Category Archives: Sabotage, Arsons Attacks

Munich (Germany): another attack on a city construction site

Munich : another attack on a city construction site

At around 4 a.m. on Friday November 10, Munich firefighters arrived a little late at Johanneskirchen Straße. There, an excavator and a dump truck, located on the tramway construction site run by the municipal public transport company MVG (Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft), were burning up.

The two construction machines were destroyed, with the flames causing damage estimated at 300,000 euros. The fact that they were separated by several meters, leading investigators to suspect the existence of several sources of ignition, prompted the Munich Criminal Police and the State Protection Service (Staatsschutz) to take over the investigation.

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Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône)France : sabotaging the daily routine

Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône): sabotaging the daily routine

Act of vandalism: SNCF traffic disrupted on the Marseille-Miramas axis in both directions until November 15
La Provence/Var actu, November 13, 2023

Users of the SNCF line between Marseille and Martigues will continue to experience complicated journeys until Wednesday November 15. The train company has announced that delays of 10 to 20 minutes between l’Estaque and Vitrolles, as well as cancellations, “are still to be expected” in both directions.
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Georgia Civil War-era mansion that was a 1,000-acre plantation and home to 15 slaves is gutted by a huge fire as arson probe is launched (USA)

Georgia Civil War-era mansion that was a 1,000-acre plantation and home to 15 slaves is gutted by a huge fire as arson probe is launched

ADMIN UPDATE: The fire investigators ruled that the fire started in the attic as an electrical fire.

“On Thursday, Bankhead released some of the investigation’s findings. He said the State Fire Marshals Office determined that an electrical fault in the conduit near the entrance to the home caused the fire.
Therefore, officials have determined it was not arson.” –
We will not be removing this post because we believe that the spirits of the dead were showing their rage. We believe that the rage of people who were forced in chattel slavery sent a smoke signal beyond their graves in the form of a shorted electrical current. An electrical current is the most common way that ghosts make their presence known. We stand in unwavering solidarity with the ghosts who used the mystical power they channeled to enact their revenge to remove this horrid atrocity. We believe that no living being had a hand in this occurrence, but we all should take time to thank the negative energy coming forth beyond the grave.
A Civil War-era mansion in Georgia that was once a 1,000-acre plantation and home to slaves has been gutted and completely destroyed by a huge fire overnight.

Continue reading Georgia Civil War-era mansion that was a 1,000-acre plantation and home to 15 slaves is gutted by a huge fire as arson probe is launched (USA)

Around Castres (Tarn): Demonstration, fires, occupation (and eviction) against the freeway project (France)

Around Castres (Tarn): Demonstration, fires, occupation (and eviction) against the freeway project

via: attaque. Translated by Act for freedom now!

Excerpts from Reporterre / Saturday, October 21, 2023

[…] On October 21, on the outskirts of Saïx, in the Tarn countryside, over 10,500 people – 5,000 according to the prefect’s office – took part in the large-scale mobilization. The aim was to call for an immediate halt to work on the A69, a controversial motorway project linking Toulouse and Castres. […]

At around 1pm, not one, not two, but six separate processions formed at the base camp – one for each A69 “lie”. Small leaflets had been distributed beforehand detailing the missions of each of them. Once dispatched under the colorful banners, participants left the site along different routes.

The golden team then headed for the Pierre Fabre laboratory, the main defender of the disputed project. On the way, dozens of hooded people entered the site of the Bardou public works company – “involved in the project” according to the activists – tearing down the metal barriers protecting the site. A few rocks ended up flying into the windows of the building, whose immaculate walls were soon strewn with graffiti.
Continue reading Around Castres (Tarn): Demonstration, fires, occupation (and eviction) against the freeway project (France)

6 Cop City Concrete Trucks Set on Fire in Lawrenceville, Georgia (USA)

Make Contractors Afraid Again

On the night of November 13th we set fire to 6 Ernst Concrete trucks at 553 Seaboard Industrial Drive. Ernst is pouring the foundation for Cop City. This site, like so many others, is completely unguarded.

Front-pouring cement mixing trucks have large rear engine compartments which can be accessed without opening any doors. We placed incendiary devices and kindling near the engine block, the fuel tank behind it, and the double rear tires. We encourage further experimentation with incendiary placement.
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Munich (Germany): railway crane on fire!

Munich : railway crane on fire!

At around 2.40 am on Saturday October 28, the fire department was called to a fire on the railway tracks at Unterföhring, in the north-eastern suburbs of Munich. While sabotage of infrastructure of all kinds occurs regularly in Germany and elsewhere, this time the Bavarian fire brigade were in for a pleasant surprise. It was no less than a huge, multi-ton railway crane that went up in flames, used for work on the tracks between Johanneskirchen and Munich International Airport.

Continue reading Munich (Germany): railway crane on fire!

Saint-Bonnet-les-Oules (Loire): arson attack on EHV substation (France)

Fire near high-voltage lines in Forez: it’s a criminal act
Le Progrès, November 2, 2023

On the night of Tuesday October 31 to Wednesday November 1, at around 4:50 a.m., some 30 firefighters responded to a 400 m2 industrial building on fire, at the Volvon RTE substation. According to information provided by the Sdis 42, the burning building contained electrical cabinets and batteries.

The operation was made delicate by the fact that the structure is located within the confines of an RTE relay station, where 225,000 and 63,000 volt high-voltage lines are installed to supply the entire Forez plain.

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Still nothing?! About the sabotage of a transformer. ( France)

Still nothing?! About the sabotage of a transformer.

At the beginning of November, a few days after the attack, we learned from the press that one of the site’s two technical buildings, with a surface area of 400 m2, had been seriously damaged. The newspaper reassured its readership, hastening to add that the fire had not caused any network breakdowns. We’re puzzled by these allegations. We have long been aware of the media’s propensity for disinformation. Concealment and falsifications of the facts are the result of commercial, police and political dictates.

These days, silencing or minimizing the extent of sabotage on electrical infrastructures is in fashion. Unfortunately, we can’t factually contradict their claims, and we can’t set the record straight on the consequences of these acts, because they are unknown to us.
Continue reading Still nothing?! About the sabotage of a transformer. ( France)

Munich (Germany): geothermal energy gets hot (and not only)

Munich : geothermal energy gets hot (and not only)

On Wednesday October 18, Munich’s reluctant public prosecutor issued a statement designed to reassure the brave Bavarian electorate. This time, it wasn’t a question of licking the hand of the authorities, as usual, but of making public a few facts about a case that has been giving him a hard time since the beginning of the month. He thus announced the creation of a specialized group called “Geo”, made up of various investigators from the criminal investigation department, whose aim is to study the sabotage committed throughout Bavaria. Indeed, it’s perhaps no coincidence that the local press was already alarmed last week that “politically-motivated acts have increased considerably” in the region of late, particularly against communication, transport and energy infrastructures.

The name of this police task force, announced with great fanfare by the public prosecutor, refers to the triple sabotage incident in Polling, a village some 50 km east of Munich, which took place around 3.30 a.m. on Sunday night, October 2. There, under the stars and in just a few minutes, ten construction machines and the electrical transformer on the site of a geothermal power plant under construction, as well as a timber extraction vehicle parked in the adjacent forest and a cable shaft along the Mühldorf-Garching railroad line, went up in smoke.

Continue reading Munich (Germany): geothermal energy gets hot (and not only)

Cars as Cameras: A short overview of Tesla surveillance features and lessons for attack 2023

Cars, especially newer vehicles with built-in computer systems, know everything about their users and, consequentially, the people around them. Tesla is taking this a step further, turning cars into mobile, high-definition video surveillance systems. […] What should anarchists take away from this? How can we continue to attack this panoptic hellscape and get away with it?
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