Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation

The new appeal hearing of the Scripta Manent trial has been scheduled (Turin, Italy, June 19, 2023)

The new appeal hearing of the Scripta Manent trial has been scheduled June 19,2023

Last Friday, May 12nd, the Constitutional Court concluded the drafting of the motivations with which it opened up the possibility of recognising some type of mitigating circumstances for Alfredo Cospito [on April 19th the comrade interrupted his hunger strike], and thus avoiding a life sentence for him.

As a result of this, immediately, this morning [May 15th], a new appeal hearing was set at the court of Turin during which the judges will recalculate the sentences to be inflicted on Anna Beniamino and Alfredo [the sentences for all the other comrades, following the cassation sentence of July 6th, are already definitive]. The hearing is set for next June 19th. We recall that before the referral to the Constitutional Court, the prosecution had asked to sentence Alfredo to life imprisonment without possibility of parole and Anna to 27 years.

Always in solidarity with the imprisoned anarchists
Always at the side of those who fight

[Published in italian at | English translation published at]

Porto Alegre, Brazil: Action Against the Italian Consulate in Solidarity with Anarchist Comrade Alfredo Cospito

P0rt0 Al3gr3 Bra$il

Sometimes anarchist presences are so few that more than once we have been predicted to disappear. Sometimes our fury is so intense that it provokes fear and long periods of internal explanatory purging. Sometimes many, sometimes few, but constantly and with great determination, we are always there for each other.

And that is why, more than once, the fire, the stones, the concentrations from Greece, Italy, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Bolivia, Uruguay, Colombia, Chile …. illuminate different territories under the same intention: We are for you Alfredo, we hate all those who set you on fire and we support your struggle from outside.
Continue reading Porto Alegre, Brazil: Action Against the Italian Consulate in Solidarity with Anarchist Comrade Alfredo Cospito

Milan, Italy: Updates on Alfredo Cospito’s health after ending the hunger strike (27th April and 3th of May2023)

Update on Alfredo Cospito’s health after ending the hunger strike (27th April 2023)

Alfredo is starting to eat again (although more slowly than he’d like, eh! eh!), he is gradually starting to eat pasta and solids, in line with the suggestions of the dietologist.

His overall readings are relatively good. There seems to be a slight improvement in the condition of the foot that had lost all feeling, but according to the doctors it is not possible to make any prognosis for the time being, in any case he is walking a little better.

He is still hospitalised in the prison wing of San Paolo hospital, impatient to get out of hospital as at present he does not even have access to the hour’s exercise period and basically never gets out of the room/cell, moreover without even any natural light; however the doctors are saying that he should remain there for at least another week. He is in good spirits, basically he is getting better. He will continue to get visits from his lawyer and doctor, so there will be updates to follow.

Continue reading Milan, Italy: Updates on Alfredo Cospito’s health after ending the hunger strike (27th April and 3th of May2023)

Responsibility claim for the explosive attack against the Aeronautica Militare base of Forte Appio by Circolo d’azione “8 marzo” (Rome, Italy, April 22, 2023)

Rome: Responsibility claim for the explosive attack against the Aeronautica Militare base of Forte Appio by Circolo d’azione “8 marzo”

On the night of April 22nd, we placed a device near Forte Appio in Rome, one of the hideouts of Aeronautica Militare [italian Air Force]. We celebrate the 100th anniversary of its birth in this way. A little reminder for those who sow war and misery all over the world. Banks, politicians, military, scientists… they are rubbish and as such must be wiped out.

Let’s not forget the massacres in the sea and in prisons like when in March 2020 the state suppressed with blood the just revolt of the prisoners, killing 14 of them. Strength and love for Serge, a comrade who is between life and death after being shot by the French cops. Solidarity with Alfredo, Juan, Anna and all those who do not lower their heads. For the diffusion of revolutionary, violent and destructive action.

Circolo d’azione “8 marzo” [Circle of Action “March 8th”]

Italy: EN/ IT/ FR/ ES/ GR/ DE, On Wednesday, April 19, 2023, anarchist Alfredo Cospito ended the hunger strike he began 181 days earlier, on Oct. 20, 2022.

Anarchist Alfredo Cospito ended his hunger strike undertaken since Oct. 20

On Wednesday, April 19, 2023, anarchist Alfredo Cospito ended the hunger strike he began 181 days earlier, on Oct. 20, 2022, inside the Bancali prison in Sardinia. The comrade, who is currently an inmate in the prison medicine ward of the San Paolo Hospital in Milan, had been on an all-out hunger strike for six months against the detention regime established by Article 41 bis of the Penitentiary Order (a regime to which he had been transferred on May 5, 2022) and against the hostile life sentence, which risked being the final sentence for the comrade at the end of the Scripta Manent trial.

The interruption of the hunger strike comes in the wake of the April 18 hearing in Rome at the Constitutional Court, which recognized the prevalence of mitigating circumstances vis-à-vis repeated recidivism in the case of all convictions for crimes whose fixed penalty is life imprisonment. This is the case of Alfredo, in that with the requalification (by the court of cassation, at the end of the Scripta Manent trial) of the charge inherent in the double explosive attack against the Caserma Allievi Carabinieri in Fossano on June 2, 2006, from “common massacre” (art. 422 c. p.) to “political massacre” (i.e., “massacre for the purpose of attacking the security of the state,” art. 285 c. p.), comrades Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino were facing a sentence of hostile life imprisonment and 27 years in prison, respectively, as requested by the Turin prosecutor’s office.

Continue reading Italy: EN/ IT/ FR/ ES/ GR/ DE, On Wednesday, April 19, 2023, anarchist Alfredo Cospito ended the hunger strike he began 181 days earlier, on Oct. 20, 2022.

Rome Italy: About the constitutional court hearing on the convictions for the anarchists Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino in the Scripta Manent trial.

About the constitutional court hearing on the convictions for the anarchists Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino in the Scripta Manent trial (Rome, 18 April 2023)

Today the hearing took place in the constitutional court for the case of Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino concerning the accusation of political massacre (art. 285 c. p.) within the Scripta Manent trial.
The existing Cirielli law (year 2005, Berlusconi government) prevents mitigating factors from outweighing aggravating factors in the event of recidivism. Particularly in Alfredo Cospito’s case, this would have resulted in a definite sentence of life imprisonment despite the fact that the action he and Anna are accused of did not cause any victims.

The court therefore found this rule unconstitutional. What is more, reading the brief press release that came out of the courthouse, the court seems to have raised doubts of constitutionality in general with regard to all those cases where the fixed penalty is uniquely life imprisonment.

Continue reading Rome Italy: About the constitutional court hearing on the convictions for the anarchists Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino in the Scripta Manent trial.

Athens,Greece : ALFREDO OUT OF 41 BIS!


Open assembly to organize a response commensurate with the importance of the situation

The struggle waged by anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito against the 41bis prison regime and the life imprisonment without parole has reached its most dramatic point. Notwithstanding the opening of contradictions (opinion of the DNAA, opinion of the DDA of Turin, opinion of the PG at the Court of Cassation, order of the re-examination of the Sibilla Operation) every time an institutional organism with effective power to resolve the question opened by the comrade has met, the most manectarian and warmongering faction of the State has invested all its political power to crush any possible opening.

We have said it too many times: Alfredo’s death sentence is now an established fact, if the comrade is still alive we owe it solely to his extraordinary resistance. The decision to lock up an anarchist in 41 bis prison regime for the first time, taken by the previous Draghi government and Minister Marta Cartabia, as well as the determination to persevere in this criminal choice by the new right-wing government of Meloni and the current minister Carlo Nordio, count as an act of war. The tip of the iceberg of the “internal front” of a larger war, which on the international level is fought between NATO and the Russian Federation, and which is being expressed in our home with an unprecedented attack against social antagonism, against conflictual unionism and especially against action anarchism.

Continue reading Athens,Greece : ALFREDO OUT OF 41 BIS!

Genoa, Italy: Claim for the incendiary attack on some vehicles of Iren in solidarity with anarchist prisoners (31 March 2023)

Genoa,: Claim for the incendiary attack on some vehicles of Iren in solidarity with anarchist prisoners.

Democracy cannot allow certain thoughts to be spelled out clearly, and certain words to be used with impunity, because they might catch on among the oppressed, the excluded. These words without stakes take on greater weight for me because they have cost me and will cost me more years in jail, but it is my way of resisting, of fighting back.
Alfredo Cospito (January 2021)

In the night of 31st March we attacked some vehicles of the IREN company with fire, Italy’s leading district heating service company, operating in electricity production and distribution and technology services.

IREN is a new company but with a veteran entrepreneurial posture in line with all other criminal multinationals like ENI and Benetton who profit from the destruction and plundering of territories around the planet. That was sufficient for putting the IREN group in our sights; if we then add news of recent weeks, that IREN struck agreements with the Israeli Mekorot water company implementing water apartheid to the Palestinian people, then the decision to attack it was more than spot on.

Continue reading Genoa, Italy: Claim for the incendiary attack on some vehicles of Iren in solidarity with anarchist prisoners (31 March 2023)

direct action news against local parliament building in Bandung, West Java in Indonesia by Free Association of Autonomous Fires – FAI/IRF

On 10th April, we strike a blow against local parliament building in Bandung, West Java (Indonesia).Armed with propane bomb and molotovs, we managed to destroy huge part of the building resulting in wildfires that destroy most of their archives. During endless demonstration against the newly labour law, where most of the protesters are consisting of
movement brokers, wanna-be politician, social anarchists, we choose to strike at a different place.

As we will never beg or demand the so
called rights from the powers that be.

This action is dedicated to Alfredo Cospito, Toby Shone, Monica and Fransisco, Chilean and Greek anarchists imprisoned, and to all anarchist insurgents everywhere!

For Anarchy and destruction of the existent

Free Association of Autonomous Fires – FAI/IRF

Terni, Italy: Repressive operation of 28th March: Zac has been transferred from the prison of Secondigliano to that of Terni + Account details.

Terni, Italy: Repressive operation of 28th March: Zac has been transferred from the prison of Secondigliano to that of Terni + Account details for sending contributions in support of the comrade
Zac has been transferred to Terni and is in a cell with Juan.

To write to him:
Marco Marino
C. C. di Terni
strada delle Campore 32
05100 Terni

to send contributions in support of the comrade:
(THE CORRECT DATA FOR THE TRANSFER is the following and not those already in circulation).
For those who would like to send solidarity contributions to Zac, anarchist prisoner held in the prison of Terni following the repressive operation in Naples and Pozzuoli on March 28 2023, we invite you to send money by bank transfer:

IBAN: IT07V360810518299544199741
Intestario: Luca d’Esposito
Causale: ricarica

Received by email and published in

Translated by Act for freedom now!