Category Archives: General News Action Sabotage, solidarity in Greece

Athens, Greece: Anti info solidarity event for comrades imprisoned for the Susaron case in Chile

Anti info solidarity event for comrades imprisoned for the Susaron case in Chile

from Open Antispeciesist Assembly

MONDAY 08/7 at 18:00 -open squat OutsideHill at the streffi hill in Exarxeia area

In September 2022 an arson attack on a meat packing plant takes place in Chile. The refrigeration system and transport trucks are engulfed in flames.

In November of the same year, four people are arrested and charged with the attack, remanded in custody and are now awaiting trial, with the initial proposal of the prosecutor referring to a sentence of ten years. Ita was released from prison in March this year with restrictive conditions for the next five years but her comrades remain incarcerated.

Central Greece : Αgainst the destruction of central Evia


Αgainst the destruction of central Evia

At this moment, the State and investors are planning the looting of the last piece of green in central Evia. In particular, Ellaktor of Vardinogianni and the Portuguese multinational EDP Renewables are planning to place 86 wind turbines in the mountainous green areas of Dirfyos, Xerovouni, the Kotylaia Mountains and the Euboean Olympus. In fact, following the recent rejection by the ΑΠΕ of the appeal made by residents and associations of Evia, the implementation of this project is just around the corner.

Mountains of Euboean Olympus

Green Repower, the company of the forestor – sometimes also investor(!) – Eleftherios Karapidakis, is a company preparing environmental impact studies of Development & Evaluation of RES Projects. The specific subject has signed studies for a series of disastrous “green” investments throughout the Greek region, such as Evia, Agrafa, Boeotia, serving his personal benefit as well as those of his bosses. Continue reading Central Greece : Αgainst the destruction of central Evia

Athens, Greece: Breakthrough on Israeli targets from down to the down by Renovations/Demolitions Initiative

Athens: Breakthrough on Israeli targets from down to the down

Words seem trivial so we call for international solidarity through direct action thus targeting the Israeli capital and interest that is carrying out the genocide in Gaza. We choose to bring the war on to our own terms, to the metropolitan fabric by smashing the Zoia hotels at 25 Metsovou and 30 Kosmas Melodou Streets.

We strike self-interest everywhere and always. An invisible thread connects the struggles of the fighting subjects in Palestine, Chile, the Philippines and in every corner of the planet with the resistance unfolding in every neighbourhood of the Greek region. Resistance and struggles against the suffocating advance of capital.



Renovations/demolition initiative



Conversation with an American comrade about Atlanta Forest Struggle and Repression, Friday 28/6, 20:00, Prosfygika Square

The George Floyd uprising opened up new possibilities for militant struggle in the United States. Over the past few years, American anarchists have been seizing these opportunities in a coordinated effort to connect various struggles across the country. “There are no local struggles” and the fight against the police is a fight for earth liberation.


EL/Albanian/FR/ Persian/EN : Anarchoqueer anti-nationalist pride demo 28.06.24 Athens, Greece

Anarchoqueer anti-nationalist pride demo

Queers, freaks, migrants, the impoverished, unseen, disabled and sick: We are (and stand with) those who don’t fit into dominant national normativity.

Against oppression, exploitation, displacement, and death,

we resist, fighting daily to build relationships of solidarity and care.

For the destruction of all authority, binaries, and division,

we make the incomprehensible visible,
Continue reading EL/Albanian/FR/ Persian/EN : Anarchoqueer anti-nationalist pride demo 28.06.24 Athens, Greece

Athens,Greece: The only ethical consumption is expropriation, by Anarchists

via: athens.indymedia.

The only ethical consumption is expropriation.

In the face of the hijacking of our lives we refuse to remain inactive. That’s why on Thursday June 6th we storm on morning times  at the A.B. supermarket located on the National Resistance street ( Εθνικής Αντιστάσεως ) in Kaisariani. We went in, took what we wanted and left undisturbed.

This location was chosen in an attempt to break the regime of terror and inaction that has prevailed in recent months in the area, due to the suffocating increase in police, both static forces and patrols. We are re-residentializing our spaces and neighbourhoods, which the State is methodically trying to sterilize, turning them into hotbeds of lawlessness and resistance.

Continue reading Athens,Greece: The only ethical consumption is expropriation, by Anarchists

Incendiary attack on the machinery of the Elikonos Station (Athens,Greece)

In a society that champions the urban landscape as the sole way of existence, our liberty and very essence endure relentless oppression day after day. To turn a blind eye to this truth is to allow this tyranny to thrive and progress. It’s degrading to merely endure this survival state instead of truly living. We must rebel against it by any means necessary.

Therefore, on 26/5, we executed an incendiary attack on the equipment situated at the construction site of the Elikonos station within the forthcoming line 4 of the metro. We harbor no delusions that this strike will halt the advancement of the new line project, yet we grasp that it represents a stride in the correct direction. Every development zone of this nature leads to the gentrification of the surrounding locality, causing small enterprises to flounder and rents to soar to exorbitant levels. It is our obligation to stand as the barrier against this dystopian future until absolute emancipation.
Continue reading Incendiary attack on the machinery of the Elikonos Station (Athens,Greece)

Athens, Greece: The final destruction of Exarcheia square has begun

Recently trucks have been unloading concrete bases at the Exarchia square construction site. They are the bases that will support the new sheets of the construction site extension. This development suffocates the streets around the square in a continuation of the general plan of desertification and gentrification of the neighbourhood of Exarcheia.

For the square, this means further occupation of the public space, cutting off from the world its minimal remaining free space as a meeting and socializing point. Around the now larger construction site the police presence will be more intense and suffocating, making it even more difficult to hold gatherings, events and political coming together in general.

Continue reading Athens, Greece: The final destruction of Exarcheia square has begun

Komotini, Greece: Reoccupation of Anarchist Steki Utopia A.D., book presentation event of ‘Which International?’ + Intervention by comrade Francesco Rota from Vetriolo newspaper

On Wednesday 29 May we reoccupied the Anarchist Steki Utopia A.D. where we held the planned event on the book presentation of the interview of the anarchist nihilist Alfredo Cospito in the anarchist Italian newspaper Vetriolo, a telephone intervention and an information from an Italian comrade about the 41BIS regime and the current situation in Italy, while a text was sent by a comrade of the newspaper Vetriolo which was translated into Greek and read at the event, followed by an update from a comrade on the new penal code and the event ended with a discussion, after some questions were asked to the Italian comrade.
Continue reading Komotini, Greece: Reoccupation of Anarchist Steki Utopia A.D., book presentation event of ‘Which International?’ + Intervention by comrade Francesco Rota from Vetriolo newspaper

Greece: Thanos Chatzianggelou – On the misery of repression towards my family circle

We once declared that the first thing to die in war is the truth. Today, along with the truth, morality accompanies death. In war, as painful as it is to realize the necessity of your existence, there are rules. Those rules are once again being broken by my pack of persecutors.

I spent almost two and a half years as a prisoner in their cells of democracy. In hooded interrogation offices, in the corridors and halls of the inquisition, in cages and concrete tombs. And in all these years not a single moment has passed from my mind to bargain my political identity with what it carries as a legacy on it. Today I am back on the streets with a set of restrictions but my conscience is clear for what I have done.
Continue reading Greece: Thanos Chatzianggelou – On the misery of repression towards my family circle