Category Archives: Solidarity Means Attack

EN/ IT / , Villepinte (Seine-Saint-Denis)France : letter from prison from Ivan, “Solidarity means attack”

Letter from Ivan from his cell. He has been incarcerated for a few days on remand at the Villepinte prison. Here is his first letter…

15 VI 2022

My name is Ivan, I am an anarchist.
I was arrested by the SDAT1 on Saturday, June 11, around 3:30 am, not far from my home, while I was returning home.
I am charged with six vehicle fires that took place in Paris and Montreuil between January and June, often claimed in solidarity with anarchist prisoners (in the last one, an embassy car was set on fire the night I was arrested, in the 17th district).

For months, the cops set up surveillance tails, wiretaps, installed a camera in the entrance of my building, intercepted my mail (including letters from imprisoned comrades) and watched my bank account.

Another person (we only know each other by sight, but I hold him in high esteem) has been followed, listened to, etc., but not implicated. Also, but not implicated. Courage, my old friend!

The SDAT investigation began in February 2022 on the orders of the prosecutor Laure-Anne Boulanger, from the Bobigny prosecutor’s office. Continue reading EN/ IT / , Villepinte (Seine-Saint-Denis)France : letter from prison from Ivan, “Solidarity means attack”

  1. Anti-Terrorist Subdivision of the Central division of the Judicial Police

Nizhny Novgorod (Russia): a godmother of the Russian army loses her car

In Nizhny Novgorod (Volga region) on June 11, 2022 at 3:00 a.m., a Toyota with plate Р561ХТ152, owned by the godmother of Putin's troops, Natalia Abiyeva, was set on fire at 24 Krasnykh Zor Street.

Abiyeva is the organizer of Putin’s army support fund, ardent supporter of the current regime and warmonger. People like her do not care about the death of tens of thousands of people in Ukraine and the millions of ruined and broken lives. Abiyeva is only interested in the imaginary, illusory “greatness of Russia”. But is it possible to gain greatness by washing with blood? We believe that this war leads to the destruction not only of Ukraine, but also of Russia. We must do everything possible to stop it.
Continue reading Nizhny Novgorod (Russia): a godmother of the Russian army loses her car

Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for attack two branches of Lidl

On 8/4 and 19/5 we chose to attack two branches of the multinational company Lidl. These targets were not chosen at random. A few months before, in an attempt by an elderly woman to squeeze, without paying the price of products for her living, she was bullied by security guards – protectors of the bosses’ profits. In a period of constant impoverishment of the lower classes of the population, and over-inflation of the bosses’ profits, the class gap seems to be constantly blurring. The poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer.

The steady decline in wages and the simultaneous increase in the cost of living (food, electricity, rent, fuel) leave us with no other answer than to attack the devaluation of our lives.

Continue reading Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for attack two branches of Lidl

Puente Alto (Chile): solidarity attack against a telecommunication antenna by Black Forest Anarchist Cell

Attack carried out on the night of Sunday June 5, 2022.

Puente Alto (Chile): solidarity attack against a telecommunication antenna

“Certain human cultures have been waging war against the Earth for millennia. I chose to fight on the side of bears, mountain lions, skunks, bats, saguaros, cliff rose and all things wild.”

Bill Rodgers, ELF member.

It’s been 13 years since our comrade Mauricio Morales, el punky, left life on earth in the midst of an offensive he was waging with courage and will against the bastard executioners of the school of screws [in Chile, the gendarmería is the body of prison guards, T.N.]. Unfortunately, the explosive device he was carrying went off sooner than expected, with consequences that many already know. A hug to the punky and his actions from the depths of our irreducible spirit, as we find ourselves with him on different fronts: against prisons, kapital, speciesism and civilization.

It is on this last front, in response to the call in memory of the punky during this month of Black May, that we have decided to attack a telecommunications antenna of the company Entel, located on a hill in the municipality of Puente Alto, in the capital of the territory dominated by the Chilean State. We are and always will be against the advance of technology and the digitalization of our lives. Continue reading Puente Alto (Chile): solidarity attack against a telecommunication antenna by Black Forest Anarchist Cell

Indonesia: Communique Claim Action by Unit Nemesis part of FAI-IRF

Communique Claim Action

We claim that the ATM sabotage action in the early hours of June 11 in Solo, Central Java and the vandalism in Sidoarjo, East Java were the individual actions of our conspirators.

“We see their problem as lack of ambition. – Aragorn!”

At times like this we are haunted by the values and products of the
techno-industrial civilization that dominates us and even penetrates the joints of our lives, we carry out our daily activities which are
definitely determined by civilized morality, even in anarchist social
circles that still exist. until now still glorifying these values, from
this opportunity we draw a dividing line between those who are
conformists and those who only rant but never spit those words out
because they don’t need to be on our part! Continue reading Indonesia: Communique Claim Action by Unit Nemesis part of FAI-IRF

Athens, Greece – Responsibility claim by Anarchists for action in solidarity with Giannis Michailidis

Responsibility claim by Anarchists

Comrade Giannis Michailidis, after 11 years of suffering arrest warrants and fabricated files due to solidarity relations, multiple detentions, torture, convictions for “individual terrorism”, arbitrary deprivation of regular and educational leave, has been in preventive detention for 5 months. Against this latest method, the comrade started a hunger strike on 23/5, raising a barricade against the practice of preventive imprisonment, starting a struggle that, apart from his release, is directly aimed against the regime of exemption of combative prisoners, highlighting the necessity of the overall struggle against power.

In the midst of the presented supremacy of the state and the attack that it has unleashed against the neighborhood of Exarchia, we decided to send a signal of minimal solidarity to comrade Giannis Michailidis, by attacking the riot squad in Ch.Trikoupis street. Continue reading Athens, Greece – Responsibility claim by Anarchists for action in solidarity with Giannis Michailidis

Athens, Greece : Taking responsibility by Anarchists

Athens, Greece – Taking responsibility

In view of the court of appeal of D. Chatzivasiliadis and V. Stathopoulos, on 14 May, a march in solidarity with our anarchist comrades was planned, starting from Monastiraki Area . During the march, on Stadiou street at the height of Benaki street, riot police attacked it and managed to break it by throwing chemicals. The riot squads that immediately took over immediately made 14 detentions, of which 5 were arrested with 4 of them being misdemeanor arrests and one felony. The felony charge was the possession/use of a molotov, which only resulted from the testimony of a cop without any evidence. This move is their only way to cover up the unabated use of force during the march.

Thus, on Sunday 21/05 a group of people chose to attack the riot police parked in front of the PASOK offices (political party) in Ch. Trikoupis street with the use of coctail molotovs in response to the repressive forces.






via: athens.indymedia

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Militant group of anarcho-communists sabotages railroad track [Russia]

We, the Militant Anarcho-Communist Organization, have carried out a sabotage operation on the railroad track at coordinates 56 16’44″N 38 12’40.5″E on a sidetrack leading to a military facility of the 12th Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The rail junction was dismantled and the rail tracks were partially disconnected. It must be emphasized that we are not sure that this disconnection was sufficient to free the train from the tracks. But it was a test sabotage, if you will, where we tested the feasibility with the help of tools. We also wanted the sabotage to be as inconspicuous as possible so that the train would not have time to come to a stop.

Moreover, it is not sure that a derailment in such a deserted area will reach the media, and we have no possibility to observe it with our own eyes. Therefore, it was decided to publish the result of the attack “as it was” to share the experience with other guerrillas.

Some important aspects of this action are: Continue reading Militant group of anarcho-communists sabotages railroad track [Russia]

Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for explosive attack at house of 2nd Lieutenant Evangelos Kaisis of the ΟΠΚΕ police unit by Group “Revenge Guerrillas”

Nowadays, the state apparatus and its minions think they are immune. They act against all those who do not accept the miseries they impose on us and who dare to stand up to the vindictive regime. Cops, investigators, prosecutors and journalists have created a regime alliance with the sole aim of repression and the disappearance of dignity. This must stop immediately and these scum must understand that their actions will have the expected consequences. We can come into your homes, your businesses, and attack whenever and however we want without you being able to stop us. Get this through your heads.

We take responsibility for the explosive device in the house of 2nd Lieutenant Evangelos Kaisis in Melissia, who was the head of the ΟΠΚΕ team, on 18/3/22, during the transfer of our comrade Fotis Tziotzi to the interrogation room, after his arrest for the bank expropriations in Athens this summer. This cop, after the adventure with the attempted snatching of his gun by the comrade that happened outside the interrogator’s office, ran to testify against the comrade, thus charging him with additional charges. Continue reading Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for explosive attack at house of 2nd Lieutenant Evangelos Kaisis of the ΟΠΚΕ police unit by Group “Revenge Guerrillas”

Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for the incendiary attack in Pefkis-Lykovrisi – To burn the beast of gentrification to the ground by Thousands of Suns of the Night

On 27/04 we placed incendiary devices in the offices of the Nea Dimokratia (New Democracy) Pefkis-Lykovrisi, burning them completely outside and a large part inside, essentially closing the office.

We hold this party accountable for a series of actions that form the backbone of the Greek state’s agenda.


From the beginning of its term of office, ND as a government has shown its intentions on the issue of the city. The Athenian centre is constantly being shaped as a luxury showcase for global and European tourism. This process started and accelerated already in the years of the covid-19 boom when hundreds of thousands of euros were given for the construction of the Grand Walk (pet gentrification project of Athens mayor Kostas Bakoyannis). Public space is increasingly occupied by goods and consumers. Universities and spaces that once seemed to be meeting points for movements and collective processes are now being cleared, controlled and mapped with cameras and cops (ΟΠΠΙ, university cops).

The state’s attempt to turn the Gini polytechnic into a monument in a move of gentrification is also characteristic. At the same time, student movements are subjected to extreme repression, with typical examples being the pressure in other universities such as the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, as well as the case of the 14 students who are being persecuted under the umbrella of manipulating DNA files. In continuation of the pressure on the anarchist movement with reference to meeting places is the continuous repression of the occupations in the centre of Athens and Thessaloniki. Continue reading Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for the incendiary attack in Pefkis-Lykovrisi – To burn the beast of gentrification to the ground by Thousands of Suns of the Night