Category Archives: Library

The Guide to Peer-to-Peer, Encryption, and Tor: New Communication Infrastructure for Anarchists

An exhaustive anarchist overview and guide to various apps and tech that utilize peer-to-peer and encryption.

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Secure encryption chat apps are essential infrastructure for anarchists, so they should be closely scrutinized. Signal is the dominant secure encryption tool used by anarchists today. Conspiracy theories notwithstanding, the fundamental architecture and development goals of Signal have potential security implications for anarchists. Signal is a centralized communication service, and centralization results in potential security implications, especially when contextualized within the current threat landscape. Alternative secure chat apps like Briar and Cwtch are Peer-to-peer communication tools that, in addition to being Encrypted like Signal, route all traffic through Tor (PET). This approach to secure communication offers great advantages for security, anonymity and privacy over more common services like Signal, but with caveats. However, anarchists should seriously consider trying and using Briar and/or Cwtch, in the interest of developing more resilient and more secure communication infrastructure.

Despite all that, the best way to communicate anything securely is still face-to-face.


This is a discussion about digital tools for communicating securely and privately. To begin, it must be stressed that a face-to-face meeting, out of sight of cameras and out of earshot from other people and devices, is the most secure way to communicate. Anarchists were going for walks to chat long before encrypted texting existed, and they should still do so now, whenever possible.

Continue reading The Guide to Peer-to-Peer, Encryption, and Tor: New Communication Infrastructure for Anarchists


El cuarto número de Caligine, palabras en negativo entre los matices oscuros de la realidad.
36 páginas A4
Para escribir y recibir copias:
CALIGINE, Sobborgo Valzania 27, 47521 Cesena (FC)
4 euros por ejemplar; 3 euros a partir de 5 ejemplares
El coro de la unidad nacional
Odas en el zumbido
El poder al descubierto
Soledad y autorrealización
Para calmar el viento y el insomnio
Un peine lleno de nudos
Contar es dar
Pequeño cuento de hadas. Una cuestión de paradigmas
Al borde del vértice

Continue reading ITALIA: CALIGINE Nº4 (ES/EN/IT)

Paris,France: Discussion at Libertad anarchist library Storming the shadowed heavens?

Paris ,Discussion at Libertad: Storming the shadowed heavens?

Thursday, November 3, 6:00 pm

Anyone who seeks to understand what conditions exist that give rise to the potential for any revolutionary hypothesis today must, sooner or later, formulate the entire set of problems with clarity, in order to be able to face them. Tracing the thread of radical and revolutionary critique back to the recent past, but also looking at the generalized uprisings and revolts of the last few years here and internationally, could enable us to take a step in this direction. Not with the intention of finding ready-made answers and especially not “solutions”, but to modestly start asking questions, without waiting for the next insurrection.

Continue reading Paris,France: Discussion at Libertad anarchist library Storming the shadowed heavens?

Solidarity with all those fighting against the war in Russia and Ukraine. (Greece)

Solidarity with all those fighting against the war in Russia and Ukraine.

In the early hours of Thursday 24/2, the Russian state launched a large-scale attack on the Ukrainian state. A bloody war is developing with thousands of deaths, rapes, killings of civilians and destructions of the natural world.

In the Russian state, against the calls for national unity, transnational massacres and military recruiting, a war against war is unfolding. Mass demonstrations, refusals of military recruiting, armed attacks on military personnel, arson of recruiting offices are being developed. Actions that also take place are sabotage on railway lines that transport military equipment and on factories that produce war material. One of the most hopeful anti-militarism movements of recent decades is underway.

The Russian state is trying in vain to suppress this movement, by arresting and conducting express trials that imprisoned many people opposing those things, with exterminating sentences. The Moscow Anarchist Black Cross makes an international call for solidarity to those imprisoned and in complete isolation. We answer to this call and send strength and solidarity to the comrades in the prisons of Russia.

Continue reading Solidarity with all those fighting against the war in Russia and Ukraine. (Greece)

EN/DE/ : The anarchist library „Fermento“ closes its doors in Zurich at the end of October 2022

The anarchist library „Fermento“ closes its doors at the Zweierstr. 42 in Zurich at the end of October

After more than 10 years, at three different locations in Zurich, the
anarchist library „Fermento“ with the archive and the distro part will
be put into storage. Stored does not mean that it will no longer be
accessible, but there will be temporarily no more opening times and we leave the current location at Zweierstr. 42 in Zurich by the end of
October 2022.

We look back on countless meetings and discussions with people from near and far. On book presentations and film viewings, on moments where people from different struggles and projects have met to exchange ideas, on publications and a lot more…all of it, to attack the dominion with its diverse facets.

We don’t know at the moment what will happen with the anarchist library „Fermento“. But we know that we will continue to deepen our ideas to fight the authorities.
Continue reading EN/DE/ : The anarchist library „Fermento“ closes its doors in Zurich at the end of October 2022

Carrara, Italy: The two dragons of my anarchism. Writings of Juan Sorroche

Translated by Anarchists of the anarchist project Act for freedom now!


The two dragons of my anarchism. Writings of Juan Sorroche









Writings of Juan Sorroche



Introduction 5
Counterpoints 7
Ecce a male homo!
When will the anti-authoritarian emancipation from the male role be? 12
The cult of hatred!!! 18
Everything changes, everything is in constant motion… 23
My” “individual-existentialism-mystic-anarchism” 27
First statement at the trial for the action at the Lega di Treviso premises 33
Second statement at the trial for the action at the Lega di Treviso premises 37
Appendice 41


The two dragons of my anarchism


Hola comrades,
I am happy to take part in the anarchist book fair in Carrara, 2022, and to intervene through my friends and comrades with this pamphlet, and in the presentation of issue 14 of ‘i giorni e le notti’, an anarchist magazine of which I feel an intrinsic part.
Books, fanzines, anarchist journals…I believe that editorial collaboration, non-commercial book fairs, or collaboration in creating a book or reading it and analysing it together, is for me a process of praxis and realisation, which goes far beyond a purely mechanistic question. The relations, the relationships, the contrasts of the different individualities create a diversified whole of organic and living development in its symbiosis of unrepeatable and unique human relations and relationships.

Continue reading Carrara, Italy: The two dragons of my anarchism. Writings of Juan Sorroche

Amsterdam: Announcing the opening of a new anarchist space ‘De Verdieping’ at Kaboem.

Anouncing the opening of a new anarchist space in Amsterdam ‘De
Verdieping’ at Kaboem.

Some say that we are running out of time. Some say the anarchist idea and the fight for a social revolution belong to past centuries. Some say that authority is annihilating and alienating all life on this planet to a point of no return. Some say that digital distraction and its convenient confusionism have replaced our capacity to imagine an autonomous and free life. Some say that there is no way out of the deadly logics of progress, power and profit. Some say that we live in a world of sheep and wolves, and there are no other forms of relationships possible.

Continue reading Amsterdam: Announcing the opening of a new anarchist space ‘De Verdieping’ at Kaboem.

The horizon of events. Incendiary thoughts scattered over the last drops of fuel of capitalism (Italy)

The horizon of events. Incendiary thoughts scattered over the last drops of fuel of capitalism

Here the english translation of the article by Lunanera, “L’orizzonte degli eventi. Pensieri incendiari sparsi sulle ultime gocce di carburante del Capitalismo” (published in “Bollettino”, no. 7, Biblioteca dello Spazio Anarchico “Lunanera” and Archivio di Documentazione “Franco Di Gioia”, Cosenza, Italy, March 2022). The translation, made by “Act for freedom now!” (which we thank very much!), has been revised and corrected in some passages by some comrades and re-published online in “La Nemesi”.

* * *

The horizon of events
Incendiary thoughts scattered over the last drops of fuel of Capitalism

If it is true that States and governments are ‘groping in the dark’ with regard to the pandemic, now of secondary importance compared to the new emergency priorities, on the other hand the bosses are showing great efficiency in safeguarding old privileges and no scruples in grabbing new ones. War and imperialism have become the new parameters of collective security in a matter of days.

On the one hand, the scientists of the pharmaceutical companies are revealing failure concerning the plan of action against the virus: the nanotechnological product, the new miracle commodity commonly referred to as the ‘vaccine’ is not so effective in realising expectations that it would stem the pandemic. On the other hand, the political world must declare that something good has been done and that institutional bodies are still necessary. They serve to say, for example, that ‘everything will be fine’.

Continue reading The horizon of events. Incendiary thoughts scattered over the last drops of fuel of capitalism (Italy)