrade Georgia Voulgari were arrested on the occasion of an arson attack at the Foundation for National and Religious Reflection and in the afternoon of the same day, comrade Panos Kalaitzis was arrested with a unique connection between his friendly and comradely relations with the former. In the following days the charges were upgraded to formation and membership of the Anarchist Action Organization and on Friday 11/2 the prosecutor ordered their pre-trial detention.
As a reflexive and minimal response we proceeded with coordinated attacks with hammers on :
1 atm in Agia Sofia Street in the Centre
2 atm on Agios Dimitrios Street in the Centre
1 atm in Triandria
1 atm at the War Museum
1 bank in Neapoli
1 supermarket and 1 atm in Neapoli
For us it is known that the state suppresses the internal enemy when it returns a share of the violence of power and criminalizes friendly and comrade connections.

Continue reading Thessaloniki, Greece: Attacks in solidarity with the comrades of 8/2/22

Barcelona (Spain): Arson attack on a 5G antenna

In the last week of January we attacked the communication systems of capitalism and domination, in a gesture of revolutionary solidarity with Boris* and all those who struggle, inside and outside the walls.
for anarchy
*Boris, an anarchist prisoner accused of sabotaging telecommunication antennas, is in a very serious state of health.
solidarity with the prisoners
via: attaque.noblogs
source imc_barcelona / Tuesday 15 February 2022
Translated by Act for freedom now!

Greece: Political position of the anarchist prisoner Thanos Hatziangelou on the attack on the IETF (“Foundation for National and Religious Reflection” )

Political position of the anarchist prisoner Thanos Hatziangelou on the attack on the IETF (“Foundation for National and Religious Reflection” )
Gender violence is not just a fact. It is the constantly imposed normality of patriarchal suffocation. Daily femicides, countless rapes and abuses, insulting and ironic comments, questioning and bullying. And when these things receive the divine blessing of the civilized obscurantism that the church is reaping, uncompromising rage takes shape, takes to the streets and seeks a voice. Revolutionary violence is taking responsibility.
On 21/01, yet another piece is added to the puzzle of the cultural rot that dominates social and political life. A 37-year-old priest child rapist is accused of systematic indecency against an 11-year-old girl who attended the catechism of the religious pack of pimps in Patisia(Area of Athens). Sadness, disgust, anger but above all responsibility. Responsibility not to bury yet another incident of so many repulsive events that make up the stench of the sacred mafia. Responsibility to leave nothing unanswered. And responsibility, if not translated into action, is lost in the maelstrom between acceptance and resignation.

Continue reading Greece: Political position of the anarchist prisoner Thanos Hatziangelou on the attack on the IETF (“Foundation for National and Religious Reflection” )

Hambach forest (Germany): 4 flat tyres for an engie vehicle

Thursday 20 January 2022

Next to the Hambach forest and the gigantic coal mine that almost completely destroyed it, 4 tyres were punctured of an engie vehicle, a French multinational in charge of nuclear, gas and oil energy. All these fossil resources are used in parallel with “renewable” energy (wind, solar) which are not because they use fossil resources to be created and destroy the areas and populations from which they are drawn. They only add to the growing energy demand of this sick and self-destructive world.

It is possible to see this absurdity here, this coal pit of several kilometres, next to windmills, nuclear power stations, solar farms…

It is more than urgent to put a stop to it. To do nothing knowingly is to collaborate. Continue reading Hambach forest (Germany): 4 flat tyres for an engie vehicle