We were thrilled to read about the rail sabotage during the last week of action, and the proposal for it’s proliferation. We also appreciated that operational details were made explicit, though we have some concerns we want to bring up about how what is described may leave traces.
When starting a fire, the goal should be that everything that you must touch will burn, if possible. Here is a simple recipe that can enable that:
- a plastic (PET) bottle that is square – this allows the bottle to be placed on it’s side without rolling. Bottle size can be determined by the size of the signal box.
- gasoline in the bottle, with enough air space left for fumes, so as to avoid leakage. Motor oil can be added to help prolong the burn, which is helpful for the cabling within a signal box.
- an individually packaged fire cube as the igniter
The accelerant bottle is placed on its side. The fire cube is then placed on top of the bottle. The fire cube is then lit with a storm lighter, being careful to not pierce the bottle by mistake. Once alight, the fire cube will pierce the plastic bottle and gravity will drop it into the accelerant. Mischief managed.