Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

EN/IT : An update on the situation of anarchist Ivan Alocco (France, October 5, 2022)

An update on the situation of anarchist Ivan Alocco

October : anarchist comrade Ivan, arrested on June 11 and accused of six arson attacks against vehicles, was brought before the judge of freedoms at the Bobigny courthouse. Vice-president Claire Vettier, the same one who had ratified his imprisonment on June 13, renewed the comrade’s preventive detention for four more months.

In the meantime, his correspondence seems to have unblocked. Although old letters continue to gather dust in the examining magistrate’s office, the comrade received two postcards and a letter, sent in the last few days. They gave him great pleasure and he thanks those who thought of him.

Let us not forget the imprisoned revolutionaries.
Solidarity is the attack!

The address of the comrade:

Ivan Alocco
N. d’ecrou 46355
Maison d’Arrêt de Villepinte
40, Avenue Vauban
93420 Villepinte




Un aggiornamento sulla situazione dell’anarchico Ivan Alocco (Francia, 5 ottobre 2022)

Il 5 ottobre, il compagno anarchico Ivan, arrestato l’11 giugno perché accusato di sei incendi di veicoli, è passato davanti alla giudice delle libertà, al tribunale di Bobigny. La vice-presidente Claire Vettier, la stessa che aveva ratificato la sua incarcerazione il 13 giugno, ha rinnovato la detenzione preventiva del compagno, per quattro mesi ancora.

Continue reading EN/IT : An update on the situation of anarchist Ivan Alocco (France, October 5, 2022)

Solidarity message to the revolted peoples in Iran, and to the anti-war movement in Russia, from captive anarchist guerrilla Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis (greek prisons)

My sisters and brothers,

you who today in Iran are fighting against patriarchy, theocracy and class oligarchy, you, who by uncovering your faces, by your blood on the streets, are taking that common struggle one step further up the way to global liberation from authority,
together with you I declare and rejoice over the death of terror.

No one experience of tyranny and servility can be be compared with another. The tortures you have been subjected to by the iranian state, throughout its history, are inconceivable. But the struggle unites us. In Greece, day by day, femicides are multiplying. The priests justify rape through their official statements. The impoverishment of the exploited and the excluded, the killings of migrants and the military repression are dressed with the cloak of nationalism, like everywhere. All the states, the iranian, the greek, the russian, the turkish etc, portray social resistance as the “external enemy”.

The people have no borders. All together we will change the world. History has taught us that only through social self-direction and self-defense can we build popular power. Solidarity, that leads to equality through con-federalism within and on either side of borders, this is our way. For this reason, I salute again the Kurdish Movement of Freedom, for its contribution -with boundless self sacrifice- towards the construction of the internationalist, intercultural and borderless revolutionary movement in the Middle East, and especially towards the global women struggle.
Continue reading Solidarity message to the revolted peoples in Iran, and to the anti-war movement in Russia, from captive anarchist guerrilla Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis (greek prisons)

About Orwell and the case of Mónica and Francisco

That every metropolis fulfills all the criteria of a panopticon, well, that is not really saying anything new. The question becomes, which city has a higher density of surveillance technology at its disposal and how intensively is it used?

Therefore, it is obvious that Orwell’s ideas of a completely monitored society were accurate, but not in the dimension that he imagined, or the foundations for it. In particular, dictatorship is unnecessary, which for him would be an important basis of this complete surveillance, to bring it about. Complete surveillance is therefore not an expression of a specific system of capitalism, but it is inherent to its political administration and articulation, namely, the state. So it is a false dichotomy to think that complete surveillance would only be the result of a more “authoritarian” system. Such a way of thinking only feeds on the desire and ideology that the state in better hands could wear a friendly mask. We see this also in the midst of the debate about the corona virus, where leftist groups, but also anarchists, see the saber-rattling of the repression, the introduction of curfew, of quarantine, etc., as a protofascist development and do not want to understand that the state, no matter which – whether democratic or other varieties – always carries such mechanisms and powers (as a monopoly) to guarantee its survival. The political administration and the organization of the State always remains the same, only the criteria and the ideologies of the political forces in power change, this would no longer be a false dichotomy. The State has historically used all the means at its disposal to guarantee the smooth running of its business. The nation-state is therefore the logical consequence, as well as the class society, of capitalism and not the other way around.

We consider this important to say yet again because we never get tired of wanting to understand the basis of the state and capitalism in order to be able to destroy it in real terms. There are far too many foolish historical examples that show us what paths are taken when this is not clear from the beginning.

Now to the case of Mónica and Francisco

On July 24 [2020], Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar were arrested in Chile. We have extensively dealt with their detention trial, which was broadcast live on television. This detention trial is in no way comparable to what we are familiar with in Germany or other EU countries. If we think about the fact that such a detention examination here lasts about 10 minutes, simply to clarify whether an accused person is to be remanded in custody because, for example, there is a risk of flight or a risk of collusion, this is apparently different in Chile. It is not clear to us if there is always a live broadcast on television, or if it is due to the covid measures.
Continue reading About Orwell and the case of Mónica and Francisco

EN/IT,France: A letter from Anarchist Comrade Ivan, from the prison of Villepinte

via:lille.indymedia Translated by Act for freedom now!

notes: the letter is be update with some corrections come to us today.


A letter from Ivan, from the prison of Villepinte

I am writing to share a few thoughts and to send some news.

I’d like to begin with something that illustrates the methods of the legal system very well. A few days after my arrest the judge conducting the enquiry, Stéphanie Lahaye, sent two cops of the SDAT [the Anti-terrorism Sub-Direction of the judicial police] (among whom judicial police officer «RIO 1237232»  – like machines, they are called by numbers) to interrogate my daughter and her mother. Obeying her orders, following the procedures of the State justice system they tried to put pressure on a young girl of 12 years. They wanted to question her alone. Her mother
obviously refused to abandon her.

An ordinary procedure, banal, a necessary act to establish the truth according to judges and cops. In my opinion, an attempt to spread fear. A warning to my dear ones and to everyone that, in the inquisitorial logic of the Law, persons who are or who put themselves alongside an anarchist accused of direct actions are suspect and must be inconvenienced. Continue reading EN/IT,France: A letter from Anarchist Comrade Ivan, from the prison of Villepinte

Chile :Words from the confinement of Anarchist prisoner Joaquín García Chanks August 29, 2022

Words from the confinement of Joaquín García Chanks
August 29, 2022

(Excerpted from Buskando la Kalle)

In the context of the Week of Agitation and Solidarity with anarchist and anti-authoritarian prisoners of all tendencies we share words of anarchist prisoner and comrade Joaquín García from confinement.

In times in which welfarist solidarity invades each and every space of the anti-prison struggle, dragging each space of complicity to an eternal logic of martyrs and spectators, it is urgent to rebel against the comfortable immobility of this conception of solidarity, to take it out of the stagnant limitations of purely material aid and to weave in actions of complicity, trust and spaces in which antagonistic violence finds fertile ground for its praxis.

Continue reading Chile :Words from the confinement of Anarchist prisoner Joaquín García Chanks August 29, 2022

Belarusian anarchists given prison sentences from 5 to 17 years

On 6 September Minsk City Court pronounced the verdict in the criminal case of the so-called “international criminal group”. There are 14 anarchists and libertarians, four of whom have left Belarus. The defendants were charged under 10 articles, including the articles on the establishment and participation in a criminal organization (paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 of Article 285 of the Criminal Code) and the establishment of an extremist formation (paragraphs 1 and 3 of Article 361-1 of the Criminal Code). The trial was held behind closed doors.

According to the investigation, from 2005 to 2020 unidentified persons together with anarchist Alexander Frantskevich and human rights activist Martha Rabkova united “a number of organized criminal groups”: “Revolutionary Action”, “National self-defense” and Revolucijna Dia (“Revolutionary Day”). Investigators allege that Frantskevich and Rabkova organized the arson of the Gomel District Tax Inspectorate in March 2017 using “Molotov cocktails.” Read more about the case and its defendants in Russian here.
Continue reading Belarusian anarchists given prison sentences from 5 to 17 years

Dokumentasi Minggu Solidaritas Internasional 23-30 Agustus (Indonesia)

Berikut beberapa dokumentasi dari kawan-kawan yang berpartisipasi dalam Minggu Solidaritas Internasional 23-30 Agustus 2022
Fire to The Prison!


more photos here:

Ps: Organisasi Palang Hitam pendukung Tahanan Anarkis sedang mengadakan workshop untuk paralegal dan bantuan hukum dalam menghadapi setiap kemungkinan terjadinya represi dari para aparat bajingan, jadi mereka membutuhkan donasi dan partisipasi paralegal. Cek atau hubungi Instagram mereka
via: insendier

Carcere La Gonzalina – Rancagua, Chile: Francisco Solar: a complicit greeting

Carcere La Gonzalina – Rancagua,Francisco Solar: a complicit greeting

A complicit greeting

Revolutionary anarchist solidarity is a mutual relationship that indispensably requires a clear and decisive war positioning of the prisoners and milieus in affinity outside. Starting from this basis, this week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners goes to fortify such a relationship upheld in the clash, which is nothing other than the existing complicity that attacks any expression of authority.

Ending assistentialism and victimism means ceasing to see prisoners as a subject who is unaccountable during their temporary condition of confinement. Therefore, it also means breaking with practices that tend towards hierarchization that evolve into authoritarianism. It is imperative to always bear this in mind in order to fortify the anarchist anti-prison struggle.

Continue reading Carcere La Gonzalina – Rancagua, Chile: Francisco Solar: a complicit greeting

Greece: Council decision appeal courts on the case of the Anarchist Action Organisation

 Council decision appeal courts on the case of the Anarchist Action Organisation

After 7 months’ detention, the six-month council decided to release comrade Panagiotis Kalaitzis (who will present himself every 1st and 15th of the month), to replace the conditions of detention with house arrest and bracelet for comrade Georgia Voulgari and to extend the pre-trial detention for the captured member of the organization Thanos Xatziagkelou

The new developments, although they foreshadow the collapse of the anti-terrorism indictment, do not mean the end of the struggle on the part of the three comrades.

Terrorism does not bend the imperative right of the revolutionary struggle. Everything continues…

Until the last prison is torn down, no one is free.
Freedom to those in the cells

via: athensindymedia

Athens,Greece: Call for a solidarity gathering on September 5, with anarchist prisoner Fotis Tziotzis

Call for a solidarity gathering with anarchist prisoner Fotis Tziotzis

In our unyielding struggle against the class enemies, against the state, solidarity is our weapon.

On September 5, the anarchist Fotis Tziotzis is on trial. It is important not to leave any comrade alone in the hands of the state. We call for a solidarity meeting on Monday 5 September, at 11.00 am, at the Loukareos Street Courts.


Some in solidarity



To write to Fotis:

Fotis Tziotzis ( Φωτης Τζιωτης) : who is accused of armed robbery and attempted homicide of DIAS cops.
Dikastiki filaki Larissas
TK 4111O