Pola Roupa:They want to put me back in prison
On December 13th, almost one month after my release, I have been notified of an appeal by the deputy prosecutor of the court of Appeal of Euboea against the decision to suspend me, asking me to return to prison. In their appeal, they are asking for the “disappearance” of the verdict of the district court of Thebes that released me from prison. This is a political move, dictated by the evident political discontent that my liberation has aroused in some power centres.
Based on the logic of this appeal, the arguments and the “evidence” it cites, it goes without saying that no prosecutor would have dealt with it if it had concerned any other prisoner. For example, in his appeal the deputy prosecutor of the court of Appeal of Euboea “criticises” the “methodology” followed by the council of the district court of Thebes, namely the fact that I was not personally summoned to the council when it was considering my request for a conditional acquittal, while thousands of women have been released from Eleonas prison before me using exactly the same methodology and no prosecutor has ever dealt with any of them.
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