Category Archives: Solidarity Events, e.t.c.

Perugia,Italy 14th March 2023: Update on the review hearing for re-examination of the precautionary measures in ”operation Sibilla” and statements of some of the comrades under investigation.

via: lanemesi Translated to English by Act for freedom now!


Update on the review hearing for re-examination of the precautionary measures in operation Sibilla and statements of some of the comrades under investigation (Perugia, 14th March 2023)

The hearing for re-examination of the precautionary measures for anarchists in operation Sibilla of 11th November 2021 took place on March 14th in the bunker courtroom inside the prison of Capanne in Perugia. It concerned the comrades for whom measures were ordered on charges of incitement to commit a crime (414 criminal code), aggravated by the aim of terrorism, in connection with the drafting, publication and distribution of the first six issues of the anarchist newspaper “Vetriolo” and other articles and interventions.

Among the comrades under investigation are Alfredo Cospito, on hunger strike for over 140 days, and Gianluca, currently under house arrest for a year now for the investigation Diamante.
This second re-examination resulted from the Court of Cassation’s ruling last June granting the prosecutor Manuela Comodi’s request, annulling the previous order of the review court which had revoked the precautionary measures in December 2021.

Alfredo Cospito participated in the hearing by video link from the Milan prison of Opera and three comrades under investigation were present in the courtroom in the Peurugia prison of Capanne. The hearing took place behind closed doors, while there were around 40 comrades in solidarity outside. The three comrades under investigation who attended the hearing in the bunker courtroom spoke (two of them with written statements) and each greeted Alfredo warmly. Alfredo made a long statement, in which he was very lucid and was loaded with his usual sarcasm (‘I prefer comedy to melodrama’).’I want to start with the words of my instigator,’ he began, quoting a stance of the current minister of justice Nordio going back to 2019 concerning 41 bis. The comrade then reiterated the meaning and perspective of the hunger strike against the detention regime, which he called a ‘medieval muzzle’ and a ‘metastasis that will spread to political dissent’. Alfredo said he does not accept this non-life and will go on until the end. “For anarchists, who have no organisation, the given word is everything.” That is why he will keep his word, going on to the bitter end. “I will leave with dignity. I hope that those who love me understand that.” The comrade wished to point out that, in the situation in which he is imprisoned, “the only remnants of light I see are the acts of my anarchist brothers and sisters around the world”, “Thank you anarchists. I love you”. Finally, he concluded: “Abolition of the 41 bis regime. Abolition of life imprisonment without parole. Solidarity with all anarchist, communist and revolutionary prisoners in the world”.
Continue reading Perugia,Italy 14th March 2023: Update on the review hearing for re-examination of the precautionary measures in ”operation Sibilla” and statements of some of the comrades under investigation.

Greece: Poster in Gr/En/ Honor Forever To Lampros Fountas, Freedom for Alfredo Cospito

From Theory to Practice
For Anarchy
Honor Forever To Lampros Fountas

The comrade and member of the rebel anarchist organization Revolutionary Struggle fell with a gun in his hand after a fight with police during the organization’s preparatory action for attacks on economic targets on March 10, 2010.

Freedom To Italian Anarchist Alfredo Cospito

The comrade has been on an exhausting hunger strike since 20/10/2022 in Italian prisons demanding with his life the abolition of the torturous isolation regime 41 BIS imposed on him. Alfredo Cospito has been in prison since 2013 for the 2012 shooting of a nuclear power company director.

We Don’t Forget The Dead

We Don’t Forget Our prisoners Comrades

In The Anti-State Struggle

Anarchist Squat Utopia A.D.


Από Τη Θεωρία Στη Πράξη

Για Την Αναρχία

Τιμή Για Πάντα Στον Λάμπρο Φούντα

Ο σύντροφος και μέλος της αντάρτικής αναρχικής οργάνωσης Επαναστατικός Αγώνας έπεσε με το όπλο στο χέρι μετά από συμπλοκή με μπάτσους κατά τη διάρκεια προπαρασκευαστικής ενέργειας της οργάνωσης για επιθέσεις σε οικονομικούς στόχους στις 10 Μαρτίου 2010.

Λευτεριά Στον Ιταλό Αναρχικό Alfredo Cospito

Ο σύντροφος διεξάγει μια εξαντλητική απεργία πείνας από τiς 20/10/2022 στις Ιταλικές φυλακές διεκδικώντας με τη ζωή του την κατάργηση του βασανιστικού καθεστώτος απομόνωσης 41 BIS που του έχει επιβληθεί. Ο Alfredo Cospito βρίσκετε φυλακισμένος από το 2013 για τον πυροβολισμό του διευθυντή εταιρίας πυρηνικής ενέργειας το 2012.

Δεν Ξεχνάμε Τους Νεκρούς Δεν Ξεχνάμε Τους Αιχμάλωτους Συντρόφους Και Συντρόφισσες Μας Στον Αντικρατικό Αγώνα

Αναρχικό Στέκι Utopia A.D.

Perugia, Italy : Alfredo Cospito case – Update 14.3.23

Perugia : Alfredo Cospito case – Update 14.3.23

This morning Alfredo was connected by teleconference during a hearing of the Perugia Court of Appeal, which was asked to review the request for the annulment of the injunctions ordered by the investigating magistrate, following a request by the local prosecutor against him and five other suspects for articles published in the anarchist newspaper Vetriolo.

According to the indictment, Alfredo and the other five are accused, among other things, of incitement to commit a crime, with the aim of terrorism and the subversion and overthrow of the democratic order. Until now, the suspects in this case have remained free.
Alfredo started speaking and read a long text, claiming the battle against the suppression of freedom imposed by the 41bis regime, but also of freedom of expression, both for himself and for his co-defendants. There was no mention of his health, but his seriousness was more than evident to those who saw him. He stressed in particular that he never wanted to be a ‘martyr’, and that this was part of his battle to assert his rights.

Continue reading Perugia, Italy : Alfredo Cospito case – Update 14.3.23

Fallen in the Struggle for Anarchy and Social Revolution: LAMBROS FOUNDAS, PRESENT!

13 years ago, the anarchist comrade Lambros Fountas, an armed guerrilla member of  the R.O. Revolutionary Struggle, was murdered by a state guard’s gun during a preparatory action of the Revolutionary Struggle.  in the Daphne area of Athens in the early hours  of 10/3/2010.

Solidarity to the comrades of R.O. Revolutionary Struggle Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis – Strength until Freedom.

Act for freedom now!

Support economically and politically the 4 anarchists comrades in pre-trial detention. No one alone against the state! International revolutionary solidarity! (Greece)

Financial support of the four comrades in pre-trial detention

The following text is the political view of the Assembly in Solidarity with the four comrades in pre-trial detention Fotis D., Jason R., Lambros V. and Panagiotis V.

On November 14th, 2021 an unmarked police vehicle rammed into the comrades Fotis D. and Jason R. as they were in motion and then they were taken to the General Police Department of Attica. There, the uniformed garbage of the Greek Police proceeded to mandatory fingerprinting and DNA sampling, in order to link them to the attack on the Piraeus traffic police on the same night. In a process that took only half a day, they raided their homes, making sure to plant incriminating evidence, thus building a weak case against them. At the same time, the media indulged in their usual vile role, talking about homes being bomb and explosives manufacturing facilities, in an attempt to normalise the new criminal code in the public mind (which upgrades the possession and use of Molotov cocktails to a felony). It is worth noting, that the code came into force the day before their arrest. For the millionth time, the fabrication of guilty people by the media, has socially reinforced the prosecution’s argument and created the appropriate ground for the pre-trial detention of our two comrades, who have been held captive for 15 months in the Korydallos and Avlona hellholes.

With the trial date not being set and the case file still open, the interrogator had room to implicate more people. Following a prosecution conducted by the interrogator, on Tuesday morning 20/9, state cops accompanied by a prosecutor, stormed into the house of comrades Panagiotis V. and Lambros V. The comrades were arrested and detained in GADA, where for several hours the reasons for their detention were not known and they were not given the right to communicate with their lawyers or their close ones. The next day, they were tried by the Single-Member Plenary Court in Evelpidon for violation of the weapons law and were later released.

Continue reading Support economically and politically the 4 anarchists comrades in pre-trial detention. No one alone against the state! International revolutionary solidarity! (Greece)

Athens,Greece: We call for a solidarity gathering with microphone, Saturday 11 March at 13.00 in Kapnikarea Square, Freedom for the anarchist prisoner in hunger strike (since 20/10/22) ALFREDO COSPITO! EN/ IT.

Athens : We call for a solidarity gathering with microphone, saturday 11 March at 13.00 in Kapnikarea Square. Freedom for the anarchist prisoner in hunger strike (since 20/10/22) ALFREDO COSPITO!

simply cannot live in an inhumane regime like that of the 41bis, where I cannot freely read what I want. […] The only chance I have to get out of this regime is to deny my anarchy and sell out someone to put in my place. A regime where I cannot have any human contact where I can no longer see or stroke a blade of grass or hug a loved one. A regime where photos of your parents are confiscated.I will carry on my fight to the bitter end, not because of ‘blackmail’ but because this is not life.

Alfredo Cospito

41bis: 24/7 electronic surveillance, 1person per cell of 2×3 meters, 1 hour per day for socializing in a group of 4 people, 1 visit per month of 1 hour with no physical contact, censorship and control of written material, presence at court only trough video calls // 750 prisoners in 41bis, 3 political prisoners (from BR-PCC) since 17 years and 1 suicide of a political prisoner from the red brigades (BR-PCC) under this specific prison regime.

At 24/2/23 the Italian state condemned Alfredo Cospito to death trough the confirmation of keeping him under the 41bis torture regime.

We call for a solidarity gathering with microphone, saturday 11 March at 13.00 in Kapnikarea Square (Athens, Greece).

Open assembly in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito


[it] Semplicemente non posso vivere in un regime disumano come quello del 41bis, dove non posso leggere liberamente quello che voglio. […] L ‘unica possibilità che ho di uscire é quella di rinnegare la mia anarchia e vendermi qualcuno da mettere al posto mio. Un regime dove non posso avere alcun contatto umano dove non posso più vedere o accarezzare un filo d erba o abbracciare una persona cara. Un regime dove le foto dei tuoi genitori vengono sequestrate. Porterò avanti la mia lotta fino alle estreme conseguenze, non per un “ricatto” ma perché questa non é vita.

Alfredo Cospito

41bis: 24/7 sorveglianza elettronica, 1persona per cella di 2x3metri, 1ora di socialità in gruppo di 4 persone, 1 visita per mese senza contatto fisico, censura e controllo del materiale scritto, processi fatti in videoconferenza // 750 persone, 3 prigionieri politici da 17 anni e 1 prigioniera politica suicidata delle brigate rosse (BR-PCC) sono in 41bis.

Il 24/02/23 lo stato italiano ha condannato Alfredo a morte confermando il regime di tortura del 41bis.

Presidio – interventi al microfono in solidarietà con il compagno. Sabato 11 Marzo alle 13.00. Piazza Kapnikarea (Atene, Grecia).

Assemblea aperta di solidarietà con Alfredo Cospito

Libertà per l’anarchico in sciopero della fame (dal 20/10/22) ALFREDO COSPITO

Fuoco al regime di tortura del 41bis ed ergastolo statico.

Besançon (Doubs)France : News from Anarchist comrade Boris

Besançon (Doubs): news from Boris

via: sansnom

A Good Wheelchair for Boris!

April 2020

Two relay antennas illuminate the confined night

While half of the world’s population was confined to their homes, an anarchist from Besançon was riding his bike to Mont Poupet in the Jura Mountains. It was at the top of these steep slopes that Boris lit up two large relay antennas with the flames of subversion on the night of April 10, 2020: those of four cell phone operators, but also of the police and the gendarmerie, causing nearly 100,000 euros worth of damage.

Identified by a trace of DNA found on site, the comrade was be incarcerated in the prison of Nancy and sentenced in April 2021 to four years in prison, two of which with no remission. In a public letter written from inside, he defended his act by his desire to oppose through direct action the increasing digitalization of our lives, with all the control, the environmental and social devastation that it implies. Unfortunately, while waiting for the date of the appeal, the comrade was seriously injured in August in a fire in the cell where he was, and the investigation on the origin and readiness of the screws to let him suffocate is still ongoing. It is thus with the medical power that Boris has been confronted for more than a year and a half. Continue reading Besançon (Doubs)France : News from Anarchist comrade Boris

Latest update 6.3.23 on Anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito (Italy)

via:athens.indymedia.Translated to English by Act for freedom now!

6.03.23 Latest update on Alfredo Cospito

In unprecedented delirium the government in Italy is speaking of ‘brutal criminals’ who launch violence against ‘citizens’ (…) ‘with guerrilla warfare, seriously injuring law and order and security officers’ (…) after Saturday’s demonstration in Turin in support of Alfredo Cospito and against the monstrous 41bis regime and life sentence.

The Italian State of exception is calling for VIOLENT REPRESSION of all those supporting Cospito’s cause – for which it has been called upon by the UN to provide evidence that he is being held ‘with respect for his rights and dignity’, a fact which is negated by the very conditions of 41 bis

Continue reading Latest update 6.3.23 on Anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito (Italy)

Alfredo Cospito latest update on 4.03.2023 ( Italy)

Alfredo Cospito latest update



There are demonstrations all over Italy. In Turin there is a big solidarity march, with the main slogan ‘The Struggle Does Not End’, just as there were demonstrations in Milan. Florence, in the central piazza D’Azeglio, anti-fascist march with a group of demonstrators singing Bella Ciao and chanting slogans for the release of Alfredo from 41bis. We are talking about thousands of people (estimated at 20,000), including students, with a shining example being high school principal Annalisa Savino, who sent the message ‘Fascism was born out of indifference’.

This morning the standard medical examination was carried out by a trusted doctor of the choice of lawyer F.Rossi Albertini, according to which Alfredo’s health condition is irreversible.

After the decision not to revoke the 41bis, Alfredo – as he had said – automatically stopped taking the potassium supplements that he had to take just before the decision, in order to have time to hear it. He has lost another kilo, he has very noticeable muscle atrophy and abdominal cramps. The situation he is in is extremely painful. He is heading for a slow and painfully agonizing death. We are awaiting the results of the biochemical tests on a sample taken this morning. The doctor has requested that the next tests be done in the hospital, not at the prison hospital where he was rushed back last week. This is a critical week.

Continue reading Alfredo Cospito latest update on 4.03.2023 ( Italy)