Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

Protests and repressions in Belarus from anarchist perspective – online presentation

27 august 2021 19:00 (Minsk time)
News from Belarus hardly make headlines of the english speaking media and if something comes it is mostly about some new crazy move of dictator Lukashenko. The protest for now is not happening anymore, but the struggle continues. Massive network of solidarity is supporting thousands of repressed among them dozens of anarchists and antifascists. Some spontanious decentrilized protests are happening on regular basis.
Continue reading Protests and repressions in Belarus from anarchist perspective – online presentation

For Freedom’ – podcast by CNA-ABC Asturies

First podcast of CNA-ABC Asturies, this time in support of the International Week of Solidarity with Imprisoned Anarchists 2021.

Link: “For Freedom” – podcast

‘Para la libertad’ . Semana Internacional de Solidaridad con Anarquistas Prisionerxs description


Mientras escribo esta reflexión en el día que se cumple un año en el que el Estado chileno secuestro a Francisco y a mí, escucho las voces de compañerxs que se manifiestan afuera de la cárcel. Al otro lado de los barrotes, las rejas y los muros, hay manos y corazones inquietos accionando por quienes estamos dentro de las jaulas del capital. En esta ocasión, no solo llegaron hasta mi sus gritos, también recibí un panfleto ¡El viento trajo un hermoso e inesperado regalo! ¡Bella propaganda anarquista!

Para quienes hacemos o hemos hecho acciones de propaganda antiautoritaria, muchas veces no dimensionamos las consecuencias que pueden tener estas en otras personas. En un principio el objetivo de cualquier propaganda es entregar un mensaje, el que idealmente incite o inspire a otrxs a actuar en contra del actual sistema de terror. Pero, tal vez, el/la receptor de este mensaje no actué, no le haga efecto aquel llamado y siga como un espectador pasivx. En ese caso, vale la pena preguntarnos ¿Quizás la propaganda no fue lo suficientemente efectiva?, ¿Qué es lo que lleva a un individuo a enfrentar lo que lo domina? Como de la misma manera ¿Qué lleva a alguien a vivir pasivamente en un mundo de mísera y opresión? Continue reading CHILE : EL VIENTO TRAE BUENAS SEÑALES POR MÓNICA CABALLERO

(Thessaloniki Greece)Information from a gathering of solidarity with D. Hatzivassiliadis and his transfer to Korydallos prison in Athens.

The anarchist comrade Dimitris Hatzivassiliadis passed on Thursday 12/08 in front of an investigator and prosecutor at Thessaloniki Court, supporting his actions based on his conscription policy and his political choice to expropriate a bank, due to his condition of illegality and survival as a fugitive. There has not yet been a decision on the length of his sentence. Some people in solidarity gathered outside the Courthouse, banners were hung, fliers were thrown and anarchist slogans were shouted. The forces of OPKE and MAT (Units for the Reinstatement of Order and special division of the Hellenic Police,)  had blocked all the entrances-exits around the perimeter of the building, as a result of which any live communication of the comrade with the people of the gathering was not possible.
As of 09/08/2021, the fighter was detained at the Thessaloniki Police Headquarters under the pretext of quarantine and could not receive any visitors and it was impossible for him to receive his basic items. This is a result of the wider strategy of the state, which tries to isolate captive militants and cause difficulties in their living conditions. Although they had informed the comrade that he would be quarantined for two weeks at GADTH, today, Friday 13/08, he was abducted at 6am without even receiving his things – while their receipt was scheduled for later the same day – and without knowing where he was being transferred.
From the latest information from people close to him: The comrade has been transferred to Korydallos to the underground wing of the women’s prison and is again in isolation.
Do not leave him alone in the hands of the state.
Strength and solidarity with the captured anarchist fighter Dimitris Hatzivassiliadis.
Via: athens.indymedia
Translation by Act for freedom now!

Solidarity with Boris : Bure (Meuse)

A few days before the beginning of the Rayonnantes camp, we send all our solidarity to Boris, imprisoned in Nacy-Maxéville since september 2020.
Boris was imprisoned in the context of repression against the wave of incendiary attacks on relay antennas, in his particular case those of the Mont Poupet, which Boris claimed. You can read his declaration here.
A few days ago, a fire started in Boris’ cell and he was transfered to Metz hospital. You can find a communique about his situation here.
You can also find more information on the procedure here.
Our struggles against this energy-consuming world, that pushes the commercialization and artificialization of the world, from Cigeo to relay antennas, are the same.
Our struggles for freedom and autonomy stand against every prison.


Statement for the Week of Solidarity by Thomas Meyer-Falk

To argue and fight for a society free of domination can lead to people being thrown into the dungeons of the respective regimes. There, the bodies are to be locked up in the tightest of spaces and the resistant spirit put in chains, forged against the bare concrete walls.
Those who are not willing to submit face a long, a very long time behind bars. But it is weeks of action like now in August 2021 that forge a bond between the people in front of and those behind the prison walls. A bond between people whose hearts beat for liberation and for freedom.

Continue reading Statement for the Week of Solidarity by Thomas Meyer-Falk

Greece: About the anarchist comrade Dimitris Hatzivassiliadis arrested on 9/8/2021

The comrade D. was given a deadline to apologize tomorrow 12/8/21 , at 11am. We call for a solidarity gathering  outside of the Courts building s in Thessaloniki
Solidarity with the fighter D. Hatzivassiliadis
Fire to the fire of power!
in solidarity

[Athens] Banner in solidarity with Dimitris Hatzivasiliadis

On the 9th of August, 2021, fugitive comrade Dimitris Hatzivasiliadis was captured in Thessaloniki. To send a message of power and solidarity with the captured comrade, we hung a banner of solidarity in Athens.
Today at 10.00 morning  11/8/21, the comrade will go through an investigation. No alone in the hands of the state! Everyone at the solidarity gathering at the Court of Thessaloniki at 10.00.
According to the regime 9.8.21, the arrest took place in Thessaloniki. We must not leave it like this. There must be information through his own people (close comrades, friends, lawyers) so that we do not leave him alone in the hands of the State, without knowing his movements.
Update 10/8/21
After a telephone communication with the comrade D. Hatzivassiliadis, he is fine, they have not transferred him to Athens, they have still got him in Thessaloniki, maybe today he will go before a prosecutor. People in solidarity in Thessaloniki need to mobilize and stand in solidarity in the event that they are passed before a prosecutor or investigator there.
via: Athens indymedia

EN/ FR/ IT/ GER/ GR / ES: An anarchist prisoner in coma.. in France

receive 8.8.2021
Our comrade Boris, in prison in Nancy-Maxéville since september 2020 for the arson of two relay antennas in the Jura during the lockdown, is currently in artificial coma at the burns unit of the hospital of Metz. The fire would have started around 6:30 am in the cell [where he was placed alone in detention ] saturday 7th of august.
The only certainty is that prison is an institutionalized torture system, and that the State -from police to justice to prison -, is directly responsible of this situation.
May sadness turns into rage against all authority …
Friends, accomplices and comrades of Boris,
8th august 2021


in french:
Nancy/Metz : Boris dans le coma
Notre compagnon Boris, incarcéré à la taule Nancy-Maxéville depuis septembre 2020 pour l’incendie de deux antennes-relais dans le Jura pendant le confinement, est actuellement plongé en coma artificiel au service des grands brulés de l’hôpital de Metz. Le feu aurait pris vers 6h30 dans la cellule samedi 7 août.
La seule certitude est que la prison est un système de torture institutionnalisée, et que l’État -de la police à la justice jusqu’à la prison-, est directement responsable de cette situation.
Que la tristesse se transforme en rage contre toute autorité…
Des ami-e-s, complices et compagnon-ne-s de Boris,
8 août 2021
in italian:
Nancy/Metz : Boris in coma
Il nostro compagno Boris, incarcerato nella galera di Nancy da settembre 2020, per l’incedio di due ripetitori di telefonia mobile, nel dipartimento del Jura, durante il primo lockdown, si trova attualmente in coma indotto nel reparto grandi ustionati dell’ospedale di Metz. Il fuoco avrebbe avuto luogo nella sua cella verso le 6,30 di sabato 7 agosto.
La sola cosa certa è che la prigione è un sistema di tortura istituzionalizzato e che lo Stato – dalla polizia alla giustizia fino alla prigione – è direttamente responsabile di questa situazione.
Che la tristezza si trasformi in rabbia contro ogni autorità…
Alcuni/e amici/e, complici e compagni/e di Boris
8 agosto 2021
Nancy/Metz : Boris ist im Koma!
Unser Gefährte Boris, der seit September 2020 im Gefängnis von Nancy-Maxéville inhaftiert ist, weil er zwei Funkmasten im Jura angezündet hat, liegt derzeit in der Verbrennungsstation des Krankenhauses von Metz im künstlichen Koma. Das Feuer soll am Samstag, den 7. August, gegen 6.30 Uhr in der Zelle [in der er allein inhaftiert war] ausgebrochen sein.

Sicher ist nur, dass das Gefängnis ein System der institutionalisierten Folter ist und dass der Staat – von der Polizei über die Justiz bis hin zum Gefängnis – für diese Situation direkt verantwortlich ist.
Lass Traurigkeit in Wut gegen jede Autorität umschlagen…
Freunde, Komplizen und Weggefährten von Boris,
8. August 2021
Γαλλία: Ο αναρχικός κρατούμενος Boris βρίσκεται σε κώμα
Ο σύντροφός μας, Boris, ο οποίος κρατείται στη φυλακή της Nancy-Maxéville από τον Σεπτέμβρη του 2020 για τον εμπρησμό δύο κεραιών στη Jura κατά τη διάρκεια του lockdown, βρίσκεται αυτή τη στιγμή σε τεχνητό κώμα στη μονάδα εγκαυμάτων του νοσοκομείου του Metz. Φαίνεται πως ξέσπασε φωτιά στο κελί του (όπου κρατείται μόνος του) γύρω στις 6:30 το πρωί του Σαββάτου 7 Αυγούστου.
Το μόνο βέβαιο είναι πως η φυλακή αποτελεί ένα θεσμοθετημένο σύστημα βασανισμού, και πως το Κράτος -από την αστυνομία και τη δικαιοσύνη ως τη φυλακή- είναι άμεσα υπεύθυνο για την κατάσταση αυτή.
Η θλίψη ας γίνει οργή απέναντι σε κάθε εξουσία…
Φίλοι, συγγενείς και συντρόφια του Boris,
8η Αυγούστου 2021
Πηγή: Dark Nights
Μετάφραση: Δ.Ο. Ragnarok


[Nancy/Metz, Francia] Boris en coma
agosto 18, 2021
Recibido por correo electrónico  extraído de
Nuestro compañero Boris, detenido en la cárcel Nancy-Maxéville desde el mes de septiembre 2020 por haber incendiado dos antenas de telecommunicación en la región de Jura durante el confinamiento, se encuentra actualmente puesto en coma inducido en la unidad de grandes
quemados del  hospital de Metz. El incendio se habria propagado sobre las 6:30 el sabado 7 de agosto en la celda [dónde estaba encerrado
La única certeza es que la prisión es un sistema de tortura
institucionalizada, y que el Estado -de la policía a la justicia, hasta
la cárcel-, es directamente responsable de esta situación.
Que la tristeza se vuelva rabia contra toda autoridad…
Amigues, cómplices y compañeres de Boris,
8 de agosto del 2021
via: contramadriz.


Act for freedom now!

Chile: Anarchist Prisoners Mónica and Francisco: Against Sectarianism. For an Affinity Supported in Practice. en/it/es

Facing what we see as direct interpellations towards us, the need arises to write this text to make clear the issues.
As we have written on several occasions both individual and collectively, we understand anarchy not as an embodiment or place of arrival, but as a tension, a permanent confrontation in the first personm putting at the center the search for individual freedom. For us, this constant struggle has been real, which is why we find ourselves today behind bars. This situation has not prevented us from continuing to participate in struggle initiatives both inside and outside the jail.
In short, anarchy for us is an ethics and a permanent practice against authority, a practice in which we have met with others (not necessarily “anarchists”), enriching and enhancing our visions and capabilities, as well as forging close relationships of complicity, strengthened in the course of years and confrontation. To designate that these relationships can only be established with those who are called “anarchists,” apart from being a fallacy that can only be believed by those who have not ventured to travel the paths of the conflict and spend their time in front of the computer, is something that we reject from the moment when we prioritize establishing links over repeating empty slogans until you get enough. To self-identify as “irreducible anarchists” does not mean anything without being accompanied by a confrontational practice that sustains it.

Continue reading Chile: Anarchist Prisoners Mónica and Francisco: Against Sectarianism. For an Affinity Supported in Practice. en/it/es


Not the post we wanted to be making, but on July 7th after his communication restrictions expired SIS (special investigation services) from FCI Englewood gave him word that they were renewing the expired restrictions.
For another 6 months, Eric will be unable to communicate with anyone who is not family. This will bring him to a total of a year and a half being held incommunicado from the public when this restriction ends. Like the last two blocks this one comes without much explanation other than a general statement about how his communication might pose a threat to the institution and to the public.