Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

Text – beginning of Anarchist prisoner V. Stathopoulos’ hunger strike for G. Michailidis

Text – beginning of V. Stathopoulos’ hunger strike for G. Michailidis

How sure are we that there is no death penalty in Greece?

Remaining imprisoned for three years in solidarity, I directly experience the vengeance of the prosecuting authorities in the cells of the alt-right government! What we are experiencing today as an Anarchist movement is clearly an open war on all fronts by the regime.

The current junta really shows who they are with their daily behaviour on the street, with repressive laws on marches and strikes, while authoritarianism has been imposed on the whole society, with a constant cruel police state. The vindictiveness against political opponents, those they consider dangerous to their plans, is aimed at their political extermination, going as far as the physical extermination of those who continue to resist.

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Chile: Two years after our imprisonment. Words from Monica and Francisco from Prison

Two years after our imprisonment. Words from Monica and Francisco from Prison

We have always prioritized not having intermediaries when it comes to communicating, that no one speaks for us, and in these days that mark two years since those who sustain the hegemony of power and locked us in these cement pits called prisons, will be no exception.

This second year of imprisonment will bring with it the end of the investigative period of our legal process, that is to say that the period in which the prosecution and the ten plaintiffs were able to gather information against us will end. The closing of the investigation opens an intermediate process prior to the trial.

The judicial investigation against us has spared no resources; the police have made great efforts not to leave any loose ends. The aim is to give us an exemplary sentence that will frighten anyone who makes the practice of political violence their own, especially with regard to the placing and sending of explosive devices. Furthermore, we are not unknown to the powerful; on more than one occasion we have been seated in the dock, and in all of them we have made our anarchist position clear. Our current legal situation is closely linked to our previous judicial trials.
Continue reading Chile: Two years after our imprisonment. Words from Monica and Francisco from Prison

Santiago, Chile: Words of anarchist comrade Mónica Caballero Sepúlveda held hostage by the State in the San Miguel Prison

Words of anarchist comrade Mónica Caballero Sepúlveda held hostage by the State in the San Miguel Prison

The military dictatorship left large and deep scars on a part of the inhabitants of the territory denominated by the Chilean state, thanks to the state terrorism that spared nothing in crushing all those who could hinder the implementation of the new neoliberal model. This is how the harshest face of repression became known to the thousands who were imprisoned, tortured, murdered and disappeared.

The fear and wounds left by the agents of the state can paralyze anyone, I cannot and do not intend to judge or criticize those who have chosen to stay at home after having lived through torture and/or the loss and/or disappearance of a loved one. On the other hand, there are others who, full of scars, have shed their fear and stood up without victimhood against the system of terror and oblivion. Among these was Luisa.
Continue reading Santiago, Chile: Words of anarchist comrade Mónica Caballero Sepúlveda held hostage by the State in the San Miguel Prison

BREAKING: Significant deterioration of the health of Giannis Michaelidis – 61 days of hunger strike

Significant deterioration of the health of Giannis Michaelidis – 61 days of hunger strike

Anarchist comrade Giannis Michailidis is on hunger strike since 23/5, demanding his release. Today he completes 61 days of hunger strike without his request being accepted. His health condition has deteriorated greatly, as he has a very difficult time in getting out of bed, standing up, reading and writing, his spleen and gall pains are becoming more and more severe, while he has reached a point where it is difficult for him to drink much water.

His body weight has reached 54.1 kg. Having started the hunger strike at 73 kilos, he has now lost 19 kilos, 26% of his initial body weight. His high blood pressure is 9 and low is 6, and his blood sugar was measured at 67. Having lost over 25% of his initial body weight, and with his health indicators constantly deteriorating, his possibilities for permanent physical damage are now very high. At the moment, comrade Giannis Michailidis is on the verge of hypoglycemic shock and doctors are reporting that there is a possibility that he could fall into a coma. The state and judicial authorities are gambling with the life and integrity of anarchist Giannis Michailidis.
Continue reading BREAKING: Significant deterioration of the health of Giannis Michaelidis – 61 days of hunger strike



Today, July 5, the sentence computation review hearing in favor of Marcelo Villarroel took place before Judge Carolina Gajardo, of the 7th Guarantee Court of Santiago. In this hearing, Marcelo’s defence denounced before the Court the illegality of the Gendarmerie’s action of increasing by 21 years the minimum time of his effective sentence to be eligible for parole. Before this modification, he could have applied for parole in December 2019. This action, covered by the modification of DL 321 by law 21.124 in December 2019, violates a series of fundamental guarantees, especially the non-retroactivity of criminal law and the principle of in dubio pro reo, established in the Constitution (art. 19 n3), in the Criminal Code (art. 18) and in a series of international human rights treaties ratified and prevailing in Chile.

The Prosecutor’s Office was also present, represented by prosecutor Arturo Gómez, who argued that Marcelo must still serve sentences of more than 30 years, given the sentences of the Military Prosecutor’s Office, and that this request of the defence had already been resolved in a negative manner by the Court on repeated occasions, and should therefore be rejected (despite the fact that this is the first action for sentence computation).

From the southeast of Mexico: A letter to our comrade Giannis Michaildis in solidarity with his just struggle for his freedom


From the southeast of the territory called Mexico May 14, 2022.

To our comrade Giannis Michaildis:

From this corner of the world we have learned of your struggle outside and inside prison. We see with great admiration these 11 years of dignified resistance that you carry in the face of the Greek state. Since 2011, when you were arrested for your heartfelt solidarity with the wanted anarchists, which put me in their position when they were arrested, turned into an incrimination for your actions.
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Greece: EN/GR/ Update 20/7/21,about the health condition of the hunger striker Giannis Michailidis

EN: Comrade and hunger striker Giannis Michailidis today completes 59 days of hunger strike. He has lost more than 24% of his body weight, as he has gone from 73 kg on 23/5 to 55.5 kg today. The threat to his life is now very serious as his white blood cell count has dropped so far below the lower normal limit (value: 2.43 with a range of 4.60-10.2 K/μL) leading to immunodeficiency.

Platelets are also counted much lower than the lower normal limit (value: 90 with limits 142-424 K/μL) and Thrombocytopenia can cause serious and threatening internal bleeding. Based on his latest medical examinations and according to the treating physicians, he is at risk of serious osteoporosis and already feels pain in his joints. In addition, he has strong chest pain when trying to move around. He already has a possible permanent neurological problem in his eyes as the neurological examination showed diplopia in extremities due to lack of nutrients.

The latest radiological examinations and ultrasound examination (on 18/7) showed that the organs that are now at immediate risk of permanent damage are the bile and the spleen, with the latest one facing an additional burden as Giannis has congenital Mediterranean anaemia (thalassaemia).

Continue reading Greece: EN/GR/ Update 20/7/21,about the health condition of the hunger striker Giannis Michailidis

From Chile’s jails to the dungeons of the Greek state, the same voice and fist against the jailers of the rebellious youth


From Chile to Greece, the same struggle to free political prisoners…

From the San Miguel Prison (Chile) to the dungeons of the Greek state, the same voice and fist against the jailers of the rebellious youth

Last Wednesday 07/13, a rally was held outside the women’s prison in San Miguel (Chile) demanding that the minimum conditions of health care be met, due to the prohibition of using the patio during the hours that correspond to the female prisoners, etc. Thus dozens of fighters, activists and fellow militants from the October 18 Coordinator were present to denounce this situation that is being experienced in the women’s prison.

Continue reading From Chile’s jails to the dungeons of the Greek state, the same voice and fist against the jailers of the rebellious youth

Athens Greece: Taking responsibility by Anarchists for the arson of a UNISON vehicle of security company

Athens, Taking responsibility for the arson of a UNISON vehicle of security company

On the 55th day on 16th of July of the hunger strike of Giannis Michailidis, we burned a UNISON vehicle in the area of Metaxourgiou, on Constantinoupolis Street. To support the comrade in his struggle for freedom and as an effort to give strength to the movement in the coming days and nights.

UNISON is a company that collaborates with the municipality of Athens in the privatization and exploitation of parks and streets – with the end result being the death of life in all public spaces, and the transformation of the city into a commercialized Disneyland. The struggle to defend Exarchia also necessitates an attack on UNISON, as it is responsible for the gentrification of Strefi Hill. The company has an open mandate to facilitate the cops in the repression of public spaces and the eviction of squats. They are also part of the class war against the poor, as they exploit workers. Instead of decent wages and working conditions, the company pays peanuts and violates workers’ rights, earning goodwill for their rich bosses and shareholders.

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Patras, Greece: Paint attack and breaking of windows at courthouse in solidarity with anarchist comrade Giannis Michailidis

On Monday night 11/7 we attacked the Patras courthouse, painting the facade and breaking its windows, in solidarity with the anarchist comrade Giannis Michailidis who is on hunger strike since 23/5, waging a struggle against state vengeance with his own body as a weapon.

The comrade, having already served about 8.5 years in prison since December 2021, is entitled to his temporary release from prison, something that runs up against the refusals of the competent judges and councils, as in essence, he does not abandon his militant identity, course and dignity, as clearly demanded by the extortionist regime imposed on him.
Continue reading Patras, Greece: Paint attack and breaking of windows at courthouse in solidarity with anarchist comrade Giannis Michailidis