Text – beginning of V. Stathopoulos’ hunger strike for G. Michailidis
How sure are we that there is no death penalty in Greece?
Remaining imprisoned for three years in solidarity, I directly experience the vengeance of the prosecuting authorities in the cells of the alt-right government! What we are experiencing today as an Anarchist movement is clearly an open war on all fronts by the regime.
The current junta really shows who they are with their daily behaviour on the street, with repressive laws on marches and strikes, while authoritarianism has been imposed on the whole society, with a constant cruel police state. The vindictiveness against political opponents, those they consider dangerous to their plans, is aimed at their political extermination, going as far as the physical extermination of those who continue to resist.
EN: Comrade and hunger striker Giannis Michailidis today completes 59 days of hunger strike. He has lost more than 24% of his body weight, as he has gone from 73 kg on 23/5 to 55.5 kg today. The threat to his life is now very serious as his white blood cell count has dropped so far below the lower normal limit (value: 2.43 with a range of 4.60-10.2 K/μL) leading to immunodeficiency.
Platelets are also counted much lower than the lower normal limit (value: 90 with limits 142-424 K/μL) and Thrombocytopenia can cause serious and threatening internal bleeding. Based on his latest medical examinations and according to the treating physicians, he is at risk of serious osteoporosis and already feels pain in his joints. In addition, he has strong chest pain when trying to move around. He already has a possible permanent neurological problem in his eyes as the neurological examination showed diplopia in extremities due to lack of nutrients.
The latest radiological examinations and ultrasound examination (on 18/7) showed that the organs that are now at immediate risk of permanent damage are the bile and the spleen, with the latest one facing an additional burden as Giannis has congenital Mediterranean anaemia (thalassaemia).
Continue reading Greece: EN/GR/ Update 20/7/21,about the health condition of the hunger striker Giannis Michailidis →