Category Archives: General

The issue of Palestine is the issue of statism’s bankruptcy!

In recent days, we have witnessed a renewed conflict in the Palestinian region and an attack by the Islamist group Hamas on the lands under the control of the Israeli government, which was unprecedented in the past years or even decades. This incident shows more than anything that the Palestinian issue, which everyone liked to consider a “dead” issue, is still alive and with no apparent end in sight, at least as long as the governments exist!

The ancient land of Palestine belongs, first of all, to the people of this land. The people who once had a peaceful and happy life are now being slaughtered for decades in the meat grinder of nationalist and Islamist ideologies and the temptation to form Jewish, Arab, and Islamic governments… Continue reading The issue of Palestine is the issue of statism’s bankruptcy!

Against the Party of Insurrection: A Look at Appelism in the U.S.

From Scenes

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Appelism is an informal strain of authoritarian communism that has been gaining traction on this continent over the past decade or so. Taking up elements of both the revolutionary party structure and insurrectionary anarchism, this tendency rebrands authoritarian communism as something that looks like informal networks but acts like a party.

Appelists generally do not present themselves as appelists. The term “appelist” refers to The Call (L’Appel in the original French) by the Invisible Committee, written by some of the same authors as the 1999 journal Tiqqun. This is why “appelists” are sometimes also called “tiqqunists.” Both are terms popularized by anarchists to counteract appelists’ claims that they do not have an ideology or established political network.

Appelists’ dishonesty around this is part of a larger strategy of trying to cease being visible as a distinct group or milieu (which they term “opacity”). They then seek to invisibly coordinate various aspects of everyday life towards a form of communism, with an emphasis on building and controlling infrastructure. This is accompanied by a push to intervene decisively in moments of social conflict such that those situations escalate, struggles gain territory, and people are drawn into their infrastructure. Appelists will typically identify themselves as partisans, autonomists, or communists, if at all, though in North America it is more common for them to also selectively call themselves anarchists. Continue reading Against the Party of Insurrection: A Look at Appelism in the U.S.

so-called United States: Notes on September 26th: Reflections on looting, black liberation and anarchism

Notes on September 26th: Reflections on looting, black liberation and anarchism


On Monday August 14th 2023, Philadelphia police officer Mark Dial shot and killed Eddie Irizarry as he sat in his car. Police initially lied saying that Eddie attacked the cop with a knife, but video footage showed that Eddie was shot in mere seconds while seated in his car with the window up. Following this Dial was suspended for 30 days pending termination. In early September Dial was charged with a number of crimes including murder but the presiding judge would eventually dismiss his charges. The cops who attended the court date in uniform cheered and celebrated when the charges were dropped. On September 26th, that same day Eddie’s family and the Party for Socialism and Liberation (alongside Black leftist groups like Black Alliance for Peace and the W.E.B. DuBois Movement School) organized a peaceful march through Center City protesting the decision. That demonstration dispersed after a couple hours but was followed by looting, initially in Center City before spreading to West, North, and Northeast Philly as the night went on.

The Black liberation movement is alive! Those who say it’s dead are either racist or not in the street and these revolts are the proof. Although the number of people in the streets was smaller than in 2020, there was widespread revolt across Philadelphia. Police killed Eddie Irizarry, a non-Black Puerto Rican, and Black people responded with revolt. Similarly in 2020 in Kenosha, WI when Kyle Rittenhouse killed two white people in the midst of a riot against police and later had his charges dropped, Black people rioted in the Bay Area. These are both examples of a Black consciousness that recognizes anti-Black systems regardless of if they are targeting Black people in a specific instance.
Continue reading so-called United States: Notes on September 26th: Reflections on looting, black liberation and anarchism

EN/ES : Communique claim for placed an explosive device made with dynamite and butane gas in a cargo truck on 31st Street in Escarcega, (Mexico)

Actforfree receive anonymous and translated to English.


CARE AND THE SWEET SMELL OF DYNAMITE! Communique year 1. Number 1.

“Women, slaves of the slave: encourage your comrades to shake off the yoke that oppresses us all equally. Reject the lies and deceit of the vestmented executioners: throw their “relics” and their ridiculous suits to the pigs and swell the ranks of the libertarian women who, united with the rebels, make propaganda with the pen, the word, and also with the rifle or dynamite, destroying the dens where the wolves of power, money and religion dwell. Forward libertarian women!”

Francisca J. Mendoza

¡Tierra! #481

December 28, 1912

At approximately 10 p.m. on September 9, 2023 we placed an explosive device made with dynamite and butane gas in a cargo truck on 31st Street in Escarcega, Campeche, with the intention of sabotaging the war that the Mexican government is waging against the jungle with the construction of the so-called “Mayan train”.


It is a project of destruction by territorial reordering that intends to establish a model of “development poles” leading to the expansion of fully capitalist relations in the Yucatan peninsula, which will provoke proletarianization, forced displacement, generalized contamination, dispossession and destruction of our ways of life. WE DO NOT ACCEPT IT.
Continue reading EN/ES : Communique claim for placed an explosive device made with dynamite and butane gas in a cargo truck on 31st Street in Escarcega, (Mexico)

How The Wind Rustles And The Acorns Fall: A Few Days Of Freedom! by Thomas Meyer-Falk -Freiburg (Germany)

How The Wind Rustles And The Acorns Fall: A Few Days Of Freedom!

On 29.08.2023, after almost 27 years of imprisonment, I was released from the high-security area of Freiburg prison with two hours notice. How does a person feel in such a situation? I would like to report on this after the first 14 days.

On 29.08.2023: The release!

At 8 a.m. I was still sitting in the visiting area of the prison with the probation officer, who might be responsible for me in the future, and we puzzled over when and if a release would take place. At 2 p.m. the time had come – I was discharged and on my way to my new place to live.

I should have been overflowing with happiness, but my focus was on the speedy handling of the move and my first official visits. Already around 3 p.m. I was at the job center and then at the health insurance company. The evening became long, ended after midnight. I got to know people in the new living environment, talked to friends on the phone and immediately started texting. The world of the 21st century had integrated me in a short time: thanks to the local group of the Rote Hilfe e.V. from Freiburg, my smartphone and laptop were ready. It felt surreal to sit on the tram and talk on the phone – just hours before I had sat in a cell with a corded phone and was only allowed to call numbers approved by the prison, and the conversations would be monitored and recorded, as it was always said in an announcement text before calls.
Continue reading How The Wind Rustles And The Acorns Fall: A Few Days Of Freedom! by Thomas Meyer-Falk -Freiburg (Germany)

A factory that is less and less ordinary… (France)

A factory that is less and less ordinary…

One visit can hide another

On March 30, 4th graders from Les Deux Vallées secondary school in Cheylard, in the Vivarais region of France, paid a visit to a seemingly ordinary company. While the more assiduous students had to restrain themselves from yawning at the presentation of the various aeronautical professions, the more sensitive ones may have thought that, after all, a school day away from the four walls that confine dreams was something to be welcomed. On the same day, a second group was also touring the plant, but in a much more interested way, as it was made up entirely of entrepreneurs and elected representatives.

Both visits took place in La Voulte-sur-Rhône (Ardèche), and more specifically at the headquarters of Fregate Aero, which builds “structural sub-assemblies for airplanes and helicopters, using metal, sheet metal and machined parts. Our main customers are Airbus, Dassault and Safran”, according to Frédéric Guimbal, the company’s president. That day, the man with the tense smile dishing out a clumsy promotion for his death box had other things on his mind. Three days earlier, at around 5am on Monday March 27, an arson attack had hit the Fregate Aero group’s second factory, located in the village of Beauchastel, less than five kilometers away.
Continue reading A factory that is less and less ordinary… (France)

Cops’ summer hunt for rioters (France)

Cops’ summer hunt for rioters

Riots: how police track down delinquents who escaped arrest
Le Figaro, August 17, 2023

Police investigators carried out a colossal task throughout July to track down 314 delinquents who had escaped arrest during the nights of violence.

As France suddenly tumbled into chaos during the riots following the death of Nahel, killed on June 27 after refusing to obey the law in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine), the forces of law and order had to absorb a double shock. The first, filmed hour by hour, was a tsunami of violence that resulted in 3,800 arrests, made in real time and red-handed, across the country. The second, much less well known, was the result of an extraordinary judicial hunt, the details of which Le Figaro is able to reveal. As of July 31, no fewer than 314 additional rioters, thugs and arsonists had been arrested by the investigation departments of public security and the judicial police. The latter alone was entrusted with the task of carrying out just over 170 particularly sensitive investigations into the most serious acts.

From the very first days, the judicial authorities referred emblematic events to the judicial police, such as the destruction and arson of town halls, attacks on police stations, major looting, and even threats or attacks on elected representatives,” explains Frédéric Laissy, head of the national police force’s communications department. While public order measures were still being maintained at their maximum, the first arrests were made at home, often with the assistance of the BRI or Raid.”
Continue reading Cops’ summer hunt for rioters (France)

Death is a master from Germany – Der Tod ist ein Meister aus Deutschland

Around two years ago hundreds of us were trying to block a deportation flight in BER-Airport. It ended up with us watching as families were entering the plane and being forced back to Afghanistan. We were enough people to stop the flight, but we lacked the creativity, the anger and determination. How could we stand still in face of such racist cruelty?
Within the ongoing brutalization of the borders all over the world, the German state started to propagate the need for a particularly isolated deportation prison. This means an expansion of the existing one in Schönefeld with a capacity of 120 imprisoned people by 2025.

A budget of 315 million euros has been decided for 2023-24 to finance the planned deportation prison at BER Airport.
Under one roof,all the institutions will function accordingly to enable asylum procedures and deportations to be fast: whether in the airport asylum procedure, in transit detention or in exit detention, people are held and locked up in Schönefeld during the asylum processes or/and until been deported.

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Beyond the Screen, the Stars

From Ungrateful Hyenas Editions

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“Nothing is boring if you are aware of it. It may be irritating but it is not boring. If it is pleasant the pleasure will not fail so long as you are aware of it. Being aware is the hardest work the soul can do, I think.” — Solitude by Ursula LeGuin

As technological expansion hurtles forward at an increasingly dizzying pace, the presence of smartphones threatens to become normalized across the anarchist space; in many places, this presence has already been normalized for a long time. Among anarchists in the US, critiques of adopting smartphones, or any other new tech gadget, have generally failed to escape the dead-end binaristic logic of moralistic lifestyle politics. Choosing to live without technology is reduced to a form of consumer activism — an arbitrary personal code that is irrelevant to the struggle, or even harmful in terms of redirecting hostility against the state into judgments of individual consumer choices.

The concept of ‘there’s no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism’ has, predictably, become a banner of the ‘radical’ social media consumption frenzy that has engulfed anarchist milieus in these territories and paved the way for the current state of things. Today it is nearly unheard of to live without a smartphone; when attending a meeting or event, one must assume there is a smartphone in each and every pocket, and any critique of this reality is largely viewed as the squawking of old-timer, out of touch wingnuts.

In some places anarchists have resisted this process of normalization and maintained a clear and consistent critique of the impact of smartphone adoption, warding off the incursion from taking hold in the first place. Everywhere that this is not the case however, including but not limited to the US, where any such critique has long since faded, is there any going back? What would it look like to propose that anarchists ditch the technologies we have become increasingly dependent on and addicted to for over a decade, that have come to mediate so much of our lives, relationships, and forms of struggle? Continue reading Beyond the Screen, the Stars

London (UK): 288 surveillance cameras sabotaged in four months

London. Mass sabotage of surveillance cameras

Le Matin (Switzerland), August 18, 2023

London police reported on Friday that hundreds of cameras had been sabotaged in the run-up to the controversial extension of the tax on the most polluting vehicles, scheduled for the end of the month in the British capital. Restricted to central London when it was introduced in 2019, the ULEZ (ultra low emission zone) had already been considerably expanded in 2021 and is due to be extended to the whole of Greater London on August 29.

The extension of the tax, in the midst of the UK’s cost-of-living crisis, has been strongly criticized by local residents, and some opponents are attacking the cameras placed on the roads – which are supposed to read license plates to check that the vehicle is exempt or that the tax has been paid.
Continue reading London (UK): 288 surveillance cameras sabotaged in four months