Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation
Italy – News from the prison of Spini di Gardolo: beatings and abuse
During a gathering outside the prison of Spini di Gardolo on 9th January 2022, we managed to communicate with some prisoners and here is what they told us about the current situation in the prison, which the director and the local authorities take great care not to make known.
A prisoner asked us to deliver to the prison guarantor (for the PAT, A. Menghini) his version of an episode which a prison union recently passed off in the media as “assault on the guards”. The prisoner maintained he was brutally beaten by the guards, who later also seized his crutches. After the beating he wasn’t adequately examined or taken to hospital.
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Sardinia,Italy – On Operation “Sibilla” by Sardinian Anarchists
On Operation “Sibilla”, from Sardinia
[Note: all the repressive measures inflicted on comrades struck by operation Scintilla were annulled by the court of review on 16th December 2021]
“…The use being made of the charge of incitement, whether employed “purely” or as “garnishing” to other charges, is significant because it is aimed at breaking the link between revolutionary action and the propaganda of ideas that it inspires and supports, so as to push us to a watered-down adjustment in our convictions and our modes of expression…”
(Vetriolo, issue 6)
With these few lines we want to express all our solidarity and closeness to the anarchist comrades arrested and investigated following the umpteenth investigation from Perugia prosecutors which takes the name of “Operation Sibilla” this time.
Continue reading Sardinia,Italy – On Operation “Sibilla” by Sardinian Anarchists
Italy : On the walls of the city of Lecce…
On the walls of Lecce…
Urgent measures for the management of the COVID-19 pandemic
The head of the Government and his ministers:
GIVEN THAT the health system continues to be a huge burden which still hasn’t been cleared after funds being cut for decades
GIVEN THAT from now on the health system will only be private or fee-paying and the poor will die in any case
GIVEN THAT we want to gorge ourselves in peace without unnecessary hassle
GIVEN THAT we want Christmas to be full of commodities, gadgets, and various trifles and we are tired of the fact that there is a clampdown on their production and transport
GIVEN THAT we no longer want to have “the nightmare of closed ski resorts” and want to ravage the mountains as much as we please
First they came to denigrate philosophers and researchers who publicly criticized the validity of the reasons and data put forward by the government to legitimize the imposition of bans and the suspension of freedoms. But ordinary mortals do not frequent speculative cloisters or scientific laboratories, so very few are
concerned about them.Then they came to disqualify doctors who doubted the anti-pandemic health protocols established by the government. But these doctors do not appear regularly on TV programs, they have no reputation, so very few are concerned about them.
Then they came to blackmail health workers who did not want to abide by the obligation to vaccinate. When this threat became law, very few refused to pay attention, so very few are concerned about them.
Then they came to blackmail all workers who do not have the digital green certificate [Covid passport], which after all is not difficult to obtain: it is enough not to be a flat earther or conspiracist and offer your arm, or at most pay a small sum every 48 hours to get your nose hammered, so very few are concerned about them.
A communication text by Alfredo Cospito about Operation Sibilla (Italy)
November 28, 2021
In the hope that they can pass censorship, I throw on paper these few lines. First of all affection and solidarity to the comrades who have been involved in this umpteenth clownish repression. Especially to Michael who is under house arrest and all-the other comrades and comrades of “Vetriolo”, and anarchist sites “Round Robin” and “Malacoda” that have been obscured.
I then send back to the sender the furry “solidarity” that democratic and reformist formations such as “Potere al Popolo”, “Rifondazione Comunista” and “Italian Communist Party” have indirectly given me by solidarizing with the defendants of the operation “Sibilla”. I don’t need your “solidarity” because I spit on your democracy as I spit on your constitution. I have never liked whining about freedom of opinion, so I will not dwell on the lack of respect for freedom of thought. That said, I want to reiterate that I am and we have been investigated not for words in freedom, or some writing on the wall, but for what we are: anarchists and anarchists consistent.
Continue reading A communication text by Alfredo Cospito about Operation Sibilla (Italy)
”Operation Sibilla”, Italy : All custodial measures annulled
Today the news broke that all custodial measures for the repressive operation Sibilla of 11th November, directed in particular against the anarchist paper Vetriolo, were annulled by the court of review held on 14th December. Therefore there are no more signing and residence obligations for three comrades, or house arrest for Michele Fabiani and pre-trial detention for Alfredo Cospito, who remains imprisoned following a 20-year sentence in the Scripta Manent trial.
The reasons for the decision will be made known within 45 days. Without going into the matter of court waste paper, it seems that the wording “annulment” represents the highest possible denial of the accusatory hypothesises on a technical level. In any case, regardless of the judges’ verdict, we continue to firmly persevere with revolutionary anarchist propaganda, solidarity with our imprisoned comrades and the defence of anarchist publications. The repression doesn’t surprise us: we knew that the recent sentencing against the latest edition of “Croce Nera Anarchica” in the Scripta Manent appeal trial would create an infamous precedent.
Continue reading ”Operation Sibilla”, Italy : All custodial measures annulled
Italy: To those who have a bomb in their heart
In August 2018, two explosive devices, one of which will not work, are placed near the local of the Lega, in Villorba (in the suburbs of Treviso).
An action “against politicians, cops and their minions”.
Juan, our friend and companion, is accused of this attack and the Court of Treviso is trying him for “indiscriminate massacre”
The charge of indiscriminate and infamous massacre reveals the upside down world we live in. The one that has killed hundreds of people in the streets, in factories, in psychiatric hospitals and in prisons; the one that, for decades, has covered up for the bosses who have made workers die because of exposure to asbestos, or who have made entire populations fall ill because of the pollution of the air, of the fields, of the water ; the one that has prevented millions of people from leaving their homes, while forcing the elderly to die of Covid and loneliness, in RSAs; [Residenza sanitaria assistenziale, nursing homes] the one that plunders and bombs entire countries and then lets people fleeing misery and war sink into the Mediterranean or freeze in a forest; yes, specify him, His Majesty the Italian State, he accuses of indiscriminate massacre an anarchist, an enemy of all power and all oppression Continue reading Italy: To those who have a bomb in their heart
Italy : Better no wages than no freedom: a leaflet distributed during a demonstration in Lecco on 16/10/2021
What is losing one’s wages compared to losing one’s freedom?
After months of demonstrations in the streets, even if the grip of blackmail has tightened with the introduction of the compulsory green pass for all workers, we need to have the strength to continue to resist. The violence being turned against us all, particularly those who don’t want to comply with the measures that are worsening each day, means we must give responses that go beyond “civil disobedience”. Blocks carried out by dock workers, workers’ strikes, demonstrations in all the streets, boycotts and clashes; the time of being passively subjected to the violence that wants to force an alienated, medicalized, traced life on us, a life devoid of meaning, that wants to reduce us to a condition of mere survival, is over.
Let’s give back meaning to the idea of resistance, i.e. that of the partisan struggles and today’s rebels who everywhere and with all means decide to clash against an oppressive power, which now as in the past doesn’t stop at intimidation, but has no scruples in using every kind of violence, physical and psychological, in order to reach its aims.
The reaction in Italy: Message in the barrel about operation Sibilla and much more by Anarchist Michele Fabiani
via: fuoridallariservaTranslated by Act for freedom now!