Category Archives: General
(A-Radio) Syria – the forgotten revolution
Dear all,
A-Radio Berlin talked to Almut und Mohamad about the revolution that started ten years ago in Syria and the ongoing struggle of Syrian revolutionaries for their dignity and ideals. We touched on topics like the recent Syrian history, the first ideas and the founding of local revolutionary committees and Omar Aziz, failed solidarity and Western defintions of antiimperialism, money flows and the influence of NGOism on the beginnings of the revolution as well as the importance and development of anarchism in Syria and its history in the Arab world.
You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download) here:
Length: 1:34 h
You can find other English audios as well as all issues of the monthly anarchist show “Bad News” here:
Among our last audios you can find:
* An audio about the ongoing wildcat strike at Gorillas food delivery in Berlin:
* An interview about the book “Liberating Sápmi: Indigenous Resistance in Europe’s Far North”:
* An interview with Rebel Steps about the situation in the US after the 2020 elections:
* An interview with The Final Straw Radio about the situation in the US after the 2020 elections:
* An update on the Belarus uprising in the end of November 2020:
* An interview about the murder of rapper Killah P and the trial against neonazi Party Golden Dawn:
Enjoy! And please feel free to share!
A-Radio Berlin
Gap [Hautes Alpes], France: About an attack on a vaccination centre
via: attaque.
source : bxl.indymedia
Gap. City centre. Night of the 1st to the 2nd of June 2021. Individuals break down a door at the back of a theatre converted into a vaccination centre. The door is easily broken open and they find themselves in a long corridor, which leads from the left to other rooms. A door on the right is not locked, it opens on a large room, where presumably vaccinations take place. Hastily, piles are made with the furniture that is present. Bottles of alcoholic gel are added to the petrol. A flick of the lighter, the whole thing catches fire, and the silhouettes disappear into the night. The whole thing lasted only a few minutes, enough to destroy a good part of the building.
It was a rather symbolic act, since another centre opened the same day, and according to what we know from the press, the attack of the same kind in Nyons [Haut de France] a few weeks earlier only caused a slight delay in the opening, which was quickly resolved. This shows the need to look for the heart of the monster rather than attacking all its tentacles, but let’s move on.
Continue reading Gap [Hautes Alpes], France: About an attack on a vaccination centre
Chile: Words of comrades Ignacio and Luis, accused of sending an explosive package to the police station in Talca
It is difficult to start writing when my heart and mind are still in turmoil. The only thing I long for is a fraternal embrace, the sunlight and its warmth on my skin, and the only thing I have here is cement, cold, humidity and stench.
Perhaps it will be easier for me to leave by thanking: First of all my blood family who, far from all essentialism, have made me and my brother feel loved. Thank you for your sincere support. In 2nd place, to all the comrades and related who are “moving” outside, in some gesture of solidarity. In these moments everything helps and, as well as my family, thank you for your honest support.
Now, for those who wonder about it, I say: YES. Our prison is political. As political as any prisoners’ prison in this system. I would delve into more “theoretical” issues, but this is not the time. Continue reading Chile: Words of comrades Ignacio and Luis, accused of sending an explosive package to the police station in Talca
London ,UK : 2011 – 2021 ,10 years since the murder by cops of Mark Duggan.
UK – The struggle against the existent continues
Thursday, August 4, 2011 Mark Duggan, a ‘real straight up and down respected man’ (words of London rapper, Chipmunk) from Tottenham in London, was blasted to death while on his way home in a cab by a mob of cops wielding Heckler & Koch MP5 carbines. 29 year old Mark, father of four young children, lived on the housing estate known as Broadwater Farm, a depressed predominantly Afro-Caribbean area. The area is infamous since the riot of 1985 after 49 year old Cynthia Jarrett collapsed and died of a heart attack as police raided her home. (During the riot a policeman, PC Blakelock, was hacked to death with a machete.) Today, in the words of a resident, ‘if you’re from Broadwater Farm, police are on you every day, you’re not allowed to come off the estate. If you come off the estate they follow you.’ They followed Mark Duggan and he ended up dead.
August 6 – The arrogance of the killers in uniform in the face of the protest by the victim’s family and supporters, plus the brutal attack on a 16 year old girl by police during the vigil was the last straw.
That night in Tottenham the police station was attacked, police cars set on fire, a double-decker bus ends up a twisted wreck after being engulfed in flames, press photographers are beaten and relieved of their equipment for the decades of lies they have propagated. Bank windows smashed. Countless shops looted, stuff thrown all over the streets. Young guys storm McDonald’s and start frying up burgers and chips. Indignant anger clears the brain, flushes out the cops in the head. Collective fury at this latest police murder combines with the daily bullying and humiliation of being stopped and searched, the moralising, the false promises, useless lives, no future, desire for status-affirming ‘needs’ unattainable due to increased taxes, unemployment and cutting of benefits, 4 million cameras, glaring security cops at the entrance to every store, the colonization of all remaining urban space by trendy bars filled with the noisy chatter of the carefree… that and much more that we don’t know and will never experience welled up and fueled the will to smash through the invisible and plate glass barriers that hold everything in place. Continue reading London ,UK : 2011 – 2021 ,10 years since the murder by cops of Mark Duggan.
Fort-de-France, Martinique: the return of the curfew does not go down well
[On 12 July 2021, a few hours after the President announced the health pass for the whole territory, and at the same time a return of the state of emergency from the next day for the French colonies of Reunion and Martinique, with curfew (from 9pm to 5am) and the return of night passes, the prefect of the latter managed to put it in place. Despite this, from the evening of Tuesday 13 July, demonstrations took place at 9pm to defy it in the capital of Martinique Fort-de-France, sometimes continuing during the week (110 fines handed out on the night of Thursday to Friday), and on Saturday 17 July they continued into clashes with the police all night long: jewellery shops looted, police station smashed up, cars and the EDF agency set on fire, and an attempt to set fire to the courthouse…]
Fort-de-France, Martinique, 18 July: jewellery shop looted then set on fire
Heuraux in Fort-de-France, where jewellery shops were targeted by looters
Martinique, 18 July 2021
This Sunday morning (18 July 2021), the inhabitants of the city centre of Fort-de-France are discovering the effects of the night’s clashes between the police and demonstrators opposed to the curfew.
A jewellery shop on Rue Lamartine was stormed shortly after 10pm. It was opened, emptied and set on fire at around 2am this Sunday, our journalists on the spot said. The neighbours of the three-storey building moved out during the night because they were bothered by the smoke.
Fort-de-France, Martinique, 18 July: the EDF agency completely ravaged by flames
Continue reading Fort-de-France, Martinique: the return of the curfew does not go down well
Announcing the Counter-Surveillance Resource Center
Announcing the Counter-Surveillance Resource Center, an online hub for building a culture of resistance against surveillance.
Around the world, anarchists and other rebels are subject to surveillance due to our activities. Surveillance can be carried out by state institutions or other actors – for example, private investigators, fascists, mercenaries, and law-abiding citizens. Surveillance can be intended to disrupt our activities, make arrests, secure convictions or worse.
As technologies develop, some surveillance techniques stay the same, while others change to incorporate these emergent technologies. While cops still follow us in the streets and keep records about us in their archives, nowadays cameras are everywhere, drones fly overhead, and DNA forensics are sending many comrades to jail. Continue reading Announcing the Counter-Surveillance Resource Center
Melilla (Morocco/Spain): the victorious assault on the border
Melilla: 119 migrants manage to enter the Spanish border
AFP/Infomigrants, 12 July 2021
A group of around 200 migrants from sub-Saharan Africa tried to scale the metal fence separating Morocco and Melilla at around 4.30am on Monday 12 July, Spanish authorities told AFP.
The Spanish Civil Guard and Moroccan police quickly mobilised to try to stop them, but 119 people managed to force their way through and enter the Spanish territory. Five civil guards and one migrant were injured in the operation.
The 119 migrants were immediately taken to the Temporary Stay Centre (CETI, detention centre) and placed in a special area to be tested for Covid-19.
Continue reading Melilla (Morocco/Spain): the victorious assault on the border