Category Archives: Library

A zine Solidarity and its Discontents: Riots, Rebellion and Repression in Bristol 2011-2023 (UK)

Solidarity and its Discontents:  Riots, Rebellion and Repression in
Bristol 2011-2023

Was an event in January, and a zine…. it’s also a messy, ongoing
discussion! So comments and thoughts are welcome…

Zine now available to download at



Print copies are also available at
Touchpaper Library

BASE Infoshop

and also at the International Anti-Repression Gathering in Brighton

Will be published on Anarchist Library soon.

Email if you have any questions…

(Chile) Against Patriarchy, in Pursuit of the Foundations of Anarchy’s Paths of Negation

By Mónica Caballero

March 5, 2024 / informativoanarquista

From La Zarzamora []

The economic system that currently governs the territory dominated by the chilean State and practically all western States is capitalism. Capitalism, in simple terms, was founded in commerce and industry (means of production) which are organized and controlled by its owners, meaning: businessmen.

For capitalism to take root and endure over time as a political economic system, it needed a patriarchal social structure, understood as the social organization where the authority of men is exercised from the family, and reaching through all practices of domination. For this reason, it would be difficult to pose a radical, emancipator change without ending up totally destroying capitalism and patriarchy. Oppressive, authoritarian patriarchal structures have (mal)formed practically all the relations that we have with others and ourselves.
Continue reading (Chile) Against Patriarchy, in Pursuit of the Foundations of Anarchy’s Paths of Negation

[Italy] We won’t be complicit. We will be deserters (Spoleto, March 2024)

/ Italiano / English / French /

Source in Italian:

Responding to a parliamentary question, War Minister Guido Crosetto confirmed that the factory of Terrestrial Military Ammunition (SMMT) in Baiano di Spoleto could soon produce the new missiles and ammunition to be sent to Ukraine to support the ongoing war. The Defense Industries Agency (AID) indeed proposed three of its production sites –Spoleto, Capua and Fontana Liri – for the European Union’s tender, which provides a grant of 500 million euros to produce new armaments to be sent to Kiev.

Although it is still only a candidacy, the deal is given as very likely by the local newspapers, also by virtue of the fact that the Spoleto plant would be underutilized with respect to its “productive” (but perhaps we should say destructive) capacities.
Continue reading [Italy] We won’t be complicit. We will be deserters (Spoleto, March 2024)

South London,UK : Springtime of Revolt, Death to the State! Two days of subversive memory and celebration on the anniversary of the Paris Commune

Springtime of Revolt, Death to the State!
Two days of subversive memory and celebration on the anniversary of the Paris Commune at the Touchpaper Anarchist library

7PM SUNDAY 17th MARCH (part 1)

Black Threads #6 – Louise Michel and Irreperable Action

Following on from the Black Threads discussion series, we are again drawing on the heritage of anarchism to illuminate elements of the struggle for freedom today. On this occasion we would like to discuss, not a specific text, but rather, around the anniversary, an insurrectional moment: those spring days in 1871.

Remembered as much by comrades in the past because of the massacres with which the state and its servants punished the rebellion, as for its acts and perspectives of freedom, today we think it is important to consider the Commune as an insurgent utopia, propulsive for comrades who shared its historical epoch, but very distant from us in both qualitative and quantitive terms.
Continue reading South London,UK : Springtime of Revolt, Death to the State! Two days of subversive memory and celebration on the anniversary of the Paris Commune

The Conflict in Abya Yala and its Proximity to “Switch Off!”: Anarchic Words Concerning the Necessary Struggle for the Earth

February 26, 2024 / informativoanarquista

(text and poster received by email 20/02/24, unfortunately the email went to spam)

Faced with devastation: sabotage and war! As the comrades who have raised and formed part of the campaign have understood it, “Switch Off! The system of destruction” consists of the “attack against companies and infrastructures that feed the ecological catastrophe across the world”. Here also, in Abya Yala (ancestral name for the territory known as America), multiple struggles for the defense of the earth have been developed, from the precolonial peoples who continue fighting, to new anarchic perspectives that tip more and more into the struggle for the earth. While we haven’t been able to stop the ecological catastrophe entirely, we can find concrete examples of territorial victories that have managed to stop, expel or at least considerably push back the materialization of extractivist projects, like the resistance and armed offensive of diverse mapuche organizations in Wallmapu.

The struggles in different latitudes aren’t detached form one another and they aim at the same enemies. This is why we believe it favorable to make the “Switch Off!” campaign our own, endowing it with our own territorial circumstances to avoid overlooking our particularities.
Continue reading The Conflict in Abya Yala and its Proximity to “Switch Off!”: Anarchic Words Concerning the Necessary Struggle for the Earth

The “Good War” of Italian Immigrant Anarchists in the United States 1914-1920 (New Publication)

In the United States between 1914 and 1920, the greatest armed revolutionary offensive of the 20th century was unleashed against the governmental, judicial, industrial and financial institutions of the most important capitalist country on the planet. These direct actions weren’t the work of the militant factions of a political party or of a more or less radical mass movement, but of a handful of anarchists who had emigrated from Italy at the turn of the century. It was from this context that Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti came, sadly famous their execution on the electric chair in 1927.

Continue reading The “Good War” of Italian Immigrant Anarchists in the United States 1914-1920 (New Publication)

The “Lafarge” Case: The Investigation Methods Used and Some Lessons to Be Learned

In this case, the Marseille Gendarmerie’s Research Section was reinforced by the SDAT (Anti-Terrorist Subdivision) […] under the vague notion of “extreme violence”. The means at their disposal are considerable — telephony, wiretapping, physical surveillance, spyware, facial recognition, GPS tracking, etc.

View online:
No Trace Project

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Chile: Words dedicated to Sebastián Oversuij Seguel – Pelao Angry

Words dedicated to Angry

When the proletarian youth from the neighborhoods of the city suburbs bow their heads and resign themselves to being cheap labor, they don’t call the attention of Power. They are handled with labor regulations (when the work is more or less formal), and/or are seen as the object of certain social policies that mix control with handouts.

When they dedicate themselves to petty economic delinquency to subsist, and become thiefs, shoplifters, low-level dealers or any other variant of the so-called “common criminal”, they are responded to with police, Penal Code and prison. When young people come from these same sectors, structurally marginalized by the capitalism of our time, they obtain certain class consciousness; when they rebel against exploitation with weapons in hand, they are always candidates for being labeled “terrorists”. Them! When they’ve done nothing but react with the most human dignity possible faced with systematic and historically accumulated conditions of class violence dolled out from above by the true terrorists.
Continue reading Chile: Words dedicated to Sebastián Oversuij Seguel – Pelao Angry