Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation

Spain: Ghespe arrested in Spain and taken to Soto del Real prison to await extradition [Update with address]

Ghespe arrested in Spain and taken to Soto del Real prison to await extradition 

A few days ago we learned from the media of the regime that the anarchist Salvatore Vespertino (Ghespe) was arrested in Spain, in Madrid, on February 15th during a police control. The comrade was transferred to the prison of Soto del Real in Madrid and did not oppose extradition to Italy, which should take place before long.

Ghespe, untraceable and wanted since 2023, had been sentenced on appeal in the context of the so-called “Panico” trial for the action against the [fascist] bookshop “Il Bargello” (Florence, January 1, 2017), a place linked to Casapound. The device exploded in a cop’s hands causing serious injuries, among which the loss of an eye and a good part of one hand. The sentence of the court of cassation of July 2023 confirmed the appeal sentences, among which 8 years for Ghespe, who had already spent a long period imprisoned on remand.

Solidarity with the arrested comrade

Updates to follow.

* * *

The address:

Salvatore Vespertino
Carretera M-609 Km 3,5
28791 Soto del Real



via: lanemesi.

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Act for free notes : Appeal verdict in the “Panico” trial (Florence, Italy, May 4, 2021)

Rovereto, Italy: Telephone cabinets sabotaged (October 2024)

Telephone cabinets sabotaged (Rovereto, October 2024)

Some telephone cabinets were damaged in Rovereto after their cables were sliced.

The infrastructure that makes digital wallets and identities, remote surveillance, control and spying, digitally programmed profiling and exclusion. the extermination of entire populations also planned by artificial intelligence algorithms, thinkable, possible and functioning, is all the same one.

Continue reading Rovereto, Italy: Telephone cabinets sabotaged (October 2024)

[Update] Gathering in solidarity with the anarchists accused in Scripta Scelera operation postponed to April 1, 2025 (Massa, Italy) en/it

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[UPDATE] We inform that during the hearing of February 14th, it was decided by the judge to postpone that one scheduled for the following 28th, for which a solidarity gathering had been called. The new hearing has been set for Tuesday, April 1st, the times remain unchanged.


August 8th, 2023. Following a request for ten arrests in prison, Scripta Scelera operation leads to nine precautionary measures against as many anarchists accused for the publication and distribution of the internationalist anarchist fortnightly ‘Bezmotivny’. A proceeding with which the State intended to ‘normalise’ the precautionary measures for charges concerning revolutionary publications. Scripta Scelera represents another ‘chapter’ in the war policies of the Italian state, in continuity among other things with recent repressive manoeuvres aimed at removing political practicability from ever wider social sectors.
Continue reading [Update] Gathering in solidarity with the anarchists accused in Scripta Scelera operation postponed to April 1, 2025 (Massa, Italy) en/it

Gathering in solidarity with the anarchists accused in Scripta Scelera operation (Massa, Italy, February 28, 2025) en/it


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August 8th, 2023. Following a request for ten arrests in prison, Scripta Scelera operation leads to nine precautionary measures against as many anarchists accused for the publication and distribution of the internationalist anarchist fortnightly ‘Bezmotivny’.

A proceeding with which the State intended to ‘normalise’ the precautionary measures for charges concerning revolutionary publications. Scripta Scelera represents another ‘chapter’ in the war policies of the Italian state, in continuity among other things with recent repressive manoeuvres aimed at removing political practicability from ever wider social sectors.

Continue reading Gathering in solidarity with the anarchists accused in Scripta Scelera operation (Massa, Italy, February 28, 2025) en/it

Issue 3 of anarcho-nihilist / insurrectionary newspaper “Blessed Is The Flame” has been released

PDF download link: [ENG] Blessed Is The Flame – Issue #3

(For those who wish to print the newspaper, see the instructions below.)

The 3rd issue of the anarcho-nihilist/insurrectionary newspaper “Blessed Is The Flame” has been published. Its pages contain reports of direct actions, claims of responsibility, texts, poems, and news from anarchist prisoners and trials that were published in November and December 2024 in ten different languages across various parts of the world, or were sent to us via email and are being published for the first time. (Some of the texts published for the first time will also be uploaded as standalone posts on our blog,

Our goal is not only to break down the linguistic barriers that hinder information, solidarity, and the dissemination of propaganda by the deed on an international level but also to give counter-information a printed form. We believe it is crucial for counter-information to transcend the limits of the digital realm.
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Alfredo’s declaration and the hearing ended with a dismissal of all charges against all defendants for Sibilla trial in the preliminary hearing held on the 15th of January in Perugia. (Italy)

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We publish the statements read by some of the anarchist comrades accused in the Sibilla trial in the preliminary hearing held on the 15th of January in Perugia. Amongst the defendants, is also Alfredo Cospito, who attended by videoconference from Bancali prison in (Sardinia) where he is locked up in the 41bis regime, who read a statement.

The hearing ended with a dismissal of all charges against all defendants, bringing to a conclusion an infamous case, which apart from aiming at the silencing of anarchist revolutionary publications, had a central role in Alfredo’s transfer to the 41bis regime. For a few hours Alfredo was able to hear the voices of his comrades, to see their faces, to speak, breaking the wall of silence in which they are trying to bury him. And this is certainly more stirring than any decision made by any state bureaucrat. In particular, Alfredo’s own words resonate as a powerful denunciation against the totalitarian horror of the 41bis regime. Those children’s handprints on the dividing glass in the visiting room should shake the consciences, of those who still have a conscience.
Continue reading Alfredo’s declaration and the hearing ended with a dismissal of all charges against all defendants for Sibilla trial in the preliminary hearing held on the 15th of January in Perugia. (Italy)

Get Alfredo out of 41 bis. Hands off the anarchist publications en/it (Perugia, Italy, January 15, 2025)


Get Alfredo out of 41 bis. Hands off the anarchist publications


The preliminary hearing in the Sibilla case, which led to a repressive operation in November 2021 mainly targeting the anarchist newspaper ‘Vetriolo’, is scheduled for 15th January, after the one dated 10th October was postponed. The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Perugia is demanding the indictment of 12 anarchists accused of 19 charges, almost all of which aggravated by the purpose of terrorism.

Over the last few months, there have been notifications of the opening of a procedure by which the Perugia Police Headquarters intends to issue a series of ‘expulsion orders’, justifying them on the grounds of the solidarity presence that took place in front of the court on 10th October. The preparation of such preventive measures – imposing the obligation to stay out of a given municipality for a minimum of six months and a maximum of four years – for a moment like that one, where what happened was what usually happens in all circumstances of this type without any particular turbulence (the hanging of banners, a leaflet, a few interventions, etc.), assumes a clear meaning: to drive away comrades, to prevent any manifestation of solidarity during the hearings against the accused and in particular Alfredo Cospito, who is imprisoned under the 41 bis regime in the Bancali prison in Sardinia and is one of the 12 accused in this case.

Continue reading Get Alfredo out of 41 bis. Hands off the anarchist publications en/it (Perugia, Italy, January 15, 2025)

Greece/ Grete in Chania :Two-day Event – Discussion Mapping the legal “arsenal” // Planning the attack on sovereignty

Two-day Event – Discussion
Mapping the legal “arsenal” // Planning the attack on sovereignty

Friday 10/01, 20:00

Documentary screening of Fino All’ Ultimo Respiro (Until the Last Breath) – on Alfredo Cospito’s detention conditions and the 41bis law [duration 28′]

Some notes on 41-bis and suppression in Italy

Saturday 11/01, 19:00

Book presentation “Which International?” by Alfredo Cospito // Interview-discussion of Alfredo Cospito in the anarchist newspaper Vetriolo, when he was imprisoned in Ferrara jail in Italy. -Presentation from the Anarchist hangout Nadir & the Anarchist project Ragnarok
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Lecce , Italy : A reminiscence

Sometimes it is hard to write without running the risk of becoming rhetorical.

The death of Alfredo Bonanno has left what, precisely rhetorically, is referred to as an unbridgeable gap. A lack for many comrades – and they are hundreds – who, once they approached anarchism, drew vital lymph from his writings scattered in books, magazines and newspapers. Analytical writings to better understand the world and the evolution of domination, and to explore the way – one of the ways – in which to try to counter it. His analyses were lenses with which to look at things from another angle, and this way of looking at reality differently, of analysing it with another perspective is perhaps the thing that most fascinates about anarchism and will be most missed of Alfredo.

Whether it was one of his writings, a public discussion at an initiative or a conversation over a meal, he had the ability to stimulate that reflection that often led you to sit in silence and mull over what you had read or heard, taking you to reason differently, perceive other horizons.

Continue reading Lecce , Italy : A reminiscence

Thessaloniki, Greece : Greeting to the memorial for anarchist comrade Alfredo M. Bonanno in Carrara, Italy en/it

To the comrades of Carrara, who will honour the memory and struggle of anarchist revolutionary Alfredo M. Bonanno at the Circolo Culturale Anarchico ”Gogliardo Fiaschi” on December 8th 2024.


By raising our insurgent fists from the Greek metropolis, we welcome your initiative to honour the memory of the comrade Alfredo M. Bonanno. A few kilometres away from you, the answer to the question “Why is it necessary to highlight the historicality of the work of the comrade Alfredo”, lies in the simplest of concepts: the constant need of a free person to revolt against misery and the constant necessity for the world of poverty to be completely destroyed.

At a time of political retreat and reform, it is our collective duty to undo the natural death of a comrade, giving breath and vibrancy to the propositions that characterized his life and his passing from every field of struggle. To fight radically and with a point of aggression, to sharpen the conflict in all the fields of social antagonism. To fight to win, not moments, but the totality of freedom.

Continue reading Thessaloniki, Greece : Greeting to the memorial for anarchist comrade Alfredo M. Bonanno in Carrara, Italy en/it