Category Archives: General News Action Sabotage, solidarity in Greece

Athens,Greece: A response to police harassment in Victoria area and their lies about the incident on 20/07/2021

A response to police harassment in Viktoria and their lies about the incident on 20/07/2021
On the 20th of July 2021, during a public and open movie screening on the rooftop of squat Zizania, we saw the police on the street below carrying out another of their racist and discriminatory checks on drug users in Fylis. When we confronted them with slogans from the rooftop, they started harassing by pointing flashlights and shouting at us.
Some comrades spontaneously threw one empty bottle and a stone which landed on the street. This action came from people whose anger boiled over from the daily racist violence they see and experience from the Greek police; people who can no longer watch passively while another person is harassed because the police considers them a lesser human.
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Sledgehammer attack on the debt collection Paladino SA company (Athens,Greece)

Sledgehammer attack on the debt collection Paladino SA company
One of the most infamous professions in the people’s consciousness is that of the debt collector. Whatever form it takes, from the loan shark’s henchmen, to the tax collector, to the shiny offices of the call centres of today’s collection companies, the debt collector is a universally hated figure.
And always the “professionals” of the genre make their money as a share of what, with threats, they manage to extract from weak and frightened people in danger of losing everything.

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Athens, Greece: Incendiary Attack Against a FORD Dealership in Memory of the George Floyd Uprising

On July 1 at dawn in the area of Gyzi on Chaldari Street, we carried out an arson attack on the Ford dealership. As a result, at least two vehicles and the front of the company were burnt to the ground.
The choice of this particular target was not accidental. This is an American giant with branches throughout the world that has played a dominant role in the global capitalist scene. In particular, its founder Henry Ford in 1913 introduced a model of work organisation in which workers perform a set of identified movements, repeated over many hours. The work of the one cut off and alienated, as a stone of the production set, influences the work of the other in chains, raising the intensity and rhythm of production and work. Moreover, the possibility of refusals and resistances during work is reduced, since all the workers’ movements are dependent and form a chain. This has been a historical form of repression and surveillance of workers.
Fourth, Ford’s relationship with the US cops is widely known. It is one of the companies that has reinforced the repression carried out by the US state by providing equipment and vehicles. Even in Greece, in Laconia, Ford Motor Hellas has provided a vehicle worth 48,000 euros for the needs of the cops of the OPKE for the second time. The Mayor of Sparta has excellent relations with this company while the deputy mayor Thanasis Karlaitis former cop, he stressed: “hopefully other agencies will follow Ford’s example for the benefit of the citizens”.

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Greece, Athens: Responsibility Claim for Arson Attacks by Direct Action Cells – Cell ‘Mauricio Morales’

The decay and ugliness of the present is not hidden behind theoretical embellishments. Instead, it relies on the transparency of habit and the power of acquiescence. There is not the slightest reason to face the war of the increasingly authoritarian bourgeois-democratic order against those who are left over or who rebel against its multidimensional existential cheapness in search of new life perspectives. They struggle anxiously for our annihilation or our political mutilation and this is revealed by their repeated repressive moves against movement activities, against our spaces, against militants.
Consciously or not, they understand that the unification of the institutions of oppression and the maintenance of the hegemony of capital implies the corresponding possible unification and strengthening of the revolutionary forces. They fear the prospect of an acute social war setting fire to the bowels of the capitalist world, as we are already seeing happening in various corners of the planet.

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Today, 5/7 at around 6:00am a surveyors workgroup and a contractor showed up at the square for setting out the works concerning the construction of a metro station in the square.
Immediately people from the neighbourhood and in solidarity arrived at the square making it clear that the people won’t allow the construction of a metro station in Exarchia, forcing them to leave.
They also made it clear that, as has happened until now, the next time they show up in the neighbourhood the people will be there to prevent any work.
Individuals from the Exarchia neighbourhood and in solidarity

A small attack against Airbnb in Exarchia
Some days before we did an action against an apartment that is being rented through the Airbnb platform in Manis street, Exarchia.
We wrote slogans, painted the key box, we threw leaflets with written on them in English “Housing is not a luxury, stop the evictions and gentrification” and “Immigrants welcome, tourists go to your own homes”. Then we threw paint on the balcony. The Delta cops passed by the point a few minutes before the action and a few minutes after we had finished without understanding anything.
Photos and short video attached


Translated by Act for freedom now!

via: athens.indymedia

Athens Greece: Banner in solidarity with Rigaer94

For many years, Rigaer94 has been a hub of revolutionary anarchism andresistance against state & capital, gentrification and development in Berlin. Our comrades at Rigaer94 are currently facing an intense wave of state repression. As a minimum sign of solidarity, we have hung a banner from the squatted social center of Zizania.
Long Live Revolutionary Anarchism
Victory in the Resistance of Rigaer94
From Athens to Berlin, Fight for Occupied Spaces Everywhere
Assembly of the Squatted Social Center Zizania

Greece: Solidarity Support Lesvos Mutual Aid and Solidarity Network

Greece. Lesvos. The world as we have known it is currently being reshaped by a pandemic. This ongoing situation is being exploited to amplify existing inequalities, increase forms of social control by the state, close borders, and push through measures that would have otherwise been met with heavy resistance. Those already with the least before the pandemic–the poor, the elderly, survivors of domestic violence and gender-based violence, homeless people, people struggling with addiction, and migrants– are now even more exposed, with fewer and fewer support structures still operating.
Originally published by Fire Fund.
However, many things remain the same: geopolitical interests provoke interstate conflicts, the consequences of which land on the backs of those with no power, who are already at the margins.

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Athens,Greece: Attack on Tax Office in Solidarity with Anarchists Sentenced in Revolutionary Self-Defense Trial in Cholargos area

As anarchists, we believe we do not need to write much about choosing the target. These are state structures that contribute to the economic bleeding of the poor, and to drive people out of their homes, or lead to suicide and depression. Similar hits have been made by other teams in the past.
On April 23, two anarchist comrades, D. Chatzivasileiadis and V. Stathopoulos, were convicted by the civil justice. The first to be illegally detained for a year and a half, he has taken responsibility for the armament, the expropriation and for the guerrilla organization: Revolutionary Self-Defense. The second is a hostage of the state for the reason that he stood in solidarity when Chatzivasileiadis asked for his help after his injury during the expropriation of the state casino. The judicial mafia charged V. Stathopoulos with 19 years of imprisonment and D. Chatzivasileiadis to 16 years where he was tried in absentia.
So we reflexively chose, decided and hit with inflammatory moods four days after the trial on April 28 as a sign of solidarity with the comrades. Our goal was the Tax Officein Cholargos, a few meters away from the house where the weapons were found and other evidence regarding the case of Revolutionary Self-Defense. We took it for granted to act immediately and do the least to give a fire to our comrades, a smile of solidarity.

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Athens,Greece: We stand by all who resist-revolt in Nea Smyrni area

As a minimum indication of solidarity to the people arrested, tortured and jailed from the events of Nea Smyrni (initially, on 7 March midday at the ‘polis park’, the square and the park, but also afterwards, on 9 March with the pogroms in our neighbourhoods after the overwhelming river of people’s rage), we intervened with banners and paint in the areas of Nea Smyrni and Palaio Faliro, of Neos Kosmos and Agios Dimitrios. Throughout and against prohibitions, rifts of collectivization and explosions blossom.

Social resistance cannot be penalized

Nobody alone in the hands of the State

Solidarity to the people arrested for the events of Nea Smyrni

Immediate release of the imprisoned

Open Assembly of Residents from Nea Smyrni, Palaio Faliro, Neos Kosmos, Agios Dimitrios

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Thessaloniki, Greece, 26th February 2021: Claim for an incendiary attack on the home of a policeman carried out by the Elizaveta Kovalskaja Nucleus of the Nuclei of Direct Actions

Journalists executioners 
Police executioners
Judicial officers executioners
Respectable citizens hangmen


There is no need for further recommendations. The implacable struggle of the revolutionary Dimitris Koufondinas continues on its 64th day and proceeds from the necessity it started off from. A necessity that intensifies and strengthens as the government of Néa Dimokratía persists in and maintains an intransigent position, intending to kill him. The State’s brutality, its intransigence, isn’t only aimed at his death but far more at the extermination and definitive disintegration of the revolutionary perspective and combative dignity embodied in the figure of the revolutionary D. Koufondinas.
For a week we’ve been seeing with anger the State’s endless revenge, which changes between alternate declarations at times oozing false optimism and at others the cold brutal intention of extermination. But surprise is a luxury we can’t afford. It is obvious that you are trying to abdicate your responsibilities, but however you try to shake off any liability for an imminent death, the responsibility will be yours alone, it will have your signature. We are sure that from our struggle, here and now, revenge will pour out, while your power will lie among the ruins of the history you have chosen, and for the first time life will triumph over death.

Continue reading Thessaloniki, Greece, 26th February 2021: Claim for an incendiary attack on the home of a policeman carried out by the Elizaveta Kovalskaja Nucleus of the Nuclei of Direct Actions