Category Archives: Solidarity Means Attack

Berlin (Germany) : A cement giant loses its concrete trucks

[On the night of March 14/15 in Berlin, at around 3:50 a.m., six concrete trucks were completely destroyed and three other machines (excavators) damaged by flames on the A100 freeway construction site in Kiefholzstrasse. The concrete mixers belonged to the German HeidelbergMaterials group, the world’s second-largest cement producer. On December 27, 2023, the site of another concrete giant, CEMEX, was attacked in Berlin, setting fire to five concrete mixer trucks, the bulk material conveyor belt and a technical building near the silos. And on January 19, 2024, two excavators on the same Berlin A100 freeway site had already been consumed by the flames of anger.

Here is a translation of the communique about the March 15 attack on HeidelbergMaterials, published on indymedia germany on the same day].

Arson attack on HeidelbergMaterials // Attacking colonial legacies // Stopping the A100

Armed with incendiary devices and rage, last night we temporarily rendered harmless a HeidelbergMaterials AG cement plant on the A100 construction site. To do so, we set fire to several concrete mixers and excavators on the plant site. With over 800 subsidiaries, HeidelbergMaterials is the world’s second-largest cement producer – and the second-most climate-damaging company in Germany, behind RWE. But others have provided a detailed description, in a communique for the attack on CEMEX at the end of December 2023, just how environmentally damaging cement production is.
Continue reading Berlin (Germany) : A cement giant loses its concrete trucks

Chile: Interview with Espacio Fénix EN/ES

ES: (Chile) Entrevista a Espacio Fénix

Opening the tensions of dialogue, we present the following section of interviews with individuals, collectivities and related spaces that make up the anarchic body in different parts of the world.

The interviews are a valuable contribution to the observation in detail and depth; they come, in a certain way, to broaden the view to give us feedback among comrades and to debate with perspectives and projections, that although they may be different, they converge in the ideas and practices of freedom against all authority.

Without further ado, we have in this first venture of dialogues the comrades of Espacio Fénix.

1-How and when did Espacio Fénix arise, and what projects converge in the space?
Continue reading Chile: Interview with Espacio Fénix EN/ES

Vecqueville (Haute-Marne), north-eastern France, sabotage against an industrial foundry collaborating with Cigéo

 sabotage against an industrial foundry collaborating with Cigéo

The industrial forge cut off from the power grid! No nuclear revival without Cigéo, no Cigéo without the collaborators!

(Indymedia Lille, March 11, 2024)

“Identify the collaborators of the nuclear disaster and attack them” reads a letter claiming responsibility for the arson attack on the vehicle of the head of a local architecture firm in Commercy in September 2022. The letter continues: “Our direct intervention should be read as a warning to local and regional construction companies, security firms, environmental monitoring institutes and so on. Those who think they can make a profit from nuclear devastation and the militarization of the territory by CIGEO will end up paying dearly for it!”
Continue reading Vecqueville (Haute-Marne), north-eastern France, sabotage against an industrial foundry collaborating with Cigéo

Berlin,Germany : news from Tesla and a second communique from the Volcano Group

Berlin: news from Tesla and a second communique from the Volcano Group

A week after a high-voltage power line tower in Berlin caught fire at dawn on March 5, deliberately bringing Tesla’s European electric vehicle production plant to a standstill, the plant was only reconnected to the power grid on March 11. And two days later, on Wednesday March 13, it was finally able to start up again in the presence of its CEO Elon Musk, who came to Berlin-Grünheide to be cheered by his brave workers, before meeting local politicians. However, “it will still be some time before production resumes in full, but the most important step has been taken”, according to plant manager Andre Thierig. Knowing that each day spent without electricity or production cost between 50 and 60 million euros, we leave it to you to calculate Tesla’s losses for these eight days of shutdown.

While the 5,000 inhabitants of the Freienbrink district were reconnected the very same day, it was a completely different matter for grid operator E.DIS to be able to reconnect the Tesla factory, given the huge amount of energy required by the 12,500-strong gigafactory. A vast emergency worksite was therefore immediately deployed in the field where the burnt-out pylon was located. Firstly, to build a temporary access road from the adjacent forest in order to transport heavy machinery, then to dig out from under the muddy earth some of the cables linking this pylon to the Erkner transformer station, and finally to gradually install a structure parallel to the damaged steel giant after draining the soil beneath its feet. All this in an area that is now entirely fenced off, with work being carried out at breakneck speed in 3×8 shifts (day and night), under constant police protection backed up by private security guards.
Continue reading Berlin,Germany : news from Tesla and a second communique from the Volcano Group

( Athens,Greece) Direct Action Cores – Accepting responsibility for the arson attack on the house of union cop Theodoros Foukas.

The Direct Action Cores take responsibility for the arson attack on the house of the trade union police officer, Theodoros Foukas, in the Byron area in the early hours of 1/3. For three years now, our group, through the strategy of personal targeting of representatives of power, has been trying to put into practice the motto ” MAY FEAR CHANGE CAMP “. Our visits to the homes of all of them keeps a low-intensity conflict in miniature, a psychological war against the physical target through fear, and responds on a minimal scale to the real terrorism that has its foibles in the television studios, in the courts, in the police stations, in the parliamentary offices.

Our attacks are snapshots of rebellion against the eradicators of our dreams. A collective march against the orders of power and the bowed heads that accompany them and which aims, among other things, to maintain a comprehensive logic. Organized political violence that places political strategy in an overall context. Where social competition escapes predetermined norms, set dates and becomes unpredictable, daring, radical, dangerous.
Continue reading ( Athens,Greece) Direct Action Cores – Accepting responsibility for the arson attack on the house of union cop Theodoros Foukas.

Greece: Sabotage at an Israeli hotel in Athens by Pro-Palestine saboteur

Sabotage at an Israeli hotel in Athens by Pro-Palestine saboteur

While Palestinians are dying of thirst, Israeli tourist businesses are doing golden business in Greek territory, such as Athens, where the squats that offered refuge to the persecuted have been replaced by luxury accommodation for tourists. It is another form of colonization and colonialism, in which Israeli businessmen are well versed. As a symbolic gesture of solidarity with the Palestinian people, we sabotaged the water supply to one of these colonial hotels in Exarcheia (Zoia) by cutting off the supply and cementing the clock. Israeli real estate investment company Zoia manages at least 19 buildings in Athens. Sagi Rubin, managing director of the company, places the investment as one of the largest in the Greek market.
Continue reading Greece: Sabotage at an Israeli hotel in Athens by Pro-Palestine saboteur

Security Van Tires Slashed (USA)

“Are people within prisons/jail/detention the only ones who are expected to engage in material disruption? To take risks? Are we just vessels of emotional solidarity?”

“Where are the vulnerabilities to prison management’s morale and how does one remove the will of guards to endure?”

Security guards protect property. They help the police put people in prisons, they are part of the prison industrial complex. As people attack property private security acts as the auxiliary of the prison and police state. With this in mind as well as reading about the conditions at SCI Rockview we slashed the tires of a Securitas van.
Continue reading Security Van Tires Slashed (USA)

Manchester, UK : Sabotaged ATM’s in Solidarity with the Palestinian resistance

“Last night, we sealed shut the Barclay’s ATMs at the ASDA supermarket in Hulme, Manchester, and left messages of solidarity with the Palestinian resistance.

We sealed the ATMs by simply applying superglue to pieces of card and forcing the card into the slot, before painting over the screens just to make sure they were out of action for a while.
Continue reading Manchester, UK : Sabotaged ATM’s in Solidarity with the Palestinian resistance

Bremen, Germany : Switch Off Tren Maya / disrupt Deutsche Bahn

Bremen: Switch Off Tren Maya / disrupt Deutsche Bahn

We got together last night to set fire to two Deutsche Bahn [DB] vehicles with incendiary devices. This company is not only synonymous with expensive rail links and crumbling infrastructure, but is also deeply involved in the arms industry, exploitation and neo-colonialism. In concrete terms, we attacked the DB to make visible the struggles against the Tren Maya in Mexico.

We light rebel fires for the indigenous populations of Chiapas, Comunidad Indígena Otomí, Tabasco, Campeche, Yucatan and Quintana. We say: “Compañer@s! you are not alone, your resistance is with us!”

As part of the huge Tren Maya infrastructure project, two railroad lines have been built through the Mexican jungle, with the main aim of bringing mass tourism to the indigenous provinces. Deutsche Bahn, which also strives to present itself as green and sustainable, is part of the project, making money by destroying the Mexican forest – in cooperation with arms companies, the Mexican army and the USA.
Continue reading Bremen, Germany : Switch Off Tren Maya / disrupt Deutsche Bahn

The Conflict in Abya Yala and its Proximity to “Switch Off!”: Anarchic Words Concerning the Necessary Struggle for the Earth

February 26, 2024 / informativoanarquista

(text and poster received by email 20/02/24, unfortunately the email went to spam)

Faced with devastation: sabotage and war! As the comrades who have raised and formed part of the campaign have understood it, “Switch Off! The system of destruction” consists of the “attack against companies and infrastructures that feed the ecological catastrophe across the world”. Here also, in Abya Yala (ancestral name for the territory known as America), multiple struggles for the defense of the earth have been developed, from the precolonial peoples who continue fighting, to new anarchic perspectives that tip more and more into the struggle for the earth. While we haven’t been able to stop the ecological catastrophe entirely, we can find concrete examples of territorial victories that have managed to stop, expel or at least considerably push back the materialization of extractivist projects, like the resistance and armed offensive of diverse mapuche organizations in Wallmapu.

The struggles in different latitudes aren’t detached form one another and they aim at the same enemies. This is why we believe it favorable to make the “Switch Off!” campaign our own, endowing it with our own territorial circumstances to avoid overlooking our particularities.
Continue reading The Conflict in Abya Yala and its Proximity to “Switch Off!”: Anarchic Words Concerning the Necessary Struggle for the Earth