Category Archives: Library


Weelaunee – the Zone to Defend

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None of us wanted to wake up on January 18th to the news that a forest defender in Atlanta’s Weelaunee Forest named Tortuguita, known to the Law and its death system as Manuel Teran, had been murdered by police during a morning raid. It was the last thing that we wanted to hear. Tears came to my eyes while reading the news of their killing before their name and picture had been released, and later after seeing an image of them glowing, smiling, luminously full of life I thought of how much more devastated I would feel if I had known Tortuguita, if I had heard their voice, felt the warmth of their presence, knew them as a friend, as a fellow anarchist and a comrade, how utterly broken my heart would be if they were my child, if I had raised them lovingly and spoke to them almost every day on the phone, as their mother Belkis had.

The deeply symbolic nature of Tort’s murder by some trigger-happy cops also immediately struck me, containing a cosmological metaphor illustrating the meaning of our times – a young forest defender named Little Turtle, by all accounts a gentle and dignified soul who took their name to honor the celebrated indigenous Miami warrior who lead a confederacy of Native fighters to victory against the US Army in 1791, born while the Sun passed through the astrological sign Taurus, which is believed by some to be the sign most deeply associated with our home planet, Earth, is shot down in cold blood for blocking the construction of a hated police training facility and defending the land of this continent which is said by many Native peoples to be carried on the back of a turtle through the universe. Turtle Island. Time and the meaning it contains sometimes flows like a river, sometimes encircles us like the tides of an infinite sea, and sometimes it connects us like the web of an invisible spider, the strands of which, when plucked like the strings of a harp, create transcendent and unforeseen resonances. There are no coincidences.

For those of us aligned with the defense of the Weelaunee Forest the grief quickly turned to anger, burning rage, vast and terrible like the black hole said to be at the center of our spinning galaxy. The call went out – they would have wanted fierce and direct action against those responsible. In addition to an unknown number of beautiful public and private memorial rituals in the weeks since then, there has also been a massive wave of rituals of another kind: attacks and acts of sabotage against police infrastructure as well as contractors working with and financial institutions funding Cop City – the forces working to bring their hellish and widely hated training facility into our world. Images and stories of the riot which followed Tort’s murder in Atlanta and the damaged facade of the Atlanta Police Foundation girded our spirits, the widely broadcast picture of a burning police SUV serving as a fitting memorial to the fallen comrade.


The State is weak

(Social peace)

The State is weak

The decision of the supervisory court in Rome’s made public on 19 December confirming the detention of the anarchist Alfredo Cospito under 41 bis is in fact a death sentence in view of the comrade’s decision not to break the hunger strike to the bitter end that he began on 20 October. The State is flexing its muscles and preparing for the showdown. Its motto could be summed up as kill one to arrest one hundred, aiming at the liquidation of the anarchist movement, at least that of our generation. What it is actually giving is proof of is its weakness. We have been telling ourselves for two months that this is not the time for analysis and reflection, that the situation is urgent, that action must be taken. Yet, if it is true that for anarchism theory is never separate from practice as they are inextricably intertwined, then perhaps this is precisely the time not to stop and reflect, but to reason while continuing to act.
In a nutshell. We believe that the Italian State has made a big mistake by deciding to apply 41 bis to an imprisoned anarchist for the first time. This mistake has led to the occurrence of the largest mobilisation of denunciation and struggle, concrete and international, against the 41 bis since this infamous regime of annihilation and torture was inaugurated in 1992. This movement is not led by sincere democrats, but is driven in its propulsive essence by the individual action of an indomitable comrade, who is risking his own life in this struggle, and by the many actions and initiatives, individual and collective, of an anarchist movement that has been able to regain its anger and vitality.
In the face of all this, paradoxically, today the State might consider that – since the mistake has now been made and it will have to be paid for – killing Alfredo Cospito could be the least painful option.

The alternative would be defeat and having to take a major step backwards, not least because the international anarchist movement does not, for its part, promise to take steps backwards in exchange for the life of a comrade. Anarchism is not bartering (nor could it ever), a kind of disarmament in exchange for Alfredo’s declassification. Thus the State has no guarantee that the anarchists will stop. On the contrary, it fears they will be invigorated by a victory against 41 bis.
It is a risky bet. And Alfredo’s life today rolls on the dice of these vile gamblers.

Anarchists in 41 bis: genesis of a political-military

Breakthrough attempt It is spring 2022. The country is supported by the government of Unità Nazionale [National Unity] led by what many believe is the most influential man of the European political and economic elites: Mario Draghi. Social peace is suffocating. On the other hand, there is war, real war, on Europe’s doorstep. The Draghi government, particularly its centre-left component, is a fervent supporter of NATO policy. By far one of the most warmongering governments in the alliance. This causes enormous sacrifices for the population. Draghi knows this well and he knows equally well that social peace is a fragile marriage that can collapse at any moment. Draghi knows this well precisely because, as head of the European Central Bank, he is one of those responsible for the social butchery in Greece.

Continue reading The State is weak

The homeland of Beccaria? A homeland of gravediggers by Anarchist Anna Beniamino (Italy)

The homeland of Beccaria? A homeland of gravediggers

So many people are digging for a corpse, but no one takes the responsibility of being the executioner. At the same time, it’s full of gravediggers ready to throw shovels of mud preparing the grave for the anarchist. A confused and dishevelled ballet around the gallows with many bit players: ‘zero tolerance’, institutional blame-game, audience depending changes of course, the spectre of anarchy that keeps the government, or rather the state, ‘under checkmate’, and then the ‘mass-murdering’ anarchists colluding with the mass-murdering mafiosi, with the appearance on stage of the PD [Partito Democratico, “Democratic Party”].

A poorly written and poorly acted theater, a scramble of ignorant ‘experts’, of professional and compulsive liars, of low journalism, sloth and cowardice that does nothing but reveal what is the potential of an individual waging a struggle alone against the state moloch. A moloch, by the way, that by its own makers claim must be very fragile if a few writings on the walls, broken shop windows and a few burnt cars are enough to put it in ‘danger’.

Whichever way you look at it, the struggle of an anarchist thrown into a torture regime has broken the prevailing narrative. Despite the ridiculous attempt to credit him as colluding with (or, even worse, directed by…) the Mafia, despite the ridiculous attempt to misrepresent his acts and words, it would seem that a little critical sense prevails, and that the attempt to undermine his credibility and integrity achieves the opposite effect of bringing out the linear coherence of anti-authoritarians and revolutionaries who continue to defend their ideas and practices without being distracted by the fireworks of post-modern media politics. And that unite, whereas repression would divide.
Continue reading The homeland of Beccaria? A homeland of gravediggers by Anarchist Anna Beniamino (Italy)

Greece: On the murder of 16-year-old transgender Brianna Ghey on 12/02/23 in Britain

via: athens.indymedia.Translated by Act for freedom now!


On the murder of 16-year-old transgender Brianna Ghey on 12/02 in Britain

TW: Transphobic violence, murder

On Sunday 12/2, 16-year-old trans girl Brianna Ghey was murdered after a targeted stabbing attack in a public park in England. Cops and mainstream media claim that the evidence is still not enough to call it a transphobic attack. Of course, how can a targeted murderous attack on a trans person not be transphobically motivated?
In the face of the killer we see the two 15-year-olds who have so far been accused of carrying out the vile act of hate, but we also see the mainstream media – true to their role – murdering Brianna again by erasing and concealing her trans identity from the public and using her deadname.

We see the State with its policies trying to pass-and passing-laws that exclude trans people. We see the ever increasing wave of fascism in England, we see the rise of the terfs population making the ground barren for an inclusive feminist solidarity. We see the chronic demonisation of the trans community, exclusion, marginalisation, loneliness, abandonment and disregard, hatred.
Testimonies from friends confirm her traumatic past experience as a transgender individual, as she had been subjected to years of verbal bullying (online and offline), up to physical bullying after being beaten up by a group of her classmates.

Continue reading Greece: On the murder of 16-year-old transgender Brianna Ghey on 12/02/23 in Britain

RUMOER #6 english/nederlands

We’re here again after this hot winter! Still a time of war, climate-struggle/destructivity/pessimism/idealism, repression, technology and an online mirror-world, farmers, arsonists and uprisings trough out the world.

Not all of this could be captured in this little big pocket-sized RUMOER, but some found its way in.
We do like to spread this zine for free, not just by mail or in social spaces, but also on the streets and
events. This does cost money…If you can, donate lots:

BIC: INGBNL2A NL75 INGB 0004253090 in the name of ITHAKA in Utrecht, in the description RUMOER.
You can order paper versions by sending an email to rumoer at riseup dot net.

Enjoy the reading and see you soon! XXX RUMOER

RUMOER 6-online-english

RUMOER 6-nederlands

Clandestine humanitarian


Clandestine humanitarian

Chatting in pleasant company during a dedicated theme evening, it had been assumed that the institutional solution to get out of the cul de sac into which the established order has stubbornly slipped while awaiting entry into play of Cartabia [ex-minister of justice] (another wild card that could possibly be used) with dignity (in their opinion), could only lean towards a humanitarian one. To save ass and face without putting the failure of the hard line and the power of the State in question, in the hope that it will work, downplaying responsibility and guilt and illustrating pietas to gain points now in free fall, at least in the eyes of outsiders.

The entry of the fire brigade was quite obvious given the incorruptibility of Alfredo; the issue was the timing, a petty battle that will presumably be taken to the extreme in order to build the possible above-mentioned construction by not asking the right questions and allowing the facial plasticity of all the institutions involved, who are now struggling to stay afloat in that sea they had deluded themselves into thinking they were damming up and which is becoming more and more impetuous.

Today newspapers inform us that another collection of signatures bearing 38 names of distinguished firefighters of the last hour has been forwarded to Carlo Nordi and to the government to ask for a “gesture of humanity and courage” for Alfredo.

Continue reading Clandestine humanitarian

Bologna, Italy: From a cell in 41 bis an anarchist is making a State tremble – Leaflet given out at the gathering on February 3rd ,2023

Bologna: From a cell in 41 bis an anarchist is making a State tremble – Leaflet given out at the gathering on February 3rd

Written February 5th 5, 2023

We receive and publish the leaflet distributed on Friday 3 February during the gathering, then demonstration, that moved from the Regional Penitentiary Administration Department to the juvenile prison.
In late afternoon of Friday 3 February in Bologna, a protest was held outside the headquarters of the Regional Penitentiary Administration Office, with noise, speakers and banners in solidarity with Alfredo against life imprisonment without appeal and 41 bis. Surrounded by a barrage of cops and journalists, a hundred or so comrades then moved along Via del Pratello where a large writing read ‘No 41 bis. Like Iran and Egypt, Italy also tortures and condemns to death’. The demonstration ended outside the juvenile prison where there were repeated riots in December. Alongside Alfredo! Let’s keep coming out into the streets!

From a cell of 41 bis an anarchist is making a State tremble!

Alfredo Cospito, along with 749 other prisoners, is buried deep in the dungeons of the 41bis regime. And it is precisely from the most hidden place in which the State’s vengeance against its most bitter enemies is carried out that he began his struggle: since 20 October 2022, he has been on an unremitting hunger strike against the 41bis regime and life imprisonment without appeal, i.e. the hard prison regime and life imprisonment without access to alternative sentences.

These two prison institutions are the clearest and most straightforward expression of what the State is: power ruled by institutionalised violence and vengeance.

Continue reading Bologna, Italy: From a cell in 41 bis an anarchist is making a State tremble – Leaflet given out at the gathering on February 3rd ,2023

Storm Warnings # 57-58 (October 2022)

Storm warnings, anarchist bulletin for the social war, issue 57-58 (October 2022) came out. It is the full English translation of Avis de Tempêtes.

Storm warnings, issue 57-58 (October 15, 2022) :

For reading

For printing (A4)

For printing (Letter)

“Europe is overflowing with hundreds of billions of dollars for its economic recovery and rearmament plans, quite the opposite of a reduction in its electricity production centers seems to be in the making, with Germany, for example, having just reactivated all of its hundred or so coaland
lignite-based power plants (including the 27 that had previously been suspended in order to meet its carbon emission goals), and also extended the operation of its last three nuclear power plants, which were due to be shut down by the end of 2022. This grandiose combination of 19th century
coal with 20th century nuclear power to feed the devouring requirements of 21st century industry and digital technology is not surprising…”


Avis de tempêtes #57-58

Defence is not the best attack Open (desperate) letter to those who eat our same bread

Defence is not the best attack
Open (desperate) letter to those who eat our same bread

Dear comrades,

it is to you, and only you (‘wreckers’, not consensus interceptors; avowed dreamers, not pragmatists when required – militants and opportunists please refrain) that we are turning to in these dark times, when every horizon seems to be closing in on us. To you, known over the years in Italy and around the world, or even completely unknown, the only ones who can understand our current state of mind and our words.

Many argue that those who have no hope to convey should keep quiet. Although this would explain the silence into which many of us are sliding, we don’t agree. In fact, in a way we think exactly the opposite: those who should shut up are the ones who persist in peddling enchanting narratives (from heavenly paradise as a reward for earthly resignation to communism as the ineluctable outcome of capitalist development, passing through the insurrection that comes with every citizens’ mobilisation or street riot). Especially now – with humanity well on the way to extinction, a planet on the verge of ecological collapse, a social massacre that gets worse every day, a war that brandishes nuclear weapons, voluntary servitude so generalised as to make any aspiration to even the slightest freedom ridiculous – it seems to us more urgent and essential than ever to look deeply into reality and not to skim the surface of things in order to draw comforting illusions from it. That is why this letter is desperate, because it is born of discouragement in the face of a situation that in all respects appears hopeless, with no way out.

We are not hiding it. We have gambled on the encounter between thought and action, we are besieged by opinion and representation. We have invoked the Ego and its Own, we are surrounded by the Selfie and its vanity. We have tried to spread utopia, we are submerged in realism. We have loved the most excessive and singular ideas, we are at the mercy of the most homologising and massifying propaganda. We longed for the awakening of consciousness, we find ourselves trapped in the calculus of the algorithm. We have prioritised ethics, we are swept away by politics. Poetry may have survived Auschwitz (and television?), but critical thinking has been annihilated in Silicon Valley.

Continue reading Defence is not the best attack Open (desperate) letter to those who eat our same bread

Long live adventure! Long live attack! Long live anarchy!

Long live adventure! Long live attack! Long live anarchy!

We have been told repeatedly for years now that this is ‘the age of communication’. We too are convinced of this.

Communication of the civilisation of screens, of the destruction of language, of the disappearance, or almost, of the ability to show or feel emotion without robotic supports, the civilisation of freeze-dried feelings on silicon supports.

This communication is based on electrified concrete pylons, repeater towers that spread turmoil and leukaemia, server towers that make whole rivers evaporate, and communication increasingly overlaps with the control and domination they allow: global security experiments such as those put into effect with the advent of the Covid-19, or the brain-shredding war propaganda machine in the war between Nato and Russia are the most recent and devastating examples.

Continue reading Long live adventure! Long live attack! Long live anarchy!