Category Archives: Solidarity Events, e.t.c.

A zine Solidarity and its Discontents: Riots, Rebellion and Repression in Bristol 2011-2023 (UK)

Solidarity and its Discontents:  Riots, Rebellion and Repression in
Bristol 2011-2023

Was an event in January, and a zine…. it’s also a messy, ongoing
discussion! So comments and thoughts are welcome…

Zine now available to download at



Print copies are also available at
Touchpaper Library

BASE Infoshop

and also at the International Anti-Repression Gathering in Brighton

Will be published on Anarchist Library soon.

Email if you have any questions…

Athens,Greece ; A neighborhood demo 23rd of March against police sweeps, against racism, against queerphobia and sexism.


A neighborhood demo against police sweeps, against racism, against queerphobia and sexism.

Meeting point: Plateia Viktoria 17:00, Saturday 23rd of March.

Two weeks ago there was a police sweep on plateia Omonia. Last week there was another sweeping operation on plateia Viktoria. Every day cops harass people of color asking for papers, coming up with legal defenses of violence, exerting control and authority.

Two weekends ago a group of around 100 young fasicts attacked two queer young people in Thessaloniki. Last month a group attacked queer people in Kypseli and chased them. Every day machos and “good guys” harass queer people and femininities on the street and in the plateias, asserting that their patriarchal power and the judgement of heteronormative society will always keep us down.

But we know the streets are ours. They have been, they are, and they will be. We the queers, women, migrants, freaks, we take up public space and refuse the ways the state and society try to crush us. This Saturday we take to the streets as a reminder to ourselves and to everyone that despite the violence, the fear, the terror, we continue to resist in ways big and small. In our neighborhood, and in every neighborhood.

See you on the streets.

Squatted social center Zizania

Anarchist Perspectives on National Liberation at Touchpaper Anarchist Library (South London, UK)

Thursday, 28 March 7PM
Anarchist Perspectives on National Liberation

Much of the ideology of ‘National Liberation’ is ugly to us. It tends to
crush rebellious individuals back into the role of soldiers and
suffocate the expansion of the social war of the exploited against
everything which oppresses them: a war which can never be between armies. Usually, there is the more or less disguised will to establish a new state, which we know will always mean handing the keys of the prison to new guards, exchanging one set of torturers for another. Recent history provides enough examples of masked militants opportunistically trading in their AK47 for the judge’s robes, politicians suit, boss’s pocket-watch, and policeman’s baton.

But at least equally as ugly is the ‘safety’ of the peace administered
in the high walls of the European power – which affords us westerners, fattened on the consumables extracted and produced by ‘post-revolutionary’ cheap labour, a sneering cynicism and complacency as regards the struggles which still come from outside and below. Among the remaining ‘revolutionary groups’ in Europe there is often an absurd process of arranging these struggles from a distance into ‘revolutionary’ or ‘reactionary’ camps, as part of what is no more than an intellectual exercise, with no skin in the game at all.

Anarchy is intolerant of both these alternatives. With all the stakes,
to criticise and attack power however it changes to remain the same, to strengthen the self-organising tension anywhere it emerges in the heat of struggle, to play our own game of subversion without hesitation: these are guiding stars. But the route out of the blackmails set by power to that radical and creative outside cannot be entrusted to spontaneous revelation. By then it is always too late. This is why the question demands serious analysis and vigorous discussion among comrades in the present tense.

Touchpaper Anarchist Library
385 Queens Road SE14 5HD

LAMBROS FOUNTAS IS IMMORTAL by Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis (Greece)




It has been 14 years since the death in a clash with policemen of our comrade Lambros Fountas on March 10, 2010. All these years, whether in the underground continuing the action of the Revolutionary Struggle when we dedicated to him the attack on the Central Bank-ECB-IMF in 2014, or in prison, we always had him on our minds. And of course he will be in our memory and our heart as long as we are alive.

It is known that when we assumed political responsibility for our participation in the Revolutionary Struggle, we publicly announced with the “Political Letter to the Society”, that Lambros Fountas was killed in a preparatory action of our organization, in an attempt to sabotage the country’s inclusion in the memorandum, i.e. in the program of the IMF, the ECB and the EU, something that had already been decided by the then government of G. Papandreou and we had predicted as an organization since the fall of 2009. He is the first and last dead fighter of the social resistance against the memoranda, against an era that opened with the imposition of the 1st loan agreement in the spring of 2010.

Continue reading LAMBROS FOUNTAS IS IMMORTAL by Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis (Greece)

Grete Chania,Greece : The NATO’s pockets are full of money, they are also the murderers of the local people

The NATO’s pockets are full of money, they are also murderers of the local people

Join the “All eyes on Rafah” call

On Saturday 02 March we participated in the “All eyes on Rafah” call, in the context of the nationwide mobilizations in solidarity with Palestine, against the military operations of the Israeli state.

Continue reading Grete Chania,Greece : The NATO’s pockets are full of money, they are also the murderers of the local people

[Italy] We won’t be complicit. We will be deserters (Spoleto, March 2024)

/ Italiano / English / French /

Source in Italian:

Responding to a parliamentary question, War Minister Guido Crosetto confirmed that the factory of Terrestrial Military Ammunition (SMMT) in Baiano di Spoleto could soon produce the new missiles and ammunition to be sent to Ukraine to support the ongoing war. The Defense Industries Agency (AID) indeed proposed three of its production sites –Spoleto, Capua and Fontana Liri – for the European Union’s tender, which provides a grant of 500 million euros to produce new armaments to be sent to Kiev.

Although it is still only a candidacy, the deal is given as very likely by the local newspapers, also by virtue of the fact that the Spoleto plant would be underutilized with respect to its “productive” (but perhaps we should say destructive) capacities.
Continue reading [Italy] We won’t be complicit. We will be deserters (Spoleto, March 2024)

South London,UK : Springtime of Revolt, Death to the State! Two days of subversive memory and celebration on the anniversary of the Paris Commune

Springtime of Revolt, Death to the State!
Two days of subversive memory and celebration on the anniversary of the Paris Commune at the Touchpaper Anarchist library

7PM SUNDAY 17th MARCH (part 1)

Black Threads #6 – Louise Michel and Irreperable Action

Following on from the Black Threads discussion series, we are again drawing on the heritage of anarchism to illuminate elements of the struggle for freedom today. On this occasion we would like to discuss, not a specific text, but rather, around the anniversary, an insurrectional moment: those spring days in 1871.

Remembered as much by comrades in the past because of the massacres with which the state and its servants punished the rebellion, as for its acts and perspectives of freedom, today we think it is important to consider the Commune as an insurgent utopia, propulsive for comrades who shared its historical epoch, but very distant from us in both qualitative and quantitive terms.
Continue reading South London,UK : Springtime of Revolt, Death to the State! Two days of subversive memory and celebration on the anniversary of the Paris Commune

HONOR for Ever to anarchist fighter and member of R.S. Lambros Foundas. (Greece)

No matter how many years pass, the comrade Lambros, is a bright example for the continuation of the struggle and the revolutionary perspective. The 10th of March has been indelibly written in the history of internal as well as international revolutionary and class struggle. His life, action and death are – for the anarchist/anti-authoritarian and the more broadly anti-capitalist space – a precious legacy that inspires old and new generations of comrades alike. Lambros is one of us, he is always in our heart and in our actions.


Definitive release of  Pola Roupa – Solidarity and immediate release of  N. Maziotis, prisoner in Domokos prisons

Act for freedom now!

The Conflict in Abya Yala and its Proximity to “Switch Off!”: Anarchic Words Concerning the Necessary Struggle for the Earth

February 26, 2024 / informativoanarquista

(text and poster received by email 20/02/24, unfortunately the email went to spam)

Faced with devastation: sabotage and war! As the comrades who have raised and formed part of the campaign have understood it, “Switch Off! The system of destruction” consists of the “attack against companies and infrastructures that feed the ecological catastrophe across the world”. Here also, in Abya Yala (ancestral name for the territory known as America), multiple struggles for the defense of the earth have been developed, from the precolonial peoples who continue fighting, to new anarchic perspectives that tip more and more into the struggle for the earth. While we haven’t been able to stop the ecological catastrophe entirely, we can find concrete examples of territorial victories that have managed to stop, expel or at least considerably push back the materialization of extractivist projects, like the resistance and armed offensive of diverse mapuche organizations in Wallmapu.

The struggles in different latitudes aren’t detached form one another and they aim at the same enemies. This is why we believe it favorable to make the “Switch Off!” campaign our own, endowing it with our own territorial circumstances to avoid overlooking our particularities.
Continue reading The Conflict in Abya Yala and its Proximity to “Switch Off!”: Anarchic Words Concerning the Necessary Struggle for the Earth

26th February – 5th March Mobilisation in solidarity with the defendants in the Brenner trial (Italy)

26th February – 5th March Mobilisation in solidarity with the defendants in the Brenner trial

Poster : The frontiers are my prison

sometimes you have to run against a wall, even if you know that it will
not be the wall but you breaking down – but this moment – not turning
back – it’s about dignity. Eventually it’s these moments which become
the cracks that turn the walls to ruins

while armies, weapons, ammunition and war-machines are crossing borders
everywhere to expand or preserve power, to kill

while commodities cross the globe to be delivered to the door of those
with money, in the blink of an eye

while technology is reaching every dark and unknown corner of this earth
and of our lives, without boundaries
Continue reading 26th February – 5th March Mobilisation in solidarity with the defendants in the Brenner trial (Italy)