Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

EN/DE : Alfredo Cospito – Call for Day X

via: barrikade.
13.02. 2023

Since October 20, 2022, the anarchist Alfredo Cospito has been on hunger strike. As of today February 13, 2023, that makes it 116 days!
For 116 days the Italian state has been trying to murder Alfredo!
For 116 days Alfredo has been fighting non-stop, against the torture of the 41bis prison regime!

In these 116 days, many things have happened. There were events organized, texts were written, there were direct actions and much more. All of this in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito and other political prisoners, or all prisoners. Each of these things tried to inform about Alfredo’s situation, to draw attention to it, and to directly harm the actors who were getting their fingers dirty. Either the direct culprits, like the Italian state, or the representatives of this crime, like the cops and prisons around the world. They all deserve the same.

In spite of all these things, the Italian State has maintained its murderous line until now. The rulers try to torture and kill a person, hoping his ideas would die with him. Forgotten and alone, in a tiny cell, forced to lie in a hospital bed, far from loved ones……But they forget that Alfredo’s ideas, of a Free and Just World, are also ours. That we have heard and will always hear his voice, that we stand by his side and continue to fight. That what unites us all is the belief that only a world without domination, without authorities and without exploitation, can be a free and just one. That is why we fight for Alfredo and that is why we fight for anarchy.
Continue reading EN/DE : Alfredo Cospito – Call for Day X

Athens,Greece: Feedback from the solidarity meeting with comrade hunger striker Alfredo Cospito, at the Italian Embassy in Athens (Greece) [16/2/23] Sempre con l’anarchia!

Athens: Feedback from the solidarity meeting with comrade hunger striker Alfredo Cospito, at the Italian Embassy in Athens (Greece) [16/2] Sempre con l’anarchia!

The only enemy is the state and capitalism

On Thursday 16 February, a solidarity meeting was held with the anarchist hunger striker from 20/10 against 41-bis and perpetual life imprisonment, Alfredo Cospito, as a signal of internationalist solidarity from Athens. The rally crossed the sidewalk of the Italian embassy, although the cops told us to stay on the opposite sidewalk. We then left in an assembled fashion and opened banners at Syntagma, opposite the parliament, before leaving.

On the same day (February 16), while the struggle against the Penal Code in Greek prisons continues, anarchists and militant prisoners started a collective hunger strike with whatever strength each one has individually, to stand mentally by the side of the anarchist Alfredo Cospito and against the regime-grave of 41-bis (G. Michailidis, Th. Hatzianggelou, I. Rodopoulos, L. Vougiouklakis, P. Vougiouklakis, F. Daskalas, S. Nikolouzos and S. Kalaitzidis went on one day of hunger strike, and D. Hatzivassiliadis and K. Dimalexis went on three days of hunger strike).

Continue reading Athens,Greece: Feedback from the solidarity meeting with comrade hunger striker Alfredo Cospito, at the Italian Embassy in Athens (Greece) [16/2/23] Sempre con l’anarchia!

Italy: Update on Operation Sibilla: Hearing set for Alfredo Cospito and the other comrades under investigation at Perugia review court.

via: infernourbano Translated by Act for freedom now!

Update on Operation Sibilla: Hearing set for Alfredo Cospito and the other comrades under investigation at Perugia review court.

Written February 18, 2023

On February 13th notification was given of the the date of the review hearing on the pre-trial measures for comrades targeted in the repressive operation Sibilla of 11th November 2021 (among whom Alfredo Cospito, on hunger strike for over 120 days, and Gianluca, currently under house arrest for the investigation Diamante of the public prosecutor’s office of Genoa). The hearing has been set for March 14th at the court of Perugia.

This second review resulted from the hearing held last June 22nd in Rome at the court of cassation, concluded with the acceptance of the prosecutor Manuela Comodi’s request, therefore with the annulment of the previous order of the court of review (which on December 16th had led to the lifting of the precautionary measures). The court of cassation, in spite of the opinion of the general prosecutor (who had called for the rejection of the Perugia prosecutor’s appeal), had therefore ‘exhumed’ the investigation by cancelling the revocation of the measures and ordering a new re-examination hearing.

Operation Sibilla, carried out by the carabinieri Special Operations Group and the Perugia public prosecutor’s office under the coordination of the Antimafia and Antiterrorism National Direction, played a key role in the genesis and application of the 41 bis detention order for the comrade Alfredo Cospito.

Continue reading Italy: Update on Operation Sibilla: Hearing set for Alfredo Cospito and the other comrades under investigation at Perugia review court.

Update about the health condition of Alfredo Cospito on the 119th day of hunger strike (Italy, February 15, 2023)

Update about the health condition of Alfredo Cospito on the 119th day of hunger strike February 15, 2023)

In recent weeks, a mass-media campaign of slander and denigration has been underway against anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito. Various newspapers have given much prominence to the fact that in the last few days the comrade had started taking supplements again and that he had eaten two yogurts [in the past months, the comrade had at times taken extremely mild supplements, which he had stopped taking for some time, only to try to resume them in the last few days along with the yogurts so as to try to remain lucid in view of the hearing on February 24th in the cassation court, for which the prosecutor general has filed a request to overturn the 41 bis measure].

Today’s news [February 15th] is that Alfredo’s body, now after too many days of hunger strike, has rejected both these two yogurts and the supplements, contrary to mass-media reports: what he is currently taking is only sugar, salt and potassium. This is dramatic news both with regard to the comrade’s possibility of making it to February 24th alive (the day on which the hearing for the appeal against the order of the surveillance court of Rome that confirmed detention under 41 bis will be held at the cassation court), and with regard to his ability to resume feeding himself following a possible revocation of the 41 bis order.

[Received via e-mail & published at

Clandestine humanitarian


Clandestine humanitarian

Chatting in pleasant company during a dedicated theme evening, it had been assumed that the institutional solution to get out of the cul de sac into which the established order has stubbornly slipped while awaiting entry into play of Cartabia [ex-minister of justice] (another wild card that could possibly be used) with dignity (in their opinion), could only lean towards a humanitarian one. To save ass and face without putting the failure of the hard line and the power of the State in question, in the hope that it will work, downplaying responsibility and guilt and illustrating pietas to gain points now in free fall, at least in the eyes of outsiders.

The entry of the fire brigade was quite obvious given the incorruptibility of Alfredo; the issue was the timing, a petty battle that will presumably be taken to the extreme in order to build the possible above-mentioned construction by not asking the right questions and allowing the facial plasticity of all the institutions involved, who are now struggling to stay afloat in that sea they had deluded themselves into thinking they were damming up and which is becoming more and more impetuous.

Today newspapers inform us that another collection of signatures bearing 38 names of distinguished firefighters of the last hour has been forwarded to Carlo Nordi and to the government to ask for a “gesture of humanity and courage” for Alfredo.

Continue reading Clandestine humanitarian

Greece: Announcement of the hunger strike of Anarchists and Fighting Prisoners in Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito

16th of February, Hunger Strike of Anarchists and Fighting Prisoners in Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito

The 41-bis prison regime is the completion of the prison structure into a masqueraded death sentence. The execution, in this case, does not end in one moment, like with a gunshot, the tightening of the noose, the application of electrical current or the injection of poison into the body, rather it lasts a lifetime in a state of social coma, in a state of non-world. And so, spread through time. Out of this world, the death sentence has evaded history, just like the state pursues oblivion for all the prisoners of the social war who are buried alive in the state of 41-bis. The 41-bis regime has already murdered one fighter, Diana Blefari Melazzi.

The 41-bis regime and the law about “massacre” are the legacy of the european counter-revolution from the time of Piazza Fontana (Strage di piazza Fontana). This civil war never ended. The states, and particularly the Italian one, carry on the counter-revolution so that the flame may never flare up again. All the systems follow, step by step, the examples first introduced as special warfare, e.g. the white cells of West Germany, the F-type prisons in Turkey and the FIES prisons in Spain to the Type-C prisons in Greece or the new high security prison system A.A.; the still active Hitler-inspired law about indefinite extension of one’s sentence on “preventative” grounds, by which comrade Thomas Meyer Falk is being held for another 10 years (25 in total) in Freiburg prison in Germany, to the different methods of extorting declarations of repentance, and from Asinara to Imrali.

Anarchist Alfredo Cospito is fighting for the flame to flare up again. Let’s reassert the fight of the comrade.

It is our duty to defend in deed the battle that Alfredo Cospito is fighting. A struggle for and against time itself. This particular hunger strike does not concern only the comrades in the italian territory, but it is internationalist, and so the star of internationalist solidarity must shine on the side of Alfredo Cospito and all those who are fighting from within a special prison regime. From Greece to every point in the planet – for all those fighting for freedom.

Because defeat is not captivity, but losing one’s faith in the possibility of wining. So, we are collectively going on a hunger strike, according to each one’s capacity, so that we may stand by the side of anarchist revolutionary Alfredo Cospito, but also, against the death regime of 41-bis.

At the same time the struggle against the new prison code in Greek prisons is continuing.

Anarchist and Fighting Prisoners

Giannis Michailidis
(1 day hunger strike)

Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis
(3 day hunger strike)

Thanos Chatziaggelou
(1 day hunger strike)

Iasonas Rodopoulos
(1 day hunger strike)

Kostas Dimalexis
(3 day hunger strike)

Lambros Vougiouklakis
(1 day hunger strike)

Panagiotis Vougiouklakis
(1 day hunger strike)

Stathis Nikolouzos
(1 day hunger strike)

Stergios Kalaitzidis
(1 day hunger strike)

Fotis Daskalas
(1 day hunger strike)

Foligno,Italy : You bet we’ll remember, and how! About the 41 bis for Alfredo Cospito: Those who are responsible

via: infernourbano
Foligno: You bet we’ll remember, and how! About the 41 bis for Alfredo Cospito: Those who are responsible


In recent days, a media campaign of mystification and lies has been going on around the hunger strike that Alfredo Cospito is carrying on to the last breath against life imprisonment without appeal and 41 bis. We’ve heard it all. The prime minister Giorgia Meloni, with her usual victimhood, went so far as to suspect conspiracies about the coincidence of the start of the hunger strike with the launching of her government.
Another lie circulating is the one about a phantom alliance between anarchists and the mafia, deduced from wiretaps between Alfredo and the only three people he is allowed to see in the prison yard. The State, which decided to lock an anarchist up in 41 bis for the first time, is now instrumentalising the fact that that anarchist speaks to the only human beings he can meet. Sociability groupings which, by the way, are decided centrally by the ministry in Rome! In truth, it was with the creation of the DNAA (Direzione Nazionale Antimafia e Antiterrorismo) that the State wanted to set up a war machine against revolutionary insurgency, a machine that had as its weapons the exceptional tools that hitherto only applied to the anti-mafia. We are witnessing a complete reversal of the facts: those who merged completely different realities into the bureaucracies of the judicial and penitentiary administration are now crying ‘bonding’.

Similarly, we are aghast when we hear again the president of the council Giorgia Meloni assert that she will not negotiate with anarchists. And not just because everyone in Italy knows that the State only negotiates with the mafia. Statements like these denote that those in government have completely lost touch with reality. It is the anarchists who, since time immemorial, have never wanted to deal with institutions.
Continue reading Foligno,Italy : You bet we’ll remember, and how! About the 41 bis for Alfredo Cospito: Those who are responsible

Call for a gathering at the Italian embassy in solidarity with the anarchist revolutionary hunger striker Alfredo Cospito, (Athens,Greece)


FIRE TO 41-bis

Alfredo stai ai nostri cuori!

Always with the anarchy!

We call for a solidarity meeting with comrade Alfredo Cospito, at the Italian Embassy, Athens, Greece, on Thursday 16 February, at 18.30
Open Assembly of Ⓐnarchists

Words in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito by an anarchist prisoner from Hamburg,Germany

Words in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito by an anarchist prisoner from Hamburg

As many imprisoned comrades worldwide before me, I want to send words in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito from the prison Billwerder in Hamburg, Germany.

The italian state wants to bury an inconvenient anarchist alive in it’s
torture-isolation-prison.-system „41bis“. Alfredo is fighting with a
hunger-strike till the end against his situation and against 41bis in

This is a continuation of a life full of struggle. Alfredos way
was also present here in the north. The attack against nuclear-boss
Adinolfi, the courtcase in Genua and Alfredos und Nicolas dignified
stand in it and also the written contributions over the years of
imprisonment found their way to us. Continue reading Words in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito by an anarchist prisoner from Hamburg,Germany

Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners Begin Fast in Solidarity With Alfredo Cospito, 104 Days on Hunger Strike January 31, 2023 (Chile)

Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners Begin Fast in Solidarity With Alfredo Cospito, 104 Days on Hunger Strike
January 31, 2023

via: informativoanarquista

For Alfredo Cospito:

A loud war cry!!!
A call for internationalist solidarity!
A clear call to action!!!

In the course of the mobilizations in solidarity with the hunger strike of Italian anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito, which has been going on for 104 days, today, January 31, anarchist and subversive prisoners held in the La Gonzalina-Rancagua Prison are beginning a solidarity fast. This is a minimal gesture of complicity in the face of such a transcendental and decisive struggle that the comrade is carrying out to end the isolation the Italian State has subjected him to and against his recent life sentence.

The situation is extremely urgent and there is no room for moments of waiting and reflection that only strengthen apathy and inaction.

Nor is it the time to be passive spectators while the Italian State lets Alfredo die, in one of the clearest demonstrations of authoritarian brutality.

Are we going to wait for our comrade to die before deciding to act?

Continue reading Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners Begin Fast in Solidarity With Alfredo Cospito, 104 Days on Hunger Strike January 31, 2023 (Chile)