Category Archives: Solidarity Events, e.t.c.

$hilean state : Claim from Santiago August 23, 2023

Claim from Santiago
August 23, 2023

(Extracted from Red de Lucha y Propaganda)

To sabotage the absurd and oppressive daily life imposed on us by the capital system and reject the passive proposal of social democracy in the face of the needs of the oppressed class, today we position ourselves as self-convened anarchists, who believe in cooperativism, mutual aid, mutualism, armed insurrection and social war.

Through these ideas our thinking is created, seeking to create new networks and ways of relating to replace the hierarchical pyramids that have oppressed us throughout history.

These pyramids that have divided us have clear culprits, where in addition to the participation of businessmen and the $hilean state, we must not forget the political parties and pseudo-revolutionary organizations that have led the oppressed class to remain subjected to this system. P.C, P.S, P.P.D, R.D, C.S, among others. Also those who have historically contained the oppressed masses to rebel against this system, under the excuse of letting them govern in peace so that they can govern for the people, adding to their coalitions and nefarious militant youth. And organizations like the GAP, the SER, the CEP, the FAR, among others, have led us to the conformist blindness of a false illusion of struggle against those who oppress us, leading the forces of the people to a struggle of ego to see who is more revolutionary.

Continue reading $hilean state : Claim from Santiago August 23, 2023

Besançon (Doubs) France :For Anarchist Comrade Boris’s wheelchair is on its way!

Besançon (Doubs): Boris’s wheelchair is on its way!

At the beginning of July, we urgently re-launched our appeal for financial support for the purchase of a custom-made electric wheelchair for Boris. As a reminder, Boris is the anarchist comrade from Besançon who, during the first lockdown, destroyed two cell towers belonging to the cops and cell phone operators in the Jura region, before being incarcerated in Nancy and then seriously injured in a fire in the cell where he was locked up, leaving him a quadriplegic.

Boris has been back in the Besançon area for two months. He has left the hospital in Chalon-sur-Saône, where he was in an SSR (Follow up and Readaptation Care) unit, and is now living in a medicalized home adapted to his situation… where he will be able to receive the wheelchair at the end of September! What’s more, the fund-raising appeal was once again warmly received in many places, and nearly 11,000 additional euros were raised this summer. Continue reading Besançon (Doubs) France :For Anarchist Comrade Boris’s wheelchair is on its way!

Noise Demo for Anarchist Toby Shone ( Bristol,UK )

Fireworks at HMP Bristol for Imprisoned Anarchist Toby Shone

Anarchists gathered at HMP Bristol on Friday 21 September at 8pm. As darkness fell, fireworks were launched over the prison to protest the rearrest of anarchist Toby Shone and to let him know he is never alone.

Toby was arrested by an armed police unit while he was driving to
Gloucester at 9am on Tuesday 19 September. The arrest was apparently ordered by Ashley Fussell from the National Security Division Wales and South West. The armed police unit is based at Bamfurlong, Gloucestershire, and was involved in Toby’s original arrest in November 2020.

Continue reading Noise Demo for Anarchist Toby Shone ( Bristol,UK )

South London , UK : We are presenting a two-part event, The Social War in the Territory Dominated by the Chilean State – And International Solidarity with anarchist and subversive prisoners, at the Touchpaper Anarchist Library.


an unrelenting struggle, an insurrectional dream.
Social war and repression of anarchists and subversives in the territory dominated by the Chilean state

“Continuing to take paths of rupture is therefore a small victory, showing that, even if the State shows us its worst face, it cannot bend us. We think that solidarity with those affected by repression must necessarily be transgressive and offensive, free from any pessimistic and victimist discourse. The use of all our creativity, limited only by our anarchist principles, is fundamental…”

Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar, 2017.

Chilean society is a modern democratic one. The industrial ravaging of indigenous land is conducted for the benefit of American, British and European corporations and is managed by endless ‘anti-terrorist’ operations. The administrators of society, from the bosses of production and mass-media to the scientists and the military; from the priests and politicians to the judges and police, have all undergone a costume-change since the years of fascist dictatorship.

Over this time the territory has been the subject of economic booms and collapses, times of social peace and democratic recuperation as well as some of the most intense social rebellions in recent times that have not been short of explosive examples throughout the world.
Continue reading South London , UK : We are presenting a two-part event, The Social War in the Territory Dominated by the Chilean State – And International Solidarity with anarchist and subversive prisoners, at the Touchpaper Anarchist Library.

EN/IT/FR/ES: The state would like to silence revolutionary anarchist propaganda… we will neither be silenced nor stopped, Poster in solidarity with those investigated in the ”Scripta Scelera” operation (Italy)

solidarity poster scripta scelera english pdf (it can be printed as an A3 poster and as an A4 flyer).

The state would like to silence revolutionary anarchist propaganda…

Four house arrests with restrictions on visits, communication and the electronic bracelet, five obligations to stay in the municipality of residence combined with the obligation to return home at night from 7 pm to 7 am (including one subsequently aggravated to house arrest), in front of a request of ten arrests in prison; house searches and against the Circolo Culturale Anarchico “Gogliardo Fiaschi” and a commercial typography in Carrara (initially placed under seizure and released after a few days); huge seizures of papers and anarchist and revolutionary publications… This was the outcome of the repressive operation Scripta Scelera of August 8th against the internationalist anarchist fortnightly “Bezmotivny”. A “surgical raid” against a paper that for three years has published analyses and reflections aimed at the critical in-depth analysis of social reality, as well as claims and informative texts concerning actions of attack against structures and figures of the state and capital, responsible for all forms of exploitation and social oppression.

After the media hullabaloo and pompous declarations, if you allow, we also have something to say

We are not surprised by operations like this. Ever since anarchism emerged – not from the scholarly abstractions of some philosopher, but from revolutionary experiences, from the aspirations of the oppressed – anarchists’ papers have been hit. States have a long history of massacres, torture, assassinations, thousands of years of imprisonment against revolutionaries. We have the impetus of the dream and the risk of action, the determination of the will and the strength of necessity. And we continue on the path we have taken… Let inquisitors and illustrious magistrates get over it, beyond and against all censorship and repression, we will continue to rejoice every time this authoritarian social reality is attacked, its certainties shattered and troubled by the roar of revolt.

Continue reading EN/IT/FR/ES: The state would like to silence revolutionary anarchist propaganda… we will neither be silenced nor stopped, Poster in solidarity with those investigated in the ”Scripta Scelera” operation (Italy)


– FROM 16 TO 23 SEPTEMBER 2023

“To all organizations, autonomous collectives, activists and unions committed to social justice.

We are the loved ones, friends, families and supporters of the December 8 group – a group of nine people targeted by anti-terrorist operation on the same date, and have been mobilizing since December 8th 2020 to support them.

This case will go to trial very soon, from October 3rd to 27th 2023.

We call on you to mobilize in support of this December 8 case and, more generally, against the unprecedented extension of the anti-terrorist arsenal of the state.

Bure,France: Solidarity with the evicted squats in Athens and Montreuil (Paris)

Bure: Solidarity with the evicted squats in Athens and Montreuil (Paris)

From the self-organised camp of meeting and struggles in Bure in the northeast of France we send a small sign of solidarity to our comrades from the evicted squats in Athens and Paris.

Here in Bure a local struggle is taking place for the last 30 years against the plans of the French state and the Andra company to install a burial unit oc nuclear waste. In the context of this struggle a 10 day camp was organised for individuals and teams from all over the world who struggle against the pillage of nature and build collective/self-organised structures in the countryside to meet. More infos about this struggle and the camp here:

Continue reading Bure,France: Solidarity with the evicted squats in Athens and Montreuil (Paris)