Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation

Italy: number 1 of “Soffi e Graffi” [?Whiffs and Scratches] is out – 18 November 2022

Number 1 of “Soffi e Graffi” [?Whiffs and Scratches] is out – 18 November 2022

Blowing on fire. Fuelling fires. Searching for the powder keg in the wind. The spark of anarchist thought has always aimed at this as it strikes in the most unexpected places. Even before it took a name, the tension towards freedom and revolt already sparked off adventures and instilled courage against subjugation and domination. Blowing away voluntary servitude is a way to look at the world with unprecedented perspectives. From everyday misery one can always set off for an elsewhere, arrive at new forms of thinking and living.

Scratching skin. Some from marks left by the tangled brambles of the Dark and Mysterious Forest. Others the claws of the beasts that make themselves known  looking the enemy in the eye. The latent feeling is that there is still a hostile place, intricate and refractory to those who wish to map and explore it. An untamed being in the world with an existential rage that transcends resistance to mutate it into attack, permanent conflict, autonomy. A small fragment of freedom inside each one of us, unknown even to ourselves, which however at times seeks paths of affinity with other sensitivities. But what use are names for something that is unnameable?

Continue reading Italy: number 1 of “Soffi e Graffi” [?Whiffs and Scratches] is out – 18 November 2022

Call for a gathering in solidarity with the anarchist revolutionary hunger striker Alfredo Cospito, at the Italian embassy(Athens,Greece)

Call for a gathering in solidarity with the anarchist revolutionary hunger striker Alfredo Cospito, at the Italian embassy.

Until the demolition of every prison. For the anarchy in action.

Because for those who love life, to react when life and death are at stake is an act of duty. Anna Beniamino Alfredo Cospito, an anarchist prisoner of the “Scripta Manent” case -for the double attack on the carabinieri school in Fossano, signed by the FAI-RAT (Informal Anarchist FederationAnonymous Chaotic Rebellion)- has been on hunger strike against the 41-bis regime since October 20th in Bancali prison, Sassari, Sardinia. Already on 5th May, after ten years of imprisonment, the state has chosen to reinforce the imprisonment of the comrade (who until then had made a significant contribution to the anarchist discourse with letters, articles and interventions) through the regime of article 41-bis (carcere duro), a law that, in essence, upgrades the imprisonment to a special solitary confinement even on an intellectual and sensory level. It is a suffocating condition that almost eliminates all communication and contact with the outside world, as a torture of psychosomatic extermination of the political prisoners, with the aim of forcing them into political “repentance”.

Continue reading Call for a gathering in solidarity with the anarchist revolutionary hunger striker Alfredo Cospito, at the Italian embassy(Athens,Greece)

Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito from Irkutsk anarchists

Alfredo Cospito is an Italian anarchist political prisoner, a member of the “Informal Anarchist Federation” (IFA).
Cospito was convicted for the attack on Roberto Adinolfi, general director of Ansaldo Nucleare, and was later sentenced to life imprisonment for the events of the night of June 2 to 3, 2006 at the Carabinieri Cadet School in Fossano (Cuneo), where two small bombs exploded, causing no death or injuries and no serious damage.
Continue reading Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito from Irkutsk anarchists

Germany: 30. November,Aktionstag in Solidarität mit Alfredo und den anderen Hungerstreikenden . en/it/de

30th November: day of action in solidarity with Alfredo and other comrades on hunger strike.

Since 20 October, the anarchist Alfredo Cospito has been on hunger strike against his detention in total isolation and torture and against imprisonment without parole. Other detained comrades (Anna Beniamino, Ivan Alocco, Juan Sorrocho and Toby Shone) as a sign of solidarity and to give strength to Alfredo’s struggle, have also started a hunger strike.

Alfredo has been in prison uninterruptedly for ten years, spent in High Security sections until his transfer to 41 bis. The 41 bis is a prison regime of annihilation, as it is designed to cause physical and mental damage through the technique of sensory deprivation; it is a political and social death sentence, aimed at cutting off all contact with the outside world.
Our comrade was transferred to these torture chambers because, despite his imprisonment, he never stopped contributing to the international anarchist debate with articles, editorial projects and proposals.

The re-examination of the 41 bis measure against Alfredo is set for 1 December. This hearing will be very important because it will have to pronounce on the legitimacy of the previous Justice Minister Marta Cartabia’s decision to apply the 41 bis prison regime against our comrade.
Continue reading Germany: 30. November,Aktionstag in Solidarität mit Alfredo und den anderen Hungerstreikenden . en/it/de

Solidarity poster from Nusantara as known as Indonesia for comrade Alfredo

Solidarity Poster for Alfredo Cospito

Solidarity from Nusantara as known as Indonesia for comrade Alfredo Cospito who is on a hunger strike against the 41-bis prison regime.

For you, comrades, stay strong and be a burning fire for every
injustice, capitalist, and state!

Long live anarchy!
Death to the State!

-Maelstrom Distro

updates letter by Anarchist comrade prisoner Ivan Alocco (France)

Hello to all and everyone,
I am writing these few lines to give you some news.

I am continuing the hunger strike I started on October 27, in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito’s struggle to get out of 41 bis. I am doing well. I feel tired and sometimes dizzy, but my determination remains intact.

This is the first time since June, since I’ve been locked up here, that I feel like I’m doing something worthwhile, instead of simply surviving and watching time go by. Two weeks ago, the head warden threatened to transfer me to solitary confinement if I continue with the hunger strike (” for my own good, to be better looked after in case I have a sudden health problem “), but so far he has not put his blackmail into practice.

My mail is blocked again. They gave me letters on October 24, then nothing more. Likewise, the letters I have written to my family since mid-October have still not arrived.

On Thursday, Nov. 24, at 1:30 p.m., I will appear before the investigating judge (Anne Grandjean), at the Bobigny court, for questioning.

Continue reading updates letter by Anarchist comrade prisoner Ivan Alocco (France)

Deutsche Bank windows smashed in solidarity with imprisoned anarchists on hunger strike against 41 bis and life imprisonment without possibility of parole (Trento, Italy)

Rome: Deutsche Bank windows smashed in solidarity with imprisoned anarchists on hunger strike against 41 bis and life imprisonment without possibility of parole

Trento – night of November 10/11 – Smashed the windows of the Deutsche Bank branch in the city centre. The wall writings ‘with Alfredo on hunger strike’ and ‘warmongers’ were left. Alongside Juan, Alfredo, Anna and Ivan. Strength!

via: lanemesi

Bari, Italy: solidarity gathering at the prison

Bari,solidarity gathering at the prison

We receive and spread:

Wednesday 16th November a gathering was held outside the walls of the prison of Bari in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito and all the prisoners, against 41 bis and against all cages. To emphasise that 41 bis is State torture and that the struggle of our comrades on hunger strike is also our struggle.


via: Translated by Act for freedom now!

France: The decision for the extradition of Vincenzo Vecchi has been postponed to November 29th

The decision for the extradition of Vincenzo Vecchi has been postponed to November 29th. This was decided today by the French constitutional council to which Vincenzo Vecchi, the comrade sentenced along with another 9 to over 100 years’ prison for the days of Genoa of 2001 and who for years had been living in France, had applied to suspend the extradition request.

Continue reading France: The decision for the extradition of Vincenzo Vecchi has been postponed to November 29th

Rome,Italy: Demonstration through the streets of Trastevere and roads blocked against 41 bis,in solidarity with anarchists Alfredo Cospito, Juan Sorroche, Ivan Alocco and Anna Beniamino on hunger strike

At the demonstration called for Saturday, November 12, various streets in the Trastevere district, in the centre of Rome, were blocked for more than four hours.

Approximately four hundred comrades marched in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito, Juan Sorroche, Ivan Alocco and Anna Beniamino on hunger strike against the 41 bis prison regime (to which Alfredo was transferred on May 5) and life imprisonament without a possibility of parole. There were moments of tension and clashes with the cops when the demonstration tried to move in the direction of the Regina Coeli prison.

Revolutionary solidarity with the imprisoned anarchists on hunger strike! Alfredo Cospito out from 41 bis! Close 41 bis! Freedom for everyone!
