Category Archives: Solidarity Means Attack

#ShutDownCanada: Tire Fires on Tracks

This morning in Montreal, two tire fires were lit on the CN railway tracks in the neighbourhood of Pointe-St-Charles, at the choke-point of the train yard exit.
Care was taken to ensure there was no risk of derailment. A long straightaway location was chosen, and timing was based on the first scheduled Via passenger train of the morning. As the train approached, an individual stepped onto the track waving two road flares. When the train came to a stop, tires that had previously been filled with cotton towels were placed onto both tracks. They were then doused in gasoline, and the road flares were tossed in from a safe distance to light them up. The action was quick and easy, required few people, and ensured the train was able to stop and not hit the items placed on the tracks. Rail service was interrupted for at least two hours. Continue reading #ShutDownCanada: Tire Fires on Tracks

District of Saint-Etienne, France : Attack

During the night of November 2 to 3, 2021, we carried out a coordinated attack on three cell towers around Saint-Etienne by setting them on fire.
(And not one, as the media tried to claim!)
This cut off telephone communications and momentarily interrupted the dependency that the techno-world requires in order to persist.
(We could take the Thales arms factory in the neighbouring town as an example, or the 80,000 people deprived of telephones for the week, but there are many others…)

Continue reading District of Saint-Etienne, France : Attack

Puento Alto, Chile: Incendiary barricades against the militarisation of Wallmapu   

Resistance in Wallmapu has been underway for more than 500 years. Nowadays, the advance of the Chilean colonial State has been further accentuated by its military presence in the territory, with the mobilisation of all its repressive apparatus, after the announcement of the constitutional state of exception decreed on October 12 and extended until November 11.
The conflict, whose historical course has known different moments of calm, is intensifying and flaring up once again today, and is causing the battle flags to rise against the idea of the unceasing progress of extractivist capitalism, based on the usurpation of territory, which steals and devastates lands, forests, rivers, lakes, forest animals and bodies for its own profit, to the detriment of the immense multiplicity of life forms.

Continue reading Puento Alto, Chile: Incendiary barricades against the militarisation of Wallmapu   

Lund, Sweden: Solidarity with imprisoned anarchists: arson attack on Shell trailers

We set on fire three large trailers of the British-Dutch corporation Shell at the gas station of the company in Lund (Sweden) in the night of August 27. The reason to take Shell as an aim for attack was Shell`s participation in the construction of the natural gas pipeline Nord Stream 2 as an investor. This action was carried out within the International Week of Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners (August 23–30).
Nord Stream 2 belongs to the Russian State Corporation Gazprom and it is a strategic project of Putin’s regime. This gas pipeline will become a serious weapon in the hands of the dictatorship. Nevertheless, Shell and several more Western companies help the Russian state economically.

Continue reading Lund, Sweden: Solidarity with imprisoned anarchists: arson attack on Shell trailers

RBC Fucks Around, RBC Finds Out

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
RBC finances the Coastal GasLink pipeline. On the night of Tuesday October 26, anarchists in Montreal coordinated some actions in solidarity with Wet’suwet’en land defenders. We smashed the windows at 5 RBC branches across the city, and used a fire-extinguisher filled with paint to vandalize the facade of another.
In the lead up to the Olympics on stolen Native land in 2010, rebels across so-called Canada attacked the sponsor RBC. Over a decade later, it is time to recreate this inspiring wave.

Continue reading RBC Fucks Around, RBC Finds Out

Report-back for Wednesday, October 27, 2021 – Gidimt’en Yintah (Canada)

Report-back for Wednesday, October 27, 2021 – Gidimt’en Yintah
Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
On wednesday morning an action was put into effect in response to the posturing of RCMP in Likhts’amisyu territory which is approx 40 km away from the Gidimt’en drill site occupation. The action was in solidarity with Chief Dtsa’hyl who, while acting as an enforcement officer for Likhts’amisyu clan disabled 10 heavy machines which were being used to destroy their unceded territory and build a new road, which CGL says they own. It was assumed by police presence and a variety of other factors that enforcement would occur, and it did. The main objective was to show force, solidarity, and defiance to the incursion of the Canadian state and industry on Wet’suwet’en Yintah.
The action consisted of several components and was completed without arrests or injury. Tactics were deployed successfully and though police presence and security/worker aggression had potential for escalation and direct conflict, none occured.

Continue reading Report-back for Wednesday, October 27, 2021 – Gidimt’en Yintah (Canada)

Athens, Greece: Molotov attack against the General Secretariat of Information Systems (ΚΕΠΥΟ) by Anarchists

Greek Press (Ekathimerini),21 October – Anarchists claimed responsibility on Indymedia Athens for the arson attack on the General Secretariat of Information Systems in Moschato, near Piraeus, south of Athens, on 10 October.
One of the aims of the group was to show solidarity with the 14 comrades arrested or under surveillance on the basis of their DNA. Around seven Molotovs were thrown in all, affecting both the car parking lot and the building housing the Greek government’s offices and data centre hosting all the data on its official website (


Attack on the General Secretariat of Information Systems (KEPYO) in Moschato on 10 October 2021 Indymedia Athens   20 October 2021
The state organizes, equips, and executes.
During the pandemic, while the Mitsotákis government restricted our freedom in every possible way, it not only armed its repressive forces, but also proceeded to strengthen its electronic hegemony.

Continue reading Athens, Greece: Molotov attack against the General Secretariat of Information Systems (ΚΕΠΥΟ) by Anarchists

Bern, Switzerland: fire against Securitas

Translated from German by Barrikade, 21 October 2021
In Bern yesterday night, October 21, a car of Contrafeu, a subsidiary of the Securitas Group, was set on fire. As long as Securitas profits from control, violence and coercion, they will be attacked.
Much has already been written about the role of Securitas in the detention regime for asylum seekers*.

Continue reading Bern, Switzerland: fire against Securitas

Berlin (Germany): With a smile on our faces – Covivo office hit with hammers / Sunday 17 October 2021
Last Friday night was probably one of the best nights of the year. While earlier the eviction of the Köpi-Wagenplatz by a huge amount of cops had caused a feeling of helplessness, the night was quite the opposite.
Several thousand people took to the streets of Kreuzberg and expressed their anger in a self-determined way. Everything went well; the cops couldn’t get their lines in place, wild demonstrations broke out on all sides, the cops and their cars were overwhelmed, property managers, trendy cafes and hotels took their toll.

Continue reading Berlin (Germany): With a smile on our faces – Covivo office hit with hammers

Santiago, Chile: Claim for Explosive Attack Against the National Academy of Political and Strategic Studies (ANEPE)

via: es-contrainfo translated by Act for freedom now!
Received 10/18/2021:
Two years after the October Revolt, there has been no retribution.
May our practices empower and move towards a new urban guerrilla
Because fighting the impunity of the murderers, mutilators and torturers will be our victory.
On the night of October 17, we placed an explosive device inside the headquarters of the National Academy of Political and Strategic Studies (ANEPE), on the eve of a new commemoration of the October revolt.
This dive is a collaborator in matters of State security and maintenance of public order, carrying out permanent academic activities intended for police forces, in terms of intelligence, investigative and counterinsurgency strategies. It is a repressive body under the Ministry of Defence which also shares knowledge internationally with States such as Spain, Colombia, Israel, etc.
Different academics of this den of Power have written about anarchist practices and tendencies, trying to analyze our ideas, dynamics and proposals, with texts including alleged studies about international projects (Black International/FAI-FRI) or the current overview of our milieus.
Continue reading Santiago, Chile: Claim for Explosive Attack Against the National Academy of Political and Strategic Studies (ANEPE)