INTRANSIGENCE TAKEN FROM THE DARDI n°11 – Foglio anarchico aperiodico (Italy)


There is nothing more disgusting than executioners when they parade as pitiful defenders of Justice. Nothing is more hypocritical than the statements against capital punishment made by upright State representatives against dictatorial regimes that use it to suppress revolts.

In Iran at least the State has the decency to take responsibility for the deaths of its persecuted, inconceivable for a modern, democratic progressive State, which has far more subtle ways to get rid of them.
After all, why bother to kill the rebels who end up in one’s hands? Better to bury them alive in a concrete hole where time and the resulting physical and mental decomposition will take care of the rest. Provided that they do not rehabilitate, of course, which would mean them surrendering their conscience to become dissociated and collaborators. How many, in Italy alone, even if with different experiences, are in the same condition? And let it be clear, this does not detract from the brutality perpetrated against those who see their freedom and dignity taken away, for a short or long period, within the aseptic perimeter of a prison, suffering torture of all kinds by honest champions of order, family men and sons of the homeland.

Now the iniquity of the situation in which Alfredo finds himself is such that even several paid opportunists (from the guarantor of prisoners to left-wing politicians and “honest journalists”), after their own shit began to leak out of the sanitary facilities, felt the need to show an interest in his condition and have their say. They are dismayed by this “injustice”, naturally pointing out the ethical abyss that differentiates them from the prisoner.

Their concerns could only provoke the deepest contempt, at least on the part of Alfredo, who has already reiterated what was done with certain “hairy solidarity” in the past. Yet a certain pietism seems to be taking hold a little and so, under the shadow of a slimy moralism, the clarity of a hatred without limitations can be recuperated. Thanks to it, politicians of all kinds will be able to say, in the near future, ‘we did what we could’, relegating the issue to a common case of ‘bad justice’.

This is also why, at the cost of losing ‘popularity’, one should never cease to remember that the struggle of every anarchist does not make demands to the authorities, be it for the improvement of their own individual situation or an improvement of the prison system. Their objective is that of the destruction of the custodial institution as of every single form of imprisonment, even the most insidious and indirect. A rebel obtains an improvement in their situation as a result of their intransigence, not just demanding it, but taking it themself along the way, disrupting by their own actions the banality of evil around them, even at the cost of losing their own life, inside as well as outside prison walls.

This is, of course, incomprehensible to the mentality of any career-driven civil servant, any slave prostrated to the most miserable economic interests, any self-righteous idiot interested in their own bourgeois morality, any hypochondriac citizen interested only in their health. None of these miserable people will ever understand the meaning of a life as extreme as it is necessary, and any effort to do so is as futile as it is harmful. What Alfredo is facing is a struggle that will almost certainly cost his life. Not because he makes self-flagellation a passive form of denouncing power, but because in the condition in which he finds himself he does not have the possibility to act directly against the system as he has always done and claimed in the past. Because this, whether one agrees with it or not, is his way of not giving up expressing his conflict with power.

Those who love freedom consider death more dignified than the renouncing of their ideas, their history, of spending an existence as a slave devoted to obedience, or a life of surrendered inertia in the face of the cruelty of these times.

Excerpt fromdardi-n11-foglio-anarchico-aperiodico/”, N. 11

via: infernourbanoTranslated by Act for freedom now!