Category Archives: Solidarity Events, e.t.c.

EN/GR/: Important updates on the health condition and the condition of imprisonment for the anarchist Alfredo Cospito (Italy)

Important updates on the health condition and the condition of inprisonment for the anarchist Alfredo Cospito

Alfredo has NOT ended the hunger strike!

The news circulated in the media these days is false and slanderous, as is now the habit in this story: he was offered milk, but Alfredo refused it. If he decides to start eating again, he will follow the instructions given to him by his trusted doctor some time ago.

In view of the hearing on April 18, he decided to resume supplements: potassium to stabilize the heart, vitamins to try to stem the neurological problem in the lower limbs, and proteins. After the hearing at the constitutional court in Rome, called to express itself on the legal legitimacy of granting or not extenuating circumstances in relation to the conviction for 285 c. p. (“massacre for the purpose of undermining the security of the State”, which only provides for life imprisonment) decreed by the cassation in the context of the Scripta Manent process, will decide how to proceed.

Continue reading EN/GR/: Important updates on the health condition and the condition of imprisonment for the anarchist Alfredo Cospito (Italy)

Anti-State Gathering-Demo in Solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker (since 10/20/22 in Italy) Alfredo Cospito on Sunday April 9th, at 13:00, Thiseio Metro Station (Athens,Greece)

Anti-State Gathering-Demo in Solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker (since 10/20/22 in Italy) Alfredo Cospito on Sunday April 9th, at 13:00, Thiseio Metro Station .



Alfredo Cospito is an anarchist who has always been active in the frontline of struggles. He was never willing to compromise nor to give up. He is a comrade who has been fighting since the end of the 80’s, a period during which he was imprisoned as a total conscientious objector (for refusing to serve mandatory military services).

Alfredo has always been active in defending comrades affected by repression, in every corner of the world. He has been contributing for many years with articles, editorial projects and proposals to the international anarchist discussion/debate. For this reason, he has been censored many times and his communication with the “outside world” has been forbidden. He has been in prison for 10 years (since 2012), during which he was in High Security prison sectors until he was transferred to 41bis inMay 2022, from Terni prison to Bankali prison in Sassari.

The 41bis prison regime entails 24/7 electronic surveillance, 1 person per cell of 2×3 meters, 1 hour per day for socializing in a group of 4 people (the seperation into these groups is decided directly by the bureaucrats in Rome and is valid for several months), 1 visit per month of 1 hour with no physical contact, separation with glass divider, under electronic surveillance, with audio and video recording (only if the family members are unable to visit, a monthly 10-minute phone call is allowed as an alternative, but to do so, the prisoner’s family member must go to a police station or in some prison), no physical contact, censorship and control of written material, presence at court only through video-conferences.

Continue reading Anti-State Gathering-Demo in Solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker (since 10/20/22 in Italy) Alfredo Cospito on Sunday April 9th, at 13:00, Thiseio Metro Station (Athens,Greece)

[Poster] FREEDOM for Georgia Voulgaris, P. Kalaitzis, Th. Chatziaggelou

FREEDOM for Georgia Voulgaris, P. Kalaitzis, Th. Chatzianggelou

At dawn on Tuesday 8/2/22, two comrades were arrested following an operation by the “anti-terrorist police”. The reason was the burning of the “Foundation for National and Religious Reflection” in Thessaloniki. In the house where they were arrested, “incriminating” evidence was found which, in the context of the Terror Law, acquires a “felony” character. Later, another comrade was arrested. All three were remanded in Korydallos prison, prosecuted under the Terror Law (187a) for their participation in the organization “Anarchist Action”, the arson of the “Foundation for National and Religious Thought” and other actions.

Anarchist Thanos Chatzianggelou claimed responsibility for this arson and the findings in the house, and later on 10/3/22 he claimed political responsibility for his participation in the organization “Anarchist Action”.

The anarchist Gewrgia Voulgaris defended the choice to have a supporting role in carrying out the action. She remained in custody for 7 months and then the prison board decided to continue her detention under house arrest with an electronic bracelet.

P. Kalaitzis, whose only connection to the case is his relationship with the house and his companion, friendly and collegial relations with T.H. denied all charges and after 7 months of pre-trial detention he was released from prison with restrictive conditions, to sign every 1st and 15th of the month and a ban on leaving the country.

The war against the State and capital is unceasing, unyielding and multiform. The struggle for equality, freedom and solidarity may have losses, but it will be victorious because justice is on our side. No criminalisation of anarchist comrades, social and friendly relations.

Assembly of Solidarity with the Prisoners, imprisoned, fugitives and persecuted fighters.

Translated by Act for freedom now!

EN/IT : A political intervention of solidarity with the comrade and hunger striker, since 20/10/22, Alfredo Cospito at the Italian Educational Institute in Patission. (Athens,Greece)

(EN) On Friday, March 17th, at the launch of the presentation of the collective volume – tribute to the work of Altiero Spinelli (“a visionary and one of the great ‘fathers’ of European unification”) at the Italian Educational Institute in Patision – Athens (across the NTUA gate), a political intervention of solidarity with the comrade and hunger striker, since 20/10/22, Alfredo Cospito was held.


Interrupting their civil celebration, in the presence of the ambassador of the Italian state Patrizia Falcinelli and the president of the European Movement of Italy Pier Virgilio Dastoli, the president of the Mediterranean Studies department of the University of the Aegean S. Dalis, the vice president of the European Parliament D. Papadimoulis and the former MEP K. Botopoulou, as well as other big business exploiters and their henchmen who were smitten before the elections in the institutional salons, such as the former minister and current MP G. Katrougalos, we shaked for a while the image of their superiority in their field.

The hypocritical “sensitivity” of Europe’s bourgeois democratic politicians and scholars for rights and federalism (of the economies and the capital), in the media image of 2016, when Renzi, Merkel and Hollande paid tribute to Spinelli’s grave (in favor of the foundations of European unity), was forced to be silent in order to hear the speech of the anarchist hunger striker Alfredo Cospito and the fight against 41bis and against the prison.Slogans were heard, flyers were thrown and we made clear to the present representatives of the former government that we do not forget the passing of the new Penal Code and the way it opened for the condition of incarceration here. Our struggles recognize no borders.
Continue reading EN/IT : A political intervention of solidarity with the comrade and hunger striker, since 20/10/22, Alfredo Cospito at the Italian Educational Institute in Patission. (Athens,Greece)

International call of the captive member of the organization Anarchist Action Th. Chatziaggelou. (Greece)

For the construction of an international front of defending the Anarchist Action

International call of the captive member of the organization Anarchist Action Th. Chatziaggelou, to the comrades who will defend the case at the trial of the organization on 4th of April, at felony court of appeals in Larisa.

To the ones defending the case of Anarchist Action


After years of sharing with you moments of resistance in the social aspects of the class war, I send you my wholehearted solidarity and appreciation from the dungeons of my captivity.

The trial of the Anarchist Action takes places during a time period of burying the revolutionary tendency and the analysis of the elements of resistance. The absence of an actual revolutionary movement with common positions, strategic aim and values is turning into a reality that is here to permanently stay, which leads to giving space to the normalization of the devaluation of radical actions and thoughts.

Continue reading International call of the captive member of the organization Anarchist Action Th. Chatziaggelou. (Greece)

No Cop City Anywhere: Governor Unveils Cop City NJ Plans (USA)

No Cop City Anywhere: Governor Unveils Cop City NJ Plans
Posted on March 29, 2023

We begin by quoting the recent press release from the governor’s office:

“The Governor’s budget continues to support initiatives that keep communities safe, including supporting law enforcement personnel and community-led prevention programs. As part of the Governor’s efforts to reduce violent crime in the State, the budget makes significant investments in the Division of Criminal Justice to staff new units and expand existing units with a focus on reducing gun violence, auto thefts, and exploitation, such as human trafficking and labor cases.

The budget also makes significant investments to strengthen the ranks of the New Jersey State Police, allocating $120 million to begin building a new training center for the next generation of New Jersey State Police and proposing an additional $5 million for the 166th State Trooper recruit class.

Continue reading No Cop City Anywhere: Governor Unveils Cop City NJ Plans (USA)

EN/EL/FR/ Statement Concerning S., Comrade in Life-Threatening Condition Following Protest in Sainte-Soline,in France.

Statement Concerning S., Comrade in Life-Threatening Condition Following Protest in Sainte-Soline, France

On Saturday the 25th of March at Sainte-Soline, our comrade S. was hit in the head by an explosive grenade during the protest against the giant retention basins. Despite his critical condition, the prefecture deliberately prevented the emergency services from intervening at first, and from transporting him to a special care unit in a second phase. He is currently in a neurosurgical intensive care. He is still in a critical condition.

The massive outbreak of violence that the protesters have gone through led to hundreds of wounded, and many of them suffered serious physical injuries, as we can read in the various reports available. The 30 000 protesters came with the aim to block the construction site of the Sainte-Soline giant retention basin, which is a water-appropriation project defended by a minority for the benefit of a capitalist model that has nothing more to defend other than death. The violence of the armed wing of the democratic State illustrates it vividly.
Continue reading EN/EL/FR/ Statement Concerning S., Comrade in Life-Threatening Condition Following Protest in Sainte-Soline,in France.

Mexican $tate, Xalapa, Veracruz : Down with Prison

Down with Prison

From the south of the territory dominated by the mexican $tate, Xalapa, Veracruz, We add these contributions of protest for the freedom of Alfredo Cospito, Yorch Esquivel, prisoners of Chile, prisoners of Eloxochitlan and all the other anarchists held hostage in the cages of the enemy.

Fire to the prisons and active solidarity in the war on the streets. Freedom for prisoners at war.

Banner Drop for Welaunee Forest Defenders (Montreal,Canada)

Banner Drop for Welaunee Forest Defenders

Militarization and expansion of police power is a global threat. The fight back against the Cop City development project in Atlanta mirrors other local struggles everywhere. This solid and long standing frontline struggle represents how the destruction of natural habitats is interconnected with state violence and repression.

At the edge of Welaunee forest, every cop pushed back with fireworks and every piece of construction equipment set ablaze is welcomed with cheer from companions all over turtle island and beyond.

We made and dropped this banner in Montréal in solidarity with all the arrestees in Altanta, even the innocent ones. We will never forget Tortuguita.
Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

Montevideo, Uruguay ; Banner in Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito

Montevideo :  Banner in Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito

As a gesture of rebellious complicity and response to the international call for solidarity with the comrade Alfredo, we dropped this banner off front of one of the houses that the Italian community has in the Uruguayan capital. The comrade has been on hunger strike for more than 100 days, fighting until death against the 41Bis torture regime and life in prison.

The fact that the Italian state is letting him die is no surprise, and is is crucial to multiply and expand gestures of solidarity and action to support our comrade. Let’s not wait for the worst outcome to take to the streets.


via: anarquistasanticarcelarixs