Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation

Parcel bomb against the head of the prison guards union CSIF (Zaragoza, Spain)

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Parcel bomb against the head of the prison guards union CSIF, Zaragoza, January 25, 2023

Alfonso Peiró is not a mere jailer. For some reason he is impelled to defend corporate impunity, specifically in the macro-prison of Zuera, Zaragoza.

When the prisoners vent their anger among themselves or against themselves, everything goes on as usual. However, when someone dares to return violence to the henchmen of confinement, doubly despicable characters like Alfonso Peiró come out to bawl victimhood.

The few possible consequences of our attentions are nothing compared to what characters of his ilk and their superiors would deserve.
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London, Two posters for Alfredo Cospito that have appeared in some streets of London.

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Alfredo Cospito has made the choice of hungerstrike to the end against the Italian prison regime 41 bis, a concrete grave, where the law has tried to bury him to prevent the spreading of his ideas of freedom and the need to attack its enemies.
Power needs to model, predict and measure, always trying to avoid the worst for itself. But when people stop accepting blackmail, stop listening to the forecasts, and then even the warnings, and start to act – then things can become unpredictable.
With Alfredo, the Italian State has encountered something it can’t factor into its calculations – it is trying to calculate a struggle without measure.
Alfredo Cospito won’t accept barter for his freedom. His uncompromising demand pours out of the dungeon and into the streets, refueling the social tempest beyond walls and borders.
The cost of losing the veneer of control is enough to bankrupt any authority.
But Freedom is non-negotiable and without limit.

using his body as a weapon to attack the judicial conspiracy to distort his person, his struggle and the very essence of anarchism in order to bury him alive under the anti-mafia law 41bis.
with Alfredo Cospito
end 41bis now!
“There are two types of solidarity. A passive one that all too often serves only to wash away conscience for someone’s own inactivity and that does not bridge the gaps between words and deeds.
And then the active, concrete, real solidarity that some call revolutionary, created in silence and anonymity, where only destructive actions speak even through the words that follow. Needless to say which one I prefer.

In final analysis, the best solidarity that i could receive is to see the planning of this new anarchy, in all of its forms, continue to move forward, insensible to the strokes of repression. I will not deny it, in
every action that someone salutes us as anarchist prisoners, both in Italy and the rest of the world, my heart fills with joy.

This is my life today. The war continues, never give up, never give in.” Alfredo Cospito 2014.


poster 1 pdf

poster 2 pdf

Palermo, Italy: Gathering at Ucciardone prison and poster in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito from Sicily

Palermo: Gathering at Ucciardone prison and poster in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito from Sicily

Written February 19t, 2023

Democracy always has a massacre behind it

In Sicily, even human geography is capable of bitter irony, of tricks of light and shadow. Portella della Ginestra is twenty kilometres – fifteen minutes by car – from the centre of Palermo. The largest city of the region, capital and stage of political power past and present, has behind it the site of the first massacre of the poor in republican Italy: 11 dead, including 3 children, 30 seriously injured. If it was the Giuliano gang to shoot, the motive was the convergence of interests of the ruling classes and the reason of State. The same reason of State that took out Pisciotta to save the good name of Scelba and Mattarella, as if it was enough to kill a man to eliminate the collective memory that the oppressed retain of their slaughterers and those who starved them. Alfredo’s story not only teaches us the difference between the dignity of an individual in struggle and the civilised barbarity of the bureaucracies of annihilation, but also reminds us how domination is still that mixture of ferocity, lies, idiocy.

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Grand Est,France : sabotage of an EHV pylon, some technical advice

Communique #2: Sabotage of an extra-high voltage pylon in France/

Grand Est

Indymedia Lille, February 12, 2023

In December 2022, in solidarity with the hunger-striking prisoner Alfredo Cospito, we sabotaged an EHV pylon and partially removed its bolts ( The sabotage of a high voltage line is not without risk and, even if it is done without error, there is always some risk. However, we found this risk acceptable and the action entertaining. Since direct action is always an attempt to motivate and inspire other contexts, we had already announced our intention to give some technical advice:

Choice of target: When choosing the mast, make sure that the insulators (the ceramic coils to which the cables are attached) are vertical! A diagonal or horizontal position indicates a tensile load in the corresponding direction. Choose the most isolated location possible. Make sure that there are no people between the object and the nearest pylons (e.g. busy roads crossing the line). Choose your escape route so that it cannot be blocked by the falling line.

Risk assessment/mitigation: It happens occasionally (although rarely) that electricity pylons bend or fall, even without sabotage. This can happen, for example, due to storms, the weight of snow, or simply material fatigue or inadequate maintenance. The result is a risk of premature collapse of the mast. This risk increases with each screw loosened and exponentially with each foot completely unscrewed. It is up to you, as a group, to decide how far you want to go. In all cases, plan the action taking into account the possibility of the mast falling while you are still there. Both at the base of the mast and where the cables touch the ground, there is a potentially lethal amounts of electricity on the ground within a certain radius! Move away from the object as quickly as possible in the opposite direction of the fall. Ensure that your body remains in contact with the ground at all times (grounding), walking with small “shuffling” steps. Make sure that the weather conditions are favorable. Do not perform this action in strong wind, heavy rain or snowfall!

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Solidarity to Alfredo Cospito

Solidarity to Alfredo Cospito
Written 15th February, 2023

After the coup de théâtre arrived on 8th February 2023 deposited in the secretary’s office where the deputy prosecutor Piero Gaeta asks the court of cassation the annulment of the 41 bis regime, Alfredo informed his lawyer Caterina Calia that he does not want to commit suicide but struggle against 41 bis.

He recommenced taking potassium, supplements and honey. Alfredo began his hunger strike on October 20th 2022 as an instrument of struggle a mechanism of nonviolent protest used since antiquity. A struggle that nowadays is mainly used to achieve fundamental rights denied by the State and those who govern us, and to protest against injustices inflicted… Yes, because the 41 bis is torture.

Alfredo wants to live, every cell of his body has resisted for 118 days, and still today resists against his hunger strike. His strike is for everyone, not only for himself, he want to live and also wants the other prisoners, who are imprisoned in the hard prison regime to be able to live.
Continue reading Solidarity to Alfredo Cospito

The State is weak

(Social peace)

The State is weak

The decision of the supervisory court in Rome’s made public on 19 December confirming the detention of the anarchist Alfredo Cospito under 41 bis is in fact a death sentence in view of the comrade’s decision not to break the hunger strike to the bitter end that he began on 20 October. The State is flexing its muscles and preparing for the showdown. Its motto could be summed up as kill one to arrest one hundred, aiming at the liquidation of the anarchist movement, at least that of our generation. What it is actually giving is proof of is its weakness. We have been telling ourselves for two months that this is not the time for analysis and reflection, that the situation is urgent, that action must be taken. Yet, if it is true that for anarchism theory is never separate from practice as they are inextricably intertwined, then perhaps this is precisely the time not to stop and reflect, but to reason while continuing to act.
In a nutshell. We believe that the Italian State has made a big mistake by deciding to apply 41 bis to an imprisoned anarchist for the first time. This mistake has led to the occurrence of the largest mobilisation of denunciation and struggle, concrete and international, against the 41 bis since this infamous regime of annihilation and torture was inaugurated in 1992. This movement is not led by sincere democrats, but is driven in its propulsive essence by the individual action of an indomitable comrade, who is risking his own life in this struggle, and by the many actions and initiatives, individual and collective, of an anarchist movement that has been able to regain its anger and vitality.
In the face of all this, paradoxically, today the State might consider that – since the mistake has now been made and it will have to be paid for – killing Alfredo Cospito could be the least painful option.

The alternative would be defeat and having to take a major step backwards, not least because the international anarchist movement does not, for its part, promise to take steps backwards in exchange for the life of a comrade. Anarchism is not bartering (nor could it ever), a kind of disarmament in exchange for Alfredo’s declassification. Thus the State has no guarantee that the anarchists will stop. On the contrary, it fears they will be invigorated by a victory against 41 bis.
It is a risky bet. And Alfredo’s life today rolls on the dice of these vile gamblers.

Anarchists in 41 bis: genesis of a political-military

Breakthrough attempt It is spring 2022. The country is supported by the government of Unità Nazionale [National Unity] led by what many believe is the most influential man of the European political and economic elites: Mario Draghi. Social peace is suffocating. On the other hand, there is war, real war, on Europe’s doorstep. The Draghi government, particularly its centre-left component, is a fervent supporter of NATO policy. By far one of the most warmongering governments in the alliance. This causes enormous sacrifices for the population. Draghi knows this well and he knows equally well that social peace is a fragile marriage that can collapse at any moment. Draghi knows this well precisely because, as head of the European Central Bank, he is one of those responsible for the social butchery in Greece.

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The homeland of Beccaria? A homeland of gravediggers by Anarchist Anna Beniamino (Italy)

The homeland of Beccaria? A homeland of gravediggers

So many people are digging for a corpse, but no one takes the responsibility of being the executioner. At the same time, it’s full of gravediggers ready to throw shovels of mud preparing the grave for the anarchist. A confused and dishevelled ballet around the gallows with many bit players: ‘zero tolerance’, institutional blame-game, audience depending changes of course, the spectre of anarchy that keeps the government, or rather the state, ‘under checkmate’, and then the ‘mass-murdering’ anarchists colluding with the mass-murdering mafiosi, with the appearance on stage of the PD [Partito Democratico, “Democratic Party”].

A poorly written and poorly acted theater, a scramble of ignorant ‘experts’, of professional and compulsive liars, of low journalism, sloth and cowardice that does nothing but reveal what is the potential of an individual waging a struggle alone against the state moloch. A moloch, by the way, that by its own makers claim must be very fragile if a few writings on the walls, broken shop windows and a few burnt cars are enough to put it in ‘danger’.

Whichever way you look at it, the struggle of an anarchist thrown into a torture regime has broken the prevailing narrative. Despite the ridiculous attempt to credit him as colluding with (or, even worse, directed by…) the Mafia, despite the ridiculous attempt to misrepresent his acts and words, it would seem that a little critical sense prevails, and that the attempt to undermine his credibility and integrity achieves the opposite effect of bringing out the linear coherence of anti-authoritarians and revolutionaries who continue to defend their ideas and practices without being distracted by the fireworks of post-modern media politics. And that unite, whereas repression would divide.
Continue reading The homeland of Beccaria? A homeland of gravediggers by Anarchist Anna Beniamino (Italy)

EN/DE : Alfredo Cospito – Call for Day X

via: barrikade.
13.02. 2023

Since October 20, 2022, the anarchist Alfredo Cospito has been on hunger strike. As of today February 13, 2023, that makes it 116 days!
For 116 days the Italian state has been trying to murder Alfredo!
For 116 days Alfredo has been fighting non-stop, against the torture of the 41bis prison regime!

In these 116 days, many things have happened. There were events organized, texts were written, there were direct actions and much more. All of this in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito and other political prisoners, or all prisoners. Each of these things tried to inform about Alfredo’s situation, to draw attention to it, and to directly harm the actors who were getting their fingers dirty. Either the direct culprits, like the Italian state, or the representatives of this crime, like the cops and prisons around the world. They all deserve the same.

In spite of all these things, the Italian State has maintained its murderous line until now. The rulers try to torture and kill a person, hoping his ideas would die with him. Forgotten and alone, in a tiny cell, forced to lie in a hospital bed, far from loved ones……But they forget that Alfredo’s ideas, of a Free and Just World, are also ours. That we have heard and will always hear his voice, that we stand by his side and continue to fight. That what unites us all is the belief that only a world without domination, without authorities and without exploitation, can be a free and just one. That is why we fight for Alfredo and that is why we fight for anarchy.
Continue reading EN/DE : Alfredo Cospito – Call for Day X

Athens,Greece: Feedback from the solidarity meeting with comrade hunger striker Alfredo Cospito, at the Italian Embassy in Athens (Greece) [16/2/23] Sempre con l’anarchia!

Athens: Feedback from the solidarity meeting with comrade hunger striker Alfredo Cospito, at the Italian Embassy in Athens (Greece) [16/2] Sempre con l’anarchia!

The only enemy is the state and capitalism

On Thursday 16 February, a solidarity meeting was held with the anarchist hunger striker from 20/10 against 41-bis and perpetual life imprisonment, Alfredo Cospito, as a signal of internationalist solidarity from Athens. The rally crossed the sidewalk of the Italian embassy, although the cops told us to stay on the opposite sidewalk. We then left in an assembled fashion and opened banners at Syntagma, opposite the parliament, before leaving.

On the same day (February 16), while the struggle against the Penal Code in Greek prisons continues, anarchists and militant prisoners started a collective hunger strike with whatever strength each one has individually, to stand mentally by the side of the anarchist Alfredo Cospito and against the regime-grave of 41-bis (G. Michailidis, Th. Hatzianggelou, I. Rodopoulos, L. Vougiouklakis, P. Vougiouklakis, F. Daskalas, S. Nikolouzos and S. Kalaitzidis went on one day of hunger strike, and D. Hatzivassiliadis and K. Dimalexis went on three days of hunger strike).

Continue reading Athens,Greece: Feedback from the solidarity meeting with comrade hunger striker Alfredo Cospito, at the Italian Embassy in Athens (Greece) [16/2/23] Sempre con l’anarchia!


via: athens.indymedia.


“Fortune knows that we defy it, and the more it beats us, the more we despise it.” William Shakespeare

In a few months, as we all know, the four-year rule of new democracy with Kyriakos Mitsotakis as prime minister will come to its “happy” end. Before the government even started, it promised many times that (like another Papadopoulos  (dictator leader on 70s) it would ”crack down on anarchy” thus declaring open war on all anarchist-revolutionary-rebellious parts of society.

After 4 years of evictions of squats, bans on strikes and marches, State murders, extreme repression and imprisonment of innocent but proudly ‘guilty’ comrades, we are still here. Although we have had some resounding disappointments and defeats (let us not hide behind our finger) we proudly declare that the anarchist revolutionary movement has not fallen and will never fall without a fight. And that is the only way we ought to look to the continuation of our struggle. For unlike theirs our way has no end. Our road is eternal, etched with the blood of those who sacrificed for Anarchy and Freedom and carved in the footsteps of fire.

That is why we are taking responsibility for the incendiary attack on a car dealership in Kallithea at dawn on 12/2, which, make no mistake, was not for extortion or for blackmail, as the media declared the next day, but as a small blow to the image of normality, security and social peace that prevails in Greek society. We dedicate this attack to all our comrades who, unrepentantly and without fear, still look the enemy in the eye and take it on. Because the ruins of a ‘beautiful’ delegation that tries to cover up the vulgarity of society will always fill us with satisfaction.