Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation

EN/IT/FR/ES/ Rome, Italy: Rome’s Surveillance Court has denied the request on behalf of Alfredo Cospito to revoke his detention under 41bis prison regime (Oct.23rd, 2023)

Rome’s Surveillance Court has denied the request on behalf of Alfredo Cospito to revoke his detention under 41bis prison regime
(Oct.23rd, 2023)

Today, Oct. 23rd. We inform you all on the outcome of the hearing held Oct. 19th. at Rome’s Surveillance Court: the request for an immediate suspension of detention under the 41 bis regime of the anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito has been denied. We remind you that Alfredo is currently held prisoner in the Bancali prison, in Sassari (Address: Alfredo Cospito, C. C. “G. Bacchiddu”, strada provinciale 56 n. 4, Località Bancali, 07100 Sassari, Italy).

On this occasion, notwithstanding the favourable opinions of some anti-terrorism departments – namely, the Direzione Nazionale Antimafia e Antiterrorismo (Anti-mafia and Ant-terrorism National Department) and the Direzione Centrale della Polizia di Prevenzione (Central Directorate of Prevention Police) concerning a suspension of his detention under 41 bis, the political will to keep our comrade within this prison regime has prevailed.

Continue reading EN/IT/FR/ES/ Rome, Italy: Rome’s Surveillance Court has denied the request on behalf of Alfredo Cospito to revoke his detention under 41bis prison regime (Oct.23rd, 2023)

EN/IT`“Leitmotiv”, internationalist anarchist paper (Italy)

“Leitmotiv”, internationalist anarchist paper


This newspaper is an expression of solidarity to the comrades under investigation and subjected to precautionary measures in the ”op. Scripta scelera”.

The drafting of this paper has involved the participation of comrades who have always supported anarchist prisoners and revolutionary practices from dissociation and obscurantism towards comrades under investigation for actions considered “striking”. At a time like the present, where the repression against anarchists and the anarchist press has become acute, we welcomed the proposal to bring out a paper that is “provocative” and a challenge to the Genovese prosecutor and the DDAA led by Federico Manotti, a little man, servant of the state.

Leitmotiv, is the name we wanted to give this single issue of the paper as it traces and follows the same themes and lines as the internationalist anarchist fortnightly Bezmotvny.
Leitmotiv would have come out earlier if we had not come up against cop obstructionism, perhaps due to our superficiality; the day we were due to pick up copies at a commercial printer’s we were contacted by the owner who informed us that he had been contacted by the carabinieri.

Continue reading EN/IT`“Leitmotiv”, internationalist anarchist paper (Italy)

[Italy] October 19, 20, 21. Let’s take to the streets against war, the society of control, repression. Anarchist Bloc at the Ghedi (Brescia) demonstration on October 21


The ongoing war in Ukraine between the Russian Federation and NATO is not a local conflict, but part of a global clash for the partitioning of the world that threatens to erupt elsewhere every day (Africa, Serbia, Azerbaijan, Armenia…). Having become a veritable meat grinder, with hundreds of thousands of deaths among forcibly conscripted soldiers and civilians, the conflict in Ukraine is already having an impact on African populations forced to emigrate due to the rising cost of cereals and the ensuing escalation in local clashes. After letting more than a hundred people drown in Cutro, the Italian government prepares its iron fist against migrants and immigrants (opening of new concentration camps in every Region, administrative detention even for asylum seekers), while boosting its Italian imperialism with the “Mattei plan for Africa”.


A society at war can only be a secured and militarized society.

Between permanent States of Emergency and supposedly green transitions, smart city projects are preparing the transformation of cities into real digital prisons, flanking the already ubiquitous police and military with the installation of facial recognition cameras (as in the case of the “new ZTL” in Rome and Milan), sensors that monitor cellular traffic, smart control booths (as in Venice) and even microphones (as in Trento).
Continue reading [Italy] October 19, 20, 21. Let’s take to the streets against war, the society of control, repression. Anarchist Bloc at the Ghedi (Brescia) demonstration on October 21

Italy: Operation Scripta Scelera: Gino Vatteroni has been transferred from the prison of Massa to that of Alessandria (9th October 2023)

Operation Scripta Scelera: Gino Vatteroni has been transferred from the prison of Massa to that of Alessandria (9th October 2023)

The anarchist comrade Gino Vatteroni has been transferred from the prison of Massa to that of Alessandria, in “Alta Sicurezza 2” [High-security 2], where many anarchist comrades have been imprisoned in the past and where some revolutionary communist militants are currently being held. The comrade finds himself in maximum security as the charge of incitement to commit crime (art. 414 c. p.) has been aggravated with that of ‘terrorist aims’ (art. 270 bis 1 c. p.).

Continue reading Italy: Operation Scripta Scelera: Gino Vatteroni has been transferred from the prison of Massa to that of Alessandria (9th October 2023)

Italy: Update on the ”Scripta Scelera” operation: Gino trasferred to prison in Massa, Veronica under house arrest with full restrictions (4th October 2023)

Update on the Scripta Scelera operation: Gino trasferred to prison in Massa, Veronica under house arrest with full restrictions (4th October 2023)

We inform you that on October 4th an aggravation of the precautionary measures has been notified concerning two of the anarchist comrades accused in the operation Scripta Scelera of the 8th of August against the internationalist anarchist fortnightly “Bezmotivny”. Following some reports by the DIGOS relating to alleged violations of restrictions, the judge for preliminary investigations ordered transfer to prison for Gino Vatteroni (who was under house arrest with full restrictions) and aggravation of the precautionary measure for Veronica (originally placed under obligation to remain with night re-entry from 19:00 to 07:00 and is now under house arrest with all restrictions).

Continue reading Italy: Update on the ”Scripta Scelera” operation: Gino trasferred to prison in Massa, Veronica under house arrest with full restrictions (4th October 2023)

EN/IT/FR/ES: The state would like to silence revolutionary anarchist propaganda… we will neither be silenced nor stopped, Poster in solidarity with those investigated in the ”Scripta Scelera” operation (Italy)

solidarity poster scripta scelera english pdf (it can be printed as an A3 poster and as an A4 flyer).

The state would like to silence revolutionary anarchist propaganda…

Four house arrests with restrictions on visits, communication and the electronic bracelet, five obligations to stay in the municipality of residence combined with the obligation to return home at night from 7 pm to 7 am (including one subsequently aggravated to house arrest), in front of a request of ten arrests in prison; house searches and against the Circolo Culturale Anarchico “Gogliardo Fiaschi” and a commercial typography in Carrara (initially placed under seizure and released after a few days); huge seizures of papers and anarchist and revolutionary publications… This was the outcome of the repressive operation Scripta Scelera of August 8th against the internationalist anarchist fortnightly “Bezmotivny”. A “surgical raid” against a paper that for three years has published analyses and reflections aimed at the critical in-depth analysis of social reality, as well as claims and informative texts concerning actions of attack against structures and figures of the state and capital, responsible for all forms of exploitation and social oppression.

After the media hullabaloo and pompous declarations, if you allow, we also have something to say

We are not surprised by operations like this. Ever since anarchism emerged – not from the scholarly abstractions of some philosopher, but from revolutionary experiences, from the aspirations of the oppressed – anarchists’ papers have been hit. States have a long history of massacres, torture, assassinations, thousands of years of imprisonment against revolutionaries. We have the impetus of the dream and the risk of action, the determination of the will and the strength of necessity. And we continue on the path we have taken… Let inquisitors and illustrious magistrates get over it, beyond and against all censorship and repression, we will continue to rejoice every time this authoritarian social reality is attacked, its certainties shattered and troubled by the roar of revolt.

Continue reading EN/IT/FR/ES: The state would like to silence revolutionary anarchist propaganda… we will neither be silenced nor stopped, Poster in solidarity with those investigated in the ”Scripta Scelera” operation (Italy)

Italy : The Anarchist comrade Giusepppe Bruna (Beppe) is in need of economic support

The comrade Beppe is in need of economic support

If you are anarchists you will surely have heard about the Prometeo trial that ended in Genoa just a few months ago and which is an exemplary case for understanding how the mainstream media really work in this country.

Let’s remember the facts.

The Prometeo trial saw three of our comrades, Natascia, Beppe e Robert accused of sending two explosive packages addressed to two ex public prosecutors in Turin: Sparagna e Rinaudo, both involved for years in ferocious repression of the struggle along with the ex director of the Dap, Santi Consolo, one of those mainly responsible for the torture that thousands of prisoners live daily on their own skins…
The public prosecutor Federico Manotti, already well known in the past for his repressive fury towards Anarchists… asked for a total penalty of over half a century’s prison.
17 years was requested for Natascia and Robert and even 18 years and 4 months for Beppe.

The chief indictment brought out for the occasion was the infamous article 280, or attack with aims of terrorism.

This trial arrived after something like 3 years (I repeat 3 years) of preventive detention… with continual transfers from one prison to another (Pavia, Opera and Bologna) and always under regimes of maximum security…
At this point it is useful to recall the absolutely shameful behaviour of the mainstream media regarding such an event..
Continue reading Italy : The Anarchist comrade Giusepppe Bruna (Beppe) is in need of economic support

Statement of solidarity to the comrades struck by operation “Scripta scelera” (Italy)

Statement of solidarity to the comrades struck by operation “Scripta scelera”

 We receive and circulate:


On Tuesday 8th of August the umpteenth anti-anarchist operation was unleashed in a number of cities in Italy.

With the magniloquent name of “Scripta Scelera” a new attack on anarchism has materialized, on its theoretical deepening and the practices of solidarity that it knows how to implement.
This time the “crimes in writing” are those of the fortnightly “Bezmotivny”, a publication born at the end of 2020. Just as happened in operation “Sibilla” that struck the anarchist paper “Vetriolo”, anarchist propaganda as such, its ability to affect consciences, binding exploited to other exploited beyond States and borders, has been criminalised once again.

Continue reading Statement of solidarity to the comrades struck by operation “Scripta scelera” (Italy)

Italy: Repressive measures against the comrade in Spoleto under investigation in operation ”Scripta Scelera” (29 August 2023) have been increased

Repressive measures against the comrade in Spoleto under investigation in operation Scripta Scelera (29 August 2023) have been increased.

This is to let you know that on August 29th the repressive measures concerning Michele, anarchist comrade involved in the Scripta Scelera investigation against the internationalist anarchist fortnightly magazine “Bezmotivny” have become more severe. In the context of the operation of 8th of August the comrade received a notice of obligatory residence with a night curfew at 7pm until 7am established by the judge for preliminary investigations Ghio in relation to the charges of incitement to commit crime (art. 414 c. p.) aggravated by aims of terrorism.

Continue reading Italy: Repressive measures against the comrade in Spoleto under investigation in operation ”Scripta Scelera” (29 August 2023) have been increased

Trieste (Italy) July 2023

July 2023

A microphone is found in a car. It is hidden inside the vehicle. The night before the device was found, one of the car’s windows was broken, a few things inside it were stolen, and four men were seen tampering with the vehicle – the theft was presumably a cover-up for the device installation.