Claim from Santiago
August 23, 2023
(Extracted from Red de Lucha y Propaganda)
To sabotage the absurd and oppressive daily life imposed on us by the capital system and reject the passive proposal of social democracy in the face of the needs of the oppressed class, today we position ourselves as self-convened anarchists, who believe in cooperativism, mutual aid, mutualism, armed insurrection and social war.
Through these ideas our thinking is created, seeking to create new networks and ways of relating to replace the hierarchical pyramids that have oppressed us throughout history.
These pyramids that have divided us have clear culprits, where in addition to the participation of businessmen and the $hilean state, we must not forget the political parties and pseudo-revolutionary organizations that have led the oppressed class to remain subjected to this system. P.C, P.S, P.P.D, R.D, C.S, among others. Also those who have historically contained the oppressed masses to rebel against this system, under the excuse of letting them govern in peace so that they can govern for the people, adding to their coalitions and nefarious militant youth. And organizations like the GAP, the SER, the CEP, the FAR, among others, have led us to the conformist blindness of a false illusion of struggle against those who oppress us, leading the forces of the people to a struggle of ego to see who is more revolutionary.
Continue reading $hilean state : Claim from Santiago August 23, 2023