Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News
Parole di Natascia in solidarietà con la mobilitazione e lo sciopero della fame dei prigionieri anarchici cileni [it, en, es]
Parole di Natascia in solidarietà con la mobilitazione e lo sciopero della fame dei prigionieri anarchici cileni
Scrivo queste parole nel mio decimo giorno di sciopero della fame, in solidarietà ai compagni cileni nuovamente in sciopero della fame: non siete soli.
Un abbraccio fraterno a ogni compagno rinchiuso.
Per una solidarietà attiva e rivoluzionaria ovunque.
Natascia, prigioniera anarchica
26 giugno 2021
Words of Anarchist Natascia Savio in Solidarity with the Mobilization and Hunger Strike of the Chilean Imprisoned Anarchists (Italy)
I write these words during my tenth day of hunger strike, in solidarity with the Chilean comrades once again on hunger strike: you are not alone.
A fraternal embrace to every imprisoned comrade.
For an active and revolutionary solidarity everywhere.
Natascia, imprisoned anarchist
June 26, 2021
[Published by].
Comunicado solidario de la compañera anarquista Natascia Savio (Italia)
Escribo estas palabras en mi décimo día de huelga de hambre, en solidaridad con los compañeros chilenos nuevamente en huelga de hambre: no están solos.
Un abrazo fraterno a cada compañero encerrado.
Por una solidaridad activa y revolucionaria en todas partes.
Natascia, prisionera anarquista
26 de junio de 2021
Spain: Statement by comrades arrested on 27 February 2021 ( IT/CAST/CAT/EN/GR)
We are the imprisoned after the manifestation of the 27th of February in Barcelona, who considered necessary, having received so many gestures of solidarity and that much of support ,to release this collective statement.
We are 7 individuals with different personal and political experiences , which, however, sometimes coincide. What we share for sure, is the way we see the world and the relations we aspire to between individuals.
We love freedom,we believe in equality and sharing,we hate power,and we oppose to the exploitation of a person by another.
Continue reading Spain: Statement by comrades arrested on 27 February 2021 ( IT/CAST/CAT/EN/GR)
Prison of Nancy-Maxeville, France: Why I burned the two antennas of Mont Poupet
Hi, I’m Boris. I’ve been incarcerated in the Nancy Maxéville prison for 9 months now for the burning of two cell towers in the Jura in April 2020.
If I decide only now to write a few public words about my case, it is mainly because the State has just judged me and it seems vital to me to put down on paper my impressions and my rage against this techno-totalitarianism which have not faded at all since I have been locked up. On the contrary.
While the States were agreeing to muzzle the population by summoning it to stay quietly at home under the pretext of curbing the covid-19 pandemic, waves of sabotages broke out in France and in Europe (Netherlands, England, Italy,. From East to West, from South to North of France, pylons have been knocked down, their cables cut and most of them burned by dozens, interrupting telecommunications, the geolocation of cell phones and the spying of those in the target of the repression organs.
Continue reading Prison of Nancy-Maxeville, France: Why I burned the two antennas of Mont Poupet
Athens,Greece: Comrade Marios Seisidis is on trial in the courts of Loukareos in Athens on 25/6 at 9am
On Friday 25/6/21, at 9am in the courts of Loukareos Street on the 6th floor, the trial of anarchist comrade Marios Seisidis continues in the second instance for the case of the armed robbery of the National Bank on Solonos Street in 2006.
During the escape of the perpetrators, the state dogs did not hesitate to shoot into the people, resulting in the wounding and arrest of the anarchist Giannis Dimitrakis. Marios and Simos Seisidis and Grigoris Tsironis were subsequently declared wanted and € 600,000 proclaimed for them. After almost a decade on the run, the 3 wanted comrades were arrested in different places at different times. Simos lost his leg from a police bullet in Tavros area in Athens, Grigoris in Volos in an attack by EKAM special force of cops unite (during which Spyros Darvilas decided to committed suicide to be free) and Marios in Peloponnese together with Costas Sakkas.
Continue reading Athens,Greece: Comrade Marios Seisidis is on trial in the courts of Loukareos in Athens on 25/6 at 9am
via: Translated by Act for freedom now!
June 22, 2021
In the last days of the first week of June, the Gendarmería de Chile (Genchi) carried out a massive transfer of prisoners from the Cárcel de Alta seguridad (CAS) to the prison of Rancagua, capital of the O’Higgins region, 87 kilometres south of Santiago.
The prisoners include the Anarchists and Subversives: Juan Aliste Vega, Marcelo Villarroel, Mauricio Hernández Norambuena, Juan Flores, Joaquín García and Francisco Solar.
The transfer of these prisoners was motivated by modifications in the infrastructure of the CAS, which will last approximately one year. Once the works are finished, the prisoners will be returned to the prison according to the information provided by GENCHI, meanwhile my comrades will be away from their affective and political environment. In this way, not only is the prisoner being punished, but also their friends, comrades and family members.
It is also important to emphasize that in the territory dominated by the Chilean State, free transit between regions is not allowed due to measures for the prevention of the spreading of Covid 19.
Chile : New Hunger Strike and Uprising by Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners in Rancagua Prison
first publish on 15.6.2021
We assume the conflict with the state, prison and capital from the moment when we leave empty words and take action. With this, we assume the step to the offensive and the hostile consequences that come from the winding road of confrontation.
We do not need the permission, or the recognition of anyone to take the life in our hands and from there, build ties of affinity, of comradeship and brotherhood.
Clearly, this dynamic and constant process teaches us and calls us to always be attentive to the future of the struggle for total liberation.
Yes! We seek the total liberation of peoples, individuals and communities, a life away from the capitalist garbage, from the imposition of authoritarian rule affirmed, among other things, in the rotten politics of their agreements, solutions and cooked alliances, even between four walls, just to affirm the continuity of the Power that we hate in all its shapes and colors. Today, we are in a new chapter of real and concrete struggle in the Chilean prisons. Subversive and anarchist comrades of long convictions face the vengeance of the state in the first person together with our families, comrades, friends and the like. This reality is the struggle for the total destruction of prison society, not as a slogan on the air but in the daily and millimetric confrontation in the entire daily life of confinement. For decades, we have lived the political imprisonment that has never disappeared and that did not start on October 18, 2019. The same judicial, political-journalistic-police hostilities that today are denounced as unacceptable. we have lived them without pause for years.
Continue reading Chile : New Hunger Strike and Uprising by Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners in Rancagua Prison
Greece: some info updates about anarchist prisoners hostages of the Greek state
We call for a solidarity gathering demo at Domokos prison,
on Sunday, June 20, at 15:00. where comrade Giannis Dimitrakis is held.
Solidarity Assembly to prisoners, fugitives and persecuted militants
Giannis Dimitrakis ( Γιαννης δημητρακης)
Sofronistiko Katastima Domokou
TK 35010
A call for a solidarity Gathering on 22th and 29th of June 2021 at 9.00 at the Court of Appeals on Loukareos Street in Athens where the trial continues that through our mass presence we can send a message of solidarity to our 3 imprisoned comrades Dimitra, Kostantina and Giannis. To stand by them in their effort to fight against the established accusations of the anti-terrorist cops .
To raise our fists until the day they walk next to us.
Until they are free!
Solidarity is our weapon!
The address for the 3 Anarchist Comrades :
Dimitra Valavani
(Δήμητρα Βαλαβάνη)
Dikastiki Fylaki Korydallou
Gynaikeies Fylakes, (women prison)
T.K. 18110
Kostantina Athanasopoulou
(Κωσταντινα Αθανασοπουλου)
Eleonas Women’s Prison
T.K. 32200
Giannis Michailidis
(Γιαννης Μηχαιλιδης)
Malandrinou prisons (Κ.Κ. Μαλανδρίνου)
T.K. 33053
Detroit, Michigan (USA): Noise demo for June 11th (en / es )
The June 11th noise demo outside of Wayne County Jails in downtown Detroit happened one day after the new interim police chief announced a plan to enforce strict noise and crowd ordinances in the wake of a fight in Greektown, which is one block from the Wayne County Jails. This included a plan to significantly increase police presence downtown on weekends.
Wayne County Jails are also presently experiencing a severe staffing shortage, which has led to officers refusing to work and likening their jobs to “being on death row.” In spite of this, we noticed police buses and vans downtown, parked and ready to load up more arrestees. We were not deterred by these intimidation tactics, as we were committed to showing up for the folks in our community being held captive by corrupt Detroit police.
Continue reading Detroit, Michigan (USA): Noise demo for June 11th (en / es )