Category Archives: Library

EN: Negazine — 2 — 2018


The second issue of a magazine like this is, for us, a great success. Not only are we pleased, which would be obvious, we are also a little surprised. We were under no illusions, and still do not have any. The list of the problems we found incomprehensible, drawn up in the article “And now?” in Issue One, is still valid, although we have tried to give some answers here. Not that these answers are not satisfactory in themselves, but as we were putting them down other doubts appeared, even more complex and numerous.

Continue reading EN: Negazine — 2 — 2018

The 2nd issue of the anarchist newspaper “Blessed Is The Flame” has been some fix correct on the PDF file so is here: Blessed-Is-The-Flame-Issue-2.pdf

The second issue of the insurrectionary / nihilist anarchist newspaper “Blessed Is The Flame”, originally published in 8 July 2024 in Greek, has now been translated in English. By doing so, we hold the ambition that this newspaper can become an international effort, bringing together all the direct action reports, statements and texts of comrades, …

Every Heart is a Timembomb – Screening and Discussion Tuesday 6th August at Touchpaper Anarchist Library South (London, UK)

Every Heart is a Timembomb – Screening and Discussion

Tuesday 6th August 7PM
Touchpaper Anarchist Library SE145HD

Rote Zora was a women’s armed struggle group agitating in Germany in the 1970s through to the 1990s. The group originated as a feminist breakaway from the Revolutionary Cells, inspiring an entire generation to fight against patriarchy in all its expressions: (gene) technology, medical, domestic and systemic violence, rape culture, religious power, the medical industry, the war industry – exploitation and oppression at work, in the streets, and at home.

With glue, spraypaint, arson, poetry and bombs, they fought against the old world they lived in, with a burning desire for a new world without oppression, exploitation or war. Together, we will watch the documentary “Frauen bildet Banden!” (women, form gangs!) from 2019, made by FrauenLesbenFilmCollectif Las Otras, in which a number of Rote Zoras share with us their experiences about the struggle against patriarchy, connecting the struggles of the past with the opportunities that lie ahead of us today.

Starting from a few of their communiques, we will go deeper in a few
topics they have brought to the table back then and that might inspire us today.

Revisiting Social Revolution in the Aftermath of 2020

submitted anonymously on pugetsoundanarchists

“Our task as anarchists, our main preoccupation and greatest desire, is to see the social revolution come about: a terrible upheaval of men and institutions which finally succeeds in putting an end to exploitation and establishing the reign of justice.

For we anarchists the revolution is our guide, our constant point of reference, no matter what we are doing or what problem we are concerned with. The anarchy we want will not be possible without the painful revolutionary break. If we want to avoid turning this into no more than a dream we must struggle to destroy the State and the exploiters through revolution.”
-Alfredo Bonanno, Why Insurrection?
Continue reading Revisiting Social Revolution in the Aftermath of 2020

The 2nd issue of the anarchist newspaper “Blessed Is The Flame” has been translated in English + call for international collaboration and translation in more languages (Greece)

(Original text with formatting:

The second issue of the insurrectionary / nihilist anarchist newspaper”Blessed Is The Flame”, originally published in 8 July 2024 in Greek, has now been translated in English. By doing so, we hold the ambition that this newspaper can become an international effort, bringing together all the direct action reports, statements and texts of comrades, and news about the struggles of anarchist prisoners that are scattered across the world, divided by language and communication barriers.

We make a call to any willing comrades around the world to assist us in translating the newspaper in other languages as well and diseminate it both digitally and physically; the document was designed to be easily printable as a A5-size booklet. Ideally, we would like to suggest an international collaboration between counter-information projects from all corners of the world, defying the recent repression efforts of various states who want to put an end to the diffusion of the ideas and practices of the anarchy of action.

The link for the PDF file:
Continue reading The 2nd issue of the anarchist newspaper “Blessed Is The Flame” has been translated in English + call for international collaboration and translation in more languages (Greece)

Sainte-Soline, France: Regarding Sainte-Soline

Many of us returned home dejected following the demonstration of Sainte-Soline on March 25th 2023.

And yet, upon seeing the media coverage and then the official response of Les Soulèvements de la Terre [The Earth Uprisings Collective], despondency turned to anger.

All the demonstrators had been depicted as victims of police violence, we had been denied any power of initiative, any organization, any offensive violence,

We refuse this image that they want to give of us. We reject the victimist media strategy.

If you find yourself in it, we hope you will like this little video.

A propos de Sainte-Soline from Ron Priot on Vimeo.

via: attaque Translated by Act for freedom now!

Back in print!: With blood and words – Evegeniia Iaroslavskaia-Markon

“So, that is my life – the life of a schoolgirl-revolutionary, a student-dreamer, a friend and lover of the great man and poet Aleksandr Iaroslavskii, an eternal wanderer, an itinerant anti-religious lecturer, a writer for Rul, a street newspaper vendor, a thief with a long criminal record, and a traveling fortune-teller.” (from My Autobiography, E. Iaroslavskaia-Markon)

The manuscript, completed on February 3, 1931, anticipated by a few months the execution of the authour at the age of twenty-nine, which took place in the courtyard of the isolation block in the gulag of the Solovki Islands. The manuscript – thirty-nine pages written in dense, tight handwriting – was discovered in 1996 in the archives of the FSB headquarters of the Arkhangelsk region. In her autobiography, Evgeniia talks about herself, her life, her comrade and companion Aleksandr Iaroslavskii and their commitment in fighting ’til their last breath against the tyranny of the Bolshevik power.

Evegeniia Iaroslavskaia-Markon, With blood and words

133 pages / 6 euros

Printed Spring 2024

available through:

Presentation and Discussion: 7pm, Tuesday 11th June at Touchpaper Anarchist Library (South London, UK )

Something’s Missing?
Portland in Revolt 2020-2024
Presentation and Discussion: 7pm, Tuesday 11th June*

In the uprising ignited by the police murder of George Floyd in 2020, the city of Portland had a particularly long, hot summer – with its own trajectory of revolt and militaristic repression. Anarchists from this context will present their experiences and perspectives.

In Portland as in many other places, anarchy is lived and experimented by those who don’t wait for streets filled with angry crowds or popular assemblies filled with revolutionary declarations. Instead it is found in the here-and-now attacks on power, in plain words and destructive acts. But what happens when the possibilities change rapidly as they did in Portland? Can anarchists bring something to such a moment that (proto-)politicians and organisers can’t?

“In our view it is necessary to resist the sirens of recognition, if not political, also social. We are not generals searching for soldiers, neither shepherds searching for sheep. We don’t need pats on the back or smiles from the people. We don’t have to be accepted, since we neither want to convert nor guide anyone. We want individuals to unleash themselves because – as, in a far away past, an anarchist prince once privately confided –“without disorder, revolution is impossible”.”

“Only the one who rebels and has already rebelled, albeit only in the microcosm of their own life, only one who has already braved the consequences of this rebellion and lived them in depth, can have nerves sensitive enough and the intuition necessary to grasp the signs of an insurrectionary movement in the making.

[…] The strongest moments of the people in arms eliminate, of course, all prior procrastination and uncertainties. They allow to see clearly what yesterday was just a blur. But they cannot illuminate what does not exist. These moments are a powerful reflector that allows the realization of a revolutionary and anarchist project, but this project must exist already, if only in its methodological outlines. It must already have been worked out, even if not in every detail, and, as far as possible, have been tried and tested.”

* 11th June = international day of solidarity with Marius Mason and all long-term anarchist prisoners. Library open as usual from 4pm. Let’s read together and discuss the statement from J11 2024

Against extractivism and the world that needs it (The Devastating Megamachine)

Here’s the English translation of the pamphlet against extractivism and the world that needs it (The Devastating Megamachine), available for download! The first  .pdf file is the cover, the second one is the text.

Printing and distributing is encouraged, as well as sending comments, critiques and general feedbacks to our mail: bencivengaoccupato -at-

cover pdf

pamphlet pdf


REBELION Pubicacion Anaquista No 19 (Argentina)



Once again we find ourselves around the campfire, in another rebellion. Time passes, but reality makes us feel that we are as if we were stopped in time; governments are still here and there, as are capitalism, religions, patriarchal culture, extractivism and individual and social authority. Sometimes it’s like running on a treadmill, we run, we sweat, we have the sensation of moving forward, but we don’t do it. That does not take away our desire and will to keep fighting, to get up and keep trying to break the treadmill, without giving up. Yes, like those stubborn and maladjusted anarchists, from all sides and all times. Comrades of years or new ones that join with contributions to this rebellion, that never tried to serve as a guru, or guide, or “example of perfect life” of anyone, without impositions perfect life” of anyone, without impositions or demands. Rather, it is only to expose our ideas (always debatable), reflections, experiences, feelings and individual or collective sensations; it is a humble contribution to the great flame, which gives warmth and strength to all of us comrades around the world, and that, at this very moment, many of them are prisoners, fugitives, under surveillance, many are persecuted; but, even so, they continue conspiring, propagating and agitating the social revolution against all authority, in all corners of the planet.

In this region another show of “the Democratic elections 2023”, another change of label but not of content. Now a new character leads this town: “Miky Vanilla” (Milei). A super fascist as president. Again, the sad meme, became reality. The ultra right wing, which hypocritically, put itself as a name: “Partido La Libertad Avanza”. And what they want the least, is the freedom of anyone. They even call themselves: Anarcho-capitalists. Another unreal contradiction, like the name of their Party. Anarchy and capitalism are polar opposites. Like calling themselves anarcho-government or anarcho-authoritarian.

Continue reading REBELION Pubicacion Anaquista No 19 (Argentina)