Category Archives: Library

15 years ago, today and tomorrow Mauricio Morales presente!

Now you’ll probably multiply into thousands and spread yourself over all the land. You’ll watch over us in combat, and light our paths. We´ll do the rest. Because the same flame that was inside you is the flame that lives inside all of us. Because even though they try to extinguish it, it will be born again and again…. till it has destroyed the last outpost of this prison society.
See you soon—at the end of the path.

Act for freedom now!

Sweep out snitches and their accomplices!

 [ – Česky – ] [ – Français – ]

In 2022, the section of the International Workers Association in the region of Russia called for a boycott of the provocateurs, Anatoly Dubovik and Alexander Kolchenko. The statement said:

The latter means that these fake anarchists, by publishing the addresses of anti-war activists located in Russia, are directly inciting Russian secret services and nationalist thugs against them, as opponents of the war, in order to deal with them with their hands! In the conditions of ongoing harassment, dismissals, threats and physical repression against anti-military-minded people in Russia, such actions are tantamount to real denunciation with a direct indication of whom the repressive forces should turn their attention to.

Continue reading Sweep out snitches and their accomplices!

Invitation à la Foire des zines anarchistes 2024 de Montréal (Canada)

Our weapons are courage and beautiful ideas.

Every year in May, the blossoming of spring invites anarchists to reflect upon subversive ideas and practices, from throughout history to present day. Total destruction of all authority is the project that sets our hearts on fire. We are wary of political strategies, and instead propose an anarchy wherein the means and ends are coherent, without waiting for the ‘right moment’, without compromise.

The fight for freedom is infinite, a constant which spans numerous lifetimes, and with endless possiblities. Only through permanent conflict will we create spaces where we can breathe (together) for short while, dreaming of and planning for total freedom.

This Fair is a moment to sharpen the analyses and critiques necessary for the project of insurrection. It’s goal is to nourish your imagination. We’re seeking out those who dream of unlimited freedom, and who are fighting for a complete upheaval of society, not simply it’s re-organization. Books, zines, meet-ups and discussions are indispensible for this project of liberation–they give meaning to our actions, and vice-versa.

We encourage (self)published texts created by comrades who aren’t trapped in the industry of book publishing. We want to free the pen from censorship, and the book from commercialization. We want texts to be distributed through autonomous organization, with the goal of sharing ideas with those who feel inspired by them. This can only occur in a free space, through rejecting copyrights and ‘alternative’ markets. This Fair is organized autonomously, through voluntary association and participation, and without any institutional support.

Join us on the 11 and 12 of May, 2024, under the Van Horne viaduct (North of the tracks). Come for two days of discussions, reading, music, and complicity. There will be several tables with zines and books under the viaduct, and with a few presentations followed by discussions in the little park nearby. There will be shows in the evening, as well as food and coffee onsite.

* We strongly suggest you leave your phones, cameras, and all other technological snitches far away from the event.* The Fair will take place outside and regardless of weather conditions–come dressed appropriately.

* Details on the discussions topics and schedule to come.


Book presentation – Alfredo Cospito: Which International? / Event about the New Penal Code. (Greece)

Book presentation – Alfredo Cospito: Which International? / Event about the New Penal Code.

“Go on, comrades:
There is a whole world to be demolished!”
Alfredo Cospito – Nicola Gai

Book presentation of the book by Alfredo Cospito “Which International?”
(Interview and discussion with Alfredo Cospito from Ferrara prison, Italy).

Intervention by Italian comrades on the book by Alfredo Cospito, the isolation of the comrade, the 41bis regime
& update on current repression operations in Italy.

Update on Law N.5090/24 (New Penal Code).

Telephone communication with a prisoner about the new penal code and the struggles inside the prisons.

Update from the lawyer Alexandros Kanellopoulos regarding the provisions and changes brought about by the law N.5090/24.

The proceeds of the book will be used for financial support
of comrade Alfredo Cospito.

During the event
there will be a political poster exhibition from Greece and Italy
& place with printed material (brochures, stickers, etc.).

University of ASOEE
Thursday, May 16
7 p.m.

Anarchist Hangout Nadir
Saturday, May 18
7 p.m.


Anarchist project Ragnarok

Anarchist Hangout Nadir

ANTISISTEMA – Issue 2 Paper for anarchy and conscious action

[ENG] AS 2 – Read.cleaned

[ENG] AS 2 – Print.cleaned

From the contents:

– Mega-project „energy-transition“: Localising the weak spots

– In the face of the enemy: Breaking through or circumvent the encirclement?

– „I have to get out of here!“

– Against rigidification

– All ready for war

anti-sistema at

The newspaper is printed decentralized, so we want to encourage to print and distribute these pages independently.

Chile: Interview with Espacio Fénix EN/ES

ES: (Chile) Entrevista a Espacio Fénix

Opening the tensions of dialogue, we present the following section of interviews with individuals, collectivities and related spaces that make up the anarchic body in different parts of the world.

The interviews are a valuable contribution to the observation in detail and depth; they come, in a certain way, to broaden the view to give us feedback among comrades and to debate with perspectives and projections, that although they may be different, they converge in the ideas and practices of freedom against all authority.

Without further ado, we have in this first venture of dialogues the comrades of Espacio Fénix.

1-How and when did Espacio Fénix arise, and what projects converge in the space?
Continue reading Chile: Interview with Espacio Fénix EN/ES

A zine Solidarity and its Discontents: Riots, Rebellion and Repression in Bristol 2011-2023 (UK)

Solidarity and its Discontents:  Riots, Rebellion and Repression in
Bristol 2011-2023

Was an event in January, and a zine…. it’s also a messy, ongoing
discussion! So comments and thoughts are welcome…

Zine now available to download at



Print copies are also available at
Touchpaper Library

BASE Infoshop

and also at the International Anti-Repression Gathering in Brighton

Will be published on Anarchist Library soon.

Email if you have any questions…

(Chile) Against Patriarchy, in Pursuit of the Foundations of Anarchy’s Paths of Negation

By Mónica Caballero

March 5, 2024 / informativoanarquista

From La Zarzamora []

The economic system that currently governs the territory dominated by the chilean State and practically all western States is capitalism. Capitalism, in simple terms, was founded in commerce and industry (means of production) which are organized and controlled by its owners, meaning: businessmen.

For capitalism to take root and endure over time as a political economic system, it needed a patriarchal social structure, understood as the social organization where the authority of men is exercised from the family, and reaching through all practices of domination. For this reason, it would be difficult to pose a radical, emancipator change without ending up totally destroying capitalism and patriarchy. Oppressive, authoritarian patriarchal structures have (mal)formed practically all the relations that we have with others and ourselves.
Continue reading (Chile) Against Patriarchy, in Pursuit of the Foundations of Anarchy’s Paths of Negation

[Italy] We won’t be complicit. We will be deserters (Spoleto, March 2024)

/ Italiano / English / French /

Source in Italian:

Responding to a parliamentary question, War Minister Guido Crosetto confirmed that the factory of Terrestrial Military Ammunition (SMMT) in Baiano di Spoleto could soon produce the new missiles and ammunition to be sent to Ukraine to support the ongoing war. The Defense Industries Agency (AID) indeed proposed three of its production sites –Spoleto, Capua and Fontana Liri – for the European Union’s tender, which provides a grant of 500 million euros to produce new armaments to be sent to Kiev.

Although it is still only a candidacy, the deal is given as very likely by the local newspapers, also by virtue of the fact that the Spoleto plant would be underutilized with respect to its “productive” (but perhaps we should say destructive) capacities.
Continue reading [Italy] We won’t be complicit. We will be deserters (Spoleto, March 2024)

South London,UK : Springtime of Revolt, Death to the State! Two days of subversive memory and celebration on the anniversary of the Paris Commune

Springtime of Revolt, Death to the State!
Two days of subversive memory and celebration on the anniversary of the Paris Commune at the Touchpaper Anarchist library

7PM SUNDAY 17th MARCH (part 1)

Black Threads #6 – Louise Michel and Irreperable Action

Following on from the Black Threads discussion series, we are again drawing on the heritage of anarchism to illuminate elements of the struggle for freedom today. On this occasion we would like to discuss, not a specific text, but rather, around the anniversary, an insurrectional moment: those spring days in 1871.

Remembered as much by comrades in the past because of the massacres with which the state and its servants punished the rebellion, as for its acts and perspectives of freedom, today we think it is important to consider the Commune as an insurgent utopia, propulsive for comrades who shared its historical epoch, but very distant from us in both qualitative and quantitive terms.
Continue reading South London,UK : Springtime of Revolt, Death to the State! Two days of subversive memory and celebration on the anniversary of the Paris Commune