Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

Italy: Cigarette vending machines hacked in Sardinia, Naples, Pescara and Liguria in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito

Cigarette vending machines hacked in Sardinia, Naples, Pescara and Liguria in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito

26 March 2023


“Computer pirates in action to give solidarity to Alfredo Cospito, the anarchist leader – previously detained in Sassari, now confined to the Opera penitentiary (Milan) – for months on hunger strike against the harsh prison to which he is subjected and which in recent days has been taken to the hospital for medical checkups.

The attack targeted several cigarette vending machines in Sardinia : after entering the computer system, the hackers managed to make the message “Fuori Alfredo dal 41 bis” appear on the screens. And, further down, “Close the 41 bis free all free all”.

Continue reading Italy: Cigarette vending machines hacked in Sardinia, Naples, Pescara and Liguria in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito

International call of the captive member of the organization Anarchist Action Th. Chatziaggelou. (Greece)

For the construction of an international front of defending the Anarchist Action

International call of the captive member of the organization Anarchist Action Th. Chatziaggelou, to the comrades who will defend the case at the trial of the organization on 4th of April, at felony court of appeals in Larisa.

To the ones defending the case of Anarchist Action


After years of sharing with you moments of resistance in the social aspects of the class war, I send you my wholehearted solidarity and appreciation from the dungeons of my captivity.

The trial of the Anarchist Action takes places during a time period of burying the revolutionary tendency and the analysis of the elements of resistance. The absence of an actual revolutionary movement with common positions, strategic aim and values is turning into a reality that is here to permanently stay, which leads to giving space to the normalization of the devaluation of radical actions and thoughts.

Continue reading International call of the captive member of the organization Anarchist Action Th. Chatziaggelou. (Greece)

(Argentina) Claim for Arson of Federal Police Vehicle

Claim for Arson of Federal Police Vehicle

March 11, 2023

Insurrectional Solidarity with Alfredo.

Subversion may sleep, but it will never disappear!

One night in the first week of february we set a car of the central police force of the PFA on fire. We had a list of their license plates. This “unit” always parked at Urquiza and Av. Belgrano. This action is a return to the path of attack.

It is not solidarity. It is the attack for those who are locked up, dead and clandestine. Down with 41 bis. Strength and brotherhood with Alfrdo.

Strength and brotherhood to the combatant prisoners with long and short sentences.

Determination is our’s, if not now, when !!!!!. Determination is our’s.

subversive delirium group. Circumstantially incendiary.

Translated by Act for freedom now!

INTRANSIGENCE TAKEN FROM THE DARDI n°11 – Foglio anarchico aperiodico (Italy)


There is nothing more disgusting than executioners when they parade as pitiful defenders of Justice. Nothing is more hypocritical than the statements against capital punishment made by upright State representatives against dictatorial regimes that use it to suppress revolts.

In Iran at least the State has the decency to take responsibility for the deaths of its persecuted, inconceivable for a modern, democratic progressive State, which has far more subtle ways to get rid of them.
After all, why bother to kill the rebels who end up in one’s hands? Better to bury them alive in a concrete hole where time and the resulting physical and mental decomposition will take care of the rest. Provided that they do not rehabilitate, of course, which would mean them surrendering their conscience to become dissociated and collaborators. How many, in Italy alone, even if with different experiences, are in the same condition? And let it be clear, this does not detract from the brutality perpetrated against those who see their freedom and dignity taken away, for a short or long period, within the aseptic perimeter of a prison, suffering torture of all kinds by honest champions of order, family men and sons of the homeland.
Continue reading INTRANSIGENCE TAKEN FROM THE DARDI n°11 – Foglio anarchico aperiodico (Italy)

Italy: The request for deferral of Alfredo Cospito’s sentence to house arrest rejected by the Supervisory Courts of Milan and Sassari

The request for deferral of Alfredo Cospito’s sentence to house arrest rejected by the Supervisory Courts of Milan and Sassari

27/3/23: The Supervisory Court of Milan replied by rejecting the request for house arrest for health reasons for anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito.

At the same time the Sassari court reached the same decision. In both cases with the long motivations already written. The comrade’s behaviour is defined instrumental in obtaining changes in political and judicial decisions.

While contradictions are accumulating within the political and judicial apparatuses (e.g., opinion of the National Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism Directorate, the Attorney General of the Supreme Court, Sibilla re-examination, etc.) each time one is faced with an organ that has the power to resolve the question raised by the comrade’s struggle immediately, the party of the death sentence applies all its political power to block any possible way out.
Continue reading Italy: The request for deferral of Alfredo Cospito’s sentence to house arrest rejected by the Supervisory Courts of Milan and Sassari

Political position of the captured member of the OR. Anarchist Action Thanos Hatzianggelou for the beginning of the trial of the Organization on 4 April, 2023 at the Larissa Criminal Court of Appeal. (Greece)

Anarchist Action Does Not Bow to Bourgeois Justice – Message from Thanos Hatziangelou

The cruel and indecisive judges, the ones who in the majority of cases apply harsh sentences – often beyond the limits of human life – the ones who put people in prison for debts of a few thousand euros, those who make illegal and abusive any strike that goes out of the ordinary, those who throw thousands of families who have taken loans from the banks out of their homes, have not condemned ANY politician or executive of big business for plundering public wealth. They have not condemned ANY war criminals for facilitating NATO troops to participate in their criminal interventions in a number of other colonies around the globe. They have not convicted ANY shipowner for the countless environmental violations that poison our lives. They have NEVER condemned pharmaceutical company executives who bribe doctors and government officials to control the drug market, which translates into thousands of deaths of grassroots people. They have hardly condemned any low ranking police officials who murder in the streets, beat mercilessly at demonstrations and rape in police stations. They have not condemned ANY high ranking Greek police officer involved in human trafficking, drug trafficking and smuggling of fuel and cigarettes. They have not convicted ANY high level society rapists who use their financial power on the bodies of the weak by destroying their lives.

– Direct Action Cells

On April 4, the agents of bourgeois justice want to put Anarchist Action in the dock of state terrorism. On the same benches where the state and capitalist crime of Tempe* will be washed away, tyranny will once again face the fighting forces of revolutionary violence, subversion and social liberation.
Continue reading Political position of the captured member of the OR. Anarchist Action Thanos Hatzianggelou for the beginning of the trial of the Organization on 4 April, 2023 at the Larissa Criminal Court of Appeal. (Greece)

Italy: Claim for an incendiary attack against a telecommunications antenna-repeater in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito (22 March 2023)


In the early hours of Wednesday 22nd March 2023 we attacked an antenna-repeater with fire inside the great ring road of Rome. We identified this objective in order to strike the telecommunications apparatus and to express our solidarity with the anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito, on hunger strike for 154 days aganist the prison regime 41 bis and life sentence without appeal.

Revolutionary solidarity with Alfredo Cospito and with all the anarchist and revolutionary prisoners.

Solidarity is attack. Death to the State, to capital and every authority.

[Ricevuto via e-mail & pubblicato in]
Translated by Act for freedom now!

Italy: Urgent update on the health conditions of Alfredo Cospito at over 150 days of hunger strike to the end (21-22 March 2023) [under update]

Urgent updates on the health condition of Alfredo Cospito at over 150 days’ hunger strike to the end (21-22 March 2023) [under update]

Update on the medical situationdi Alfredo Cospito, ion hunger strike since October 20th against 41 bis and life sentence without appeal.

We learn from the press of the regime that today (21st March 2023) that the anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito on hunger strike for five months had a heart attack, the comrade – they write – “was dying”. The incident allegedly began when the comrade felt a tremor in his hand and alerted a guard. “After ten minutes the nurse and the doctor arrived, shouting and saying that they had seen a heart problem from the monitoring. They were very concerned, he was dying.” […]. The crisis reportedly subsided after an injection of a large dose of potassium.

The results of tests carried out yesterday were also released today. According to the doctors, the values indicate that Alfredo may now have suffered permanent neurological damage and could be paralysed.

[Taken from a number of telegram channels and republished in]

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Greece: ‘For our brother Alfredo’

‘For our brother Alfredo’

Sixteen Poste Italiane vehicles were set on fire early Saturday morning, while 22 buses were burnt to the ground Saturday night in Rome. This was preceded by the burning of telecommunications pillars in Genoa, shortly before the big anti-fascist march in Milan, attended by over 4000 anarchists, to commemorate 20 years since the murder of Davide Casare (Dax) and in solidarity with Alfredo’s struggle against 41bis, who is now on his 150th day of a hunger strike.

Many developments are expected this week due to moves made indefence of Alfredo, as well as the upcoming review of the request on 24 March for the recall of 41bis and his detention for health reasons by the Milan Court of Appeal.

Continue reading Greece: ‘For our brother Alfredo’

Mexican $tate, Xalapa, Veracruz : Down with Prison

Down with Prison

From the south of the territory dominated by the mexican $tate, Xalapa, Veracruz, We add these contributions of protest for the freedom of Alfredo Cospito, Yorch Esquivel, prisoners of Chile, prisoners of Eloxochitlan and all the other anarchists held hostage in the cages of the enemy.

Fire to the prisons and active solidarity in the war on the streets. Freedom for prisoners at war.