Category Archives: Library

Sardinia – Issue 0 of Su Nudha, a Sardinian Anarchist Paper (A-periodical), is available

È disponibile, da oggi, il numero 0 di “Su Nudha” – Foglio Anarchico Sardo. (A-periodico)

Translated by act for freedom now!
From the editorial:
«The proposal to create a new editorial instrument was born as a continuation of the experiences that some of us have lived in the more or less recent past and from which each one drew their own conclusions, defining their own path. We feel the urge to write our own history through the exclusive use of our own words, eliminating all sorts of softening of the radicality of intentions and blurring of their objectives by making them flicker before our eyes. Moreover, now more than ever it is necessary to equip ourselves with our own instruments that exclude power’s channels of communication by self-organizing in anticipation of the increasingly urgent and criminal restrictions that capitalism is inflicting on the new dissidents (for example impossibility of travel for non-vaccinated).

Continue reading Sardinia – Issue 0 of Su Nudha, a Sardinian Anarchist Paper (A-periodical), is available

Avis de tempêtes – bulletin anarchiste pour la guerre sociale n°51 (mars 2022) est sorti.

Pour lire, imprimer et diffuser ce petit bulletin autour de soi (il est
en format A5, et celui-ci fait 16 pages),
on pourra retrouver chaque nouveau numéro tous les 15 du mois, ainsi que les précédents, sur le blog :
” Au fil des guerres qui ont parsemé le siècle dernier, et dans
lesquelles ont été pris les compagnons, c’est aussi envers et contre
elles que bon nombre d’interventions subversives ont pu être mises en pratique en fonction de l’endroit où ils se trouvaient, comme celle de constituer des groupes de combat autonomes (généralement décentralisés et coordonnés), de bâtir des réseaux d’aide aux déserteurs des deux camps, de mener des sabotages de l’appareil militaro-industriel à l’arrière des fronts, de saper la mobilisation des esprits et de miner l’unité nationale, d’exacerber le mécontentement et le défaitisme en tentant de transformer ces guerres pour la patrie en insurrections pour
la liberté. On nous dira peut-être que les conditions ont bien changé depuis ces expérimentations, mais certainement pas au point de ne pas pouvoir puiser dans cet arsenal-là si on souhaite intervenir dans les hostilités, c’est-à-dire en partant d’abord de nos propres idées et projectualités, plutôt que du moindre mal consistant à soutenir le camp
et les intérêts d’un Etat contre un autre. Car si nous sommes contre la paix des marchés, contre la paix de l’autorité, contre la paix de
l’abrutissement et de la servitude, nous sommes évidemment aussi contre la guerre. Parce que paix et guerre sont en réalité deux termes qui recouvrent une même continuité de l’exploitation capitaliste et de la domination étatique.”

Italy: We sabotage the war – Triggering the International

Source: Inferno Urbano
We receive and publish the editorial of the number 4 of the magazine BEZMOTIVNY, “We sabotage the war – triggering the International”, dedicated to the Ukrainian crisis
By the time readers hold these lines in their hands, the crisis in Ukraine may have reached paroxysm and unleashed in its dramatic precipitation. Or it may not. Some passages may have been overtaken or disproved by facts, or still awaiting verification. We are not concerned about a possible outdatedness of what we are writing, since these words can only be outdated. Faced with the war, anarchism has always maintained the same position that was Bakunin since the time of the Franco-Prussian conflict and the Commune. It is therefore appropriate to start from the obvious.
Our internationalism translates into an absolutely simple sentiment: the exploited, in Russia as in the United States, in the Ukraine as in Italy, are our sisters and brothers, their blood is our blood; the industrialists and the bosses of finance, the generals and the official lords, all governments, are our eternal enemies. Being moved by feelings of eternal hatred and love, our passions cannot but shy away from current events, from their opportunism, from a paracular evaluation of the conditions and propaganda of the moment.

Continue reading Italy: We sabotage the war – Triggering the International


Actforfree Received by email:
“There are paths that can be followed, and there is a path that cannot – it is not a path, it is the wilderness.”
Call for submissions for a new publishing project:
At the forefront of this call is a wish to deepen the conversation between anti-spe and anti-civ anarchists. Whereas these currents are normally kept separate, this doesn’t resonate with us at all – we want to better understand their shared potential. We also want to explore more deeply the topic which, for lack of a better term, might be described as “nihilism”, along with the critiques of ideology, rationalism and in general the civilised obsession with surrendering our lives to daydreams.


Against their war,against their peace for insurrection , freedom and anarchy (UK)

A3 pdf
A4 pdf
Under our noses the imperialist armies are massing in Ukraine, make no mistake, they are preparing, yet again, for a generalised slaughter. The British Army are already deploying troops and ‘high tech’ weapons, including missile systems to be installed along the Ukrainian coast. The Russian Army are similarly massing thousands of troops along the border, preparing for all out war.
Ukraine is of ‘strategic’ interest in the ongoing energy crisis
engulfing Europe. One set of oligarchs want to place a new pipeline
carrying world-poisoning fuel from Russia to the west. Another set want to frustrate these attempts to profit their own national bourgeousie. In addition to this, the U.S. and the U.K. want to bring Ukraine into ‘Nato’, their gangster-imperialist international formation which dreams only of endless war and plunder, especially now Afghanistan has been looted for all its worth, of fossil fuels as well as its opium (which continues to flood the western cities, the spoils of war!). Russia also has brutal imperialist ambitions, the only way their disgusting government of tin-pot autocrats, thieves and murderers can perpetuate
itself is to redraw the class tension in Russian society into a
nationalistic clash between Russia and ‘the west’.

Accordingly, this provides excellent cover for their sponsorship of real state terror, rather than the laughable antics which the british media focusses on, of providing assistance at every level to the grey beuraucrat manikins, all basically interchangable, who run Belarus and Kazakhstan, enriching themselves and those who can bribe them, while using their police to stamp on any sign of courageous upheaval.

Continue reading Against their war,against their peace for insurrection , freedom and anarchy (UK)

Announcing a new multilingual anarchist book distribution

Announcing a new multilingual anarchist book distribution
Rupture – Multilingual anarchist book distro
The passion for freedom, as well as the firmness to refuse any attempt to commercialise it, has led us to create this space to host a catalogue of books by different anarchist publishers. Written or translated, edited, and printed autonomously, these publications aim to give a concrete and coherent reference to the analyses, history, struggles, and experiences that have – and continue to – nourish our anarchist projectuality.
Our selection will not be exhaustive but will gradually increase. One will not find every title from the anarchist heritage, as it is not our intention here to create a supermarket of anarchist ideas, theories, or perspectives – not necessarily because we are not interested in all the forms this can take, but because we are in love with the idea, proposal, and practice of subverting the world of authority without delay. The freedom that we stubbornly seek is against any political strategy, suspicious of democratic consensus, and refractory to submission. So, this selection, available to all, carries the explicit intention of proposing, deepening, and refining anarchist practice that aims for
social revolt, without mediation, without compromise, without anything to offer to the reform of this world.
At a time when perspectives of social revolution seem frozen in a sea of deliberate confusion, resigned fear, calculated catastrophes,
technological colonization, and authoritarian hysteria, we relaunch, even more obstinately, the words in these books about and for struggle, to invite their readers to sail towards new and unknown horizons of freedom, autonomy, solidarity, conflict, joy.
This book distribution offers publications in English, Dutch, and
German, available for single orders and for other distributions.
For anarchy!

Italy – Let’s talk about techno-sciences and new the accumulation of capitalisms

via: fuoridallariserva
We are publishing an article from last June’s 6th issue of the Bulletin of the Biblioteca Spazio Anarchico [anarchist library]“Lunanera” in Cosenza. The article was discussed in its time with comrades editors of the anarchist paper Vetriolo during the initiative “Science and the State” of 27th July 2021. Concerning the ongoing pandemic, everybody can see that the rapidity of contrasting information and the senseless measures that characterize the current governments’ dramas, are no longer the result of opportunistic choices made by those who exploit us, but they now have the pathetic taste of “repetition compulsion”. It is therefore appropriate to reaffirm some of the fundamental points of our analyses, the result of critical thinking and not cold algorithms.
Politicians, scientists and pharmaceutical entrepreneurs
will be no longer able to leave their homes tranquilly.
There will be another Nuremberg and it will
involve the whole of the system from left to right.
I want a new world and we’ll have it.
(Miguel Bosé, Mexico 20th April 2021)
This paper is intended to be an in-depth analysis of what has already been discussed in previous issues of the Bulletin. The tools we equip ourselves with to analyze what is happening around us are not the result of a specialization in the field or a sectoralization of our struggles, but are built day by day in the exploitation that we suffer on our skin and in the self-determination that distinguishes our experience. The considerations raised by many parties in interpreting the events that have been taking place for more than a year, dwell on the dynamics of screwing up the repressive machine: loss of freedom, autonomy, fundamental rights.

Continue reading Italy – Let’s talk about techno-sciences and new the accumulation of capitalisms

Santiago, Chile: Sale el número 1 de la publicación “Tiempo de Luchar” de la “Red Solidaria Antikarcelaria con Juan y Marcelo” [Febrero 2020] [Es/En]

Nota previa: Desde la RSAJM publicamos la primera edición de la revista “Tiempo de Luchar” construida -desde la cárcel y la calle- en febrero del año 2020 en momentos de revuelta en territorio chileno. El contenido de esta edición es acorde a la temporalidad descrita y se ha movido y presentado físicamente durante este último tiempo por distintas partes del territorio. Igualmente señalamos que en una realidad dinámica tensionada por los vaivenes de la lucha anticarcelaria, muchos aspectos teóricos/prácticos y humanos que confluyeron en la realización de este primer número hoy han variado. Más allá de aquello, seguimos manteniendo lo esencial de nuestro espacio como continuidad inequívoca de un combate cotidiano contra el estado, la cárcel y el capital. Sin más, dejamos para su libre difusión y reproducción esta publicación que ha sido también en directa solidaridad con lxs compañerxs presxs subversivxs y anarquistas en lucha en las cárceles chilenas.
* * * * * * * * * *
Solidaridad anticarcelaria y conflicto antiestatal permanente
“Las cárceles hoy y siempre son las armas de castigo que utiliza el poder para cualquiera que atente contra la propiedad privada, los explotadores se sirven de los aparatos represivos. Para perpetuar sus privilegios manteniendo el orden y las leyes en que cobijan, su asqueroso status quo. (…) Es hora de actuar, en la cotidianeidad con nuestros afines, por la destrucción de la sociedad carcelaria y de cualquier intento social de reformar este asqueroso sistema de muerte. La solidaridad no debe jamás ser una consigna vacía, sino una acción cotidiana de enfrentamiento con el poder y un apoyo constante a lxs hermanxs secuestrados en esta guerra a muerte”.
-Mauricio Morales, anarquista de praxis.

Continue reading Santiago, Chile: Sale el número 1 de la publicación “Tiempo de Luchar” de la “Red Solidaria Antikarcelaria con Juan y Marcelo” [Febrero 2020] [Es/En]

Avis de tempêtes #49, janvier 2022

Avis de tempêtes – bulletin anarchiste pour la guerre sociale n°49
(janvier 2022) est sorti. Pour lire, imprimer et diffuser ce petit bulletin autour de soi (il est en format A5, et celui-ci fait 12 pages), on pourra retrouver chaque nouveau numéro tous les 15 du mois, ainsi que les précédents, sur le
blog :
“Depuis l’émergence des cités, la puissance économique a
fondamentalement toujours marché sur les mêmes deux pieds : énergie et extraction. De l’esclavage au nucléaire, le progrès économique additionne les sources énergétiques qui confèrent toujours plus de puissance aux dominants, et vice versa, car c’est l’exploitation des sources énergétiques qui alimente directement la domination. A l’instar de l’extraction du pétrole qui a libéré une vertigineuse force énergétique, vieille de millions d’années, donnant des dimensionsinouïes à l’industrialisme et à la guerre à l’échelle mondiale, l’économie numérique et électrifiée dépend de la vitesse d’extraction des métaux qui lui sont nécessaires. Ainsi se dessinent les lignes de front où sont et seront menées de terribles batailles. Chambouler leurs prévisions, transformer les occasions et situations en facteurs de désordre et d’imprévu, scruter ces lignes de front où l’ennemi se montre certes confiant, mais cependant plus vulnérable qu’ailleurs, se jeter dans les conflits qui se dessinent en y apportant sans tarder l’action directe, voilà des cris de bataille qui pourraient nous mettre
activement sur les traces de l’ennemi.”

Zündlumpen: An Anthology – Part 1 #1-85, Feb. 2019 – Sep. 2021. (Munich, Germany) 

Zündlumpen: An Anthology – Part 1      
#1-85, Feb. 2019 – Sep. 2021. Munich. 
For reading
For printing (A4)
For printing (Letter)
  • The Destruction of Individual and Collective Healing Knowledge and the Rise of Medicine
  • Inoculated
  • Of human experimentation, genetics and the subjugation of humans: A foray into the world of medicine
  • Quarantine…
  • Corona and the totalitarianism of the technological 
  • If not now, when? 
  • Rebellion in times of the curfew
  • Everything in Perfect Order
  • Fragments for an insurgent struggle against militarism and the world that needs it