Category Archives: Solidarity Events, e.t.c.

On March 8th, we will gather in front of the women’s prisons in Korydallos at 18:30 to send a message of solidarity beyond the walls and show those inside the cages that they are not alone. (Athens,Greece)

[8/3 18:30 Women’s Prisons in Korydallos]

March 8th and every day we stand beside the imprisoned

On March 8th, we will gather in front of the women’s prisons in Korydallos at 18:30 to send a message of solidarity beyond the walls and show those inside the cages that they are not alone.

March 8th is yet another reason to take to the streets and fight against patriarchy and every form of power. For us, mechanisms of oppression, such as class exploitation, racism, transphobia, and others, cannot be seen or fought separately from one another. We expect nothing from the judiciary and any institutional authority, as they perpetuate the complex of class, racist, and gender-based oppression. Instead, we fight to expose the injustice that “Justice” imposes. This year, in a context where struggles against trafficking, the crime in Tempi, and the genocide of Palestinians are filling the streets with rage, we decide to send a signal of solidarity to all those who have been or are imprisoned within the cells of democracy.

It is a fact that patriarchy, class inequality, and racism are what lead women, femininities, trans, and non-binary people to prison. Moreover, life in prison is a mirror, a reflection of society itself, where oppression, insecurity, inadequate healthcare, and lack of freedom are experienced at their extreme. The situation in prisons attests to this. Most prisoners fight for their survival within prison, while often continuing to care for the survival of those outside, as the care for children, family, friends, and comrades does not cease to socially burden women, even after they are imprisoned.
Continue reading On March 8th, we will gather in front of the women’s prisons in Korydallos at 18:30 to send a message of solidarity beyond the walls and show those inside the cages that they are not alone. (Athens,Greece)

Munich, surrounding area and Austria: Repressive operations in Germany and Austria. Arrests and raids against anarchists in Munich, February 2025

Anarchists arrested and houses raided in Munich

ES/   IT/   FR/

On February 26th 2025 and the days that followed, two new investigations of the attorney general of Munich have come to light during house searches by hordes of unchained cops in various houses in Munich, the surrounding area and Austria. This has led to arrests and pre-trial detentions.

As has already happened in the past, whole flats were searched, not just single rooms. An apartment where none of the accused lives has also been broken into. The reason given for this is that they would have “close contacts”, so have therefore been searched as witnesses.
In addition, numerous persons were promptly summoned as witnesses by the Public Prosecutor’s Office as a result of this procedure.

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[Update] Gathering in solidarity with the anarchists accused in Scripta Scelera operation postponed to April 1, 2025 (Massa, Italy) en/it

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[UPDATE] We inform that during the hearing of February 14th, it was decided by the judge to postpone that one scheduled for the following 28th, for which a solidarity gathering had been called. The new hearing has been set for Tuesday, April 1st, the times remain unchanged.


August 8th, 2023. Following a request for ten arrests in prison, Scripta Scelera operation leads to nine precautionary measures against as many anarchists accused for the publication and distribution of the internationalist anarchist fortnightly ‘Bezmotivny’. A proceeding with which the State intended to ‘normalise’ the precautionary measures for charges concerning revolutionary publications. Scripta Scelera represents another ‘chapter’ in the war policies of the Italian state, in continuity among other things with recent repressive manoeuvres aimed at removing political practicability from ever wider social sectors.
Continue reading [Update] Gathering in solidarity with the anarchists accused in Scripta Scelera operation postponed to April 1, 2025 (Massa, Italy) en/it

South London, UK : Film Screening and Discussion about Ferguson touched the sky, at the touchpaper anarchist library.

Touch the Sky, Film Screening and Discussion

After Michael Brown was murdered by police with his hands in the air, some of the excluded and oppressed population of ferguson touched the sky. The revolt of the agonised and enraged suburb – previously known for its quietness during the 1992 unrest – led to an uprising that spread across the city of St Louis and far beyond. The participants were not deterred by self-appointed or media-groomed experts, with repressive or socially-conscious programmes for getting back in line.

Instead, they actively posed the question of freedom and dignity against the daily murderers and violators, in destructive confrontations against the enforces, urban architecture, commerce and circulation of control. This found-footage film takes up those questions which remain vital, even if they can’t be answered on a screen.

Tuesday 18th February
Touchpaper Anarchist Library
385 Queens Road SE14 5HD

Grete Chania ,Greece : Event – discussion of solidarity with the imprisoned comrades of the Susaron Case – Grupo de Respuesta Animal in Chile

Event – discussion of solidarity and financial support for the comrades of the Susaron Case – Grupo de Respuesta Animal

On the night of September 18-19, 2022, comrades from Grupo de Respuesta Animal attacked the central branch of the Susaron meat processing plant in Santiago, setting fire to trucks, refrigerators, and the entire company infrastructure. This attack, their stance inside Chilean prisons, and the movements of the solidarity world, constitute a clear, imperative call for anti-speciesist action – now.

-Presentation of the SUSARON case

-Anti-speciesism and direct action

-Meat industry

*Preceded by a video screening of “Industrial Culture, Meat Production and Consumption” ( adamasto , 2014, duration 21′)


Laivadiko of the Occupied Rectory, Kastelli Hill


Anarchist Anti-Speciesist Assembly

*There will be a new brochure of the Anarchist Anti-Speciesist Assembly with translated announcements-communications of the Grupo de Respuesta Animal. (For contact for copies:


via : athens.indymedia

(Chile) Barricades in Solidarity with Prisoners and in Memory of Comrades Lupi, Tortuga and Belén

January 19, 2025 / informativoanarquista

Masked people raised barricades in the Maipú commune, with the impetus of demonstrating the living memory of those who aren’t with us physically in the streets, and at the same time, fostering solidarity with those who find themselves in prison.

Anticarceral memory for the 81!
Lupi, Tortuga and Belén are with us!
Freedom for anarchist and subversive prisoners!

Reportback on the Night Demo at mcgill on February 5th (Canada)

Yesterday in Tiohtia:ke, forty anarchists (and our friends 🙂 ) attacked the buildings of mcgill university. Armed with rudimentary tools, we succeeded in destroying all windows that stood in our way. With the help of hammers, rocks, and glass bottles, we vandalized this symbol of the colonial capitalist system. Within 15 minutes, we smashed over 30 windows on multiple pavillions of the institution, as well as the electronic locks of the administration building. An exam in progress during the protest was cancelled for 350 students. According to a mcgill spokesperson, the damages are estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Two comrades who were momentarily detained by the failed pigs of a private security agency, subcontracted by mcgill, were gloriously de-arrested. The police response was slow and ineffective, the protest led to no arrests or injuries. We dispersed completely before the arrival of the spvm.

Graffitis were left behind denouncing the acquisition of the royal vic hospital (site of unmarked graves) by mcgill for $700 million, and its complicity in the genocide in Palestine. We also denounce the desecration of the tree of peace, planted on the lower field by decolonial activists this summer, as well as the historical complicity of mcgill in psychiatric experimentation on Indigenous children, and the transphobia and racism of mcgill’s administration. For us, mcgill is nothing but a symbol of a colonial and capitalist system, of which we call for the complete destruction.
Continue reading Reportback on the Night Demo at mcgill on February 5th (Canada)

Dimitra Z. And Marianna M. : With Kyriakos until the end (Greece)

With Kyriakos until the end

Call for support for two days of action 7 & 8/02

Commemorative Demonstration, 7/02, 20:00 (placing of a plaque on Mesologgiou st)

Panhellenic March in Memory & Struggle, 8/02, 13:00 (meeting at Propylaia)

“The true defeat is not that you have lost.

The true defeat is having made yours the idea of defeat.

That you cannot win and change things”

The comrade Kyriakos was one of us. He was one of those who believe there is a deep dividing line between the bourgeois justice of the powerful and true justice. The justice of those whose children were killed at Tempi by the state – murderer. The justice of those who participated in militant strikes. Of those who expropriate the accumulated wealth from the bank safes. Of those who turned the knife on their rapists and abusers. The justice of the tiger that hunts its hunter. The justice of the fast-flowing current that breaks through the dam. Of those armed indigenous peoples who took vengeance on their conquerors. Those who bombed their settlers. The justice of those who burnt down the modern concentration camps. Those who escaped from prison for a breath of freedom. Those who doubted the state monopoly on violence. Those who struggled with every means. The justice of those who refused selfishness. Those who thought of us and not me. Those who, during the course of history, took positions of battle next to the oppressed. As the comrade Kyriakos did.

A comrade that chose the path of revolutionary responsibility. That was consistent with his self. Participating indiscriminately in all fields of struggle. A child of 2008 and the December insurrection, the burning barricades, the enraged consciousnesses, the vows for vengenace in teenage conversations. And then a protester of ’11 and ’12, the era of austerity, of the IMF and the Troika, the revolts and clashes, the day-long demonstrations and the hand-to-hand battles. From there, an anarchist in the Berlin of gentrification and social isolation, of the militant defence of squats and the solidarity with persecuted fighters, with busy hands, full nights and an open heart. Returning to Athens now, a decided militant of the anarchist movement. Participating indiscriminately in all fields of struggle. An anarchist of the squats, of antifascist and feminist patrols, of antiracist struggles and strike mobilisations, of struggles against prison and touristification. He stood firmly within the convictions of the anarchist struggle, with immense camaraderie, with sensitivity, solidarity and perceptiveness.
Continue reading Dimitra Z. And Marianna M. : With Kyriakos until the end (Greece)

B(A)D NEWS 87 – Angry voices from around the world

Episode 87 (1/2025)

Welcome to BAD News, angry voices from Around The World, a monthly English-language podcast from the A-Radio Network. This month on we are featuring four segments:

x FrequenzA, Leipzig: The colleges from FrequenzA did an interview with an Comrade from Georgia about the current situation there.They talked about the up risings linked to the elections, the political situation in general and existing progressive initiatives. As the interview is quite long we have only a part of it in the show – if you want to listen the whole interview you can find it at
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Gathering in solidarity with the anarchists accused in Scripta Scelera operation (Massa, Italy, February 28, 2025) en/it


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August 8th, 2023. Following a request for ten arrests in prison, Scripta Scelera operation leads to nine precautionary measures against as many anarchists accused for the publication and distribution of the internationalist anarchist fortnightly ‘Bezmotivny’.

A proceeding with which the State intended to ‘normalise’ the precautionary measures for charges concerning revolutionary publications. Scripta Scelera represents another ‘chapter’ in the war policies of the Italian state, in continuity among other things with recent repressive manoeuvres aimed at removing political practicability from ever wider social sectors.

Continue reading Gathering in solidarity with the anarchists accused in Scripta Scelera operation (Massa, Italy, February 28, 2025) en/it