Italy : On the walls of the city of Lecce…

On the walls of Lecce…
Urgent measures for the management of the COVID-19 pandemic
The head of the Government and his ministers:
GIVEN THAT the health system continues to be a huge burden which still hasn’t been cleared after funds being cut for decades
GIVEN THAT from now on the health system will only be private or fee-paying and the poor will die in any case
GIVEN THAT we want to gorge ourselves in peace without unnecessary hassle
GIVEN THAT we want Christmas to be full of commodities, gadgets, and various trifles and we are tired of the fact that there is a clampdown on their production and transport
GIVEN THAT we no longer want to have “the nightmare of closed ski resorts” and want to ravage the mountains as much as we please

GIVEN THAT nature is our enemy and we will completely transform it into a machine so as to eliminate any unpredictability
GIVEN THAT the Economy and Confindustria have so far dictated the rules for the pandemic management and that factories were opened when it was the moment to close them, ignoring deaths and contagions
GIVEN THAT, following the will of the Economy and Confindustria. we imposed a green pass to undertake all daily activity, that the pass prevents those who don’t comply from living tranquilly and working and it will allow constant monitoring of all those who use it
GIVEN THAT this pass will further serve to make people comply with rules which must never be questioned
GIVEN THAT fear and terror are now part of our lives and you can no longer live without them
GIVEN THAT SCIENCE is our ally in the military management of this pandemic
GIVEN THAT to SCIENCE one owes only loyalty and condescension, never doubt or criticism
GIVEN THAT in order to face the pandemic SCIENCE, SCIENTISTS and the multinationals of disease have prepared vaccines and vaccinations to see us to the end of our days
GIVEN THAT the profit they gain from all this is declared to be strategic interest
GIVEN THAT doubts, criticism and perplexity are not allowed by the one and only truth
GIVEN THAT refusal, disobedience and opposition are considered acts of desertion and high treason towards the State, the Economy and its citizens-consumers
that the non-vaccinated and more generally those who won’t comply with the emergency plan of pandemic management be
so that we can return to the much longed-for normality without any further obstacles and with the obedience due to the saviours of the Homeland and Capital
The Ministers of the Government of National Unity for the definitive management of the pandemic;
All the Ministers for the Clearance of every form of dissent;
The Ministers of War, Truth, Disease and the final Transition
Rome, year II of Artificial Life
Misure pdf
via: disordine  Translated by Act for freedom now!