Category Archives: General News Action Sabotage, solidarity in Greece

Responsibility claim for incendiary attack at cop’s apartment (Athens, Greece)

Solidarity to G.Voulgari, Th. Chatziaggelou, P. Kalaitzis

We wish a good recovery to comrade Alfredo Cospito

Solidarity to the 4 imprisoned comrades F.D. – I.R. – P. & L.B.

Signal of solidarity with the French insurgents

The unswerving solidarity with the imprisoned comrades, the multiform daily struggle against the power structure and the inexhaustible desire to destroy it will always be in our consciences and will help us to define the path of the insurrection.

Whenever you take your holidays within the normality of defined etiquette traditions we are given another opportunity to break through it to remind you that nothing is interrupted as long as our lives are silenced, imprisoned and suppressed.
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Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for attacks on Airbnb, hotels and cameras in Exarcheia area in Athens by Anarchists

Athens: Taking responsibility for attacks on Airbnb, hotels and cameras in Exarcheia area in Athens by Anarchists

Expert from the action claim :

For our part, as a part of the people who consider the neighbourhood of Exarchia to be of key importance for the perspective of the struggle, who want Exarcheia to remain a field of fermentation, politicisation and resistance, we choose to respond to the multiform violence that power is unleashing in a coordinated manner against us and against our structures and neighbourhoods. We call on the world of the neighbourhood, the world of self-organised radical struggle to choose to confront the State and capital, however they appear by invading Exarcheia and beyond.

To attack in practice and with every available means the investments/digging that are attempting to wipe us out. Perhaps an attack that lasts over time, a “war of attrition” on our part, even in material terms, will be able, alongside all the other struggles centred on Exarcheia that have been and are being done over time, to stand as a real barrier to the designs of domination.

Continue reading Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for attacks on Airbnb, hotels and cameras in Exarcheia area in Athens by Anarchists

Responsibility claim for the attack on the head of the Prison Control Inspectorate by Direct Action Cells – ‘Cell Katerina Goulioni’ (Athens,Greece)

Direct Action Cells take responsibility for the attack with a low-power incendiary/explosive device at the home of the head of the Inspection and Control Corps of Detention Facilities and Deputy Prosecutor of Appeals Spyridoula Presveias at 13 Solomou Street in the area of Glyfada, in the early hours of 1/4.


We are sending a clear message to prison prosecutors, prison wardens, prison officers, managers, directors, social workers who choose to treat prisoners as second-class citizens. Who choose to play dirty political games on their backs. Who become agents of the Ministry of Civil Protection in order to advance themselves and their careers. Gather round because you will find us in front of you. The prosecutor we targeted is the head of the institution responsible for the internal control of prisons and is directly responsible for all the injustices suffered by prisoners, especially after the passage of the new penal and new prison code.

Spyridoula Presveias as the head of the Prison Inspection and Control Corps (ΣΕΕΚΚ) is the person whose responsibilities concern the most authoritarian parts of anti-crime policy. He was appointed by the (former) secretary general of anti-crime policy Sophia Nikolaou, a failed New Democracy politician and declared enemy of prisoners, who a few years ago did everything in her power to try to murder the communist revolutionary Dimitris Koufontinas.
Continue reading Responsibility claim for the attack on the head of the Prison Control Inspectorate by Direct Action Cells – ‘Cell Katerina Goulioni’ (Athens,Greece)

Athens, Greece: Expropriation of Supermarket by Anarchists

Athens: Expropriation of Supermarket by Anarchists

extract from the action flier:

On Wednesday 5/4/23 we chose to expropriate products from the AB Vassilopoulos chain in the area of Zografou.

Capitalism’s ease in creating ephemeral consumption needs is one reason it can be assimilated into any social condition, which is what makes it so durable. However, although this condition is often found in our daily lives, we cannot ignore the fact that some of our needs are pushed aside as we are forced to feed ourselves with low quality products while our class opponents have access to better products, which has a direct impact on our overall quality of life.

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We have received a reportback from a demo against hunting in Athens, Greece. Read their words below:

“On Sunday 2 April, a group of antispeciesists was gathered outside the Mediterranean Exhibition Center in Athens to protest against hunting.

A translated part of the antispeciesists call is following:

Antispeciesism and anarchy: connecting the struggles

Human imposition on non-human animals is perhaps the most common and normalized form of violence. In particular, hunting, which has always been a show off power of the ruling class and has a historical role in the imposition of man over non-human animals. Proclamation of power and masculinity are the main characteristics of hunting. The young boys become men by executing and posing with the lifeless bodies of those they have murdered.


9th April, Streffi Hill, Athens.

“The Hill of Strefis is under police occupation.

The works carried out in the last six months are destroying the flora and fauna of the hill, while the operation of its regeneration seeks to isolate it from the movements of the area and the neighbourhood in general, aiming to make it a tourist attraction.All this with the cooperation of the Municipality and the real estate and investment company PRODEA, which through the regeneration of the hill seeks to expand its capital in the neighbourhood.

So in an effort to put obstacles to the projects that are being carried out on the hill we have taken the following actions of sabotage:


Athens, Greece: Banner of solidarity with the French rebels and comrade Serge.

Athens: Banner of solidarity with the French rebels

Last week, as a sign of solidarity, a banner was hung on the Mustoxydis bridge for the oppressed and exploited who have been revolting and fighting in the streets of France for many weeks against the increase of the retirement age to 64 years.

Unreserved solidarity to all those in struggle.

Solidarity to those injured and traumatised by State repression.
Strength to comrade Serge, injured by the cops, who has been in a coma for 17 days.

Against the State and Capital
Struggle for Social Revolution, for Anarchy

Anarchist collective On the Road (Αναρχική συλλογικότητα Καθ’οδόν)

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Greece: Rage and solidarity from Thessaloniki March 2023

Rage and solidarity from Thessaloniki March 2023

Tuesday 28th March 2023, in Thessaloniki, 500 people demonstrated in support of the social movement in France. The communiqué concerning the comrades of S., who is in coma following the repression in Saint-Solinia, was read in English and in Greek.

On our banner, the slogan was taken up which was used after the racist murder of the young Kostas Fragoulis, shot by the police last December: the blood flows, calling for an uprising!

In France as in Greece, the bourgeoisie uses violence as a defense mechanism. In order to face them, let us build our solidarity beyond their borders.

We support all the victims of the repression in France.

We share your rage. Long live the revolution!


listen video : http://77xqldfym373pgwif6mcakdcgbc7u3k3rivpzgew4wzejwos3zqkzsid.onion/IMG/mp4/signal-2023-03-28-193704_002.mp4

via: http://77xqldfym373pgwif6mcakdcgbc7u3k3rivpzgew4wzejwos3zqkzsid.onion/rage-et-soutien-de-thessalonique-16865?lang=fr

Athens,Greece: Solidarity Gathering Saturday 22/4, at Koridallos prison.

“It’s a struggle of resistance to not be buried alive! It is a struggle for hope, for freedom, for life itself.”
Prisoners of Korydallos Prison

Since 28/10/22 the prisoners of the Greek hellholes have been sending their own message of resistance against the new toughened penal code by carrying out a Circle of escalating mobilizations.

Their demands include the return of prisons to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice, the abolition of C-type prisons, the right to 1/5 off the sentence for all (from 5/6) and 8 years for multi-lifers, the right to request a transfer to a rural detention centre for all without exception, to bring back the amendments to the article on educational leave, temporary leave to be made independently of the prisoner’s disciplinary record, and the immediate granting of leave to people with 67% or more disability, such as Savvas Xiros, who is being held vindictively and sadistically incarcerated, with a disability of 98%. This mobilization is essential resistance of the prisoners with the few means they have.

Continue reading Athens,Greece: Solidarity Gathering Saturday 22/4, at Koridallos prison.

Athens,Greece : ALFREDO OUT OF 41 BIS!


Open assembly to organize a response commensurate with the importance of the situation

The struggle waged by anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito against the 41bis prison regime and the life imprisonment without parole has reached its most dramatic point. Notwithstanding the opening of contradictions (opinion of the DNAA, opinion of the DDA of Turin, opinion of the PG at the Court of Cassation, order of the re-examination of the Sibilla Operation) every time an institutional organism with effective power to resolve the question opened by the comrade has met, the most manectarian and warmongering faction of the State has invested all its political power to crush any possible opening.

We have said it too many times: Alfredo’s death sentence is now an established fact, if the comrade is still alive we owe it solely to his extraordinary resistance. The decision to lock up an anarchist in 41 bis prison regime for the first time, taken by the previous Draghi government and Minister Marta Cartabia, as well as the determination to persevere in this criminal choice by the new right-wing government of Meloni and the current minister Carlo Nordio, count as an act of war. The tip of the iceberg of the “internal front” of a larger war, which on the international level is fought between NATO and the Russian Federation, and which is being expressed in our home with an unprecedented attack against social antagonism, against conflictual unionism and especially against action anarchism.

Continue reading Athens,Greece : ALFREDO OUT OF 41 BIS!