via: barrikade.
13.02. 2023
Since October 20, 2022, the anarchist Alfredo Cospito has been on hunger strike. As of today February 13, 2023, that makes it 116 days!
For 116 days the Italian state has been trying to murder Alfredo!
For 116 days Alfredo has been fighting non-stop, against the torture of the 41bis prison regime!
In these 116 days, many things have happened. There were events organized, texts were written, there were direct actions and much more. All of this in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito and other political prisoners, or all prisoners. Each of these things tried to inform about Alfredo’s situation, to draw attention to it, and to directly harm the actors who were getting their fingers dirty. Either the direct culprits, like the Italian state, or the representatives of this crime, like the cops and prisons around the world. They all deserve the same.
In spite of all these things, the Italian State has maintained its murderous line until now. The rulers try to torture and kill a person, hoping his ideas would die with him. Forgotten and alone, in a tiny cell, forced to lie in a hospital bed, far from loved ones……But they forget that Alfredo’s ideas, of a Free and Just World, are also ours. That we have heard and will always hear his voice, that we stand by his side and continue to fight. That what unites us all is the belief that only a world without domination, without authorities and without exploitation, can be a free and just one. That is why we fight for Alfredo and that is why we fight for anarchy.
Continue reading EN/DE : Alfredo Cospito – Call for Day X