Category Archives: Solidarity Means Attack

Toronto, Canada : May Day Bank Attack

In “Toronto” on the morning of May 1st, we attacked an RBC branch in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en land defenders. We left a spray-painted message, a damaged lock, and a mess of red paint.

As we walked away into a beautiful May Day sunrise, we left a trail of messages through the city.

We were left wanting more, but we know that there are many more days ahead.

The time is now, the task is simple! Atta​​​​​​​ck!


Moscow, Russia – Military enlistment Office set on fire


Translated by act for freedom now!

From Bezmotivny, Issue 6, 21st March 2022

Moscow region

Fire against the military enlistment Office

During the night a man set the local office of military enlistment on fire in Lukhovitsy, Moscow region. Here is his declaration:

The other day I set the military register and enlistment office on fire in Lukhovitsy, Moscow region, and filmed it on GoPro. I painted the gates with the colours of the Ukrainian flag and wrote: “I won’t go to kill my brothers!”; then I climbed the fence, poured petrol at the entrance, destroyed the windows and threw molotov bottles inside. The aim was to destroy the archive with conscripts’ personal data, which was in the office. This should prevent mobilization in the district. I hope I won’t see my conscripts in jail or on death lists. Continue reading Moscow, Russia – Military enlistment Office set on fire

Athens, Greece: Claim of Responsibility / Fire against a company that collaborates with prisons by Anarchists

Claim of Responsibility / Fire against a company that collaborates with prisons

As a small participation in the Easter celebrations, we carried out an arson attack on a KONE car of a multinational company that collaborates with prisons, in Ioustinianou street in Exarcheia on Saturday night 23/4.

The class bias of the judiciary is made clear by a series of cases involving accused businessmen, politicians, cops and fascists, who are put on record, end up with acquittals or short sentences, as opposed to the proletarian accused that are piled up in prisons all over the country for years. Especially in the case of political prisoners with a militant attitude throughout their imprisonment, the demonstrativeness of the State and the authorities unfolds at every opportunity. With special conditions of detention, lengthy procedures, late decisions, interruption of permits, etc., imprisoned comrades are confronted with a system which on the one hand depoliticizes their action and on the other hand creates a regime of exception around them. Continue reading Athens, Greece: Claim of Responsibility / Fire against a company that collaborates with prisons by Anarchists

Athens,Chalandri : Claim of responsibility action at the Court of Justice of Peace (Greece)

Claim of responsibility action at the Court of Justice of Peace(The Magistrate’s Court is a court of first instance in civil cases and is composed of a single Judge, the Magistrate, assisted by the Registrar.)

“Or will they be left only with the stubborn desire to continue on their way and continue to risk themselves and everything else? An impetus perhaps to be tested and so that they may therefore have the courage to tell others that to be tested in this fierce struggle means de facto that you are creating, and therefore living now and not in some glorious future, the freedom that motivates and animates our steps.”

So here we are. At a time when capitalism and market domination, having exhausted the “solutions” to defuse the crises they themselves cause, are choosing to turn to arms once again. Another diffuse conflict between the “superpowers” and capital over the redistribution of the sources of wealth and the readjustment of spheres of influence. At the apparent end of the covid-19 global crisis, it is time to set the chessboard again. Continue reading Athens,Chalandri : Claim of responsibility action at the Court of Justice of Peace (Greece)

Patras, Greece: Taking responsibility for an attack on a police station by Revolutionary Virus

At dawn on Monday 10 April 2022,we gave back some of the violence we receive daily from the State and its executive organs.We attacked the police transfer station in Patras with fire in a coordinated and silent way.
Endless, alternating and daily restrictions, full prisons, the many imprisoned souls, permanent injustice. Constant economic exploitation, dependency, the social media of degradation, the dominant livestream of competition and obsession with appearances, State plans for altering and dissolving the relationships we create autonomously from below.

Continue reading Patras, Greece: Taking responsibility for an attack on a police station by Revolutionary Virus

Santiago (Chile): Sabotage of surveillance cameras

Contra Info / Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Sabotage of the panopticon of power
On Sunday night, April 10th, we went to Simón Bolívar square, in Quinta Normal, to destroy some cameras of the government and the police, three of which were on a metal pole two stories high.
We claim responsibility for this sabotage a few days before the 33rd anniversary of the death in combat of the fighters Erick Rodríguez and Iván Palacios, who died on April 18, 1989, in an ambush by the CNI [Note of Attaque; Central Nacional de Informaciones, the Chilean political police between 1977 and 1990 (during the dictatorship)], during their attempt to blow up an electric transformer at the intersection of San Pablo and Radal avenues, in the same neighborhood Simón Bolívar.

Continue reading Santiago (Chile): Sabotage of surveillance cameras

Grenoble (Isère): a Spie utility vehicle in flames in solidarity with anarchists.

Grenoble (Isère): a Spie utility vehicle in flames
Indymedia Lille, April 22, 2022
No matter who will be elected in the next round of elections, the State will continue to build cages to lock up those who do not want to and/or cannot fit into its boxes. Outside, the threat of these cages hangs over our heads, inside, they injure, torture and kill. That’s why on the night of April 13 a Spie van, the company that builds prisons, went up in flames.
Thoughts for Boris and Flo.
Solidarity with anarchist prisoners

via: sansnom 
Translated by Act for freedom now!

Rome, Italy: Paper bomb (bomba carta) against the Belarusian embassy

On a cold night in March we threw a paper bomb (DN: Bomba carta, like a powerful firecracker, card outer and blackpoweder inside) at the Belarusian embassy, located in Rome in the Montesacro district, in Via delle Alpi Apuane.

We know that the press agencies assumed that it was a gesture related to the involvement of the Belarusian regime with the Russian one in the ongoing war in Ukraine. It’s not just that. It is undeniable the servility of the government of Lukashenko, dictator of the country since 1994, towards his friend Putin; despite this, it is clear to us that this, as always happens when States and their respective interests clash, is a war between powers to redefine new geopolitical balances, to share new/old spheres of economic, military and political influence.

This war full of blood and sowing of death is the responsibility of Belarus as well as of Europe, NATO, Russia and the Ukrainian government itself. There are no possible sides in this kind of wars, if not on the side of those who defect, those who resist and those who counterattack the real enemies. Continue reading Rome, Italy: Paper bomb (bomba carta) against the Belarusian embassy

Villa Francia. Transantiago Bus Set On Fire + Leaflet

On February 13, 2022 the transantiago bus route 509 was intercepted between the streets 5 de abril and vista hermosa, in the commune of Estación Central, sector Villa Francia.

A group of anonymous people got on the bus, held the driver with a firearm and then forced him to get off and they set fire to the bus, leaving leaflets behind.

The incendiary action took place on the eve of the trial of Luis Tranamil, a Mapuche political prisoner. Continue reading Villa Francia. Transantiago Bus Set On Fire + Leaflet

Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for the incendiary attack on the political office of Development Minister Adonis Georgiades by Proletarian Cell Dimitris Christoulas

“The occupying government of Tsolakoglu literally annihilated my possibility of survival, which was based on a decent pension which for 35 years I alone (without state support) had been paying for it. Because I am of an age that does not give me the individual possibility to react (not excluding of course if a Greek would take the kalashnikov the second would be me) I find no other solution than a decent end before I start to look in the trash for my alimony. I believe that the young people with no future will one day take up arms and hang the national traitors upside down in Syntagma Square, as the Italians did to Mussolini in 1945 (Loreto Square in Milan)” Dimitris Christoulas*
We take responsibility for the incendiary attack on the political office of Adonis Georgiades, the representative of capital, politician responsible for the poverty and misery suffered by the people through poverty.
From the economic crisis of 2009 from which the country never came out, to the socialization of the losses of capital from the pandemic Covid 19, the latest increases in the price of electricity, fuel and almost all essentials are added to the already unbearable cost of survival of the working class and the people, to the pre-existing queues of the ΟΑΕΔ (Employment Insurance) , to the pension cuts, to the crumbs of the basic wage. The “development” invoked and evangelised by the domestic bourgeoisie is reflected physically and materially in people who die trying to keep warm, who look in the garbage for food, who commit suicide for economic reasons. It is reflected in workplaces that are graveyards for people of our class, where dozens of workers do not return home because a few extra euros were not “wasted” for the safety of the workers. Their growth translates into slow death in the corridors of hospitals. To the nearly 27,000 deaths from Covid 19, to the blockade of care in public hospitals amidst the increasing privatisation of the ΕΣΥ (National Health Service). Their deployment amounts to a daily battle for the survival of the next day for the majority of society at the same time as a handful of industrialists, shipowners and contractors continually speculate on our backs, reap the rewards of the toil and slavery we produce, extract surplus value from our starvation wages, continually devaluing the value of our labour power. Continue reading Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for the incendiary attack on the political office of Development Minister Adonis Georgiades by Proletarian Cell Dimitris Christoulas