Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

Gioacchino Somma: Hic Et Nunc. (Italy)

Hic Et Nunc

Almost one hundred days have passed since the beginning of the hunger strike of the brother and comrade Alfredo Cospito against the regime that has made him prisoner of 41-bis in the Bancali death camp in Sassari [Sardinia].

In these just over three months, it was not only the voices of anarchists all over the world to make themselves heard, but also those of many associations, institutions, media, artists, magistrates, ex-ministers of justice, garantists, etc. etc. Many of these figures are in no way friends or sympathisers of the anarchists and vice versa, at least I hope so…

As I wrote in an earlier text, this is by no means a hunger strike as there have been to date, except for the few that have unfortunately become notorious and led to the death of the persons undertaking it. So it was necessary that in addition to the anarchists there was a need for the many figures mentioned above to raise their voice too, because I consider them to be the only ones who can change the state of affairs regarding the prison condition of Alfredo.

Unlike the mass of leaflets handed out during demos, gatherings and other initiatives these figures enter peoples homes twenty-four hours a day through tv, radio, newspapers with simple words and not philosophical terminology difficult for any citizen to read. They rub the problem in the faces of the authorities by warning them, in the democratic way they like to be told things: “Watch out, we are telling you in advance and have been doing it for a long time”. For the government, the words went in one ear and were pushed out the other; with all the lucidity and willpower that can belong to an executioner on the gallows; in the words of the minister of Justice, Carlo Nordio, where he affirms that Alfredo is in great form and the prohibition of the comrade’s legal doctor to give interviews about the prisoner’s health condition, practically condemning the comrade to death.

Even if he wins this battle of his at the last moment, it is not certain that he will survive for the thousands of reasons explained to us by his medical examiner. Certainly this very long hunger strike will have a massive effect on his body. The government is practically testing Alfredo but also all the anarchists raising the level of the clash. It is testing the coherence, the stuff we are made of.

This time it is not a classic ‘State murder’ as it was for the two anarchist comrades Edoardo Massari and Maria Soledad Rosas; their lives were cut short from one day to the next, against Alfredo there is savagery, daily torture, and all the sadism worthy of any Argentinean, Chilean, Nazi, Stalinist, Islamic dictatorship. Every day they deliver a stab to him almost in defiance of the anarchists saying to them “And so?! Is that all?”

Not that we are discovering today what ‘democracy’ really means, but the significance of the fact that the above-mentioned figures are now calling on the government to remove Alfredo from 41-bis lies precisely in the fact that after a possible death of the comrade they will have to explain to them the meaning of ‘democracy’; that term so beloved that to export it to countries far from the West it needs bombings and wars and within its own borders lagers, torture and State murders.

I would never venture to say how much has been done in solidarity with Alfredo in Italy but I want to look at things from afar, from space, and then I can say that for a comrade they are torturing and killing in their lager we have not done nothing. A few days of clashes with the cops, which are already written on the last page of this sad story, after the possible demise of the comrade, will serve little or no purpose.

We need the ‘Here and Now’!

A new chapter in history of the anarchists in Italy must be opened here and now. What is the point of us doing years in jail and under house arrest just for expressing our ideas on a piece of paper or a website, for a gathering, a demonstration? But do we really want to continue to risk spending years of our lives in State lagers just for the sake of mouthing grand words in the style of Monty Python’s ‘People’s Front of Judea’? From the OCSE of Naples of March 2001 to today, passing above all by the Genova G8, they have massacred us with investigations, trials and arrests; more for expressing our ideas than for direct actions. Do we want to continue enriching our curriculum vitae with more pages of court documents and years in jail just for uttering grand words to make ourselves look good? What life of shit is this? To continue to remain at the mercy of events in the limbo of democratic ‘freedom’ until one day a judge wakes up and decides that you must be kidnapped…

I spit on false democratic freedom!

I have nothing more to lose than the dear life of a brother, a comrade… of Alfredo!

Here and now! Either we make anarchy or we all go home!


For anarchy, insurrection

Gioacchino Somma




Italy: Claim for the attack on the villa of slaughterer Giorgio Del Papa, in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino (Spoleto, January 2023)

via: lanemesi translated by Act for freedom now!

Claim for the attack on the villa of slaughterer Giorgio Del Papa, in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino

November 2006. Umbria Olii explodes and four workers die. One of many massacres in the name of profit, in a company known for its devastation of the land. But the arrogance of capital knows no limits and the boss Giorgio Del Papa will go so far as to demand 35 million euros from the families of the victims, accusing them of causing the accident.

The power of money, a huge amount, difficult even to imagine for the workers’ families, some of them migrants. The power of money that will prove to be useful, obtaining the attribution of responsibility on the workers themselves, resulting in the reduction of his sentence to four years.
Hearts full of hate, thinking of our comrades Anna Beniamino and Alfredo Cospito, we decided to give a face, a name, an address to the slogan ‘It is the State that Massacres’.

Because Anna and Alfredo risk life imprisonment for two bombs against the Carabinieri Cadets Barracks in Fossano, on June 2nd 2006, which unfortunately caused neither dead nor wounded. While the true slaughterers, the industrialists, the capitalists, are living it up in their villas.
Continue reading Italy: Claim for the attack on the villa of slaughterer Giorgio Del Papa, in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino (Spoleto, January 2023)

Clashes and demonstration in Trastevere in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito on 101st day of hunger strike (Rome, Italy 28th January 2023)

via: Lanemesi translated by Act for freedom now!


We are publishing a short contribution on the demonstration held Saturday 28th January in Rome in solidarity with comrade Alfredo Cospito 101 days from the beginning of the hunger strike.
Near the gathering in piazza Trilussa – which lasted several hours and from which a demonstration had been unable to set off – after some of those present had slipped out of the encirclement, there were some clashes with the repressive forces, they soon found themselves in difficulty due to being partially surrounded and to the determination of comrades to hold the streets (but they managed to stop a comrade near Piazza Trilussa). After the clashes, a demonstration was held in the small streets of Trastevere.

At the end of the demo a few dozen comrades were stopped by the DIGOS, police in riot gear and carabinieri. All 41 people apprehended during the day, taken to the police station and released without restriction from the early hours of Sunday 29, were charged with Article 337 of the Criminal Code (resisting a public official). Below is a brief informative note issued on 29 January itself.
Continue reading Clashes and demonstration in Trastevere in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito on 101st day of hunger strike (Rome, Italy 28th January 2023)

Anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito, on the 103rd day of hunger strike, was transferred to the Opera prison in Milan (Italy, January 30, 2023)

Alfredo Cospito was transferred from the prison of Bancali to the SAI (Intensified Assistance Service) inside the lager of Opera, in Milan. In this prison there is a hospital section for prisoners in 41 bis prison regime. The new address is:

Alfredo Cospito
Casa di Reclusione di Milano Opera
via Camporgnago 40
20141 Milano

EN/IN/Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia: Graffiti in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito.

Received by mail: Anonymous in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia is making graffiti in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito. this was a response to the imprisonment carried out on Cospito who found himself under 41BIS.

For information current condition of Alfredo Cospito after one hundred days of his hunger strike:


Diterima melalui surel: Anonim di Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia membuat grafiti solidaritas dengan Alfredo Cospito. ini adalah tanggapan atas pemenjaraan yang dilakukan terhadap Cospito yang berada di bawah 41BIS.

Untuk informasi tentang kondisi Alfredo Cospito saat ini setelah seratus hari mogok makan, cek di:

via: insendier

Update about the health condition of Alfredo Cospito on the 99th day of hunger strike (Italy, January 26, 2023)

With the publication of the following texts – an update circulated yesterday, January 26th, and two transcripts of as many radio speeches by the trusted doctor, dating back to January 26th and 19th – we provide an update on the current serious health condition of anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito 100 days after the start of the hunger strike.

The attempted annihilation against Alfredo was ratified by the State in July and December last year, first (by the Court of Cassation) with the reclassification as ‘political massacre’ of a charge in the Scripta Manent trial, then (by the Court of Surveillance in Rome) with an order confirming his detention in 41 bis, the most afflictive detention regime in Italian prisons, to which Alfredo was transferred on May 5th.

In the face of this attempt at annihilation, it is of the utmost importance that the ideas, deeds, and contribution of the comrade are not forgotten, condemned to oblivion as desired by the repressive apparatuses with the Scripta Manent trial, Sibilla repressive operation, and the transfer to the 41 bis prison regime. To the isolation and censorship of the State and its prisons we oppose, today as yesterday, the tenacity and consistency of our ideas and practices.

Continue reading Update about the health condition of Alfredo Cospito on the 99th day of hunger strike (Italy, January 26, 2023)

Communiqué from different territories of Abya Yala in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito, who is since almost 90 days on hunger strike against the 41 bis punishment and isolation regime.(América Latina)

Public declaration by anarchist, subversive anti-authoritarian, nihilist, anti-speciesist and anarcho-feminist affinities regarding the current situation of comrade Alfredo Cospito, locked up in the Italian fascist prisons and since almost 90 days on hunger strike.

As comrades with affinity to the anarchist struggle against prisons, prison society and the system of domination, we want to express through these words our unwavering support for comrade Alfredo Cospito, kidnapped by the Italian state and held in the prison of Bancali, Sassari, Sardinia – an extermination center where he is detained after having been subjected to the infamous 41 bis regime. This regime aims to destroy him as a person by preventing him from maintaining contact with any of his comrades inside, as well as outside the prisons.

Alfredo has been on hunger strike since almost 90 days. He demands the end of the application of this annihilating regime, which blackmails anyone who enters it, through the torture of isolation, to choose between collaboration with justice or death – the only two occasions in which 41 bis ceases to be applied.

As comrades in affinity we repudiate the torture applied to Alfredo and any other comrade. We know that they fear us because of our uncompromising commitment to end with the system of domination, a commitment that does not end either with torture, prison, or death itself and, for this reason, Alfredo is risking his life firmly and without hesitation.

Continue reading Communiqué from different territories of Abya Yala in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito, who is since almost 90 days on hunger strike against the 41 bis punishment and isolation regime.(América Latina)

$hile: Words of Anarchist Comrade Mónica Caballero with Alfredo Cospito

Words of Comrade Mónica Caballero with Alfredo Cospito

November 22nd, 2022


A few days ago, I received the news that the indomitable Alfredo Cospito began a hunger strike to demand his release from the 41 bis legal torture regime.

For those who do not know Alfredo Cospito, he is an anarchist comrade kidnapped by the Italian state, since 2012, for an attack against one of those responsible for the nuclear disaster in Fukushima. This action was claimed by the Olga FAI-FRI faction and Alfredo took responsibility for it.

Since this conviction, the comrade has been prosecuted in several repressive operations, such as Scripta Manet, Sybilla, which have managed to obtain convictions and have added more years to the comrade’s already long sentence.
Continue reading $hile: Words of Anarchist Comrade Mónica Caballero with Alfredo Cospito


Account from some anarchists who joined from out of town last saturday:


Shouting the whole way with passion and rage, 80 of us marched for over hour out of the town of Martorell, to the two prisons of Brians in the Catalan countryside. With chants, music and fireworks, we let the people held captive know they’re not forgotten, despite all the state’s intentions to isolate them. And through the walls and layers upon layers of fences, they called and whistled back.

The Catalan government want to build two more hellholes in the Zona Franca area of Barcelona by 2027: a 800-person “open regime” men’s prison, and a 600-person women’s prison to replace the existing one of Wad-Ras. Development has been delayed after the discovery of heavy metals in the soil. The government says it wants to develop the women’s prison “from a feminist perspective, describing the plans as “gender sensitive” and supporting “female empowerment”! Here we see the inevitable endgame of leftist politics: prison societies with enhanced perceptions of freedom, built on the dying embers of social war….


From Chile to Italy. A loud cry of insurrectional complicity for Alfredo Cóspito (Marcelo Villarroel)

November 23rd, 2022
via: informativoanarquista

Words of comrade Marcelo Villarroel from prison. From Chile to Italy –
A loud cry of insurrectional complicity for Alfredo Cóspito!!!
Alfredo Cóspito is an anarchist comrade from Turin imprisoned since September 2012 after the kneecapping of Roberto Adinolfi (on May 7), executive director of Italian nuclear company Ansaldo Nucleare. This act claimed by the “Olga” Cell Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front for which he was sentenced to 10 years and 8 months. He was also sentenced to 20 years (first degree), for the explosive attack on the Carabinieri training school in Fossano (Cuneo) on June 2, 2006, claimed by Terrible Anonymous Revolt – Informal Anarchist Federation, which provoked the state response through the operation “Scripta Manent”.

Alfredo has been an anarchist comrade in active praxis for decades. Always consistent with his anti-authoritarian projectuality, he has maintained several antagonistic initiatives for which, even though he has been in prison for more than 10 years, the Italian fascist state does not forgive him.

Continue reading From Chile to Italy. A loud cry of insurrectional complicity for Alfredo Cóspito (Marcelo Villarroel)