Category Archives: Library

30/04 2023, Is Linux hard disk encryption hacked?

30/04 2023
Is Linux hard disk encryption hacked?

Ivan, an anarchist who has been in pre-trial detention in France for some time, reported in a letter that French police were able to gain access to the contents of his laptop.1 The laptop in question had an encrypted Ubuntu Linux installed. Another device with Windows installed and encrypted with Bitlocker could not be accessed. Ivan explained in his letter that he had used a 20-digit password consisting of letters, numbers and special characters for the system.


No, the Linux disk encryption has neither been cracked nor is it “insecure”. The performance of the technology as well as the algorithms have evolved, so the encryption settings should be checked and updated if necessary.

Since then, there have been discussions on the web and in our environment about how this was possible, whether an outdated crypto algorithm in Ivan’s Ubuntu installation was to blame, and what this means for the security of other Linux systems. We even received claims that the encryption of the Tails operating system – which is also a Linux system – was not secure due to outdated algorithms. The topic of device encryption is not easily accessible to many, so we’d like to frame the discussion a bit with this post.
Continue reading 30/04 2023, Is Linux hard disk encryption hacked?

Minimizing DNA Traces During Riotous Moments.

In our experience, most of us in North America aren’t in the habit of thinking very much about DNA traces. Information about how DNA traces are created or prevented is limited to several myths that are passed around. That said, you can be pretty certain that whenever arson is involved, a DNA forensics team will be involved too. For example, an arrest was made recently for a Jane’s Revenge arson after DNA was recovered at the crime scene. We want to briefly summarize some practical considerations. By arming ourselves with some preparation and an accurate understanding of how DNA is transferred, it is possible to drastically limit the amount of DNA we leave behind.

Although DNA is something we should always keep in mind when planning our participation in a riotous moment, we don’t want people to feel overwhelmed by this information. Actionable knowledge empowers us to avoid the dual traps of recklessness (acting as if DNA doesn’t exist) and immobilization (as if leaving traces and their analysis in a laboratory is inevitable).
Continue reading Minimizing DNA Traces During Riotous Moments.


collected writings 2023

“For us it will always be preferable to act with possible doubts rather than let the latter feed a sense of impotence .Because out of our impotence our death will come, and what we want more than anything is to live. To  live by returning the blows we receive. To live without the human and technological mediation that
is imposing itself between us and the rest of the world. And when we become aware of being  conditioned, when we think of all the horror the world generates, our doubts matter little.”

“A knowing nod to those who are attacking the march of progress, to those who have fallen for it
and to those who are thinking of taking the plunge .”

“We know the winkul, we are not alien and we will never be alien to the wild an free life that  lives there. We identify with the insects, the earth, the plants, the animals, the birds. We set
out to fly like them and direct our sights to the target. We attack without hesitation, claiming  with dignity the destruction and sabotage against the power, its authorities and the gear of
domination that spreads thanks to the murderous civilizing progress.”

“Certain human cultures have been waging war against the Earth for millennia.I chose to fight on  the side of bears, mountain lions, skunks, bats saguaros, cliff roses and all things wild.”
Bill Rodgers(Avalon), ELF member

Thank you to everyone who fights for anarchy and against domestication, speciesm, domination,  capitalism, hierarchy, civilization, and their attempts to cage us.


darknights.noblogs .org



Germany: Annual Chaotic – Anarchist Meeting from the 13th to the 16th of April 2023 in Bielefeld.

We want anarchy. We want freedom and autonomy for all without domination and borders. We want the subversion of the existing. We want social revolution.

So that our will and our ideas won‘t stay phrases without content, we have to confront ourselves with the surrounding reality—that is, with those conditions and this world in which we‘re forced to live here and now.

That‘s why we create a public space, to come together, meet each other and start to talk to one another.
We want to discuss. In bigger and smaller sessions, with new faces and known ones.

Where are we? How ought we struggle? Where to intervene, without compromise, organisations and without getting trapped in politics? And with whom? What does it mean to talk about revolt, insurrection and social revolution in a world striving for the abyss on the one hand and turning a digital prison on the other?

The meeting will take place from the 13th to the 16th of April 2023 in Bielefeld.

All anarchists, wild hearts, free spirits, subversives, and rebels recognizing themselves in this invitation are welcome.
There will be sleeping spaces and food. The number of sleeping spaces isn’t infinite. The earlier you let us know you are coming, the better. Additionally, there are parking spaces close by for those who bring their vans to sleep.

You will find a detailed program and more information in March on this blog:
Email: acat[ät]

So far, we have been considering the following topics:
• anarchist perspectives on war • recuperation of struggles by political parties, organisations, and other authoritarian sects • anarchist perspectives and interventions in social struggles (i.e. youth revolts) • social revolution in the face of dystopian conditions • anti-patriarchal struggles • dealing with repression, prison, and persecution • struggles against the digital enclosure of the world

In the meantime, there will be a lot of space to hang out an get to know each other. Bring your distros!

Flyer.vs2 plakat-vs5

Return Fire :VOLUME 6, CHAPTER V SPRING 2023

Return Fire vol.6 chap.5 out (with supplement), chap.4 graphics fixed, new texts & posters & flyers in archive

Hi comrades,

Here’s the latest chapter of Return Fire vol.6; chap.5, and here’s a separate version of the covers if printing yourself. Contents:

Reclaim Your Queer Fucking Life!

(fighting talk about the pacification of Pride)

Iranian Anarchists on Protests in Response to Police Murder of Mahsa Amini

& Techno-Sharia, Morality Police and Psychopolice

On Staying Woke in Polycrisis Futurism

& The Red Flags of Just Stop Oil

Earthbound Farmers’ Almanac and Food Autonomy in Bulbancha

& ‘Each of Us Picks Our Own Mischief’

‘Our Anarchy Lives’

& ‘The Vital Space of a State’

‘Lest We Forget’

& ‘It Has Always Been the Time’

For the Love of God

(review: Victor Hugo’s ‘Les Miserables’ & its adaptations)

Rebels Behind Bars

(text by prisoners & repression news)

Poems for Love, Loss and War

‘Not Fighting the Same Fight’

(back to post-Left basics)

Memory as a Weapon

(grappling with ancestry, individualism, & entanglement)

Against the Struggle of the Coward

(everything we risk, the enemy does not)

…and more!


INTRANSIGENCE TAKEN FROM THE DARDI n°11 – Foglio anarchico aperiodico (Italy)


There is nothing more disgusting than executioners when they parade as pitiful defenders of Justice. Nothing is more hypocritical than the statements against capital punishment made by upright State representatives against dictatorial regimes that use it to suppress revolts.

In Iran at least the State has the decency to take responsibility for the deaths of its persecuted, inconceivable for a modern, democratic progressive State, which has far more subtle ways to get rid of them.
After all, why bother to kill the rebels who end up in one’s hands? Better to bury them alive in a concrete hole where time and the resulting physical and mental decomposition will take care of the rest. Provided that they do not rehabilitate, of course, which would mean them surrendering their conscience to become dissociated and collaborators. How many, in Italy alone, even if with different experiences, are in the same condition? And let it be clear, this does not detract from the brutality perpetrated against those who see their freedom and dignity taken away, for a short or long period, within the aseptic perimeter of a prison, suffering torture of all kinds by honest champions of order, family men and sons of the homeland.
Continue reading INTRANSIGENCE TAKEN FROM THE DARDI n°11 – Foglio anarchico aperiodico (Italy)

Storm Warnings, issue 59-60 (December 2022)

The final issue of Storm warnings, anarchist bulletin for the social war, issue 59-60(December 2022) came out. It is the full English translation of Avis de Tempêtes.

Storm warnings, issue 59-60 (December 15, 2022) :

For reading

For printing (A4)

For printing (Letter)

“To conclude, if it has always been a pleasure to write and elaborate each issue of this bulletin, we must also say that after five years, the desire to put an end to it has arrived. A certain weariness in seeking to ensure this regularity, the sometimes difficult lack of feedback or intertwined debates,
the observation of a redundancy in our ways of approaching the vast questions of action, certainly also the limits of the instrument itself, are all elements that contributed to our decision to conclude this experience of Storm Warnings. Such a decision might seem paradoxical, knowing that
the interest and need we feel for such spaces of reflection and elaboration are still alive, but the instrument we have forged over the years does not lend itself to a new start or a new format. It seemed to us more appropriate to make it disappear, so that other projects could see the light of day.”

(de/en/fr) CSRC Bulletin #1

View online
Letter: PDF


(de) CSRC Bulletin

“Eine unregelmäßig erscheinenden Publikation des Counter-surveillance resource center, eine Datenbank von Hilfsmitteln zur Umgehung zielgerichteter Überwachung.”
View online


(fr) CSRC Bulletin

“Une publication irrégulière du Centre de documentation sur la contre-surveillance, une base de données de ressources sur comment déjouer la surveillance ciblée.”
View online