On a cold night in March we threw a paper bomb (DN: Bomba carta, like a powerful firecracker, card outer and blackpoweder inside) at the Belarusian embassy, located in Rome in the Montesacro district, in Via delle Alpi Apuane.
We know that the press agencies assumed that it was a gesture related to the involvement of the Belarusian regime with the Russian one in the ongoing war in Ukraine. It’s not just that. It is undeniable the servility of the government of Lukashenko, dictator of the country since 1994, towards his friend Putin; despite this, it is clear to us that this, as always happens when States and their respective interests clash, is a war between powers to redefine new geopolitical balances, to share new/old spheres of economic, military and political influence.
This war full of blood and sowing of death is the responsibility of Belarus as well as of Europe, NATO, Russia and the Ukrainian government itself. There are no possible sides in this kind of wars, if not on the side of those who defect, those who resist and those who counterattack the real enemies. Continue reading Rome, Italy: Paper bomb (bomba carta) against the Belarusian embassy →