Category Archives: Solidarity Events, e.t.c.

(Hamburg-Germany) Neither guilty nor innocent! Solidarity with the anarchists Mónica and Francisco!

Hamburg: Neither guilty nor innocent! Solidarity with the anarchists Mónica and Francisco!

Neither guilty nor innocent!
Solidarity with the anarchists Mónica and Francisco!

On July 24, 2020, three houses in Santiago de Chile were stormed and the two anarchists Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar were arrested. They have been in custody since then. They are accused of actions against representatives of state repression, including Rodrigo Hinzpeter, Chile’s former interior minister, and a station of the Carabineros de Chile. The two revolutionaries are also accused of other explosive charges. On May 19, the trial of our two comrades-in-arms will begin. We
want to inform ourselves about their situation, their
history and ideas as well as the trial and give space to our solidarity.
There will be a contribution (via video) by fellow activists from Chile,
and we will also read texts by the two prisoners.
We also want to eat together.

27.05.23, ab 16 h

Anarchistsiche Bibliothek Die Sturmflut
im Libertären Zentrum //Karo-Viertel
Karolinenstr. 21 (Hinterhaus) nähe U2- Messehallen

Graffiti slogans in solidarity with the four imprisoned anarchist comrades Fotis, Iasonas, Panos, Lampros (Berlin,Germany)

Berlin: Graffiti slogans in solidarity with the four imprisoned anarchist comrades Fotis, Iasonas, Panos, Lampros

Graffiti slogans in solidarity with the four anarchist comrades Fotis D., Iasonas R., Panos B. and Lampros B., accused for the attack on the Piraeus traffic police station in Athens.

They are held imprisoned 1,5 years now and their trial begins on the 8th of May 9am at Korydallos prison courthouse.





Announcing the 2023 Northwest Anarchy Fair! (Portland,USA)

Announcing the 2023 Northwest Anarchy Fair!

Portland, OR

May 13th and 14th, 11am-???

Location TBA…

Come one, come all! To the Northwest anarchist bookfair and carnival! We’ll have games, zines, food, workshops, fire, face painting, books,
shock collar races, discussions, campouts, throwing contests, spicy
piñatas, skillshares, bike jousting, wicked clowns, chaos, and whatever else you come up with!
Tap in, get creative.

More information soon at

Sainte​-​Soline (Benefit EP)

On Saturday 25 March in Sainte Soline (France), our comrade Serge was hit in the head by an explosive grenade during the demonstration against
the water basins. In spite of his state of absolute emergency, the
prefecture knowingly prevented the emergency services from intervening in a first time and to engage his transport in an adapted care unit in a second time. He is currently in neurosurgical intensive care. His vital prognosis is still engaged. Another comrade, Mickael, was hit in the throat by an LBD shot and had to undergo delicate brain surgery. Others lost an eye, a foot, a hand, their hearing, etc. There were 200 injured after an hour of confrontation with the cops.
Continue reading Sainte​-​Soline (Benefit EP)

Athens, Greece: Banner of solidarity with the French rebels and comrade Serge.

Athens: Banner of solidarity with the French rebels

Last week, as a sign of solidarity, a banner was hung on the Mustoxydis bridge for the oppressed and exploited who have been revolting and fighting in the streets of France for many weeks against the increase of the retirement age to 64 years.

Unreserved solidarity to all those in struggle.

Solidarity to those injured and traumatised by State repression.
Strength to comrade Serge, injured by the cops, who has been in a coma for 17 days.

Against the State and Capital
Struggle for Social Revolution, for Anarchy

Anarchist collective On the Road (Αναρχική συλλογικότητα Καθ’οδόν)

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Greece: Rage and solidarity from Thessaloniki March 2023

Rage and solidarity from Thessaloniki March 2023

Tuesday 28th March 2023, in Thessaloniki, 500 people demonstrated in support of the social movement in France. The communiqué concerning the comrades of S., who is in coma following the repression in Saint-Solinia, was read in English and in Greek.

On our banner, the slogan was taken up which was used after the racist murder of the young Kostas Fragoulis, shot by the police last December: the blood flows, calling for an uprising!

In France as in Greece, the bourgeoisie uses violence as a defense mechanism. In order to face them, let us build our solidarity beyond their borders.

We support all the victims of the repression in France.

We share your rage. Long live the revolution!


listen video : http://77xqldfym373pgwif6mcakdcgbc7u3k3rivpzgew4wzejwos3zqkzsid.onion/IMG/mp4/signal-2023-03-28-193704_002.mp4

via: http://77xqldfym373pgwif6mcakdcgbc7u3k3rivpzgew4wzejwos3zqkzsid.onion/rage-et-soutien-de-thessalonique-16865?lang=fr

Athens,Greece: Solidarity Gathering Saturday 22/4, at Koridallos prison.

“It’s a struggle of resistance to not be buried alive! It is a struggle for hope, for freedom, for life itself.”
Prisoners of Korydallos Prison

Since 28/10/22 the prisoners of the Greek hellholes have been sending their own message of resistance against the new toughened penal code by carrying out a Circle of escalating mobilizations.

Their demands include the return of prisons to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice, the abolition of C-type prisons, the right to 1/5 off the sentence for all (from 5/6) and 8 years for multi-lifers, the right to request a transfer to a rural detention centre for all without exception, to bring back the amendments to the article on educational leave, temporary leave to be made independently of the prisoner’s disciplinary record, and the immediate granting of leave to people with 67% or more disability, such as Savvas Xiros, who is being held vindictively and sadistically incarcerated, with a disability of 98%. This mobilization is essential resistance of the prisoners with the few means they have.

Continue reading Athens,Greece: Solidarity Gathering Saturday 22/4, at Koridallos prison.

Athens,Greece : ALFREDO OUT OF 41 BIS!


Open assembly to organize a response commensurate with the importance of the situation

The struggle waged by anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito against the 41bis prison regime and the life imprisonment without parole has reached its most dramatic point. Notwithstanding the opening of contradictions (opinion of the DNAA, opinion of the DDA of Turin, opinion of the PG at the Court of Cassation, order of the re-examination of the Sibilla Operation) every time an institutional organism with effective power to resolve the question opened by the comrade has met, the most manectarian and warmongering faction of the State has invested all its political power to crush any possible opening.

We have said it too many times: Alfredo’s death sentence is now an established fact, if the comrade is still alive we owe it solely to his extraordinary resistance. The decision to lock up an anarchist in 41 bis prison regime for the first time, taken by the previous Draghi government and Minister Marta Cartabia, as well as the determination to persevere in this criminal choice by the new right-wing government of Meloni and the current minister Carlo Nordio, count as an act of war. The tip of the iceberg of the “internal front” of a larger war, which on the international level is fought between NATO and the Russian Federation, and which is being expressed in our home with an unprecedented attack against social antagonism, against conflictual unionism and especially against action anarchism.

Continue reading Athens,Greece : ALFREDO OUT OF 41 BIS!

Germany: Annual Chaotic – Anarchist Meeting from the 13th to the 16th of April 2023 in Bielefeld.

We want anarchy. We want freedom and autonomy for all without domination and borders. We want the subversion of the existing. We want social revolution.

So that our will and our ideas won‘t stay phrases without content, we have to confront ourselves with the surrounding reality—that is, with those conditions and this world in which we‘re forced to live here and now.

That‘s why we create a public space, to come together, meet each other and start to talk to one another.
We want to discuss. In bigger and smaller sessions, with new faces and known ones.

Where are we? How ought we struggle? Where to intervene, without compromise, organisations and without getting trapped in politics? And with whom? What does it mean to talk about revolt, insurrection and social revolution in a world striving for the abyss on the one hand and turning a digital prison on the other?

The meeting will take place from the 13th to the 16th of April 2023 in Bielefeld.

All anarchists, wild hearts, free spirits, subversives, and rebels recognizing themselves in this invitation are welcome.
There will be sleeping spaces and food. The number of sleeping spaces isn’t infinite. The earlier you let us know you are coming, the better. Additionally, there are parking spaces close by for those who bring their vans to sleep.

You will find a detailed program and more information in March on this blog:
Email: acat[ät]

So far, we have been considering the following topics:
• anarchist perspectives on war • recuperation of struggles by political parties, organisations, and other authoritarian sects • anarchist perspectives and interventions in social struggles (i.e. youth revolts) • social revolution in the face of dystopian conditions • anti-patriarchal struggles • dealing with repression, prison, and persecution • struggles against the digital enclosure of the world

In the meantime, there will be a lot of space to hang out an get to know each other. Bring your distros!

Flyer.vs2 plakat-vs5

EN/GR/: Important updates on the health condition and the condition of imprisonment for the anarchist Alfredo Cospito (Italy)

Important updates on the health condition and the condition of inprisonment for the anarchist Alfredo Cospito

Alfredo has NOT ended the hunger strike!

The news circulated in the media these days is false and slanderous, as is now the habit in this story: he was offered milk, but Alfredo refused it. If he decides to start eating again, he will follow the instructions given to him by his trusted doctor some time ago.

In view of the hearing on April 18, he decided to resume supplements: potassium to stabilize the heart, vitamins to try to stem the neurological problem in the lower limbs, and proteins. After the hearing at the constitutional court in Rome, called to express itself on the legal legitimacy of granting or not extenuating circumstances in relation to the conviction for 285 c. p. (“massacre for the purpose of undermining the security of the State”, which only provides for life imprisonment) decreed by the cassation in the context of the Scripta Manent process, will decide how to proceed.

Continue reading EN/GR/: Important updates on the health condition and the condition of imprisonment for the anarchist Alfredo Cospito (Italy)