Celebrating the 1st Birthday of Touchpaper Anarchist Library!
Tuesday 8th August
Open from 4pm
+ Special Zine Launch from 7pm!
385 Queens Road
New Cross
SE14 5HD
Weekly open hours:
Tuesday 4-9pm
Sunday 2-7pm
Celebrating the 1st Birthday of Touchpaper Anarchist Library!
Tuesday 8th August
Open from 4pm
+ Special Zine Launch from 7pm!
385 Queens Road
New Cross
SE14 5HD
Weekly open hours:
Tuesday 4-9pm
Sunday 2-7pm
Gesture of Solidarity with Monica and Francisco
July 19, 2023
On the afternoon of July 17, 2023, on the eve of the beginning of the trial against the anarchists Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, we decided to carry out a solidarity action in front of the Chilean embassy in Montevideo. The purpose of this action is to demonstrate the violence and viciousness of the government in power and the justice system in general that has kept them in preventive detention for three years now, a government that even dressed in its best progressive clothes cannot hide the fact that it keeps political prisoners in its prisons.
We do so once again to affirm that there are political prisoners in Chile and to back our comrades absolutely. Their actions are framed in the struggle against the violence of the State, they took the initiative and returned the blows received.
The seas are full of migrants’ bodies
On 14/6 a fishing boat carrying hundreds of migrants sank off Pylos, most of whom drowned in the sea. A few hours later, the civilian co-operator started to blame the shipwreck. However, we know who is solely responsible. This mass murder bears the stamp and signature of the Greek state, which for several years now has made repatriation, xenophobia, racism, dehumanisation and death politics its flag, regardless of who administers it.
The participants in this crime are a bunch of housecitizens who are not bothered by the hundreds of corpses washed up by the much-publicised sea of the Greek tourist industry. Instead they call for blood every time they hear of poor devils crossing the Greek border. But let those who dream of murders and corpses of immigrants understand that the fascism and conservatisation of society is a phenomenon that not only turns against everything that is considered foreign and different, but instead flattens every aspect of everyday life.
Poster for the state murder of migrants in Pylos, which was posted up in the centre of Athens:
(cops, judges, politicians, journalists, fascists)
sleep soundly!
The executioners are innocent.
The dead are guilty.
They will haunt you
via: athens.indymedia
Translated by Act for freedom now!
Solidarity message from Greek prisons.
Tuesday 4 July 2023
My sisters and my brothers. Those of you who are fighting against the military machine of the European imperialist class today. Those of you who have not forgotten the slaughter of the Algerians in Paris 60 years ago. Those of you who are struggling so as not to live like slaves until death. Those of you who went with bare hands in front of the lines of the killers, for water, for the land, for the community and the freedom. Those of you who revive the spirit of Louis Blanqui. The youth of the Commune. You thunder deep into our hearts to us, the captive guerrillas all over the earth. The confrontation will continue to become more and more violent day – day. Capitalist culture has no future. We give all our existence to build proletarian – social autonomy and armed power.
Long live revolutionary anarchism.
Long live the international.
Ahead is the rebellion.
Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis: Messaggio di solidarietà dalle carceri greche sulla rivolta in Francia
Messaggio di solidarietà dalle carceri greche
Martedì 4 luglio 2023
Sorelle e fratelli miei. Voi che oggi combattete contro la macchina militare dell’ordine imperialista europeo […]. Voi che non avete dimenticato il massacro degli algerini a Parigi 60 anni fa. Voi che state lottando per non vivere come schiavi fino alla morte. Voi che avete marciato a mani nude davanti alle file degli assassini a Sainte-Soline e altrove, per l’acqua, per la terra, per la comunità e per la libertà.
Continue reading EN/IT/GR : Audio Message by Anarchist prisoner D. Chatzivasiliadis for the Uprising in France
We send these words to our comrades, known and unknown, those who feel in their hearts that the death of speciesism needs fierce and uncompromising resistance, outside organizations of every sort, without wishes of reforming this wretched civilization.
Those looking for legalistic campaigns, vegan savourism or cop-hugging pacifism are in the wrong place. These days are about attacking human supremacism and its world, its technologies and ideologies, all the cages that attempt to oppress us – and which we can empower each other to escape.
Continue reading FOREST ANTI-SPE DAYS #4 AUGUST 17-20 2023, HAMBACHER FOREST (Germany)
On Sunday 10th July there was an intervention outside the greek embassy in Ljubljana to focus attention on the racist murder by a cop 2 days before and to continue to call out the state murder of 600 people in pylos.Banners were hung on the building and the gathering shouted slogans in greek and english.
During the summer the greek state is in fever to present itself as paradise to tourists. But this image is reliant on daily violence targeted at racialised people, those claiming asylum, the homeless and drug users who live in the cities.
The internationalist anarchist fortnightly “Bezmotivny”, year III, number 11, 12 June 2023, is out
— The man who fell to earth, “The lives of others”
— Revolution, “The postponement”
— “The wind of anarchy”
— “Call for international action in solidarity with the anarchist on hunger strike G. Michailidis”
— “Stop cop city. International call for solidarity with anarchists in Atlanta, USA”
— “News from Sicily. New military projects”
— Someone* from the territory that isn’t, “Against militarism. For a life outside States”
— “Vademecum for friends of the struggle”
— “Massacre of Via dei Georgofili. Anarchist investigated”
— Alfredo M. Bonanno, “Love and death”
— Assembly of solidarity with Alfredo Cospito and the revolutionary prisoners, “One more thousand insusceptible of repentance. Contribution to the mobilisation in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito”
— “Operation Panico”
— “Greg arrested”
— an anarchist, “Con l’acqua alla gola. An anarchist look at the flood in Romagna”
— Brígadas Anárquicas Luis Ramírez Olaechea, “Explosive attack against the Fundación Paz Ciudadana”
— “UK: revolt in Cardiff”
— “Cardiff. A riotous night of vengeance, rage and defiance”
— “Patras. Barrage of attacks on banks”
— “Thessaloniki, Greece. COSMOTE van set on fire”
— “Roussillon, France. Sabotage of the high-voltage line feeding the Hexcel company in solidarity with Serge”
– “Toulouse, France. No metro no work”
“Bezmotivny”, internationalist anarchist fortnightly, year III, number 11, June 12, 2023. To receive copies and/or subscribe, write to the following e-mail address senzamotivo@riseup.net or to the postbox: Bezmotivny, c/o Casella postale 59, 54033 Carrara (MS).
Cover price: 1,50 euro. Annual subscription: 35 euro. Support subscription: 50 euro. Distributor subscription: contact the editors.
[Received by email and published in https://lanemesi.noblogs.org/post/2023/06/12/e-uscito-bezmotivny-quindicinale-anarchico-internazionalista-anno-iii-numero-11-12-giugno-2023/]
È uscito “Bezmotivny”, quindicinale anarchico internazionalista, anno III, numero 11, 12 giugno 2023
We received a reportback from activists in Greece about a protest and blockade outside Dior. Have a read, and remember that you’re also welcome to send us any reportbacks from any actions you’d like publicised!
“On Friday, June 9, 2023, we held a symbolic blockade outside the Dior store on Voukourestiou Street in Athens, Greece.
LOUIS VUITTON & DIOR are killing animals for their profit
The multinational giant LHMV (Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton), which owns 75 of the most famous fashion companies (Tiffany & Co., Christian Dior, Fendi, Givenchy, Marc Jacobs, Stella McCartney, Loewe, Loro Piana, Kenzo, Celine, Sephora, Princess Yachts, TAG Heuer, and Bulgari et al.) kills animals for profit. The multinational giant LHMV (Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton), which owns 75 of the most famous fashion companies (Tiffany & Co., Christian Dior, Fendi, Givenchy, Marc Jacobs, Stella McCartney, Loewe, Loro Piana, Kenzo, Celine, Sephora, Princess Yachts, TAG Heuer, and Bulgari and more) kills animals for profit.
Continue reading GREEK RESISTANCE AGAINST FUR AND SKIN. (Athens,Greece)
On Wednesday 14/6/2023, off the coast of Pylos, a fishing boat capsized, resulting in the death of more than 600 people. Testimonies of surviving migrants speak of hundreds of women and children trapped in the holds of the fishing boat. The involvement of the Greek Coast Guard in the sinking of the vessel was immediate: not only they did not rescue the passengers when the vessel was already in danger, but according to the compelling testimonies of the survivors, the sinking occurred when the coastguards towed the vessel at high speed using a rope. With complete ignorance of the human lives, the coastguard was a spectator from a distance to the drowning of hundreds of people, launching the rescue operation after 2 full hours.
After the 104 survivors were brought to the shore, the police confiscated 40 survivors’ mobile phones that were in the Kalamata hospital and replaced them, so that the evidence of the Greek coastguard’s responsibility for the sinking of the ship would disappear. According to the survivors, the phones were working and several of them have a recording of the entire trip, including the murderous intervention of the coast guard. Of the 104 survivors of the deadly shipwreck, 9 Egyptians are accused of being traffickers and were taken in an emergency and undercover situation to Nafplion prison It is common practice after the arrival of each ship to select people randomly, and charge them with the above-mentioned charges, in order to criminalize the immigration itself. The remaining migrants, scarred by the traumatic experience, were transferred to the closed camp-prison Malakasa 2. They have no access to decent medical care, legal representation, interpretation and psychological support. They, also, cannot be informed about the situation of their relatives and friends who are missing or are in hospital after the shipwreck, which exacerbates their psychological situation. Pylos was not an accident but a mass murder by the Greek state and the EU!
Continue reading State crime in Pylos|Athens 13/07 Omonoia demo towards EU offices|Panhellenic day of actions (Athens,Greece)