Category Archives: Solidarity Events, e.t.c.

(Chile) Fiery Demo at Aplicación High School in Solidarity with Zukato, Monica and Francisco

Fiery Demo at Aplicación High School in Solidarity with Zukato, Monica and Francisco

Monday, August 7, posters were pasted barricades were raised, and molotovs were thrown at the Carabineros (COP) in solidarity with Zukato, Monica and Francisco.

The posters red: “Because there’s no space for doubts nor repentence in our heart. Each direct action evokes the presence of all of our dead, mutilated, and imprisoned. The struggle is our best homage.” and “Are you with the powerful or with those who rebel? Faced with the case against the comrades, let’s grow solidarity with Monica and Francisco”.

via: informativoanarquista

Some images:

Solidarity banner from the squatted community of Prosfygika, Athens (Greece)

Solidarity banner from the squatted community of Prosfygika, in Athens

The squatted community of Prosfygika, in Athens, was the setting for 3 days of discussions on a wide range of topics that cut across the community: gentrification, anti-fascism and borders, solidarity with political prisoners, and more.

The workshop on political prisoners announced the opening of a new solidarity campaign with a comrade from the Prosfygika community, Kostas Dimalexis*, incarcerated since November 22, 2022 on similar charges to those of our comrades indicted on 8.12. We (a few French people on the move) took the opportunity of this discussion to explain the case of 8.12, its background and the call for international solidarity for the indicted comrades. We also announced our solidarity with all Palestinian, Turkish and Kurdish political prisoners, with Alfredo Cospito, with our Basque comrades and also with those locked up in the CRA.


via: solidaritytodecember8

Solidarity with comrades of December 8th case, on trial from October 3th to 27th in Paris. (France)

Day 12, Friday, October 20: If you use Signal (Il suffira de Signal..)



An activist from Rennes testifies for C. They met during the Yellow Vests (Gilets Jaunes) in 2018. Later, they rubbed shoulders during preparations for feminist mobilizations on November 25, 2019 and March 8, 2020; also in the preparation of mobilizations with the Justice and Truth for Babacar committee [1] but also in mobilizations with undocumented migrants, notably with the requisition of an apartment building in winter 2020. She describes the desire to build a fairer world, the ideals they uphold, but also the growing repression and criminalization of these groups by the state. She paints a portrait of an activist who rejects ancestry relations and advocates non-violent means of action, a world away from the apocalyptic vision constructed by the DGSI and the public prosecutor’s office.

Next, a witness for S. takes the stand. He is a fire chief at Disney and has been his colleague for over 7 years. He describes S. as a very good, serious and trustworthy fireworker. With the help of the lawyers, his intervention demystified many of the elements developed by the prosecution on the 1st days.

Continue reading Solidarity with comrades of December 8th case, on trial from October 3th to 27th in Paris. (France)

(Chile) Night of Riots for a Black September 11

via: informativoanarquista

Night of Riots for a Black September 11

On this new commemoration of September 11, marking 50 years since the coup d’etat, the figures indicate more than 360 events and demonstrations in the country. Within this number were dozens of barricades, direct action, molotov cocktails thrown, fires set, and even expropriations (looting), bursts of gunfire at the cops and burnt busses.

These actions mainly took place in the emblimatic Villa Francia, Lo Hermida, Cerro Navia, La Victoria, San Bernardo, La Pincoya and Recoleta. Although, actions also happened in Puente Alto, Maipu, Melipilla, La Granja, La Pintana, Ñuñoa, Lo Espejo, Valparaíso and Concepción, among others.

Continue reading (Chile) Night of Riots for a Black September 11

(Chile) Case of the comrade Zukato, and Words of the Mother of Zukato

Case of the comrade Zukato

Saturday, July 22, the comrade Zukato ended up with burns on his body after manipulating an accelerant at the occupation of Aplicación High School, the educational instition that he attends. Due to the seriousness of what happened, he was taken to the emergency room at the Posta Central where he was hospitalized and taken into surgery.

Amid the manipulative practices of the hegemonic press, Zukato’s family made known that around 8:30am on wednesday July 26, the comrade entered the wing for a second time. These interventions, which were very long, were accompanied from the street by students from Tajamar High, L1, Aplicación High and individuals who held vigils across Santiago.

Late on that same Wednesday night, Zukatoś mother was intimidated inside the ex posta central. Despite being authorized by the authorities to move freely through the hospital, not only because her 16-year-old son was gravely injured but also endorsed by the Mila Law (dignified accompaniment law), she was impeded by security guards who obstructed her way to stop her from being able to see Zukato, who was in the wing. In resistance, she defied them, walking down the hallways until more than 10 guards came and physically pushed her out and, in parallel, called carabineros who came quickly to back them up and took her to the police station. After hours, the Carabineros let her go after threatening her.

Continue reading (Chile) Case of the comrade Zukato, and Words of the Mother of Zukato

Activity in Solidarity with Monica and Francisco and Launch of Publication “Complicity & Sedition” (Chile)

Activity in Solidarity with Monica and Francisco and Launch of Publication “Complicity & Sedition”

(Excerpt from Buscandolakalle)

Thanks to everyone who came to the activity in solidarity with Monica and Francisco in Villa Portales, in the context of the trial that they are facing right now.
Thanks to the comrades who supported with music @viejoted @nietotampoco @tijeradegato @macomusica, those who created the space in Villa Portales, and all those in solidarity who collaborated to create and make possible this activity.

The publication “Complicity & Sedition” is already being spread at different fairs, editorials and distributors. If you want copies to spread, write to us to coordinate.
The video and audio of the comrade Francisco’s declaration to the court will be spread in the coming days.

The publication will also be launched in various territories.
Continue reading Activity in Solidarity with Monica and Francisco and Launch of Publication “Complicity & Sedition” (Chile)


We are very happy to invite you to participate in the Anti-Prison Tattoo and Body Modification Convention “Tinta Negra”. We are organising the event to support anarchist, subversive and revolutionary prisoners. The idea is that all the funds raised will go to the prisoners and their solidarity structures.

As a group of different individuals against prison society, we have decided to organise “Tinta Negra”, an anti-prison tattoo and body modification convention in solidarity with anarchist, subversive and revolutionary prisoners, which will take place in October. Tinta negra was born out of the need to financially support comrades in prison. Preventive arrests and their investigation periods are often long and expensive, and long exemplary sentences are part of the hard repressive strategy of inter-states collaboration. The costs are extremely high and difficult to afford, especially for the solidarity circles around the prisoners who are also hit by the repression.


Anarchist Book fair Saturday 7th of October In London 2023 (London,UK)

Anarchist Bookfair In London 2023
Sat 7 October, 11-5pm

The Anarchist Bookfair in London 2023 with take place across six venues in East London.

The Bookfair stalls will all be located at Rich Mix and the ‘Zine stalls will be at Freedom.

The workshops and talks will take place across the four other venues, please take time to check out the schedule and plan accordingly. If you have mobility needs and require extra assistance travelleing between venues get in contact and let us know.

35-47 Bethnal Green Road E1 6LA

84B Whitechapel High St E1 7QX

77-82 Whitechapel High Street E1 7QX

LARC [London Action Resource Centre]
62 Fieldgate St E1 7ES

118 Bethnal Grn Rd
E2 6DG

28 Commercial St
E1 6LS

December 8 case: Anti-terrorism attacks social struggles (France)

Day 2, October 4: request for access to the investigating cops and questions about the defendants’ personalities

December 8 case: Anti-terrorism attacks social struggles
September 27, 2023

Detailed political analysis of the case file.

Soulèvements de la Terre activists detained by the Sub-Directorate for Anti-Terrorism (SDAT), anti-terrorist units mobilized against anti-nuclear activists, CGT trade unionists arrested by the DGSI (The General Directorate for Internal Security, NdT), RAID units (elite tactical unit of the french national police, NdT) deployed during urban uprisings… The recurrent mobilization of anti-terrorist investigative resources to repress social movements, combined with the dissemination of unequivocal language – “ecoterrorism”, “intellectual terrorism” – leave no room for doubt.

The aim is to confuse terrorism with social struggles, so as to prepare public opinion for the fact that the perpetrators of political illegalism will soon be charged with terrorism. And to give free rein to political repression, by giving it the benefit of the most complete repressive arsenal the law offers today: anti-terrorist legislation.

It is against this backdrop that the first trial of leftist activists for “terrorism” since the Tarnac affair [1] will take place in October. The stakes are high. A sentence would legitimize the government’s repressive shift. It is the symbolic dividing line between what can and cannot be qualified as terrorism that the government is seeking to shift in this trial.
Continue reading December 8 case: Anti-terrorism attacks social struggles (France)

(Chile) Demo and Arson Attack at the PDI Barracks at the Christian Humanism Academy University

Demo and Arson Attack at the PDI Barracks at the Christian Humanism Academy University

August 23, 2023

The night of August 17, barricades were raised and molotovs were thrown at the Carabineros (COP). At least three of these molotovs were thrown at the front of the Human Rights Unit of the PDI (Investigations Police), steps from the UAHC. No one was detained and pamphlets were left declaring support for mapuche prisoners and claims for the 50 year anniversary of the coup.

The following are some records:

Translated by Act for freedom now!