Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation

Turin, Italy: Alongside Alfredo, alongside those who struggle. Demo in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito, on hunger strike to the bitter end (Turin, Italy, March 4th 2023)

via: lanemesi.

Turin: Alongside Alfredo, alongside those who struggle. Demo in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito, on hunger strike to the bitter end March 4th 2023

On Saturday 4 march we will take to the streets once more, alongside Alfredo, alongside those who fight. To repeat that we don’t want 41 bis, nor prisons, nor cpr.

That the only war in which we participate finds us at the side of all the exploited on the barricade that separates us from the exploiters, shouting our anger at a decision that marks the further increase of the repression of struggles, with the condemnation to death of a comrade.

Inevitably it must also mark our way of confronting them.

The fight never ends!

Saturday march 4th at 16:30

Piazza Solferino, Turin


Barcelona,Spain : Revolutionary Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito! – Incendiary Sabotage of Renfe Fiber Optics

Barcelona: Revolutionary Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito! – Incendiary Sabotage of Renfe Fiber Optics


Days before the appeals court met to evalutate the comrade’s situation, an incendiary sabotage was carried out against Renfe fiber optics, on one of the lines in the southern outskirts of Barcelona.

Revolutionary internationalist solidarity with the comrade!
Free Alfredo!
No 41bis!
Against prisons and the society that needs them
Bring fown the walls
some individuals with anarchist tendencies

via:lucharcontrael41bisTranslated by Act for freedom now!

Anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito has been transferred back to Opera prison in Milan .(Italy)

Alfredo Cospito has been transferred back to Opera prison in Milan (27th February 2023)

We learn that today, 27th February, the anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito, on hunger strike for 131 days, has been transferred from the prison medicine ward in San Paolo hospital to the Intensive Care Unit (SAI) inside Opera prison in Milan, where he was being held before being transferred to San Paolo on February 11th.

With the hearing in the court of cassation on 24th February which upheld the detention order in 41 bis, the will to annihilate the comrade, already finalised in December with the outcome of the hearing in the supervisory court of Rome, has definitively been ratified by the State. This latest transfer from San Paolo to Opera is perfectly in line with this will of annihilation. They intend to destroy a comrade and with him believe they are giving a warning to the revolutionary struggle in this country. The intention, however, is futile: the need to fight against the State and capital is irrepressible, the desire to overthrow this authoritarian social reality is inextinguishable.


The comrade’s address is:

Alfredo Cospito

Casa di Reclusione di Milano Opera

via Camporgnago 40

20141 Milano


[Received via e-mail and published in]

Translated to English by Act for freedom now!

On February 24th 2023 the Italian judiciary issued its own decision on the lifting of the strict isolation 41 bis imposed on Alfredo Cospito. (Italy)

On February 24th 2023 the Italian judiciary issued its own decision on the lifting of the strict isolation 41 bis imposed on Alfredo Cospito.

The defence had called for a transfer from the solitary confinement regime imposed following Alfredo’s articles from the prison. The anarchist comrade decided to go on a hunger strike to the death to free himself from the brutal isolation regime known as 41 bis.

For over 120 days the comrade has put his body on the front line in the battle against the State, being supported by numerous internationalist actions around the world. By this time the comrade was in a state of severe physical deterioration, most likely irrecoverable, pending the outcome of the hearing.
Continue reading On February 24th 2023 the Italian judiciary issued its own decision on the lifting of the strict isolation 41 bis imposed on Alfredo Cospito. (Italy)

Athens,Greece: Movie Screening+ Discussion+ Bar at Zizania squatted social center, (Untill the last breath – The case of Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino)

Movie Screening+ Discussion+ Bar at Zizania squatted social center, Fylis and Feron, Viktoria,

Screening of the Italian documentary (with English subtitles)


(Untill the last breath – The case of Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino)

Since 20 October 2022, Alfredo Cospito, an anarchist militant imprisoned for actions that have not resulted in any deaths, has been on hunger strike against the 41bis prison regime and the hostile life sentence to which he has been subjected for several months. His protest is not just a personal battle, but a political struggle against 41bis and life imprisonment. The 41 bis is a particularly afflictive regime, created to fight the mafia in 1992 and extended in the 2000s to terrorist organisations.

It includes, among other restrictions, isolation from other inmates, limitations to visits by family members, limited air time and constant surveillance by a special department of the prison police.So far, Alfredo has lost 40 kilos and is in critical condition. Last week, the Italian high court rejected an appeal by his lawyers. This latest decision is essentially a death sentence.



We take responsibility for the incendiary attack on the house of retired cop Fotis Theodoros in Kaisariani Aarea, at 5 Manoliassas Street. We were very pleased to learn in the days that followed that a second retired cop lived in the same building.

The reason for this attack was the State murder of Kostas Fragoulis by the uniformed garbage of the DIAS cops team. Once again, the agents of the State apparatus murder in cold blood, but this time, as last year with Nikos Sabanis, race became the main issue in the political and social arena. As anarchists we do not need to analyse our position, it is clear. But we ought to recall that this is not a random incident but a manifestation of the wider war that is being waged doggedly by the State and capitalism against the oppressed of this world and especially against those who dare to question their sovereignty. We are taking a stand in this war and declare that we will walk through your homes and over your dead bodies.

It is not fitting for the flame of a candle to be lit over a young grave, whole States should be in flames. C.C.F. (for the murder of A. Grigoropoulos)

Continue reading Athens, Greece: INCENDIARY ATTACK ON THE HOUSE OF RETIRED COPS by Andreas Baader Cell

London,UK : Vandalism at the Italian Cultural Center in London in Solidarity with anarchist Alfredo Cospito

Vandalism at the Italian Cultural Center in London

It appears that on 24th February, something unfortunate happened to the Italian Cultural Institute in London.

At this sophisticated outpost of the Italian state, guests are invited to enjoy a current series of lectures, from handpicked academic experts, on the great social and political issues of the day, with the ambassador in attendance. The previous week, the audience was treated to a discussion of the energy transition, and next week the theme was to be Justice.

All this makes it so regretable that the building’s romanesque facade, with elegant white columns and heavy wooden door, seems to have been soaked in paint by some vandal[s] clearly without the capacity to appreciate such things.

Continue reading London,UK : Vandalism at the Italian Cultural Center in London in Solidarity with anarchist Alfredo Cospito

Italy : To the comrades

To the comrades

Nothing will ever be the same as before

We receive these words, which we make our own:

They decided to kill Alfredo with the coldness of executioners. Democracy is simply this: inquests, media spectacles, death sentences.

If all this had passed in silence or in the ruthless dehumanized staging of the opinion makers of the day, it would have been grave and unforgivable. But that was not what happened. In all these months, and well before, the molecules of this heterogeneous anarchist body have never stopped, despite the weight that was already bearing down on many of them. But that’s the way of things.

These seconds and minutes following the death sentence passed by the Supreme Court against Alfredo are interminable. But pain is different from surprise. We feel pain now, tremendous pain. But not surprise. And the pain that permeates our every cell is piercing, total.

Total pain.

Who can now feel that tomorrow will be a day they could already have imagined? For months we have been sounding out hypotheses, scenarios, possibilities, but who really had a clear idea of what they would feel?

Nothing will ever be the same again.

In the face of all this, the silence created by such raw clarity almost clouds the mind, overwhelms everything. It is right that we shed tears, it is human that we clench each other and take time to let go of the tension that has been mounting for months.

We need time for the pain because, if nothing will ever be the same again, tomorrow’s lucidity will have to be greater than yesterday’s.




On February 24, 2023, the Italian “justice” system rejected the appeal
filed by Alfredo Cospito’s lawyers against 41bis. The appeal action
requested his transfer out of the regime of extreme and severe isolation
for which our comrade has been enduring a hunger strike for more than 4

The State has, nonetheless, maintained his position: Alfredo has to
continue under the 41bis prison regime.

This decision confirms the fears we have been having for a long time:
our comrade is going to die and the State is his executioner.

The structures and capitalist interests of the Italian State spread
their tentacles around the planet. It is relevant to remind everyone
that those who manage and uphold the status quo are people clothed in
flesh and bones with names and addresses.


Parcel bomb against the head of the prison guards union CSIF (Zaragoza, Spain)

Actforfree receive and spread:

Parcel bomb against the head of the prison guards union CSIF, Zaragoza, January 25, 2023

Alfonso Peiró is not a mere jailer. For some reason he is impelled to defend corporate impunity, specifically in the macro-prison of Zuera, Zaragoza.

When the prisoners vent their anger among themselves or against themselves, everything goes on as usual. However, when someone dares to return violence to the henchmen of confinement, doubly despicable characters like Alfonso Peiró come out to bawl victimhood.

The few possible consequences of our attentions are nothing compared to what characters of his ilk and their superiors would deserve.
Continue reading Parcel bomb against the head of the prison guards union CSIF (Zaragoza, Spain)