Category Archives: Library

New Pamphlet: Against capitalist wars, against capitalist peace.

Against capitalist wars

In Ukraine, the Czech Republic, the UK, Italy, Syria, France etc… All
over the world there is a voice against capitalist wars and also against capitalist peace. Only class war can end this terror and that is what we mean when we say No War but the Class War!

The new pamphlet contains 14 texts by various groups and individuals.
The aim is to explain and affirm the meaning of antimilitarism,
internationalism and revolutionary defeatism. The publication will be presented for the first time at the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair in
Ljubljana. The pamphlet is also available for download in PDF.
Continue reading New Pamphlet: Against capitalist wars, against capitalist peace.

How To Survive The 9 To 5 – Monkeywrenching & Forest Defense in North “Georgia” (USA)

How To Survive The 9 To 5 – Monkeywrenching & Forest Defense in North “Georgia”

Originally intended to be a zine, expanding to a short book, How To Survive The 9 To 5 focuses on direct action in wilderness and woodland areas and Land defense – specifically in North “georgia”. Deeply influenced by the movement to Stop Cop City and Defend the Atlanta Forest, this writing aims to aid in compiling information useful to this fight; covering topics on basic camping know-how, the local flora and fauna, natural building and skills, security and defense, and some useful tips and tactics for direct action.

Continue reading How To Survive The 9 To 5 – Monkeywrenching & Forest Defense in North “Georgia” (USA)

Breaking Ranks: Subverting the Hierarchy and Manipulation Behind Earth Uprisings (USA)

Breaking Ranks: Subverting the Hierarchy and Manipulation Behind Earth Uprisings

Print PDF: breakingranks_print

Read PDF: breakingranks_read

At this point, many anarchists in the US are already familiar with how tiqqunists destroyed the struggle at the Notre-Dame-des-Landes ZAD (Zone to Defend) occupation in France in favor of legalization and property ownership [1]. The narrative that this tragic conclusion to the decade-long struggle was actually a victory has been regurgitated ad nauseum by tiqqunist platforms in the US. For example, Ill Will Edition’s “The Strategy of Composition” is about applying this “strategy” to the struggle against Cop City: “The territorial phase of the struggle took shape gradually over a ten year period from 2008 until its eventual victory in 2018, and has since continued to nourish collective experiments on the Zone to this day”.

The next initiative of the ex-ZAD tiqqunists failed when those familiar with their methods of recuperation and authoritarianism sabotaged their attempts to take the vanguard of a ZAD located in Carnet. Comrades from the Carnet ZAD along with those from several other struggles co-authored a statement outlining the attempts at cooptation and centralization, which we included as an appendix in this zine as an inspiring example of anti-authoritarians making a struggle inhospitable to authoritarian power plays.
Continue reading Breaking Ranks: Subverting the Hierarchy and Manipulation Behind Earth Uprisings (USA)

We are conspiring: update on the current investigation

From, via Counter-Surveillance Resource Center

Languages: German •  French
Download: PDF (read, A4 booklet, letter booklet) • TEXT


With the following text, we want to give an overview of the current investigation against two comrades who were arrested on February 16th 2023 in Adlershof, Berlin. We believe that individual experiences can be of a collective use when we find the right ways to share them. Instances of repression, should especially not be the fate carried by an individual, but an opportunity for us to come together in an offensive moment. This text should be one step further in that direction.

What happened?

In the night from 15th to 16th of February, the helicopter of the federal police (“Pirol”[1]) is on one of its routine surveillance flights. At 0:26am the team, with the help of thermal imaging cameras, identifies two people on the tracks south of S-Bahnhof Adlershof[2]. They alert the control center at Ostbahnhof[3], which then sends out two patrol cars and one civil car (all of them federal police, as the railway is under federal jurisdiction) to Adlershof. Continue reading We are conspiring: update on the current investigation

The War In Front Of Us

Retrieved and put on paper by some unafilliated admirers.

PDF is here

This is an afro-pessimist militant’s challenge to the Stop Cop City movement.

There is a tension stewing right now, not simply between differing tactics but with the outright acceptance of the position we are currently in, that of a social war.

The third day-long descent on the Atlanta City Council has again hammered home that legalistic attacks and appeals to the political machine are going to keep failing. Despite that being so overwhelmingly evident, the more progressive-inclined elements of the struggle continue to insist upon a peaceful endurance, one that refuses escalation and actual conflict for their safe, faux-radical abolitionism. We have been locked in this social war since the rebellion and the terrain needs to be read as such.

Continue reading The War In Front Of Us

Brent Scarborough Machines Sabotaged.

Dear Brent Scarborough,
I Bet You Thought You Were Safe With All The New Security Measures You Put In At Your Headquarters Site! We Saw The Empty Lot Where You Used To Store Machines… And The Big One Right Next Door.
We Saw The Bright Lights, Tall Fence, And Trees Clear Cut Twenty Feet From Every Edge Of The Lot. It Was A Quick Walk From The On Ramp Of Exit 41. A Row Of Trucks Obscured Our Car So We Only Had To Carry Our Supplies About Half A Mile.
You Ought To Pay Your Security Guard More… He Was Asleep On The Job! We Climbed Over The Barbed Wire Fence With A Ladder And A Carpet Square & Taking Note Of The Machines Fifty Feet From The Fence And Cameras On Every Pole. Sneaking Between Equipment And Around The Useless Security Truck, We Finally Reached A Row Of Many Large Machines. Each Of Us Carried A Gallon Of Muriatic Acid, A Substance You Should Know About If You Don’t Already. We Poured The Corrosive Acid Into The Oil Tanks Of Three Machines. Have You Found Which Ones Yet? If Not, You Will Soon.

Continue reading Brent Scarborough Machines Sabotaged.

ANTISISTEMA – Paper for anarchy and passionate destruction 2023

ANTISISTEMA – Paper for anarchy and passionate destruction

This is the first issue of the bilingual anarchist paper Antisistema,
which will be published irregularly. The paper gives space for anarchist analyses, discussions and documentations of attacks on structures of domination.
From now on we will upload the PDFs of the paper in german and english and want to encourage decentralized printing, distribution and discussion.

Contact: anti-sistema at

– Editorial
– For more cheerful daring
– For a determined struggle against the industrial destruction of the
– Combining the question of social revolution with the question of
– Defence is not the best attack
– Words are followed by actions
Continue reading ANTISISTEMA – Paper for anarchy and passionate destruction 2023

The Local Kids – Issue 9 – Summer 2023

All has changed yet everything remains the same. Several shocks have reverberated through society over the last years and changed our reality profoundly. At the same time, the monotony of daily life continues to impose itself relentlessly. Whether this observation is frightening or comforting speaks volumes about one’s perspective or mood.

Rather than confront the existential anxiety that this destructive society engenders, we might be tempted to carry on, as much as we can, as if nothing is happening. As the virulence of the Covid-19 virus and the states’ measures have tempered down, many seem keen to move on. Not everyone though. Some might consider it pesky but the question of proximity during those periods of lockdowns and curfews is still pertinent. Fear and repression made it impossible to meet each other, paralysing not only social struggles but social life itself. During the pandemic, the state made abundant use of (scientific) experts and the media to lay claim to rationality. Everything that diverged from the dominant discourse was labelled as irrational and quashed. Following suit with these binaries is to enter a game which is not ours to play and in which we have nothing to gain.

Continue reading The Local Kids – Issue 9 – Summer 2023

Hamburg, Germany DE/EN: Tracking technology discovered on motor scooter

[Hamburg-Germany] Tracking-Technik an Motorroller entdeckt

Im Sitz eines Motorrollers wurde in den vergangenen Tagen ein
sogenanntes „AirTag“ der Firma Apple gefunden. Der Roller wird genutzt von einer Hamburger Anarchistin, die in der Vergangenheit bereits von Überwachungs- und Ermittlungsmaßnahmen betroffen war.

Das kleine, flache Gerät von einem ungefähren Durchmesser von 3
Zentimetern und einer Höhe von weniger als 1 Zentimeter wurde durch einen augenscheinlich mit einem Cuttermesser oder ähnlichem angebrachten
Schlitz ins das Sitzpolster des Motorrollers gesteckt.
Die Vermutung, dass eine Ermittlungsbehörde oder der Verfassungsschutz für die Platzierung verantwortlich ist liegt nahe.

Apple vertreibt die AirTags ursprünglich zu dem Zweck, Gegenstände wie
Schlüsselbund, Brieftasche oder ähnliches in der unmittelbaren Umgebung des eigenen Smartphones zu orten. Es funktioniert über Bluetooth und hat zunächst eine unmittelbare, maximale Reichweite von ungefähr 100 Metern im Freien.
Continue reading Hamburg, Germany DE/EN: Tracking technology discovered on motor scooter

Ears and Eyes moves to the CSRC!


Starting today, the Ears and Eyes project is now hosted by the Counter-Surveillance Resource Center (CSRC). The present website will not be updated anymore. The new address is:

This new website has a modern design, is easier for us to update and brings advanced search features to our database, allowing you to filter and search through our 100 cases of surveillance devices hidden by law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

Feel free to check out CSRC’s other projects, including their database of resources on targeted surveillance and their Threat Library (a threat modeling tool for anarchists).

As usual, you can get in touch with us if you have feedback, criticisms or information to give us. We also welcome translations in any languages. You can now contact us at CSRC’s email address – – or use our old address if you prefer.