Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

Greece: 11th of June Georgia Voulgari and Thanos Xatziagkelou Begin of symbolic Hunger Strike in Solidarity with Anarchist Comrade G. Michailidis

The dictatorship of confinement is the mirror of democracy. It is the morbid representation of a tyranny that is not content with its military victories. It wants to see those who subjugate bend, sink into deprivation and decline. See in the faces of the captives that laughter disappears and misery occupies its place. Power builds common pits of souls to bury the voices of the invisibles in the concrete.
And yet some still scream. They shout strongly over injustice, inequality, arbitrariness. They shout for freedom and their voices break the concrete, cut the cables and travel free like birds in the sky. They contemplate the meanness of this world and from its proud height they fall as rays on the heads of the lords.
Comrade Giannis Michailidis belongs to these voices. A disobedient fighter both outside and within the walls. Uncompromising with the claim of confinement to this day. Humble as a personality as much as an enemy of exploitation, our comrade condenses in his journey the meanings that we are called today to defend collectively. Revolutionary conscience against submission, self-denial against self-interest, the sharpening of the fight against disarmament and generalized resignation.

Continue reading Greece: 11th of June Georgia Voulgari and Thanos Xatziagkelou Begin of symbolic Hunger Strike in Solidarity with Anarchist Comrade G. Michailidis

14 of June : Health Update for Hunger Striker Giannis Michailidis (Greece) en/fr/es

[EN] 5th Health Update for Hunger Striker Giannis Michailidis – The comrade returned to prison

Today, the 23rd day of comrade Giannis Michailidis hunger strike, his morning measurements were as follows:

Oxygen: 95

Pulse: 67

Pressure:10 and 7

Blood sugar: 61

Weight:62.6 kg (loss of more than 10% of his original body weight)

The companion is currently (Tuesday 14/6,23rd day) in prison. He was not kept in hospital at the moment. He is awaiting the results of the analytical tests later today. It is obvious that yesterday’s transfer was detrimental to his health. There will be a detailed update later with the test results from the hospital.

Continue reading 14 of June : Health Update for Hunger Striker Giannis Michailidis (Greece) en/fr/es

Greece: Text by anarchist prisoner D.Chatzivasiliadis : When the Makhnovists wiped out Grigoriev and Petliura

Preface to the publication

The composition of the text “When the Makhnovists wiped out Grigoriev and Petliura”* began in the first days of the war and was completed in its third week. By the time the manuscript was released from prison and typed, two months of war had passed. The text in greek was then published on athens.indymedia in April ‘22. Printed information from outside to inside prison and written communication from prison to the outside, arrive with delay, even when there is an organized support group for this task for the captured fighter (which is not so in my case). However, the developments fully confirm the present analysis. Nationalists and imperialists from both sides are prolonging the conflict. And libertarians remain trapped within the conventional dilemma between fleeing and abandoning the social struggle on the field or committing political suicide by siding with nationalism. The necessity of an international dialogue for the rebirth of revolutionary anarchism grows more urgent with every day that passes, through the co-shaping of the practical responsibilities pertaining to those who wish to be active subjects in historical evolution.
(A clarifying glossary has been added at the end of the text.)

*Grigoriev was a defector from the Red Army, ex-czarist, who aspired to become leader of Ukraine. Makhno executed him during a public meeting. Petliura was the leader of ukrainian nationalists. He was killed by the Jewish makhnovist Scholem Schwarzbad in 1916 in France, who had lost fourteen of his relatives during anti-jewish pogroms perpetrated by nationalists. In the original post of this text in greek, only Petliura was mentioned, as if he was in the place of Grigoriev at his execution. The historical confusion was noticed after the publication, due to time pressure and to lack of access to resources inside prison. However, the political meaning is the same.

When the Makhnovists wiped out Grigoriev and Petliura


As soon as the military invasion of Russian imperialism on Ukrainian territory began, a call for international mobilization for the “Territorial Defense of Ukraine” was published by anarchists, with the signature “Resistance Committee”i. Such a call, in the given situation and from within the field of an inter-state war and even more so from the perspective of active intervention in the conflict, is important and its political position, whatever it may be, is crucial for the libertarian movement worldwide.

In its life course of the past two centuries, the socialist movement, and particularly the anarchists, have often been caught in the maelstrom of the war between states. War, as the crudest reality of authority, which totally takes over the social space, is the most critical juncture for the social revolutionary movement. There have been many moments when the socialist movement has been divided in relation to a particular war or in relation to war in general, moments when it has been led to the slaughter or when it has itself reproduced warmongering and imperialist structures. On the other hand, all proletarian revolutions emerged from war or from military dictatorship. Our stance during the condensed period of militarily defined class struggle determines the development of the social movement. Continue reading Greece: Text by anarchist prisoner D.Chatzivasiliadis : When the Makhnovists wiped out Grigoriev and Petliura

UK: Text from Anarchist prisoner Toby Shone June 11th

Text from Toby Shone June 11th

War in the Heavens

J 11. Open Letter in solidarity with Juan Sorroche
Hi, Juan. I’m writing this letter to express my solidarity and send you a big flaming hug of anarchy for the date of June 11th. This date, which is the date of the sentencing demands from the prosecutor, and also is the date for the International Mobilization for Anarchist Prisoners, is one more day in our intransigent lives.

Most likely, you may not remember me, but we met approximately 15 years ago, in Carcelona (i.e. Barcelona, a play on words which mixes the word “Barcelona” with “carcel” or prison in Spanish – translator’s note). I recall your broad smile, your laugh, and your warm and strong heart.

I saw your letter in Respiro number two with a collage of sunflower
seeds and a zen squirrel! Comrades from the Anti-repression fund of the Western Alps sent it to me while I was in the prison of Bristol, which I’m now banned from. When I see the artwork letters of my comrades, it gives me strength. I want to share this vitality with you and all the other comrades through this letter.
Continue reading UK: Text from Anarchist prisoner Toby Shone June 11th

No one will be left alone Fundraising to support imprisoned anarchists and anti-fascists in Belarus

It’s been almost two years since the 2020 protests in Belarus. The anarchist movement, just like the rest of activists and jounalists, has faced the biggest crackdown ever. Many activists had to leave the country, others got behind bars. ABC-Belarus continues its activity and needs support more than ever. At the moment, there are about 30 imprisoned anarchists and antifascists in Belarus and the number keeps growing.

We are in the middle of a big trial with 10 defendants that would probably last for the whole summer. Read more about the case here – Every week just this case alone costs us 3000 euros. Without your help, we won’t be able to provide support in this trial for long, meaning that the activists will lose their opportunity to get legal aid. Other comrades need lawyer’s visits, food parcels, appeals – all this requires more money than we are able to gather. Continue reading No one will be left alone Fundraising to support imprisoned anarchists and anti-fascists in Belarus

Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for an incendiary spree and calling for an incendiary campaign by Arsonists Incendiary Archers (ΕΜΠΡΗΣΤΕΣ ΤΟΞΟΒΟΛΟΙ)

Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for an incendiary spree and calling for an incendiary campaign

We do not intend to dwell on yet another great political analysis of what is happening today. The time for that is over. All that remains now is our actions. This life is not sustainable. A large part of society knows it and is finding out more and more each day, even if it tries to ignore it or put the blame elsewhere. Pandemic, war, impoverishment. Economic crises on top of economic crises. Depravation of life. The State and capital march unmolested and trample our lives. They have declared war on us. We simply respond with the means at our disposal. We know who stands against us. The State and its minions, the petty bourgeoisie, the nouveau riche, the bosses. We are coming for you! We will attack you until the cops are forced to guard every house, every shed, every car.

But we come these days for another reason. Comrade Giannis Michailidis is on his 16th day of a hunger strike demanding his release. The State vindictiveness he is facing has to do with the unrelenting attitude he has taken all these years inside and outside prison. He is part of an all-out attack launched by the neoliberal Greek State, trying to crush everything that goes against it and stifle all revolutionary memory. Continue reading Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for an incendiary spree and calling for an incendiary campaign by Arsonists Incendiary Archers (ΕΜΠΡΗΣΤΕΣ ΤΟΞΟΒΟΛΟΙ)

Rome, Italy: Meeting to organise an initiative in piazza in solidarity with the comrades on trial, against the 41bis prison regime, against all prisons (Rome 9.06.2022)

Meeting to organise an initiative in piazza in solidarity with the comrades on trial, against the 41bis prison regime, against all prisons (Rome 9.06.2022)

The last hearing of the Scripta Manent trial will be held on 27 June at the Court of Cassation, where anarchists will be on trial for subversive association for the purposes of terrorism and other specific offences, including massacre.

On May 5th the comrade Alfredo Cospito, one of the accused in this trial, was placed under the 41bis regime and transferred to the prison of Bancali, Sassari [Sardinia], where he is presently being held.

A regime of downright torture and annihilation, at the height of the Italian repressive system.

This is happening at a time when the crisis of the capitalist system is there for all to see, as new forms of authoritarianism intertwine with a tendency towards generalised warfare.

We are convinced that anarchist ideas and practice constitute an antidote to the catastrophe.

We will not accept our comrades’ voices being silenced.

This move to 41 bis concerns all revolutionaries, all those opposed to this system in word and deed.

We denounce the political and personal responsibility of those who took this heinous measure: from the highest level, the minister Marta Cartabia who signed the order, to the repressive machine of the Anti-Mafia into whose ranks that very Roberto Sparagna,  prosecutor in the Scripta Manent trial, has recently returned and been promoted to high office.

We are therefore calling an open meeting in order to organise a street initiative in solidarity with the comrades on trial, against the 41 bis prison regime and against all prisons.

International solidarity with all the comrades struck by the repression. Take action, organise, spread solidarity everywhere.

dispersed anarchist individualities

Thursday June 9th at 6pm, at the social Space 100celle aperte [100 opened cells], via delle Resede 5, Rome, Italy.

Greece: Health Updates for Hunger Striker of Anarchist Giannis Michailidis

Health Updates for Hunger Striker anarchist Giannis Michailidis
On Monday, 6th of June, the 15th day of the hunger strike of the comrade,  his observations were as follows:

Oxygen: 95

Pulse: 80

Pressure: 9.5 and 6.

Blood sugar: 75

Weight: 65.5 kilos (loss of 10% of his original body weight)

Note that it is well established in the literature that the risk to the health and physical integrity of a hunger striker increases significantly after the 10th day of no food taken. It is also accepted that weight loss of more than 10% of the initial body weight is a danger risk .

The comrade continues the struggle strongly until his immediate release.


Assembly of solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker Giannis Michailidis



Act for freedom now!