Category Archives: Library

Kalinov Most. Publicación Anarquista Internacional #8/Octubre 2021.

Sale a la luz, un nuevo número de nuestra revista:
Kalinov Most. Publicación Anarquista Internacional #8/Octubre 2021.
*Sobre las estrategias represivas
*Algunas consideraciones alrededor de la ética y la práctica terrorista
*El amanecer de un nuevo mundo: La dominación tecnológica y digital
*¿Afrontar o esquivar las miserias? Algunos cuestionamientos al interior de los entornos anárquicos.
Aportes Externos
*Viviendo la anomia
*Anarquistas a contratiempo en el sur del Bra$il

Brussels, Belgium: End of the Acrata project

Acrata, 3 November 2021
Hello everyone,
The anarchist library Acrata opened its doors in 2008. At the time, a text presented it not only as a “space for meetings and discussions”, but also as an “instrument to sharpen our knowledge and to find solid bases to confront domination”.
Throughout the years, people from here and elsewhere met there, publications from different parts of the world were disseminated and discussed, struggles (local or international) were defended and debated. Acrata was also a space for those who recognized themselves in it. As is often the case with struggles and interpersonal relationships, the dynamics within Acrata have changed over the years, sometimes marking fault lines.

Continue reading Brussels, Belgium: End of the Acrata project

Storm Warnings #42-45 (June – September, 2021)

Storm warnings, anarchist bulletin for the social war, issue 42 (June 2021), 43-44 (August 2021), and 45 (September 2021) came out. It is the full English translation of Avis de Tempêtes.
Earlier issues and translations in different languages are available for reading, printing and spreading on the website
 Storm warnings, issue 42 (June 15, 2021) :
For reading
For printing (A4)
For printing (Letter)
“Since its beginnings, the management of the covid-19 epidemic by the authorities has been logically characterized in our latitudes by a predominance of economic imperatives and the preservation of the social order, which even the constantly-invoked medical rationale of the State no longer manages to conceal. Continue reading Storm Warnings #42-45 (June – September, 2021)

325 Collective Contact Email & PGP Key

Received by email:
To all our comrades internationally, be they in the streets or in the hellholes of the state, we would like to let everyone know that we are still active as a collective & working on new publication projects.
For anyone who would like to be in contact with us, we share our most recent PGP key. New proposals for publications are very much welcome for the expansion of the Black International of Anarchists of Praxis and against the techno prison world.
325 Collective



Fire Ant: Anarchist Prisoner Solidarity #10

[PDF for printing]
Fire Ant is a quarterly publication focused on spreading the words of anarchist prisoners and generating material solidarity for our imprisoned friends. Begun as a collaboration between anarchist prisoners and anarchists in Maine, Fire Ant seeks to raise material aid for anarchist prisoners while fostering communication between anarchists on both sides of the walls.
Issue #10 features essays, letters, and poetry from anarchist prisoners Michael Kimble, Pepe, Thomas Meyer-Falk, and Sean Swain; as well as an introduction by Robcat to the new Fire Ant Food Autonomy Project.
by Bloomington ABC

Buenos Aires, Argentina: Update of Material “Expanding the Revolt”.

From the project “Expanding the Revolt” in Buenos Aires, we wanted to provide different comrades with an update of the work that we have been doing in the last year in terms of anarchist zines, magazines and books.
For us it is extremely important to make our own editions, some of them coming from our own pens, and others from the research, compilation and selection of different comrades to tell diverse stories and deepen our anarchist memory.
In addition to the dissemination and the always attentive call that the material we produce be destined for the social war and not for the product in itself or historicist labour, we bring these words to encourage the need for a greater quantity of our own productions, ceasing to delegate our memory to representatives of state institutions or to eternal reprinting without updating of materials produced decades ago.

Continue reading Buenos Aires, Argentina: Update of Material “Expanding the Revolt”.

Italy,Greece: The book Varkarides. I battellieri (Biblioteca Anarchica Sabot, 2021) is available

The book Varkarides. I battellieri. Il gruppo nichilista di Salonicco. 1898–1903 [Varkarides. The boatmen. The nihilist group from Thessaloniki], first Italian edition by Biblioteca Anarchica Sabot, is available
“… we are a handful of fanatics descending the vast river of history shouting with joy. And there we will arrive.”
In 1894 thirteen-year old Macedonian students Yordan Yordanov (Ortzeto) and Konstantin Kirkov went to Thessaloniki – in the Ottoman era – to attend grammar school. A year later along with their schoolmates they form a revolutionary nucleus and lead student mobilizations. In 1897 they form the group of AGITATORS and make contact with anarchist-nihilist circles in Geneva. The group evolves and takes the name of BOATMEN. Their “ideology” is terrorism.

Continue reading Italy,Greece: The book Varkarides. I battellieri (Biblioteca Anarchica Sabot, 2021) is available

Greece: New publication from the fund of solidarity to the imprisoned fighters

The preface of the old edition began with the phrase “this book is about illegality.” It was about at least ten different stories, taken from the reality of different periods of the Italian radical movement. Within the pages of the book, the experience of illegality and its importance as a choice, both existential and militant, was depicted, sometimes in a way that leaned towards emotion and sometimes towards political evaluation. The aim is to familiarize the reading public, as much as possible through the pages of a book, with this unfamiliar land of illegality and the people who have occasionally relocated to it.
We have enriched this publication with similar stories of our own domestic experience, which, although they have been more cumulative over the last 17 years, we must say that they extend through time and into the decades previous to post-independence. Reading different experiences from different kinetic environments in different times, we hope to reach, in the light of comparative study and critical observation, conclusions as to how close or far apart the thoughts and feelings of people who, although they never met, nevertheless found themselves in this same land, the land of fugitivity, can come together.
Solidarity Fund for Imprisoned, Persecuted Revolutionaries in Greece
Translated by Act for freedom now!

Publié le 15 septembre 2021 par Avis de tempêtes : Avis de tempêtes #45

Avis de tempêtes – bulletin anarchiste pour la guerre sociale n°45
(septembre 2021) est sorti. Pour lire, imprimer et diffuser ce petit bulletin autour de soi (il est en format A5, et celui-ci fait 8 pages), on pourra retrouver chaque nouveau numéro tous les 15 du mois, ainsi que les précédents, sur le
blog :
“La catastrophe actuelle n’a que très peu de choses en commun avec celle des temps jadis. Elle n’est plus cette foudre de la nature ou l’œuvre d’un Dieu, mettant l’être humain face à lui-même – c’est un simple produit de l’arrogance scientifique, technologique, politique et économique. Si les catastrophes du passé pouvaient inciter à regarder l’impossible en face, en mettant sens dessus dessous l’ordre établi, les catastrophes modernes se limitent à creuser davantage dans le possible. Au lieu d’ouvrir l’horizon et de mener loin, elles l’enferment et le clouent à ce qu’il y a de plus proche. L’imagination sauvage cède le pas au risque calculé, où l’on ne désire plus vivre une autre vie, mais où on ambitionne de survivre en gérant les dégâts.”