EN/IT/FR/ES/ Rome, Italy: Rome’s Surveillance Court has denied the request on behalf of Alfredo Cospito to revoke his detention under 41bis prison regime (Oct.23rd, 2023)

Rome’s Surveillance Court has denied the request on behalf of Alfredo Cospito to revoke his detention under 41bis prison regime
(Oct.23rd, 2023)

Today, Oct. 23rd. We inform you all on the outcome of the hearing held Oct. 19th. at Rome’s Surveillance Court: the request for an immediate suspension of detention under the 41 bis regime of the anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito has been denied. We remind you that Alfredo is currently held prisoner in the Bancali prison, in Sassari (Address: Alfredo Cospito, C. C. “G. Bacchiddu”, strada provinciale 56 n. 4, Località Bancali, 07100 Sassari, Italy).

On this occasion, notwithstanding the favourable opinions of some anti-terrorism departments – namely, the Direzione Nazionale Antimafia e Antiterrorismo (Anti-mafia and Ant-terrorism National Department) and the Direzione Centrale della Polizia di Prevenzione (Central Directorate of Prevention Police) concerning a suspension of his detention under 41 bis, the political will to keep our comrade within this prison regime has prevailed.

In the last few days, the opinions expressed by those departments and agencies have been echoed with particular emphasis within the Italian media. Last January, the anti-terrorism dept. issued a first opinion about another request of the same type, which at that time was addressed to Minister of Justice Nordio (besides the Anti-Mafia Anti-Terrorism dept., at that time also the Special Operations Dept. of the Carabinieri expressed their favourable opinion). If months ago, during the hunger strike, these opinions in favour of Alfredo’s dismissal from 41 bis regime manifested the contradictory dialectic within the establishment and the repressive devices, triggered by the international solidarity mobilization, today they once again express how the mobilization has manifested and consolidated some of the contradictions within the State machinery. This is the road to follow and keep on, making the political price of these contradictions as high as possible for them.

Rejecting vigorously the sick slandering coming from courts on how anarchists would have “chiefs” or “bosses”, or obey orders, it is perfectly clear that the system is playing with deterrence aimed at all of us, not just him. That admonition, yesterday as today, has to be sent back to those issuing it, with the strongest determination.

Anarchists do not need to be instigated or oriented by any prisoner leader: you, magistrates and politicians, are perfectly capable of doing that.

Revolutionary solidarity with Alfredo Cospito and all anarchist and revolutionary prisoners worldwide!

Let’s turn the war of the bosses into a war against bosses!

received by email in English.

A few minor adjustments to translation made by act for freedom now!

(IT) Il tribunale di sorveglianza di Roma ha respinto l’istanza per la revoca del 41 bis ad Alfredo Cospito (23 ottobre 2023)

(FR) Le tribunal d’application des peines de Rome a rejeté l’instance de levée du 41-bis pour Alfredo Cospito (Italie, 23 octobre 2023)

(ES) El tribunal de vigilancia de Roma ha rechazado la demanda de revocación de 41 bis para Alfredo Cospito (Italia, 23 de octubre 2023)