Category Archives: Library

I will not be intimidated.


In the past, I have published an extensive analysis of how specific individuals and groups try to isolate me, attack my private life, they’re threatening my safety and sabotage the Anti-militarist activities I engage in. One of the examples given was a description of how a member of the Trhlina infoshop and the Anarchistická federace (Anarchist federation) told a friend of mine that I was at risk of a strong reaction from militant anti-fascists. In other words, the person from Trhlina and the Anarchistická federace was threatening me. At that time it was not yet clear whether the threat would come true. Now it is clear. On Saturday, February 8, 2025, I was physically attacked by one such militant anti-fascist in Prague’s Club 007.

What happened?

The attacker waited until most of my friends had left the club, followed me into the toilets, where he punched me several times in the face. No, I’m not surprised he chose such an insidious method. I’ve seen so much scheming from his cronies that I expect nothing but meanness, unscrupulousness and hypocrisy from them now.
Continue reading I will not be intimidated.

Interview between synthesis anarchists Boina Anarquista in Chile and JURNAL ANARKI in Indonesia.

Here are two interviews by JURNAL ANARKI, anarchist publication in
Indonesia, and the band La Lira Libertaria in Chile and the
neo-platformists Boina Anarquista. These are the first English
translations. We hope you find them interesting, please feel free to
republish and translate etc. We think it important to create ongoing
communications between different territories and tendencies. For
international solidarity and insurrection.


1. What motivates you to create this counter-information newspaper?

A: Hello, good day. Well, the platform began as a newspaper, edited precariously with Word. What motivated us was that nearly 11 years ago, in 2013, when the waves of the student movement in Chile were still present, we started researching and came across a book about anarchist propaganda in Chile. We were amazed by how much of it existed in the 1920s.

Around that time, there were other physical-format newspapers: El Surco (2009-2013), El Amanecer (from Chillán, in central-southern Chile) (2011-2013), El Sol Ácrata (from Calama, northern Chile; 2011-2024), Acracia (from Valdivia, far south of Chile; 2012-2019) and Solidaridad, a Libertarian-Communist newspaper, aligned with the branch closest to especifismo or platformism (2010-2016).

It was within this context that we decided to found a newspaper called Periódico La Boina (2014), which only released 7 issues. Financial problems, time constraints, and lack of coordination led to its discontinuation, but we noticed that the website’s visits kept growing, reaching over 100,000 per year.

Continue reading Interview between synthesis anarchists Boina Anarquista in Chile and JURNAL ANARKI in Indonesia.

Düsseldorf (Germany): the “Angry Birds Commando” and collapse…

[Note of Sans Nom: In Germany’s seventh-largest city, Düsseldorf, in the North Rhine-Westphalia region, the “Angry Birds Commando” is a regular topic of conversation.

In August 2024, for example, they claimed responsibility for setting fire to railway signal cables in Mettmann, adding to their previous sabotages against rail traffic: one in Düsseldorf in January 2024, and five others in the same city claimed in May 2023. And since the angry birds can also be generous, last September they published a little manual entitled “Kabel anzünden für Beginner” [“Setting fire to cables for beginners”], which contains a number of homemade delay techniques.

But let’s move on to more recent news: on Thursday night, shortly before 6 a.m. on Friday January 24, a fire broke out in a cable shaft near Eller station, a district in the south-east of Düsseldorf, interrupting rail traffic on the city’s most important freight line, as well as passenger line S1 between Düsseldorf and Solingen. This time, while the Angry Birds Commando’s communiqué no. 3 was written in rhyme, the one published the following day on de.indymedia and entitled “Switch off Deutsche Bahn – Communiqué no. 4” is in the form of an open letter. 

Below is a translation, which develops its own vision of collapse, as a contribution to the ongoing debates within the revolutionary movement.]

On Friday morning (January 24), we used tried-and-tested methods to take Düsseldorf’s most important freight line out of service for at least 12 hours. For at least 24 hours, its use was only possible with severe restrictions. In addition to the immediate economic damage, we would like to draw your attention to the following appeal. We would also like to apologize to the travelers affected, and hope that at least a few commuters were able to enjoy a day off as a result.

Continue reading Düsseldorf (Germany): the “Angry Birds Commando” and collapse…

This Rose Has Thorns 2024: A year of anarchic attacks in so-called Portland (USA)

A few years ago, in the aftermath of the George Floyd rebellion in Portland, a zine was made chronicling the autonomous attacks that proliferated across the city as public demonstrations increasingly became a dead end.

Feeling inspired by the daring attacks against authority that occurred in 2024, we decided to create an (incomplete) compilation zine. Some of the attacks listed here were explicitly claimed by anarchists, while others were done by perpetrators with
unknown motivations, but whose actions we think are of
interest to anarchists. All of the attacks mentioned here took
place outside of publicly announced events.

Here’s to a 2025 full of joy and destruction! Long Live Anarchy!

Links to download PDFs:



submitted anonymously

via: rosecitycounterinfo

Issue 3 of anarcho-nihilist / insurrectionary newspaper “Blessed Is The Flame” has been released

PDF download link: [ENG] Blessed Is The Flame – Issue #3

(For those who wish to print the newspaper, see the instructions below.)

The 3rd issue of the anarcho-nihilist/insurrectionary newspaper “Blessed Is The Flame” has been published. Its pages contain reports of direct actions, claims of responsibility, texts, poems, and news from anarchist prisoners and trials that were published in November and December 2024 in ten different languages across various parts of the world, or were sent to us via email and are being published for the first time. (Some of the texts published for the first time will also be uploaded as standalone posts on our blog,

Our goal is not only to break down the linguistic barriers that hinder information, solidarity, and the dissemination of propaganda by the deed on an international level but also to give counter-information a printed form. We believe it is crucial for counter-information to transcend the limits of the digital realm.
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Athens,Greece: Intervention of Nikos Maziotis at the book presentation event of “State against Commune” by Pola Roupa (Panteion University, 31/5/2024)

Intervention of Nikos Maziotis at the book presentation event of “State against Commune” by Pola Roupa (Panteion University, 31/5/2024)

The following text is a transcript of comrade Nikos Maziotis’ telephone intervention at the book presentation event of “State against Commune” by comrade Pola Roupa, organised by the Solidarity Assembly for the convicted members of the Revolutionary Struggle P. Roupa and N. Maziotis on 31/5/2024 at Panteion University): “[…] … None of them are recognised as political prisoners, but their discriminatory treatment is obvious. We have similar deteriorating conditions in Greece, towards keeping political prisoners longer in prison. E.g. the multi-lifers convicted for Revolutionary organization 17 November who have completed more than 22 years as is my case as I am not a lifer, yet I have far exceeded the parole limit but they do not release me because I refuse to make any statement of disavowal, “correction” and repentance … [Nikos Maziotis, convicted member of the organization Revolutionary Struggle, captive in Domokos prison (Greece)]”

“Comrades, I greet you. I wish you all strength.

The truth is that the book presentation of “State against Commune” by comrade Pola Roupa should have taken place two years ago and more, when the comrade was still in prison.
Continue reading Athens,Greece: Intervention of Nikos Maziotis at the book presentation event of “State against Commune” by Pola Roupa (Panteion University, 31/5/2024)

PRISMA: Primer on Radical Information for Secure Militant Actions

From No Trace Project

“In our experience, we have found that it is often difficult to find an overview of different forms of action, especially militant ones, as well as practical and contextual thoughts on different aspects of security and action planning. […] That’s why we have collected information about taking action.”

PDF: read | A4 booklet: part 1, part 2 | letter booklet: part 1, part 2

The Libertad library needs you! Paris,France

The anarchist library “Libertad” was created in Paris in 2010 as a place ‘where experiences and perspectives can resonate with each other, in order to put an end to a deadly world based on the logic of exploitation and domination’. Month after month, many discussions, debates, talks and film screenings have taken place there, among the thousands of books, archives and zines to be borrowed or taken away. Its walls have echoed the voices of comrades from other continents who have come to share their struggles.

They have allowed us to collect documents and
testimonies of past struggles to better deepen the possibilities of the present. They spoke out in solidarity with imprisoned comrades and the waves of attacks on the existent. They vibrated with lively debates about the new assaults of domination on freedom and the living, and the different paths to undertake to bring down the world as it is.

Continue reading The Libertad library needs you! Paris,France

Revista anarquista internacional “Kalinov Most” #11. Diciembre 2024

Ya está nuevamente en las calles, un nuevo número de Kalinov Most

En esta onceava entrega puedes encontrar:


*Sobre el uso compulsivo de las redes sociales virtuales y sus consecuencias

*Hacia una negación radical de la moral cristiana

*Destruyendo el binomio teoría/practica

Aportes externos:

*Alemania: ¿guerrilla anarquista? dos reflexiones de un debate en curso.

*De algunos problemas entre tantos o muchos. (Texto original de Alfredo María Bonanno y traducido especialmente para Kalinov Most)

Este y otros números los puedes encontrar en:

Chile (Editorial Memoria Negra), Argentina (Expandiendo La Revuelta), Uruguay (Criaturas Fantásticas y Ediciones Orsini) , México (Konspiración Iconoclasta), entre otros lugares…

También puedes encontrar algunos números en digital:

Lecce , Italy : A reminiscence

Sometimes it is hard to write without running the risk of becoming rhetorical.

The death of Alfredo Bonanno has left what, precisely rhetorically, is referred to as an unbridgeable gap. A lack for many comrades – and they are hundreds – who, once they approached anarchism, drew vital lymph from his writings scattered in books, magazines and newspapers. Analytical writings to better understand the world and the evolution of domination, and to explore the way – one of the ways – in which to try to counter it. His analyses were lenses with which to look at things from another angle, and this way of looking at reality differently, of analysing it with another perspective is perhaps the thing that most fascinates about anarchism and will be most missed of Alfredo.

Whether it was one of his writings, a public discussion at an initiative or a conversation over a meal, he had the ability to stimulate that reflection that often led you to sit in silence and mull over what you had read or heard, taking you to reason differently, perceive other horizons.

Continue reading Lecce , Italy : A reminiscence