Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation

Italy: Measure and process updates for “Operation Bialystok”

via: darknights


January 2022
As we approach the end of the trial of Operation Bialystok, it seems to us to be the right moment to spread some considerations on its progress. Although we are not interested in following the pace dictated by repression, nor in taking a victimistic or alarmist stance in the face of the activities of police institutions, we believe it is important to share information and impressions about what is happening at the court level. By conscious choice, we will summarize aspects and moments that we consider noteworthy, at the expense of a detailed and chronological description of the trial in which we are involved.
As far as the framework of the investigation is concerned, we refer to the texts “Sull’operazione Bialystok” (On the Bialystok operation) already published and circulated on the web and “Testo e contesto” (Text and context).
At the time of writing all defendants in this proceeding are at large. On January 27th a positive response was received to a request for the end of the precautionary measures to which 4 defendants were still subject (3 obligations to stay and one obligation to present themselves for weekly signatures), so that at the moment only one person remains under obligations to stay. The differences in conditions are mainly due to the different timing in the presentation of the appeals which brought the same before different courts, and to the specificity of the individual positions regarding the crimes charged.

Continue reading Italy: Measure and process updates for “Operation Bialystok”

Italy – When they come knocking…

«When they kick at your front door
How you gonna come?
With your hands on your head
Or on the trigger of your gun…»
At the beginning of December one of the tele-virologists most loved by journalists affirmed that freedom of choice constitutes a problem which should be solved by those in power. That anyone who insists on not obeying voluntarily should be compelled to do so by force. That the freedom to not get vaccinated, for example, can only exist for a hermit who lives alone in the middle of the desert. As for the others, the citizens of society, “evidently there is no alternative for these people than obligation, but serious obligation, that which sends the carabinieri to your home to get you”. The peremptory affirmation made the on-duty journalist hosting him chuckle (and certainly not because of his faltering Italian). A week later, the army general entrusted by the government with leading the war against the terrible virus declared that he and his troops were ready: along with Santa Claus, «he will deliver vaccinations door to door». In addition to the elderly isolated in the most remote villages, the military are “ready to vaccinate the whole lot” — of children…

Continue reading Italy – When they come knocking…

Lugano,Switzerland – Eppur la nostra idea [And yet our idea]…

A report on two animated days in Lugano
Here is a [slightly abbreviated] report on the attempt to re-occupy the CSOA [anarchist occupied social centre] il Molino in Lugano. There is much to be said and this text doesn’t claim to be exhaustive, but it gives the point of view of those who were present at the time and lived through it.
29th December
On Wednesday 29th December a group of comrades went into the area of the ex-slaughterhouse to attempt to re-occupy the buildings left intact after the demolition of the housing area of the social centre that took place during the night of 29th May 2021.
After a moment’s exploration, we rolled up our sleeves to start the work of putting the place back in order and cleaning up. The idea was to put life back into the place and make it accessible from outside, and a solidarity gathering of about fifty people in the square opposite gave us the right encouragement. Continue reading Lugano,Switzerland – Eppur la nostra idea [And yet our idea]…

Italy – Issue 3 of CALIGINE is out

via: infernourbano
Translated by act for freedom now!
The third issue of Caligine, negative words among the bleak colours of reality, is available.
This issue was DIY printed with a mimeograph and silk-screen cover, 36 A4 pages
To write to us and receive copies:; CALIGINE, Sobborgo Valzania 27, 47521 Cesena (FC)
4 euros per copy; 3 euros for 5 or more copies
Elements of insurrection between virus and digital society
Queer negativity chapter II
War on the state: the subject of desire
Workshop of images
1984, in dissolution
However, going…

Italy – Updates concerning Mauro Rossetti Busa

Mauro Busa tells us that since November his mail has been under censorship again up until 22nd May, subject to extension. He is continuing to do hunger strikes (he also writes about self-harming, for example cuts, but it is not clear whether this refers to the present or the past) in order to be transferred near Lucca so that he can see his family whom he hasn’t seen since 2018.
For anyone who wants to send him money, he says prison rules have changed and it is no longer possible to send money orders but only bank transfers:
Addressed to “Direzione del carcere di Ascoli Piceno”
IBAN: IT36D0760113500000012503637
Rossetti Busa Mauro, nato a Lucca il 6/1/1958
Rossetti Busa Mauro
C.C: Ascoli PIceno
via dei meli, 218
Ascoli Piceno
Translated by act for freedom now!

Italy – News from the prison of Spini di Gardolo: beatings and abuse

During a gathering outside the prison of Spini di Gardolo on 9th January 2022, we managed to communicate with some prisoners and here is what they told us about the current situation in the prison, which the director and the local authorities take great care not to make known.
A prisoner asked us to deliver to the prison guarantor (for the PAT, A. Menghini) his version of an episode which a prison union recently passed off in the media as “assault on the guards”. The prisoner maintained he was brutally beaten by the guards, who later also seized his crutches. After the beating he wasn’t adequately examined or taken to hospital.

Continue reading Italy – News from the prison of Spini di Gardolo: beatings and abuse

Sardinia,Italy – On Operation “Sibilla” by Sardinian Anarchists

On Operation “Sibilla”, from Sardinia
[Note: all the repressive measures inflicted on comrades struck by operation Scintilla were annulled by the court of review on 16th December 2021]
“…The use being made of the charge of incitement, whether employed “purely” or as “garnishing” to other charges, is significant because it is aimed at breaking the link between revolutionary action and the propaganda of ideas that it inspires and supports, so as to push us to a watered-down adjustment in our convictions and our modes of expression…”
(Vetriolo, issue 6)
With these few lines we want to express all our solidarity and closeness to the anarchist comrades arrested and investigated following the umpteenth investigation from Perugia prosecutors which takes the name of “Operation Sibilla” this time.

Continue reading Sardinia,Italy – On Operation “Sibilla” by Sardinian Anarchists

Italy : On the walls of the city of Lecce…

On the walls of Lecce…
Urgent measures for the management of the COVID-19 pandemic
The head of the Government and his ministers:
GIVEN THAT the health system continues to be a huge burden which still hasn’t been cleared after funds being cut for decades
GIVEN THAT from now on the health system will only be private or fee-paying and the poor will die in any case
GIVEN THAT we want to gorge ourselves in peace without unnecessary hassle
GIVEN THAT we want Christmas to be full of commodities, gadgets, and various trifles and we are tired of the fact that there is a clampdown on their production and transport
GIVEN THAT we no longer want to have “the nightmare of closed ski resorts” and want to ravage the mountains as much as we please

Continue reading Italy : On the walls of the city of Lecce…


First they came to denigrate philosophers and researchers who publicly criticized the validity of the reasons and data put forward by the government to legitimize the imposition of bans and the suspension of freedoms. But ordinary mortals do not frequent speculative cloisters or scientific laboratories, so very few are concerned about them.Then they came to disqualify doctors who doubted the anti-pandemic health protocols established by the government. But these doctors do not appear regularly on TV programs, they have no reputation, so very few are concerned about them.
Then they came to blackmail health workers who did not want to abide by the obligation to vaccinate. When this threat became law, very few refused to pay attention, so very few are concerned about them.
Then they came to blackmail all workers who do not have the digital green certificate [Covid passport], which after all is not difficult to obtain: it is enough not to be a flat earther or conspiracist and offer your arm, or at most pay a small sum every 48 hours to get your nose hammered, so very few are concerned about them.

Continue reading ITALY: PALINDROMES

A communication text by Alfredo Cospito about Operation Sibilla (Italy)

November 28, 2021
In the hope that they can pass censorship, I throw on paper these few lines. First of all affection and solidarity to the comrades who have been involved in this umpteenth clownish repression. Especially to Michael who is under house arrest and all-the other comrades and comrades of “Vetriolo”, and anarchist sites “Round Robin” and “Malacoda” that have been obscured.
I then send back to the sender the furry “solidarity” that democratic and reformist formations such as “Potere al Popolo”, “Rifondazione Comunista” and “Italian Communist Party” have indirectly given me by solidarizing with the defendants of the operation “Sibilla”. I don’t need your “solidarity” because I spit on your democracy as I spit on your constitution. I have never liked whining about freedom of opinion, so I will not dwell on the lack of respect for freedom of thought. That said, I want to reiterate that I am and we have been investigated not for words in freedom, or some writing on the wall, but for what we are: anarchists and anarchists consistent.

Continue reading A communication text by Alfredo Cospito about Operation Sibilla (Italy)