Category Archives: General News Action Sabotage, solidarity in Greece

Athens,Greece ; A neighborhood demo 23rd of March against police sweeps, against racism, against queerphobia and sexism.


A neighborhood demo against police sweeps, against racism, against queerphobia and sexism.

Meeting point: Plateia Viktoria 17:00, Saturday 23rd of March.

Two weeks ago there was a police sweep on plateia Omonia. Last week there was another sweeping operation on plateia Viktoria. Every day cops harass people of color asking for papers, coming up with legal defenses of violence, exerting control and authority.

Two weekends ago a group of around 100 young fasicts attacked two queer young people in Thessaloniki. Last month a group attacked queer people in Kypseli and chased them. Every day machos and “good guys” harass queer people and femininities on the street and in the plateias, asserting that their patriarchal power and the judgement of heteronormative society will always keep us down.

But we know the streets are ours. They have been, they are, and they will be. We the queers, women, migrants, freaks, we take up public space and refuse the ways the state and society try to crush us. This Saturday we take to the streets as a reminder to ourselves and to everyone that despite the violence, the fear, the terror, we continue to resist in ways big and small. In our neighborhood, and in every neighborhood.

See you on the streets.

Squatted social center Zizania

Grete Chania,Greece : The NATO’s pockets are full of money, they are also the murderers of the local people

The NATO’s pockets are full of money, they are also murderers of the local people

Join the “All eyes on Rafah” call

On Saturday 02 March we participated in the “All eyes on Rafah” call, in the context of the nationwide mobilizations in solidarity with Palestine, against the military operations of the Israeli state.

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Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for liberation by ALF

Taking responsibility for liberation
by ALF

While others exchange recipes, we wear hoods.

In the early hours of Sunday 3/3/23 we invaded the ‘game farms’ of Vassiliadis and Kavouras in Megara (city near Athens). In the first we took down the wild boar fence and in the second we opened the doors of the deer cage.

We deny the role of ‘liberator’ and consider that we have simply done our minimal duty as solidarity towards these captive beings: We have given them a chance to live.
Good luck to all of them and bad luck to those who think of them as food.
Words are nothing, actions are everything and only by them are we judged.

Until next time…

translated by Act for freedom now!

HONOR for Ever to anarchist fighter and member of R.S. Lambros Foundas. (Greece)

No matter how many years pass, the comrade Lambros, is a bright example for the continuation of the struggle and the revolutionary perspective. The 10th of March has been indelibly written in the history of internal as well as international revolutionary and class struggle. His life, action and death are – for the anarchist/anti-authoritarian and the more broadly anti-capitalist space – a precious legacy that inspires old and new generations of comrades alike. Lambros is one of us, he is always in our heart and in our actions.


Definitive release of  Pola Roupa – Solidarity and immediate release of  N. Maziotis, prisoner in Domokos prisons

Act for freedom now!



Always on the right side of history, on the side of social struggles, class solidarity, internationalism, on the side of the workers, the immigrants, the excluded, the fighters. Also yesterday Exarcheia shouted what has been one of its components of their political identity for decades: their solidarity with the Palestinian people and their Resistance. Both for the movement of solidarity with the Palestinian people, and for the movement to defend Exarcheia from the encroachment of capital and the State, yesterday’s demonstration, called by the Assembly of Solidarity with the Palestinian Resistance, was undoubtedly important. The first was grounded – even more deeply – with Exarcheia, the second was coordinated – even more – with the solidarity movements in Palestine, a composition that politically strengthens both and can and must continue.

The demonstration started at 8, after an hour’s gathering at the intersection of Kallidromiou st. with Emm. Benaki  st., where a microphone was set up from which texts in Arabic and Greek were read, while Palestinian music was played. Filled with emotion, consciousness and love for Exarcheia and for Palestine and with mass participation with a strong Palestinian element, the demonstration marched through the streets of Exarcheia, passed through the occupied Square, preventing with its pulse and determination the lurking forces of repression from attempting to block her, to end at Alexis’s monument in a climate of competitive elevation.

Athens, Greece: For smashing Polyamorous flower shop on 10/2/2024 by Anarchists

Athens, Greece: For smashing Polyamorous on 10/2/2024

In Exarcheia – for decades now, but with particular intensity in recent years – a war is being waged on the part of the state.

A neighbourhood inhabited for many years largely by proletarians, immigrants, women activists, students and youth, a neighbourhood that has always been the “centre” of all kinds of radical movements, has long been part of a coordinated and centrally planned operation of aggressive and violent mutation. The Greek state has invested a lot in achieving a double goal: on the one hand, in handing over to capital – big and small – an important piece of the metropolitan centre for profitable investments mainly in the field of real estate, tourism and the entertainment industry that always connects this kind of “development” and, on the other hand, the all-out attack on the world and the structures of the movement that for decades have arisen, rooted in the neighbourhood of Exarcheia, with the aim of closing its historical accounts with the internal enemy in the heart of the city.

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City of Corinth, Greece : Intervention against private universities by Initiative of solidarity in the students’ struggle

Intervention against private universities

On Sunday, February 25, we, comrades, carried out an intervention in the city of Corinth, specifically in university buildings, wanting to send a minimal message of solidarity to the students in struggle.

The authoritarianism of the neo-liberal government of the ND is endless. The privatization of universities is in its sights as far as the fields are concerned after the abolition of asylum and the attempt to establish university police. Yet another clearly classist bill that will literally strangle free children at the altar of unstoppable capitalist profit. University education, therefore, for the few and the good.
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Announcement regarding the cancellation of the visit of fascist V. Stigkas to the church of St. Minas. ( Grete Heraklion, Greece)

Announcement regarding the cancellation of the visit of V. Stigkas to the church of St. Minas.

video _αγ_μην.mp4

Today, on Sunday 25/02/24, another beautiful and proud day dawned upon Heraklion. We cancelled the visit of the leader of the party “Spartans” (that is, the Golden Dawn by another name) to the metropolitan church of St. Minas in Heraklion.

Around 9 am, 70 of us antifascists gathered outside St. Minas coordinated and prepared to fight to remind, once more, to all those interested, that fascists are not going to get any space at all in our city. We remained on the spot as long as was necessary to ensure that neither Stigkas nor any other fascist scoundrel would dare show their faces. Following that, we moved to the center of the city where we scattered.
Continue reading Announcement regarding the cancellation of the visit of fascist V. Stigkas to the church of St. Minas. ( Grete Heraklion, Greece)

Athens,Greece: Luxury hotels and airbnbs in Exarchia were spray painted in solidarity with Palestine.

Luxury hotels and airbnbs in Exarchia were spray painted in solidarity with Palestine.

In the last 6 years, Israeli funds and businessmen have been spreading the tentacles of their capital in the neighborhoods of Athens and especially in the Exarchia district, selling gentrification, urban culture and luxuries while contributing to the displacement of the locals and the poor.
Continue reading Athens,Greece: Luxury hotels and airbnbs in Exarchia were spray painted in solidarity with Palestine.

Athens,Greece: Fierce attack with dozens of cocktail Molotov’s against the MAT (riot cops) in the most police-controlled neighborhood of Athens

Exarchia: A fierce attack with dozens of cocktail Molotov’s against the MAT riot cops took place at the junction of Themistokleous and Tzavella streets, in Exarchia square, late on the evening of Saturday, February 17, 2024, in the most policed ​​neighborhood of Athens, with dozens of cops  stationed 24 hours a day like a peculiar army occupation, since August 9, 2022, when the only square in the neighborhood was fenced off with sheets to build the subway metro construction site>