Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation

(IT, EN) Rinviata al 10 ottobre l’udienza preliminare del procedimento per la manifestazione del 28 gennaio 2023 a Trastevere (Italy)

Preliminary hearing of the proceedings for the January 28th, 2023, demonstration in Trastevere postponed to October 10th

On July 4th, 2024, the preliminary hearing for the committal for trial of 13 comrades accused, in complicity, of resisting a public official and carrying weapons or objects designed to cause offence, with numerous aggravating circumstances, was held at the ordinary court of Rome, in piazzale Clodio. The hearing was postponed to Thursday, October 10th, due to lack of notification. At the council chamber, which ‘in theory’ does not provide for the participation of outsiders in addition to the judge, court employees, the public prosecutor and the investigated persons, several members of the ROS (Raggruppamento Operativo Speciale, ‘Special Operational Grouping’) of Carabinieri and police units showed up instead. We reiterate the rightness of the reasons of that demonstration and the sacrosanct anger it expressed.

Alfredo out from 41 bis
Close 41 bis prison regime
Solidarity with the indicted


Rinviata al 10 ottobre l’udienza preliminare del procedimento per la manifestazione del 28 gennaio 2023 a Trastevere

Il 4 luglio 2024 si è tenuta al tribunale ordinario di Roma, in piazzale Clodio, l’udienza preliminare per il rinvio a giudizio di 13 compagni accusati, in concorso, di resistenza a pubblico ufficiale e di porto d’armi od oggetti atti a offendere, con numerose circostanze aggravanti, che si è conclusa con un rinvio dell’udienza stessa a giovedì 10 ottobre, per difetto di notifica. Alla camera di consiglio, che non prevede “in teoria” la partecipazione d’estranei oltre le parti, si sono invece presentati diversi esponenti del ROS dei carabinieri e di reparti di polizia. Ribadiamo la giustezza delle ragioni di quella piazza e la rabbia sacrosanta che ha espresso.

Fuori Alfredo dal 41 bis
Chiudere il 41 bis
Solidarietà con gli inquisiti

Actforfree: receive and spread

Rome, Italy: Demonstration of 28 January 2023 at Trastevere: 4th of July the preliminary hearing of the proceedings

July 4th is the date of the preliminary hearing of the proceedings for the events of piazza Trilussa and Trastevere, in Rome, of 28 January, 2023.

On that day the indictment concerning the 13 comrades accused of resisting a public official and of carrying weapons or objects likely to offend, with numerous aggravating circumstances, will be requested. We recall that at the time of the events the anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito had been on hunger strike for 101 days against 41 bis and a life sentence without appeal. That Saturday afternoon a demonstration in solidarity was called in piazza Trilussa, in Rome, which the police forces decided to surround and provoke. However that evening the plans did not go as foreseen in the offices of the police, with a part of the demonstrators remaining outside the encirclement and the police forces ending up in the grip of those whom they wanted to provoke.
Continue reading Rome, Italy: Demonstration of 28 January 2023 at Trastevere: 4th of July the preliminary hearing of the proceedings

Naples, Italy: Zac’s declaration to the court in Naples at the hearing on May 23rd, 2024

Zac’s declaration to the court in Naples at the hearing on May 23rd

After a year’s prison on remand and 13 hearings, 9 of which in videoconference, a derealizing tool created in an emergency but now extended to an increasingly wide range of prisoners, which behind a generic justification of security renders the accused, i.e. the protagonist of the trial, a spectator of his fate, reducing the trial even more to a confrontation between technicians, all to ensure the peaceful development of the hearings and without even the annoyance of having to look the prisoner in the eye, I have decided to make this declaration.

I am doing so because this is a political trial, even if nobody wants to say so out loud.

I am not interested in the charges, nor the police operation that they originated from, which as far as I am concerned is only a jumble of judicial bureaucracy functional to the political will of the government apparatus that, consistently with the logic of war, aims to lock up the so-called internal enemies, those considered irreformable.
Continue reading Naples, Italy: Zac’s declaration to the court in Naples at the hearing on May 23rd, 2024

Rome, Italy: Road block in viale Giulio Agricola, postamat ATM set on fire and Intesa Sanpaolo subsidiary damaged on 24th April [day of appeal in cassation of Anna Beniamino and Alfredo Cospito  against ”Scripta Manent” sentence].

Rome, 24th April 2024

We learn from the mass media (which from the morning have given some prominence to the event) that shortly after 4am on Wednesday April 24th, in viale Giulio Agricola in the Appio Claudio district in Rome, unknown persons had set up a road block with an improvised incendiary barricade composed of rubbish bins dragged into the roadway and set on fire. At the same time a nearby post office had been attacked: the flames, although put out in conjunction with the intervention of the police forces, had nonetheless damaged the postamat (ATM).

Continue reading Rome, Italy: Road block in viale Giulio Agricola, postamat ATM set on fire and Intesa Sanpaolo subsidiary damaged on 24th April [day of appeal in cassation of Anna Beniamino and Alfredo Cospito  against ”Scripta Manent” sentence].

Komotini, Greece: Reoccupation of Anarchist Steki Utopia A.D., book presentation event of ‘Which International?’ + Intervention by comrade Francesco Rota from Vetriolo newspaper

On Wednesday 29 May we reoccupied the Anarchist Steki Utopia A.D. where we held the planned event on the book presentation of the interview of the anarchist nihilist Alfredo Cospito in the anarchist Italian newspaper Vetriolo, a telephone intervention and an information from an Italian comrade about the 41BIS regime and the current situation in Italy, while a text was sent by a comrade of the newspaper Vetriolo which was translated into Greek and read at the event, followed by an update from a comrade on the new penal code and the event ended with a discussion, after some questions were asked to the Italian comrade.
Continue reading Komotini, Greece: Reoccupation of Anarchist Steki Utopia A.D., book presentation event of ‘Which International?’ + Intervention by comrade Francesco Rota from Vetriolo newspaper

Milan, Italy: Hammer blows against a RE/MAX estate agency (26 March 2024)

Milan, hammer blows against Remax

During the night between Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th March we paid a visit to the estate agents Remax in Via Noe in Milan, damaging the windows with writings and hammer blows.

This company, along with many others, does business with Israel, speculating on the expulsion of the Palestinians from the land and houses they are living in. Houses that Remax are making huge profits from reselling and renting to Israeli settlers.
Continue reading Milan, Italy: Hammer blows against a RE/MAX estate agency (26 March 2024)

Claim of the incendiary attack against a private vehicle belonging to a carabiniere (Rome, Italy March 29, 2024)

“Soon Anarchists we rush to the fight for victory or death with petrol and dynamite every class and the government to eradicate..”Anarchist Song

As the Mediterranean is increasingly a mass grave crammed with the corpses of the oppressed from the global south , Gaza is being razed to the ground worldwide and winds of war blow baleful to every corner of the globe leading the world’s proletarians to slaughter at the hands of master interests, we have decided to act, to attack. Identifying in the military of any side an enemy to be put down for anyone with a tension of freedom, without leaving aside the specific responsibilities of the homegrown weapon, we have decided to direct our hatred and vengeance against the military personnel of the Carabinieri Corps.

In a present in which every revolutionary hypothesis seems like a vain chimera, we have decided to keep fighting: they may deprive us of the hope for a radically different world but not of the thirst for revenge that we feel against those who perpetuate the oppression of one class over another and its defenders (such as the law enforcement) and those who enrich themselves by plundering the planet in a
dastardly manner.
Continue reading Claim of the incendiary attack against a private vehicle belonging to a carabiniere (Rome, Italy March 29, 2024)

Italy: Juan Sorroche – ‘Reflection on the General Context of the Causes of the Struggle’

Regarding my convictions and trial charges and the nexus of non-systemic revolutionary struggle action practices and “my” meaning of the anarchist vision

“(…) The reality is precisely this complex thing that cannot be traced back to the results of a judicial proceeding. This will always be arbitrary and will be based not on evidence but on force, not on logic but on domination. Difficult reasoning? Maybe so, but reasoning that once done can never be forgotten” [Published with the title “Noterelle su Sacco e Vanzetti. In margine a un convegno di studi”, in “Anarchismo”, n. 63, July 1989, pp. 36-40].
Alfredo Maria Bonanno, A mano armata, Pensiero e azione, Edizioni Anarchismo

In remembrance, and a warm greeting and see you soon comrade Alfredo!


To facilitate the writing of the text, I chose to use mainly the masculine as a gender ending. Aware of the importance of rejecting and countering gender abuses (as of any kind), I trust in the reader’s understanding so that no one feels discriminated against.


Hello to all, compañeras and to all, compañeros

I am Juan Sorroche, an anarchist prisoner arrested on May 22, 2019 and I write from the AS2 section of the Terni prison where I have been locked up for 5 years.

After my heavy sentence on January 26, 2024 in Rome in the Court of Cassation trial for the action against the Lega Nord, a party that was and is part of the government of the Italian State, a strongly racist, misogynistic and xenophobic party.

As an anarchist prisoner I would like to make clear to comrades, revolutionaries, outcasts and oppressed the connection of the causes of the struggle for which I am here in prison today as an anarchist prisoner.
Continue reading Italy: Juan Sorroche – ‘Reflection on the General Context of the Causes of the Struggle’

Italy: Anarchists comrades Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino sentenced to 23 and 17 years in prison

Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino sentenced to 23 and 17 years in prison

From: No 41 bis- international mobilisation

“The sentences of 23 years and 17 years and 9 months of imprisonment to the anarchists Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino are final. The Court of Cassation confirms the sentence bis of the Court of Appeal of Turin. The requests of the defense and of the prosecution of Turin were rejected, and they insisted to the end on obtaining life imprisonment. Rage and love for our comrades! With the practices of which they are accused! Alfredo out since 41 bis!”

Thus communicated the comrades from Italy the final sentences imposed on Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino in what was the trial of the Scripta Manent case, which sought to blame both comrades for “political massacre”, based on the action against the Carabinieri school of Fossano.
Continue reading Italy: Anarchists comrades Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino sentenced to 23 and 17 years in prison

Italy: ‘The carousel of repression’ – by Anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino


Almost eight years after the arrests for Scripta Manent, for the second time the Court of Cassation, on 24th April 2024, will pronounce judgement on the crime of “political massacre”, pursuant to art. 285 c.p., against Alfredo and myself, the last remaining fragment pending in the process (i), after a whirlwind of delays, recalculations, and repressive-jurisprudential manipulations (ii).

Although the repetition of error numbs the horror, and we are living in times of multiple horrors flaunted and total anaesthetisations, I believe there are still some words to be said about the ongoing annihilation attempt, about reactions, successful and attempted. Not so much because I believe this may be useful for our personal fates, but out of a kind of stubborn “romanticism” that considers silence and resignation always and even more lethal in a political process.
Continue reading Italy: ‘The carousel of repression’ – by Anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino