From the southeast of Mexico: A letter to our comrade Giannis Michaildis in solidarity with his just struggle for his freedom


From the southeast of the territory called Mexico May 14, 2022.

To our comrade Giannis Michaildis:

From this corner of the world we have learned of your struggle outside and inside prison. We see with great admiration these 11 years of dignified resistance that you carry in the face of the Greek state. Since 2011, when you were arrested for your heartfelt solidarity with the wanted anarchists, which put me in their position when they were arrested, turned into an incrimination for your actions.

We see, without any surprise, that the ways of acting do not vary from one government to another, that the State operates in the same way. The fabrication of guilt, torture and preventive detention are a reality in the different geographies of the world. We also see that prisons all over the world operate in the same way, centres of extermination where the powerless are the main victims, followed by those who fight for another world. Prisons are the same everywhere, they destroy the lives of the prisoners, their families and their surroundings. Prisoners who raise their voices to denounce the atrocities committed inside suffer the same fate, the restriction of rights that all prisoners have, harassment and humiliation by prison authorities. It is clear that prisons are only for those of us who are down below, because those who stand at the top, businessmen, public officials and politicians, never set foot in prison.

We vindicate your struggle, our collective heart is with you. We know that the decision you have taken is not easy, we have witnessed it first hand. We have accompanied our prisoner comrades in a decision similar to yours, their hunger strike has given us many lessons. But the main one is your dignified path in risking your life in search of freedom, justice and truth.

Compa you are not alone, despite the miles and distances that separate us we feel united in your struggle and from this corner of the world we will fight for your freedom.

Freedom to Giannis Michaildis and all the prisoners in struggle!

Prisoners to the streets!

Down with the prison walls!

Until we are all free!

Working Group No Estamos Todxs.

Collective of Relations of Prisoners in Struggle.
Translated by Act for freedom now!