Category Archives: Solidarity Events, e.t.c.

France, Toulouse : perturbation of the 2nd public survey about the construction of a new jail in Muret

Originally published on the local anti athoritarian website :

8 octobre 2022

This monday 3 october at 6pm, we gathered at 10 people to go to charles de gaulle high school of Muret where a meeting was held in the frame of a public survey which takes place from the 15 september to the 14 october 2022.

Beginning 2021, a first public survey already occured about the 615 new jail places construction project for 2027.
Despite numerous oppositions gathered and an unfavourable opinion given by the investigation commissary, the jail’s public utility was anyway declared during summer 2021. All of this was only advisory, with the initiative of a 15 000 jail places plan, it’s the state which decide in last resort and do as it wants. Despite everything, a second public survey is actually occuring and got for goal to obtain a derogation for the destruction of protected species caused by the project.

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Solidarity posters: with Anarchist prisoners in Italy JUAN, ANNA, ALFREDO in en/de/it/gr/es


On July 9th, our comrade Juan was sentenced to 28 years in prison, with another three years of supervised release, on charges of an explosive attack with terrorist intent on a Lega Nord headquarters, in Treviso (Italy).

A few days earlier, the Court had reclassified an attack on a Carabinieri barracks in Fossano (Italy) as a ‚political massacre‘ (a crime punishable by life imprisonment) for which anarchist comrades Anna and Alfredo had been convicted on appeal. In the meantime, Alfredo was transferred to 41 bis, in Sassari, Sardinia (Italy): a prison regime of total isolation, a form of torture aimed at bending the prisoner to abjuration, repentance, dissociation, and the renunciation of his own identity and revolutionary path.
The disproportionate sentences (essentially for life) and the application of 41 bis constitute an unprecedented attack on the anarchist movement.

They represent the attempt of the Italian state to end the game with an area that has remained subversive and revolutionary, which decades of investigations and arrests have failed to break.


Knowing the suffering of our comrades and their punishments of which we cannot see the end, causes us pain and anger but only strengthens our convictions:
As always we will continue on the road of struggle, of permanent conflict, of direct action, but from today with one more reason.



Am 9. Juli wurde unser Gefährte Juan wegen eines Sprengstoffanschlags auf ein „Nord Liga“-Hauptquartier in Treviso (Italien) mit einer „terroristischen Absicht“ zu 28 Jahren Gefängnis und einer anschließenden dreijährigen Bewährung, verurteilt.
Wenige Tage zuvor hatte das Kassationsgericht den Angriff auf eine Carabinieri-Kaserne in Fossano (Italien), für den die anarchistischen Gefährten Anna und Alfredo in der Berufung verurteilt worden waren, erneut als „politischer Massenmord“ (ein Verbrechen, das mit lebenslanger Haft bestraft wird) eingestuft. In der Zwischenzeit wurde Alfredo in das 41bis-Gefängnisregime verlegt, ein Regime der totalen Isolation, eine Form der Folter, das darauf abzielt, den Gefangenen zur Abschwörung, Reue, Distanzierung und zum Verzicht auf seine eigene Identität und seinen revolutionären Weg zu zwingen.

Continue reading Solidarity posters: with Anarchist prisoners in Italy JUAN, ANNA, ALFREDO in en/de/it/gr/es

The mountain and the little mouse (Lecce, Italy)

The mountain and the little mouse

At dawn on Thursday, September 29, a dozen or more policemen showed up at a comrade’s home with a search warrant for the crime of defacement, which a public prosecutor of the Lecce court had no shame in signing. Having ascertained that only the suspect was present, they decided to send the flying squad officers away to stay only six of the DIGOS, looking for clothing and spray cans. In addition to the house, they also searched his car, a moped and a house in another municipality to which the comrade had easy access. In fact, in addition to a helmet, a jacket and the latest copy of ‘Vetriolo’, which were returned to the owner at the police headquarters, they decided to seize a pair of boots and three stickers in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito, because, according to them, they were very much related to the wall writings they were investigating.

This is how we begin to unravel the skein of so much investigative diligence for such a crime; a DIGOS inspector, in fact, informed the suspect that the investigation concerns the wall writings that appeared in Calimera (in the province of Lecce) on September 8 (we learn this from journalistic sources because the report says September 18) during the organized ‘week of legality’ on the occasion of the commemorations for the anniversary of the Capaci massacre, in which a Calimera citizen who was part of the escort also lost his life.
Continue reading The mountain and the little mouse (Lecce, Italy)

Aufstand! For Anarchy

Aufstand! For Anarchy

So what should tempt us to think that the Internet in particular would be a place where today’s revolutionary awakenings would take place? And certainly we are not so short-sighted as to seriously consider this to be the case. Nevertheless, we observe with a certain uneasiness that both the real and the virtual spaces of exchange among anarchists of the German-speaking contexts are fading away. Even though individual projects still receive some attention and almost every tendency of informally organized anarchism has created its own web presence – even though there are still one or two printed and regularly published newspaper projects and dozens and dozens of brochures, books, flyers, newspapers, posters and stickers which are connected to the anarchist idea and wander from hand to hand among companions – we ask ourselves, to what extent these succeed in carrying the anarchist debate into the public more than sporadically, in the (desperate) attempt to inflame at least a few hearts with the spark of the anarchist idea.

Repeatedly in the past it has been proven that if there is no better alternative, platforms like de.indymedia also have to be used for anarchist exchange. The problem is that anarchist contributions are often deleted there or – perhaps even worse – stand beside deeply authoritarian submissions that absolutely contradict the anarchist idea. No wonder: de.indymedia has always been a platform of the left and will consequently remain so. The fact that more and more decentralized (radical left) alternatives to de.indymedia are currently developing is, in our view, just as incapable of remedying the problem as other strangely conceptualized attempts to create synthesist platforms or even websites of unified organizations selling themselves as contributions to an anarchist debate.

Continue reading Aufstand! For Anarchy

Feu à la colonisation ! [29/09 à 18h] Bibliothèque anarchiste Libertad (Paris,France)

Discut’ à la bibli le jeudi 29 septembre à 18h

Feu à la colonisation !

Autour des luttes menées au Canada par les « populations autochtones » contre l’État ces dernières années et des contributions anarchistes à ces luttes.

Discut’ introduite par des compagnon-nes d’outre atlantique de passage à Paris (en anglais et en français, avec traductions).

Bienvenue !

Bibliothèque anarchiste Libertad,
19 rue Burnouf, 19ème arrondissement.
Métro Jaurès ou Belleville
Permanences les mardi de 17h à 20h


Arson attacks at Liceo de Aplicación, Barros Arana and Manuel Barros Borgoño boarding schools (Chile).

Arson attacks at Liceo de Aplicación, Barros Arana and Manuel Barros Borgoño boarding schools
September 12, 2022
On September 12 at the Liceo de Aplicación and Manuel Barros Borgoño pamphlets and banners were thrown and barricades and confrontations were mounted against the presence of Carabineros (COP).

At the Barros Arana Boarding School (INBA) a group of students marched to the Museum of Memory and Human Rights to commemorate those murdered and disappeared 49 years after the coup d’état.

Continue reading Arson attacks at Liceo de Aplicación, Barros Arana and Manuel Barros Borgoño boarding schools (Chile).

France / Italy : Alfredo Cospito fuori dal 41-bis : Solidarity from Comrades from Bure.

Alfredo Cospito fuori dal 41-bis : Solidarity from Bure
Revolutionary solidarity is a sailboat without borders that rides the waves of the storm!

From Bure, we wish to send all our solidarity to our comrade Alfredo Cospito, who is currently in solitary confinement (called “41-bis”) in the prison of Sassari in Sardinia (Italy) for having shot the CEO of Ansaldo Nucleare, designer and builder of nuclear power plants, for having claimed his action and for having greatly contributed, from prison, to the debate on our modes of action, the diversity of tactics, internationalism and the revolutionary perspective of the anti-nuclear movement.

Any attempt to isolate one of our comrades will fuel our anger and revive the sparks that drive us to act. Alfredo Cospito’s struggle is also our struggle: against nuclear power and the technocrats who rule the world.

While the extraction of uranium and other rare-earth elements continues to ravage territories and destroy bodies, while nuclear “tests” or bomb trainings have contaminated the regions and inhabitants of Quirra in Sardinia, the Hoggar mountains in Algeria, Moruroa and Fangataufa in Polynesia, and other territories taken over by the imperialist powers, while in its war against Ukraine, Russia is using nuclear power plants as a sword of Damocles, Europe agrees that nuclear power is a “green” energy, France is rushing head first to build new reactors and Italy is questioning the shutdown of its production (after all, it didn’t mind continuing to build power plants in other countries, so why continue to pretend to have stopped, right?). The projects of burying radioactive waste, in Bure (France) and now also in Italy, are not a search for solutions to the contaminations that nuclear power has produced, but tools to allow nuclear power to develop, more and more.
Continue reading France / Italy : Alfredo Cospito fuori dal 41-bis : Solidarity from Comrades from Bure.

[EN+IT] Interruption of a democratic kermesse in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito (Rome, Italy, September 20, 2022)

Interruption of a democratic kermesse in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito (Rome, Italy, September 20, 2022)

On the evening of September 20, in Rome, we interrupted a democratic kermesse that took place at the Troisi cinema. The evening’s special guests were the critical philosopher Noam Chomsky and the committed filmmaker Ken Loach. We stormed in with a banner that read ‘Against every prison. 41 bis = torture. Freedom for Alfredo’, threw leaflets and read the following text.


Since May 5, our comrade Alfredo Cospito has been imprisoned under the 41 bis regime.

The 41 bis is a regime of institutionalised torture, created to isolate, silence and annihilate the prisoner, thus trying to bring him to collaboration with justice. We do not want to demand more comfortable cages, nor do we want to be victims. We are against all prisons, we would like to see them burn. We are not surprised or outraged, we know very well that all this happens within a democratic regime. Democracy is based on the annihilation of the internal and external enemy. This is not a novelty linked to the advent of the so-called pandemic, this mechanism is inherent to representative democracy which, because it provides for representatives, necessarily creates an unbridgeable gap with the represented. Quite simply, for the past two years, we think that democratic regimes have dropped their masks: repression for all, permanent states of emergency, compulsory vaccination, green passes, persecution of those who do not play by the rules, rationing, etc. The situation is self-evident.

Continue reading [EN+IT] Interruption of a democratic kermesse in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito (Rome, Italy, September 20, 2022)

Genova Italy : Gathering in September 25 at 17:30 caricamento in Genova Against Anti-Anarchist Repression


Caught in the grip of health emergencies, wars, increasingly fierce internal repression, the energy crisis, economic recession, the systematic erosion of individual freedoms, the dismantling of acquired rights, and a widening social gap, we are asked to perform an act of blind loyalty like that of a dog that, though beaten, does not shy away from its master’s harassment, of resigned submission to the inevitability of these events: the chorus of politicians of all hues, of the bosses, of the regime’s yelpers, is re-proposing to us the fatuous promise of the solution to the problems that beset the daily lives of most, of the common good, to be obtained, as it happens, through ‘tears and blood’ sacrifices to which we should also, ironically, give our consent in the electoral ballet.

It seems to us that this spectacle is a painful repetition. The assent and social cohesion that is being demanded of us is aimed more at feeding the interests of political apparatuses and the business dealings of the economic bosses, these already closely cohesive at several levels, who thrive on the backs bent by the chain of labour and necessity. To us anarchist comrades, libertarians, rebels, refractory to authority, the way forward seems clear: to resolutely oppose this power that is suffocating us and against the State, the men and women who represent it, against the prisons and all places where anyone is imprisoned, against the political and economic institutions that speculate, plundering the planet’s natural resources and degrading our lives.

Continue reading Genova Italy : Gathering in September 25 at 17:30 caricamento in Genova Against Anti-Anarchist Repression

Genoa, Italy: Banners have been hung in solidarity for Anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito

Genoa, Banners for Alfredo

Banners have been hung in an abandoned building of Genova with the words:
Alfredo Cospito
out of 41 bis
For anarchy