Category Archives: Sabotage, Arsons Attacks

Russia: incendiary attacks continue on registration offices

Shchelkovsky (Moscow)
On May 18, two molotovs flew inside the military commissariat in Shchelkovsky, near Moscow. Both offices were damaged by the flames, including the archives of the military registration and enlistment office
On May 15, unknown individuals targeted the military registration office in Volgograd. At least one “molotov” flew into the basement of a recruitment center, where a fire broke out consuming the 20 square meter room. No one was arrested.
Pronsk (Ryazan)
Barely an hour later, a message arrived about a fire in the door and window frame of the military registration and enlistment office in the village of Pronsk, Ryazan region. No one was arrested.
Gukovo (Rostov)
On May 13, at about 2:00 a.m., an attempt was made to set fire to the military registration and enlistment office in Gukovo, near Rostov. A flaming molotov hit the wall of the building. According to the state media, the perpetrator “disappeared in an unknown direction”.
Military registration offices in the northern Khanty-Mansi region and in the southern Volgodonsk region were also attacked. (Moscow Times)
[From the Russian anarchist site a2day, May 15 and 18]

France: Rise in incidence of antenna and fibre optic sabotage!

Rise in incidence of antenna and fibre optic sabotage!

Die Lust der Zerstörung ist zugleich eine schaffende Lust

Bakunin, 1842


Following the coordinated sabotage on April 28 of several sections of fibre optic cables of the French Internet network (in particular that of SFR), the French Federation of Telecoms (FFT), which brings together all major operators, immediately made a show of trying to minimize their impact by highlighting the resilience of networks. And all this, despite the fact that millions of inhabitants of Grenoble, Besançon, Reims or Strasbourg, without counting those of the Paris region and tens of thousands of companies, were temporarily deprived of their electronic leashes. It was a crisis communication of the TFF, intended to reassure the good citizens, while not giving bad ideas to those who could be inspired by this attack, since the traps of these sensitive networks are everywhere, and it is of course impossible to put a cop at the foot of each of them.

Two weeks later, once the storm has passed, it is now far from the white-hot spotlight that the President of the FFT has changed his tune somewhat. In a long alarmist interview given to a specialized economic newspaper, La Tribune, on Tuesday May 10th, Arthur Dreyfuss claims with an eloquent title (“It is necessary to make penalties for acts of vandalism more severe”) that he calls for “a strong hardening of the penal sentences so that they are really dissuasive” against the saboteurs, considering that “the stake is not only to protect the operators, but also all the most sensitive and essential activities of the country”. And what better way to support his carceral statement than to lift a corner of the veil on the real extent of sabotage against communication networks, pointing out their number and their “criminal” character this time, especially for state activities “of security or defense”, which are indeed very dependent on all these cables? Continue reading France: Rise in incidence of antenna and fibre optic sabotage!

Los Álamos (Chile): “Capitalist development is not compatible with the life of the Mapuche”

Los Álamos (Chile), April 28, 2022: thirty-three trucks and construction machinery destroyed by fire in an attack against the forestry industry


On Thursday, April 28, 2022, a group of 40 people from the group Resistencia Mapuche Lavkenche (RML) attacked several logging companies in the municipality of Los Álamos in the early morning, in the region of Bío Bío (Chile). Thirty-three dump trucks, backhoes, front-end loaders and other vans surrendered to the flames in less than three hours, while the two access roads to the companies (Trongol road and Pilpilco road) were blocked either by burning trucks moved there or by barricades of felled trees. This coordinated attack was described by the Chilean press as the most significant “since the resumption of the violent struggle by radical Mapuche groups in 1997.”

Needless to say, the forest devastation companies (such as the Asociación de Contratistas Forestales) immediately demanded the extension of the state of emergency established in October 2021 in all of southern Chile, which had ended on March 16 with the new left-wing government of Gabriel Boric. It should be noted that in the north of Chile, the same state of emergency (Estado de Excepción) with military intervention to support the police, established last February, has been maintained on the border with Bolivia and Peru. But the arrival of migrants from Venezuela in the north is not the prolonged struggle of a part of the Mapuche in the south to recover the land and drive out the exploiters, with whom the Chilean state is trying to re-establish dialogue. And the new Minister of the Interior Iskia Siches will not deny this, she who on March 15, in her first days in office, had the bad idea of trying to calm the conflict with a symbolic gesture, going to the community of Temucuicui (Araucanía region) to meet with the father of Camilo Catrillanca, a young peasant shot in the head in November 2018 by the Special Operations Group of the Carabineros responsible for restoring order.

Temucuicui (Ercilla), March 15, 2022: car set on fire on a bridge, shots fired and trees cut down to welcome the Minister of the Interior Continue reading Los Álamos (Chile): “Capitalist development is not compatible with the life of the Mapuche”

Moscow, Russia: “If the day fades away forever…”


On May 2, 2022 in the heart of Moscow, in Revolution Square near the monument to Karl Marx, an unknown person threw a molotov against the OMON (Russian Ministry of Interior Special Forces) riot vehicles that are always parked there. The flames managed to eat away at one of them for several minutes before being extinguished.

The unknown person was unfortunately arrested immediately. This is 45-year-old Vitaly Koltsov, a father of three and a philosophy graduate, who had previously participated in anti-government rallies – in 2017, he was arrested for disobeying the cops, and in 2019 for violating “the established order” to hold rallies. Continue reading Moscow, Russia: “If the day fades away forever…”

Pamiers (Ariège) : the new car of the police station is no longer (France)

Pamiers (Ariège) : the new car of the police station is no longer

Update on the investigation following the arson of a police vehicle in front of Pamiers police station

La Dépêche, May 2, 2022 (excerpt)

“In front of the police station! This is not a joke! It’s the first time I’ve seen this since I’ve been in Ariège”. The fire that struck a police vehicle parked right in front of Pamiers police station this weekend has left its mark on the world of law enforcement. Continue reading Pamiers (Ariège) : the new car of the police station is no longer (France)

Meylan (Isère): cutting the power to the digital technology park


New electrical sabotage: Inovallée targeted in turn?
Le Dauphiné, April 14, 2022

After the large high-tech companies of the Crolles basin last week, it is most probably Inovallée, the main technology park of the Grenoble region, which was the target, on Wednesday, of a new sabotage action carried out on an electrical installation. A destructive action which, according to our information, is not in doubt, the public prosecutor of Grenoble having moreover, two hours after the facts, confirmed to the Dauphiné Libéré that the hypothesis of a “criminal act” was privileged. The fire broke out at about 3:30 pm in the enclosure of a high voltage source station of Enedis located at 19, chemin du Vieux-Chêne in Meylan. This installation is located between company buildings and the A41 motorway, in the heart of a technology park with around 380 companies working in the field of digital technologies. Continue reading Meylan (Isère): cutting the power to the digital technology park

Beauvais (Oise): fire to the prison vehicle

via: sansnom

A vehicle of the penitentiary administration burned in front of the prison of Beauvais

Le Parisien/Courrier picard, April 21, 2022 (excerpt)

During the night of Wednesday to Thursday, a vehicle of the penitentiary administration was burned in front of the prison of Beauvais. An investigation was opened by the public prosecutor’s office and entrusted to the city’s police station to try to identify and arrest the suspect, a hooded individual dressed in black, spotted by the prison’s video surveillance cameras around 1:45 am. Continue reading Beauvais (Oise): fire to the prison vehicle

Lacroix-Falgarde (Haute -Garonne): the antenna did not withstand the shock

via: sansnom

Lacroix-Falgarde. The burned antenna must be completely rebuilt

La Dépêche, April 22, 2022

On the night of Friday 25 to 26 February, the telecommunications tower overlooking Lacroix-Falgarde was destroyed by a fire of criminal origin, rendering the 4G/5G antennas of Bouygues, Free and SFR and those of TDF for TV unusable.

In mid-March, temporary repair work began with the installation of new antennas on the burnt out tower. Today, the antenna’s supporting structure is too damaged for the equipment initially installed to be restored to its original state. For example the TV service cannot be reinstalled. In order to regain full functionality, a new antenna has to be rebuilt in order to be able to re-equip it properly. Continue reading Lacroix-Falgarde (Haute -Garonne): the antenna did not withstand the shock

Crolles/Bernin (Isère): no immediate return to normal

ST-Microelectronics semiconductor manufacturing unit

[Following the double sabotage on the nights of April 4 and 5 against high-voltage lines, which temporarily shut down the ST-Micro and Soitec semiconductor plants, it seems that the return to normal is not so simple. Here’s a look at some of the articles from the business press].

Grenoble’s Silicon Valley back on line after a fire on its power lines
La Tribune Auvergne-Rhône Alpes, April 6, 2022 (excerpt)

The power outage, caused by a fire on several high-voltage lines that passed over the Brignoud bridge (Isère) on Monday night, was both unprecedented and particularly impactful for the Grésivaudan basin, an area near Grenoble that is home to several major microelectronics companies such as STMicroelectronics and Soitec.
Continue reading Crolles/Bernin (Isère): no immediate return to normal