Category Archives: Sabotage, Arsons Attacks

France,Toulouse (Haute-Garonne): incendiary sabotage of SNCF traffic

Toulouse (Haute-Garonne): incendiary sabotage of SNCF traffic

Electric wires sabotaged in Toulouse during the night: the trains to Auch, Tarbes and Latour-de-Carol cancelled
April 24, 2023 (excerpt)

The firemen were alerted on Sunday shortly before 2 a.m. for an electric fire near the SNCF lines, impasse Alfred Rambaud, in Toulouse, between the districts Saint-Agne and Empalot. The fire was spreading on the cables which pass under the tracks.

Continue reading France,Toulouse (Haute-Garonne): incendiary sabotage of SNCF traffic

Grenoble (Isère) France : cut off the juice and Internet at the university campus

Severed cables deprive the campus of power and internet network
April 24, 2023 (excerpt)

New blockades were momentarily set up by opponents of the pension reform on the Grenoble university campus in Saint-Martin-d’Hères, this Monday morning, April 24: in front of the Michel-Dubois building (housing the Human Sciences UFR) as well as in front of those of the Arsh (the Arts and Human Sciences UFR) and the DLST (Department of Science and Technology).

More seriously, when they arrived on campus, students, teachers and staff noticed that the electricity and Internet were cut off in many buildings, whose facades had been covered with tags. “One or more fiber optic cables were deliberately cut and electrical transformers were broken, cables cut and locks allowing access to facilities damaged,” confirmed the president of the University of Grenoble Alpes (UGA), Yassine Lakhnech.
Continue reading Grenoble (Isère) France : cut off the juice and Internet at the university campus

France,Laluque (Landes): incendiary sabotage of the SNCF traffic

Train traffic interrupted south of Bordeaux after an act of vandalism in Landes

 April 12, 2023

Train traffic was severely disrupted this Wednesday, April 12, south of Bordeaux due to an incident that occurred during the night in Landes, between Dax and Morcenx, at Laluque. Power cables and signalling devices have been damaged in Landes, between Dax and Morcenx, more precisely in the commune of Laluque. A deliberate fire was set in the middle of the night, around 1 am.

South of Bordeaux, all trains were cancelled for several hours, notably in Pau and Bayonne stations. These disruptions lasted for a good part of the day, as the SNCF indicated that the repairs would take time. Traffic resumed gradually from 16:45.

Continue reading France,Laluque (Landes): incendiary sabotage of the SNCF traffic


collected writings 2023

“For us it will always be preferable to act with possible doubts rather than let the latter feed a sense of impotence .Because out of our impotence our death will come, and what we want more than anything is to live. To  live by returning the blows we receive. To live without the human and technological mediation that
is imposing itself between us and the rest of the world. And when we become aware of being  conditioned, when we think of all the horror the world generates, our doubts matter little.”

“A knowing nod to those who are attacking the march of progress, to those who have fallen for it
and to those who are thinking of taking the plunge .”

“We know the winkul, we are not alien and we will never be alien to the wild an free life that  lives there. We identify with the insects, the earth, the plants, the animals, the birds. We set
out to fly like them and direct our sights to the target. We attack without hesitation, claiming  with dignity the destruction and sabotage against the power, its authorities and the gear of
domination that spreads thanks to the murderous civilizing progress.”

“Certain human cultures have been waging war against the Earth for millennia.I chose to fight on  the side of bears, mountain lions, skunks, bats saguaros, cliff roses and all things wild.”
Bill Rodgers(Avalon), ELF member

Thank you to everyone who fights for anarchy and against domestication, speciesm, domination,  capitalism, hierarchy, civilization, and their attempts to cage us.


darknights.noblogs .org



France, Genas (Rhône) : sabotage of a pylon in the industrial zone 

Genas (Rhône) : sabotage of a pylon in the industrial zone 

Indymedia Lille, April 11, 2023

Sabotage of the high voltage line (69KV) which feeds the electric post of the industrial zone of the Mi-Plaine in the east of Lyon, near the airport of Saint-Exupéry.

The cables of an RTE pylon near Mi-Plaine, where the overhead lines go underground, were set on fire. The high voltage cables that go underground are protected by large sheaths that are easy to set on fire (bring enough fuel!!!). You can find such pylons everywhere where such cables are at the mercy of a pyromaniac gesture.

ardent kisses to all the free creatures who attack the people responsible for the industrial horror , eco-radicalized easter bunnies for generalized blackout

Ps: Particularly pleased to have temporarily cut the power to the following companies:

Continue reading France, Genas (Rhône) : sabotage of a pylon in the industrial zone 

Ile-de-France: four sabotages of concrete plants

Ile-de : four sabotages of concrete plants

Paris-Luttes, 7 April 2023

During the night of March 8th to 9th, we broke into 4 different concrete plants among the 50 or so in the Ile-de-France region with the aim of causing damage.

We want to attack the concrete plants because they produce the basis to build prisons, administrative detention centers and to extend the metropolis and its policing, from the infrastructures of the JOP 2024 to the Grand Paris. They make imprisonment possible and profit directly from it. We want to harm them and if the damage we inflict on them is minimal, at least that’s something.

Continue reading Ile-de-France: four sabotages of concrete plants

Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) France : Fire to the gas

Toulouse (Haute-Garonne): Fire to the gas

Indymedia Nantes, April 4, 2023


When we see the planet drying up and the repression that hits us, we could think that everything is lost, that everything is vain.
Maybe it is. Maybe there will be no great victories. Maybe it is already too late. Maybe by opposing the destruction of the living and of our own lives we will end up suffering even more. Maybe one day this world will be nothing but a huge desert.

Perhaps, lots of perhaps.

But there are also certainties. The identification of those responsible for the disaster. And above all, against them, hatred. A hatred that only wishes to come to life. Otherwise it eats me up from the inside.
So I let it express itself with a 10-liter can of gasoline in the night of March 30 to 31 in Toulouse on a GRDF parking lot.
Continue reading Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) France : Fire to the gas

Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique): sabotaging the juice of the oil site (France)

Saint-Nazaire : near the oil depot, an electrical cabinet destroyed by an arson

An electrical cabinet was destroyed by an arson attack during the night of Monday 3 to Tuesday 4 April 2023, near the oil depot of Donges (Loire-Atlantique).

Around midnight, pallets and tires were set on fire near rue de Brigantin, which leads to the strategic oil site of the SFDM [Société Française Donges-Metz, specialized in the transport and storage of petroleum, and owner of the Donges fuel depot, which was evicted by the cops on March 29], regularly blocked as part of the movement against the pension reform.

Continue reading Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique): sabotaging the juice of the oil site (France)

Saint-Jean-de-Boiseau (Loire-Atlantique)France : the art of sabotaging the fiber

Saint-Jean-de-Boiseau (Loire-Atlantique) : the art of sabotaging the fiber

Vandalized internet fiber optic cabinets in Loire-Atlantique: the work of an expert
Le Courrier du pays de Retz, March 28, 2023 (extract)

Since March 21, 2023, panic reigns in Saint-Jean-de-Boiseau (Loire-Atlantique). Several dozen homes, rather located in the east of the town, have been cut off from the Internet. Inhabitants of La Montagne and Le Pellerin were also affected by the giant blackout. The cause? Several fiber cabinets vandalized. Free, Orange, SFR, Bouygues … All operators are affected. On a Facebook page dedicated to residents, there are several testimonials and several figures: “85 homes affected”; “between 300 and 600 people impacted”.

Continue reading Saint-Jean-de-Boiseau (Loire-Atlantique)France : the art of sabotaging the fiber

Toulouse,France : Incendiary Equinox

Toulouse: Incendiary Equinox

  Toulouse, between March 21 and 22, to celebrate spring.

While the rioters were treading the pavement in search of action, navigating between police vans and unmarked cars full of Nazis, it was in the quiet of the night that we burned down an antenna at the top of Pech-David.

Against progress and technology, with a thought for Alfredo Cospito, Tortuguita murdered during the occupation of the Atlanta forest, and Boris who carries in his heart his love for antennas as much as we do.

For all the people who don’t want to wait anymore: there are targets everywhere.

We can become more dangerous.

PS: since this action and the related text many things have happened. We rejoice in the chaos in the cities and in the fields, we have hatred for the cops and we have rage for all the people harmed by these scumbags.

via: attaque.
Translated by Act for freedom now!