Letter from Ivan from his cell. He has been incarcerated for a few days on remand at the Villepinte prison. Here is his first letter…
15 VI 2022
My name is Ivan, I am an anarchist.
I was arrested by the SDAT1 on Saturday, June 11, around 3:30 am, not far from my home, while I was returning home.
I am charged with six vehicle fires that took place in Paris and Montreuil between January and June, often claimed in solidarity with anarchist prisoners (in the last one, an embassy car was set on fire the night I was arrested, in the 17th district).
For months, the cops set up surveillance tails, wiretaps, installed a camera in the entrance of my building, intercepted my mail (including letters from imprisoned comrades) and watched my bank account.
Another person (we only know each other by sight, but I hold him in high esteem) has been followed, listened to, etc., but not implicated. Also, but not implicated. Courage, my old friend!
The SDAT investigation began in February 2022 on the orders of the prosecutor Laure-Anne Boulanger, from the Bobigny prosecutor’s office. Continue reading EN/ IT / , Villepinte (Seine-Saint-Denis)France : letter from prison from Ivan, “Solidarity means attack”
- Anti-Terrorist Subdivision of the Central division of the Judicial Police ↵